View Full Version : Multiple Stories Surface Alleging Austin Aries’ Past Sexual Misconduct

06-23-2020, 05:21 PM
The #SpeakingOut movement is uncovering past stories that have been ignored for years. More are surfacing that have never been heard before. Now Austin Aries is the subject of discussion.

Rhett Titus told a story about Aries in a shoot interview from 2012. It is now receiving a much larger focus. In the video he claims to have brought his girlfriend to an ROH show after Austin Aries won the ROH Title for the second time.

According to Titus, Austin Aries pulled one of his testicles out and had Titus’ girlfriend kiss one of them. Titus had a gimmick where he had kiss marks all over him. His girlfriend had red lipstick and kissed him all over for his gimmick. She gave a couple other wrestlers’ kiss prints as well, but in appropriate places.

Then Austin Aries allegedly pulled one of his testicles out and told her to kiss one of his balls. She did and Aries later revealed the kiss print to Titus without him knowing she did it.

A woman named Tori who has facilitated previous victim testimonies through the #SpeakingOut movement released another account. This woman wished to remain anonymous as Tori posted her account with Aries.

"I was DMed a pretty horrific Austin Aries story and I feel like there are probably many.

Back in 2010, after a show in Manhattan, Aries and another wrestler needed a place to play for a few hours before a flight. My best friend who can confirm if she’s comfortable

let them crash in her studio apartment. The agreement was boys on the floor and girls in the bed. After lights out, Aries crawled into the bed between us. At one point he put his hand on my thigh but I pushed it off.
He’s creepy, he’s been creepy, he will always be creepy."

These are concerning stories. So far Austin Aries has not responded to them publicly. He has retweeted a few tweets in support of #SpeakingOut so he should see his story pop up soon enough.