View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Coverage - June 22nd, 2020

06-22-2020, 08:11 PM

Four title matches highlight Championship Monday

Tonight, on a special Championship Monday edition of Raw, Asuka defends her Raw Women’s Title against Charlotte Flair, WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks & Bayley square off against The IIconics, Raw Tag Team Champions The Street Profits battle The Viking Raiders, and 24/7 Champion R-Truth takes on Akira Tozawa. Plus, Edge will give an update on his status following his injury during The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever.


- Tonight's Championship Edition of WWE RAW opens up with a video package.

- We're live on a tape delay from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Tom Phillips welcomes us. There are developmental trainees in the crowd. Tom is joined by Samoa Joe and Byron Saxton.

- We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Drew McIntyre first.

Drew talks about how WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth accepted the match on his behalf last week but now it's time to move on, to look to the future. He's interrupted by the music as Dolph Ziggler makes his way out, returning to RAW from the SmackDown roster. Ziggler and McIntyre joke about being happy to see him. Ziggler mentions how he and Robert Roode were sent back to RAW because WWE Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles was sent to SmackDown. Ziggler makes a threat to Drew and his title.

Ziggler goes on about his past with Drew, taking credit for their success. Ziggler says now Drew is a dominant WWE Champion because of him. They have more words and Ziggler wants the match. Drew asks him if he really wants it and it looks like the match is made for Extreme Rules. Drew holds the title up and taunts Ziggler with it as his music hits. Tom says we will wait and see if the match is made official.

- Nia Jax's music hits and interrupts the announcers. They say she's not scheduled. Jax grabs a steel chair and slides it into the ring. She takes a seat in the middle of the ring and waits as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Nia Jax is in the ring complaining about unfairness. The music interrupts and out comes WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth to interrupt. Jax isn't in the mood for his stuff tonight. Akira Tozawa suddenly appears behind the announcers, taunting Truth. His ninjas also appear and they chase Truth away. Jax is still in the ring with her mic.

Jax goes on about Charlotte Flair getting what she wants, even if she doesn't deserve it. Jax says she was cheated at Backlash and screwed over again by another referee. Jax says Flair gets what she wants because her dad is WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Flair makes her way out now. They have more words and Flair strikes first. Jax fights back. Referees run down to break it up but Flair drops Jax with a big boot to the head. The brawl is broken up.

- We get a look back at the feud between The Viking Raiders and The Street Profits. The two teams are backstage now. They are friends but when the bell rings, it's on, fam. The two teams go on and walk off as Zelina Vega walks up. Back to commercial.


RAW Tag Team Titles Match: The Viking Raiders vs. The Street Profits

We go back to the ring and out first comes The Viking Raiders - Erik and Ivar. RAW Tag Team Champions The Street Profits are also out - Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. We get formal ring introductions from Mike Rome.

Ivar and Dawkins go at it to start. There's chaos as Ford and Erik also get involved. Ford gets sent to the floor. Dawkins takes the Hammer of Thor double team in the corner but he kicks out at 2. Dawkins counters Erik and in comes Ford to mount offense in the middle of the ring. Ford dropkicks Erik and gets fired up.

Ford runs the ropes and leaps out but Erik catches him in mid-air. Erik launches Ford and puts him down hard, then yells out as we go back to commercial.

More back and forth after the break. The Profits end up using The Viking Experience on Erik but he kicks out. Ivar comes in and goes at it with Ford. Ivar with the big back elbow. Ivar sends Ford to the floor and yells out. Ford comes back in and ends up kicking Ivar in the head. Ivar comes right back with a big boot. Dawkins and Erik come in with cartwheels of their own. The two teams face off after more cartwheels in the middle of the ring. Erik slams both of the champions at the same time with a huge move.

Ivar goes to the top for a huge splash but Dawkins moves. Dawkins with a Cash Out on Ivar. Ford goes to the top and hits a big splash as Dawkins takes out Erik to prevent him from stopping the pin. Ford nails the splash on Ivar and covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Street Profits

- After the match, Ford and Dawkins stand tall as their music hits. We go to replays. The champs raise the titles up as Erik and Ivar approach. All four competitors hug in the middle of the ring now. We get more replays of the finish. Angel Garza and Andrade suddenly attack Ford and Dawkins as Zelina Vega looks on. Erik and Ivar rush back to help make the save but Andrade and Vega taunt them all from the floor now as the crowd boos.

- Seth Rollins is backstage with Austin Theory and Murphy. Rollins says he has a message for Rey Mysterio tonight and soon all will be revealed. Rollins stares straight ahead as Theory and Murphy walk away. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Tom shows us what happened last week with Dominick Mysterio and Seth Rollins. Rey will be here later. We go backstage to Rollins now. He says sometimes in life we are destined for roles beyond our choices. He did not choose to be The Monday Night Messiah just as Rey didn't choose to be a sacrifice. The difference is he embraced his role for the greater good while Rey has been defiant, and defiance breeds suffering. Rollins goes on about Rey allowing his son to get involved in this situation. Rollins says whatever becomes of Rey and his son from this moment, it's on Rey. The greater good is coming for us all and there's nothing Rey can do to stop it. Rollins has heard it says that legends never die, but they sure as hell can outlive their welcome. We go back to the announcers to hype Rey's appearance for later.

- Tom shows us what happened between Nia Jax and Charlotte Flair earlier tonight. Flair is shown walking out of a trainer's room now, clutching her arm. Charly Caruso asks if she's thought about postponing tonight's title match. Flair says she doesn't postpone, this is what they do and it's not ballet. Her arm will be just fine holding up that title. Flair walks off.

- Charly walks up on Zelina Vega, Angel Garza and Andrade. She asks about the unprovoked attack on The Street Profits. Garza talks about going for what you want when you know you want something. He flirts some with Charly until Vega steps in and says now isn't the time for that. Vega says her clients are a united front now. They have put their differences aside and turned them into strengths, and will soon become champions.


RAW Women's Title Match: Charlotte Flair vs. Asuka

We go back to the ring and out first comes RAW Women's Champion Asuka. Asuka poses in the corner as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka waits in the ring as Charlotte Flair makes her way out. We get formal ring introductions before the bell. They size each other up and lock up, trading holds. Flair rocks Asuka a few times but Asuka slams her by her shoulder, arm-first into the mat. Asuka focuses on the arm now. Asuka misses a Hip Attack and hits the ropes. Flair drops her with a right. Asuka comes back and uses the top rope on Flair's injured arm. Flair goes to the floor to regroup but Asuka kicks her in the face from the apron.

Asuka goes for a dropkick from the apron but Flair moves and Asuka lands hard. Flair capitalizes and brings Asuka back in for a 2 count. Flair with the head scissors now, using that to slam Asuka face-first into the mat a few times. Flair keeps Asuka down with the scissors now. The crowd rallies. Asuka tries to get free but Flair tosses her with her legs. Flair kips up.

Flair goes up for a moonsault but lands on her feet. They tangle some and Flair nails a big shot into the turnbuckles. Asuka lands hard and ends up out on the floor. Flair taunts her from the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Flair controls Asuka in the corner with chops. Asuka fights back but Flair gets the upperhand. Asuka ducks a shot and nails a big German suplex for a pop. We see Nia Jax watching backstage. Asuka unloads with kicks to Flair now. Asuka blocks the spinning back fist. More back and forth between the two. Flair levels Asuka with a big boot. The crowd rallies now as Flair gets up first. Flair charges but Asuka moves and Flair hits shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. Asuka takes Flair down into the armbar.

Asuka switches to the other arm in the middle of the ring. Flair struggles and finally gets her foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Flair kicks Asuka's leg out, then chop blocks her knee out. Flair with a big Spear in mid-air but Asuka gets the bottom rope to break the hold. Flair goes for the Figure Four but Asuka counters for a 2 count. Asuka goes back to the armbar but Flair resists. Flair powers up and nails a sitdown powerbomb. Asuka goes right into the Asuka Lock out of nowhere. Flair screams and taps for the finish.

Winner: Asuka

- After the match, Asuka sits up and is handed the title as her music hits. We go to replays. Flair sits up in the corner and looks disappointed. We see Nia Jax backstage watching the finish. Charly approaches and asks if she thinks her fight with Flair had anything to do with the outcome of the match. Jax says she thinks it would be a real shame for someone to kick The Queen while she's down. Jax walks off.

- Still to come, Ric Flair will present Randy Orton as the greatest wrestler ever. Also, Edge will provide a medical update. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what happened with Christian and Randy Orton last week. We see WWE Hall of Famer Edge in a ring somewhere now. He says Orton won at Backlash but Edge doesn't think he proved himself the better wrestler. Edge says Orton did tear his triceps with the RKO but he kicked out and kept fighting. Edge goes on and mentions watching RAW last week where Orton declared himself the best wrestler ever. Edge is disappointed he didn't see the low blow coming and disappointed he didn't do it first, but that won't happen again. Edge says Orton said he lit a fire in his gut, reminded him that he's the Legend Killer. Edge says this match and this injury, not being able to pick up his daughter's on Father's Day, showed him that he had something in him also. The punt kick and what he did to Christian... Edge says Christian has been his best friend, walking with him through every trial and tribulation in his life. Edge is upset now. When Orton did that, he put the PG Superstar who's been walking around happy to be back, he put him to bed. For that Edge is thankful. Orton woke up the side of him that will sink to any level to get what he wants, who doesn't care how many backs he bruises to step on to get to the top. Edge doesn't care about a wrestling match now, he's going to embarrass and emasculate Orton. Edge goes on about how he will affect Orton's family life. He's going to be screaming louder than the voices in Orton's head. He will get into every aspect of Orton's life, tearing it down brick by brick from the inside. Edge says Orton has no idea what he's done. He woke up the evil. He woke up The Rated R Superstar. Edge tells Orton to get some sleep while he can.

- Charly catches up with Randy Orton backstage now. He cuts her off and asks if she knows what a snake does when it feels threatened. It's like any other animal - it's going to strike wildly if you back it into a corner, sometimes blindly. It's going to do what it has to do to survive. Edge and Christian tried to have their comebacks at his expense, but he's going to do what he has to do to defend his family, his livelihood, what he has to do to survive. It's mother nature. He sincerely hopes Edge and Christian reach a full recovery, and he believes they can live long, full lives as long as they do it far, far away from him. Orton excuses himself and says he has something to discuss with The Nature Boy. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Charly approaches Charlotte Flair, who is icing her shoulder down. She's not happy but she gives Asuka credit because that's the only way... Nia Jax suddenly attacks from behind and beats Flair around, taunting h er. Jax slams Flair's injured arm in a storage bin, then taunts her with a "Woooo!" before leaving when an officials runs up to check on Flair.


WWE 24/7 Title Match: Akira Tozawa vs. R-Truth

We go back to the ring and Akira Tozawa waits with his ninjas. WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is out next. Tom reminds us the rules of the 24/7 Title are suspended while this match is underway.

The music interrupts before the bell and here comes Bobby Lashley and MVP. They start dropping the ninjas at ringside. Tozawa hides under the ring it looks like. Lashley and MVP enter the ring now. Lashley manhandles Truth with the Full Nelson and tosses him to the mat with ease. Lashley and MVP head to the back as the music hits again. Officials check on the ninjas and Truth. Tozawa comes back from under the ring and he's all smiles.

Tozawa crawls over to Truth and covers for the pin to win the title.

Winner and New WWE 24/7 Champion: Akira Tozawa

- After the bell, Tozawa celebrates as his music hits. He quickly retreats to the back as the referee checks on Truth.

- Sarah Schreiber is backstage talking about Charlotte Flair outside of the trainer's room. Natalya appears and says the women's division needs her leadership right now. Natalya has an announcement but we're out of time, she says. She says we will have to wait and find out the news because her match with Liv Morgan is next. Natalya walks off and we go to commercial.

Liv Morgan vs. Natalya

Back from the break and out first comes Liv Morgan. Natalya is out next with Lana.

The bell rings and they go at it. Natalya levels Liv for an early 2 count as Lana looks on. Natalya stomps away on Liv in the corner as the referee warns her. Natalya yells at the crowd to shut up. She places Liv on her shoulders now but Liv grabs the top rope to get free to the apron. Natalya thrusts her off the apron to the floor. Liv counters and takes Natalya down head-first on the floor for a pop.

Liv brings Natalya back in but Lana distracts her. The referee warns Lana. Natalya takes advantage of the distraction, taking Liv's leg out. Natalya goes on and applies the Sharpshooter for the win.

Winner: Natalya

- After the bell, Natalya refuses to let go of the submission until the referee warns her. The music hits as Natalya goes to the floor to celebrate with Lana. They leave together as Liv recovers in the ring.

- Charly stops Big Show backstage and they joke about how he fought off a bunch of ninjas last week. Show plugs his Netflix show but says he's not here to have fun this week, he's here to get payback for his friends. He can do what he wants, when he wants, when that angry giant inside of him comes out. Show says The World's Largest Athlete is staying in the back tonight, but headed to the ring right now is a heartless, angry giant. Show walks off.

- We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Flair heads to the ring and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Dolph Ziggler vs. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre is official for Extreme Rules. Flair is in the ring. Flair opens his promo by saying his daughter Charlotte Flair was injured earlier tonight but when she comes back, Nia Jax will be her #1 target. Flair goes on about how Jax better be afraid of Charlotte when she comes back.

Flair goes on praising Randy Orton now, saying he punted WWE Hall of Famer Edge and Christian back into retirement last week. Flair says Orton is the greatest and he wants to tell him to his face, in front of millions of people. The music hits and out comes Orton. Flair says he's been waiting for this moment. He goes on praising Orton, calling him the greatest wrestler in the history of WWE. Orton takes the mic and mentions being in the ring with half of Evolution. He talks about how Flair proved he is the dirtiest player in the game last week. He goes on talking about Edge and Christian. Orton says this isn't nostalgic, it's just cementing his legacy. He became the best wrestler ever in just the span of two days. Orton talks about being the Legend Killer but he's interrupted by the music as Big Show makes his way out.

Show has heard enough. Show enters the ring as Orton moves behind Flair. Show isn't going to let Flair and Orton glorify what Orton did. Edge and Christian are Show's friends and Orton is going to pay for what he did. Show says Orton has been a parasite since day one. Show says Orton is currently feeding off someone he once respected, Flair. Show goes on and believes Edge will get payback but not by himself because Show also wants to break some bones. Orton says Show won't hurt a hair on Flair's head, and he won't hurt Orton either because they came up together. Orton praises Show and kisses up to him now, calling him a future Hall of Famer, a legend. Orton ends up exiting the ring before things get physical. Orton and Show stare each other down, saving the fight for another night. Orton tells Show that what happens next is on Show. Orton and Flair leave as Orton's music plays.

- We see what happened last week between Sasha Banks and Bayley and The IIconics. The champs are shown backstage heading to the ring. Back to commercial.


WWE Women's Tag Team Titles Match: The IIconics vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley

Back from the break and out come the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions - Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley. The IIconics are out next - Peyton Royce and Billie Kay. We get formal ring introductions before the match.

The two teams argue as we get the bell. Banks turns around to a big boot from Kay for a close 2 count. Royce tags in for a double team but Bayley trips her from the floor. Bayley pulls Royce out and sends her face-first into the announce table. Banks and Bayley double team Kay in the ring now. Kay tangles with Bayley but Bayley rocks her and knocks Royce off the apron with a cheap shot. Kay takes advantage of a distraction and holds her, allowing Royce to deliver a big knee to the face. Bayley is laid out as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Kay works Bayley over in the middle of the ring. Bayley ducks a shot and nails Kay in the corner, knocking Royce off the apron. Bayley mocks The IIconics but Kay kicks her back from the corner. Royce tags in and hits a Fisherman's suplex for a close 2 count as Banks makes the save. Banks tosses Kay to the floor but Royce sends Banks to the floor. Bayley fights off Royce and whips her into a knee from Banks on the apron. Banks tags in and they double team Royce for a close 2 count as the crowd boos.

Bayley yells at the referee from the apron. Banks stalks Royce and stops her from tagging. Banks with a snap suplex. Banks pays tribute to WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero with Three Amigos but Royce blocks the third suplex and uses Banks to knock Bayley to the floor. Banks kicks out at 2. Kay runs in for the double team but Banks kicks her away, out of the ring. Banks ends up applying the Bank Statement to Royce for the submission win.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

- After the match, Banks and Bayley celebrate with their titles as Kay sells the injury on the floor. We go to replays. Banks and Bayley are in the ring with mics now, bragging about their win. Banks admits she gets a little jealous when Bayley talks about both of her titles. Banks loves seeing her best friend happy but she wants to experience that as well. Banks steps to Bayley and says she wants a title match. A "yes!" chant starts up. Banks officially challenges... Asuka for the RAW Women's Title at Extreme Rules. The chants turn to boos now. The music interrupts and out comes Asuka now. Asuka enters the ring and yells at them in Japanese. Asuka says Banks is not the boss of her. Asuka accepts the challenge. Bayley suddenly attacks Asuka from the side and attacks her. Asuka gets double teamed now. Asuka fights them off but Banks drops her with a Backstabber, into the Bank Statement. Banks tightens the hold in the middle of the ring before breaking it. Banks stands tall and raises the RAW Women's Title over Asuka as her music starts back up. Banks and Bayley taunt Asuka with the titles.

- Sarah Schreiber approaches MVP and Bobby Lashley backstage. She asks if Lashley was making a statement by attacking R-Truth. Lashley blames Truth on not being the WWE Champion and says this was their way of introducing the locker room to The Hurt Business. MVP addresses Apollo Crews and his trick he beat Shelton Benjamin with last week. MVP talks more about helping Crews be the best United States Champion and if he refuses that help, then that's on him. MVP walks off for The VIP Lounge and Lashley goes with him. Back to commercial.

- Ruby Riott tries to approach Liv Morgan backstage after the break but she says not tonight. Liv says last week and tonight didn't go her way and she doesn't need Riott making her feel worse. Liv walks off as Riott watches.

- We go back to the ring and MVP is out for another edition of The VIP Lounge. MVP introduces his guest and out comes WWE United States Champion Apollo Crews.

MVP says it feels right to be in the ring with Crews now. He talks about respecting Crews after their recent match, but then Crews went and blew out his knee before Money In the Bank. MVP then realized Crews needs someone to help him navigate bad decisions. MVP says this title is Crews' chance to give his daughter the life she deserves. Crews interrupts and says he got where he is on his own, and he earned the title by himself. He appreciates the offer but his answer is still no.

MVP goes on about the potential he sees in Crews to be one of the best United States Champions, not better than MVP though. MVP says Crews can be champion for a long time but not without MVP in his corner. Crews wonders how that is. He's been dealing with people like MVP all his career. He won't let MVP or the title change who he is. MVP says he's tried to do this nice twice but there won't be a third time and whether Crews likes it or not, the US Title is coming home with him. Crews steps to MVP but the music interrupts and out comes Shelton Benjamin. MVP makes his exit. Crews and Benjamin have words. MVP speaks from ringside and asks Crews for just a moment. Benjamin takes advantage of the distraction and knocks Crews out of the ring, then sends him shoulder-first into the ring post. MVP taunts Crews as we go to commercial.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Apollo Crews

Back from the break and Shelton Benjamin takes WWE United States Champion Apollo Crews down. Benjamin with a huge kick to the head for a 2 count. Benjamin works on Crews while he's down now, focusing on the shoulder.

Crews fights up and out, then nails a dropkick. Crews goes for the standing moonsault but Benjamin takes him right into the armbar. Benjamin with a 2 count. Benjamin attacks and they both tumble over the top rope to the floor as Crews clutches his shoulder. Benjamin charges and leaps but Crews moves and Benjamin hits the ring post head-first.

Crews brings it back in the ring and nails a jumping kick to the back of the head. Crews powers up with the toss powerbomb for the pin to win the short match.

Winner: Apollo Crews

- After the match, Crews stands tall as his music hits. We see MVP applauding on the stage. We go to replays as Crews exits the ring. Crews turns and faces the ring on the ramp now. MVP walks down and joins him, trying to raise his arm. Crews tells him to keep his hands away. Bobby Lashley comes from behind and manhandles Crews with the Full Nelson, leaving him lay on the ramp. MVP and Lashley taunt Crews and exit as Lashley's music plays.

- Rey Mysterio is backstage when his son Dominick walks up and asks him if he's sure about this. Rey tells his son to trust him and let's go show The Monday Night Messiah how the Mysterio family rolls. They hug and we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Rey Mysterio is in the ring with his son Dominick. Rey talks about being worried when he realized his son was going to the WWE Performance Center to avenge him. Not even the most confident father would think his son could get get out of a 3-on-1 situation, but he did and Rey is proud of his son for that. He's also angry at him for putting himself at risk. His mom was worried. Rey says Dominick knows he's pissed off at Seth Rollins trying to blind him, but he's learned to accept that. Rey knows his son is bigger than him, but he's still his old man and no matter how strong he gets, Dominick will always be his child. The crowd cheers them on.

Rey says since Dominick fought for him, now it's time for him to fight for his son. Rey says he's got this one. He needs to get revenge on Rollins but he needs to do it himself. Dominick understands where Rey is coming from but he's not going anywhere. Dominick says this is what a family looks like and this family wants a fight. The music interrupts and out comes Rollins by himself, slowly walking with a mic.

Rollins speaks from the stage and wonders if he goes to the ring to slaughter a father and son, or does he make Rey watch while he sacrifices his son. Rollins doesn't know what to do. Rollins says it's not up to him. This is all fate, prophecy and destiny. Rollins says they're both in the same place at the same time, and two eyes are better than one. Rollins drops the mic and walks to the ring. Rey gets ready for a fight. Rollins drops to his knees at the bottom of the ramp. Austin Theory and Murphy come out now to boos. Rollins says this is on Rey. Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo suddenly attack Murphy and Theory on the ramp.

Dominick stands tall in the ring as Black and Carrillo take out the others in the ring. Carrillo leaps to the floor, taking out Theory and Murphy against the announce table. Rey returns to the ring with Dominick. Rey hits Rollins with 619 while Rollins is on the floor. Rey and Dominick double team Rollins on the floor now, dragging him over to the steel ring steps. Theory and Murphy make the save from behind. Rey and Dominick continue to try and put Rollins' eye into the steel but Theory and Murphy stop them. Rollins holds Dominick down and works him over a bit. Theory and Murphy hold Rey and make him watch while Rollins tries to put Dominick's eye into the steel. Carrillo and Black come over with steel chairs, forcing Rollins and his disciples to retreat up the ramp. Rollins and his disciples stand tall on the stage while Carrillo and Black guard the ring on the floor. Rey and Dominick stand together in the ring. RAW goes off the air.

06-28-2020, 11:41 AM
I'm stunned that it's nearly been a week since the show and not one person has commented in here. I guess that really show's the lack of interest for Raw right now.

The Flair/Orton stuff was good, putting aside the clear absurdity that Flair was even there in the first place. I'm still enjoying the Bayley/Sasha stuff and the Edge promo was very intense.

The Ninjas and Street/Viking stuff is ridiculous and stupid. I noticed there was a lot more talking on this show than there has been under the Heyman regime. It isn't necessarily a negative, more an observation. Let's see if that continues.