View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - July 10th, 2020

07-10-2020, 04:32 PM

The New Day await title challenge from Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro

The New Day face a title challenge from Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro, Bayley & Sasha Banks set for non-title clash with Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, and a special presentation of Braun Strowman and Bray Wyatt's WWE Money in the Bank showdown.


- Tonight's WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up on a tape delay from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Michael Cole welcomes us and hype the show. He's joined by Corey Graves. There will be a Karaoke Showdown tonight with Naomi, Lacey Evans, Tamina Snuka and Dana Brooke.

- We go right to the ring and The Miz is out with John Morrison for another must see edition of MizTV. They do their usual schtick and introduce tonight's guest. Out comes Jeff Hardy to a pop from the developmental trainees in the crowd.

They welcome Hardy and Miz says he has a clip for us to see. Hardy has no clip and knows nothing about it. Miz says that's OK because he has a clip. He leads us to a video package on the recent Hardy vs. Sheamus feud, including Sheamus raising a toast to Hardy last Friday and trying to get him to drink alcohol. Hardy insists he's alright but says he did go to some dark places with his addiction. Sheamus tried to take him back there. Jeff admits Sheamus bothers him and his words get under his skin, and the loss at Backlash did bother him. Hardy says he's going to do everything in his power to destroy Sheamus and put this behind him.

The crowd cheers for Hardy. Hardy goes on and says he will be a beacon of light for people struggling with addiction, to show them there is hope and change is possible, and that there is a life waiting for them beyond their wildest dreams if they can stay sober. Morrison has goosebumps. Miz is glad Hardy came on MizTV because he feels like this is progress. They want to help Hardy. Miz says there needs to be a rematch between Sheamus and Hardy, but not just any match, where Hardy does his best work... in a Bar Fight. The crowd boos. Morrison goes on about the symbolism - Hardy will fight Sheamus and his alcoholism at the same time. Hardy says Sheamus must have put Miz and Morrison up to this. Sheamus probably thinks Jeff will crumble in a Bar Fight but he's wrong. He will take Sheamus out in that Bar Fight and prove once and for all he's on the right path to redemption, the path to success, and he's never letting any fans down again. Hardy accepts the challenge from Sheamus. He also wants a match tonight. He says Miz and Morrison can't invite him on their show, mock him in his face, and not get punched in their face. Jeff ends up attacking them both. Morrison with a cheap shot. Hardy still manages to clear the ring. He starts tossing the chairs out of the ring as they yell back at him about how they're trying to help him. We go to commercial.

Jeff Hardy vs. The Miz

Back from the break and we get the bell as The Miz and Jeff Hardy go at it. John Morrison is at ringside.

Miz drops Hardy first and shows off some. Hardy turns it around and takes Miz down in the middle of the ring. More back and forth for a few minutes. Miz mounts offense now. Hardy ends up turning it back around with a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top for the Swanton Bomb but here comes Morrison with the distraction. Hardy ends up flying and taking down both Miz and Morrison. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Hardy is unloading on Miz. Morrison with another cheap shot to allow Miz to turn it around. Miz follows to the floor and sends Hardy into the announce table. Miz works Jeff over and sends him face-first into the Plexiglas barrier next as the referee counts. Miz places Jeff on the apron and hits a running high knee.

Miz comes back in but wastes some time singing with Morrison. Miz slingshots Hardy under the middle rope. Miz talks some trash and stomps away now. Miz with It Kicks and two running high knees int he corner. Miz with a running clothesline in the corner now as Morrison cheers him on and the crowd boos. Miz comes off the top but Hardy kicks him in the gut. Miz blocks the Twist of Fate and ends up dropping Hardy with a neckbreaker for a close 2 count.

The crowd rallies for Hardy now. Miz delivers several more It Kicks while Hardy is on his knees. Miz drops Hardy with the big kick to the face and covers for another close 2 count. Hardy ends up dropping Miz out of nowhere. Morrison cheers on Miz but the crowd rallies for Hardy. Hardy gets up first and unloads with strikes. Hardy with more offense, including the inverted Atomic Drop and the leg drop, then the basement dropkick. Hardy with a splash for a close 2 count. More back and forth and counters between the two as they try for finishers. Hardy rocks Miz in the corner and then knocks Morrison off the apron. Jeff goes back to the top but Sheamus interrupts from the big screen. Sheamus is at his bar at home. He has a beer and says Jeff doesn't know what he's missing. Hardy comes down and looks on, allowing Miz to roll him up from behind for 2. Hardy ends up countering and pinning Miz for the win.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

- After the match, Hardy stands tall and exits the ring, staring down Sheamus while he's raising a toast on the big screen.

- Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. Cesaro isn't happy with the idea that a win over The New Day would be an upset. He goes on about all the reasons he's sick of The New Day and how long he's been sick of them. He says he's sick of them representing the tag team division but that will change tonight. Nakamura says we will have new champions tonight.

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

We go back to the ring and out come the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions for the next non-title match - Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley. Nikki Cross suddenly jumps on Bayley's back and attacks as soon as Bayley comes out to the stage. Banks assists but here comes Alexa Bliss to join in. We go to commercial as they all brawl.

Back from the break and the match is underway as Banks and Cross go at it. Banks beats Cross down and in comes Bayley. Bayley works over Cross and talks trash. More back and forth now. Bliss looks on while Cross is dropped again. Bliss gets the tag and they work over Bayley. Bliss and Bayley go at it now. Banks comes back in but Bliss keeps control and works on the arm. Cross comes back in and dropkicks Banks.

Cross mounts offense on Banks. Bliss tags back in and drops Bayley off the apron. Banks avoids the double team and goes to the floor to join Banks. Banks and Bayley yell at the announcers now while Cross comes from behind and taunts them with one of their titles. Cross and Bliss take the champs down in front of the announce table and pose together as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Bliss sends Bayley back to the floor but Banks assists and Bayley turns it around. Bayley brings it back in for a 2 count. Bayley goes on talking trash and taunting Bayley. Bliss counters for a roll up for a close 2 count. More back and forth between the two teams. Bayley taunts Cross on the apron and drops a clothesline into Bliss. Bayley yells at the referee now as Cross waits for a tag. Bayley rams Bliss back into the corner and prevents the tag. Banks tags in and they double team Bliss as Bayley launches her into a big slap from Banks. Banks covers for a 2 count and shows some frustration after Bliss kicks out again.

The crowd tries to rally for Bliss now as does Cross. Bayley chokes Bliss in the corner while the referee is distracted. Bayley tags back in and hits a suplex on Bliss for 2. Cross finally gets the hot tag and she unloads on both opponents. Cross with a bulldog to Banks out of the corner. Cross rams Banks into the turnbuckle and she goes down. Cross also drops Bayley on the apron. More back and forth between the two teams. Bayley comes in for a close 2 count on Cross.

Bayley blocks a tornado DDT from Cross but Cross comes right back with a neckbreaker for 2 as Banks makes the save. Bliss has Banks on the floor now, but Banks counters and launches her into the barrier to boos. This leads to Bayley taking advantage and rolling Cross up for the pin with her feet on the ropes.

Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

- After the match, Bayley and Banks celebrate as their music hits. We go to replays. We see Bliss still down on the outside.

- Back from a break and we get a promo for the new WWE Battlegrounds video game.

- The announcers lead us to a special replay of Braun Strowman's successful WWE Universal Title defense over Bray Wyatt at the Money In the Bank pay-per-view back in May. Cole and Graves hype the non-title Wyatt Swamp Fight between Strowman and Wyatt at WWE's "The Horror Show at Extreme Rules" on July 19.

- Schreiber is backstage with SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day. She asks if they're underestimating Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. They've been hearing this for the past 6 years and they haven't forgotten who or how good Cesaro and Nakamura are, but they're not going to let them off the hook. They go on about marching until they remain the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, getting hyped up and encouraging Schreiber to clap with them.

- Lacey Evans and Naomi are backstage getting ready for the Karaoke Showdown. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Jey Uso is in the ring as the host of tonight's first-ever Karaoke Showdown. He welcomes everyone. Lacey Evans, Dana Brooke, Tamina Snuka and Naomi are all waiting in the ring behind him.

Uso says he's not Ryan Seacrest but American Idol. Uso hype up tonight's competition and says the participants must sing their favorite WWE theme songs. Evans is first. She sings "With My Baby Tonight" from WWE Hall of Famers Jeff Jarrett and "Road Dogg" Brian James. She finishes and the crowd cheers. Brooke is next and she sings the "Cool, Cocky, Bad" theme song for WWE Hall of Famer The Honky Tonk Man. She sings for a minute or so and Uso cuts her off, agreeing that she is bad... at singing.

Tamina is next and she's doing the theme song for WWE Hall of Famer Triple H. She just starts headbanging and Uso quickly interrupts her, joking that she has two bad ankles and should stop. Uso introduces Naomi next and she's singing "Common Man" for WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes. All four competitors seemed uncomfortable and awkward during their performances but they tried. Uso hypes Naomi up and says she has his vote.

Uso calls for a round of applause from the crowd for Evans first, then Brooke. Someone yells "you suck!" at her. Tamina also gets more boos than cheers. Naomi gets the loudest pop from the crowd and Uso declares her the winner. Naomi says she loves Dusty and we miss him. Evans shoves Naomi from behind and sends her to the mat. Naomi comes back for a fight but Uso gets in between them. They keep trying to fight with Uso in between them as we go back to commercial.

Lacey Evans vs. Naomi

Back from the break and Lacey Evans and Naomi are going at it. They're in their street clothes with no shoes on as they were wearing heels for the Karaoke Showdown.

Evans controls the beginning of the match as Tamina Snuka and Dana Brooke watch from ringside. Naomi finally turns it around with a bi kick to the face. Naomi with more kicks, sending Evans to the floor. Dana checks on Evans and encourages her but Evans shoves her to the ground. Brooke and Evans have words now. Snuka comes over but Evans shoves her into the apron.

Evans goes back in after Naomi but Dana and Snuka follow. A big brawl breaks out now. Evans rolls to the floor as Snuka and Brooke roll around on the mat fighting. Evans heads to the stage for boos as the referee tries to keep Naomi, Brooke and Snuka apart.

- Schreiber is backstage with WWE Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles now. Styles talks about embarrassing Drew Gulak last week. Schreiber reveals that AJ will be defending his title against Matt Riddle next week. AJ isn't happy. AJ rants and says Riddle's recent non-title win was a fluke and what will he do without Daniel Bryan and others there to help him? AJ says he's going to beat Riddle. He storms off.


SmackDown Tag Team Titles Match: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The New Day

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day - Kofi Kingston and Big E. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. Greg Hamilton, who is back in the ring this week, does formal ring introductions. Nakamura and Kofi go at it to start. Nakamura mounts some offense for an early 2 count. The crowd and Big E try to rally for Kofi. Cesaro comes in and overpowers Kofi, hitting a big gutwrench suplex. Cesaro with more offense and a quick pin attempt. Nakamura comes right back in and keeps Kofi near their corner.

Kofi avoids a double team and hits a big dropkick on Cesaro. Kofi beats Cesaro down in The New Day's corner and stomps away. Big E tags in and they do the Unicorn Stomp. More quick tags and stomps to keep Cesaro down in the corner. Big E launches Kofi into Cesaro while he' down. Cesaro and Nakamura re-group on the floor. Big E launches Kofi out of the ring to the floor but Cesaro hits a huge uppercut in mid-air. Kofi lands hard and Cesaro stands tall on the floor as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Nakamura is in control of Kofi. We see how Kofi was dominated during the commercial. Nakamura grounds Kofi now but Big E and the crowd start to rally. Kofi tries to fight up and out of a hold now. Kofi fights off a reverse Exploder. Kofi drops Nakamura with the SOS but barely hits. Big E waits for the tag, as does Cesaro. Kofi crawls to the corner but Cesaro comes in. So does Big E. Big E launches Cesaro with a big belly-to-belly suplex, and another.

They go at it and Big E hits another big belly-to-belly for a pop in the middle of the ring. Big E misses the splash as Cesaro rolls out of the way. Big E knocks Nakamura off the apron but Cesaro rolls Big E for a 2 count. Cesaro rocks Big E with an uppercut. Cesaro with a running uppercut in the corner and big back elbows to the face. Cesaro with more strikes in the corner as the referee warns him. Cesaro mounts Big E in the corner and keeps control. Kofi tags in and turns it around, hitting a big top rope Meteora on Cesaro. Kofi covers but Nakamura breaks it up with a sliding knee to the face.

Nakamura drops Kofi with a kick now. The referee orders Nakamura back out. Kofi rolls Cesaro for a 2 count. Nakamura ends up rocking Kofi with a cheap shot, allowing Cesaro to get in another shot and a pin attempt. Nakamura tags in and tries to put Kofi away but Big E makes the save. Big E gets sent to the floor. Kofi fights off both opponents now, getting out of their corner but Cesaro tags in. Big E comes right back in and stops the double team on Kofi. Both teams brawl and the referee calls the match.

- After the bell, Cesaro and Big E brawl to the floor. Cesaro sends Big E into the announce table as the boos get louder. Cesaro bridges a table from the apron to the floor. Cesaro and Nakamura launch Big E into the steel ring steps. Kofi leaps off the announce table but Cesaro and Nakamura double team him at ringside. They ram Kofi spine-first into the apron and Kofi goes down. Cesaro and Nakamura bring the table into the ring now. They also bring Kofi in, then Big E. Cesaro stands the table up in the middle of the ring. Cesaro slaps Big E and talks trash. Nakamura kicks Big E onto the table. Cesaro positions Big E on the table now. Cesaro goes to the top and Nakamura lifts Kofi to him. They double team Kofi and put him through Big E on top of the table. The crowd boos Cesaro and Nakamura some more. Big E and Kofi are laid out on the table debris now. Cesaro and Nakamura stand tall and pose over them as Nakamura's music hits. We go to replays. Nakamura and Cesaro drop the titles on The New Day and stand over them as SmackDown goes off the air.