View Full Version : Maria Kanellis Reveals What Was Supposed To Happen With Her & Mike’s WWE Pregnancy Storyline

06-29-2020, 11:09 AM
Maria Kanellis took to Twitter today and commented on what the plan was for the storyline for her and Mike’s pregnancy storyline in WWE. As seen on RAW last year, Maria revealed that she was pregnant but Mike wasn’t the father. The angle eventually fell apart. Following this, Mike Kanellis asked for his release from the company.

Maria revealed today that Mike would have been revealed as the father in an arc that would have seen him turn face:

My husband. He was supposed to turn face. And do a story about recovery from addiction and motivation. But… that’s just too good. Too real. Too honest. And of course I was supposed to remain the bad guy. 😘 until I came back from maternity leave. Baby face momma!! https://t.co/XAlaxD869x

— MariaKanellisBennett (@MariaLKanellis) June 28, 2020

Source - EWN.

Fascinating. I'm sure, at the time, that many of us felt like it was another Vince's Son type angle where they were going to reveal something completely crazy like the return of Khali.

06-29-2020, 04:06 PM
Mike Kanellis has always been a laughingstock. He is a pretty underrated performer. But, in the end, It's Maria that's the genious of the two. I remember when Maria first came to WWE. She was one of the worst females I ever saw on screen. She was annoying and so green when she was in the ring. But she grew on me. And when she went to ROH together with her husband Mike and formed The Kingdom, with Maria's special designed furry belt...... I loved every second of it!

06-29-2020, 04:30 PM
I remember thinking "This is either going to be Hornswoggle/Khali etc or someone we've never seen before" for about half a second before moving onto something else.

I'm more astonished that WWE felt this was appropriate booking for Mike to spur him onto a babyface run. Making him look like the biggest geek in the world, who's lost his testicles to his wife, doesn't exactly scream "I wanna cheer for this guy!".. It's more like sympathetic heat.