View Full Version : Mike Bennett & Maria Kanellis Provide Insight Into Their Negative Experiences With WWE

07-20-2020, 07:30 PM
Former WWE Superstars Mike Bennett and his wife Maria Kanellis-Bennett have opened up to fans about their experiences with WWE prior to being released.

Bennett revealed via Twitter that, despite its drug testing policy and insistence that it puts talents health and wellbeing first and foremost, WWE never paid or supported his recovery journey.

He explained how he never went to rehab and instead “My wife was my rehab.” Bennett noted how he recovered on the road while adhering to WWE’s travel schedule. According to him, WWE “never paid for my rehab” and “never reached out” to him during his recovery from addiction.

Bennett shared how “Not a single person in management ever contacted me to see if I needed help or if I was doing ok in my recovery.All credit goes to my wife”

Bennett stressed how he isn’t saying WWE had an obligation to reach out to him. However, when people claim his rehab was paid for, it undermines and takes away all the hard work and support Maria provided. Those false claims are something that will “never be ok” with him.

I never went to rehab. My wife was my rehab. I recovered on the road. They never paid for my rehab and they also never reached out to me once.Not a single person in management ever contacted me to see if I needed help or if I was doing ok in my recovery.All credit goes to my wife

— Miracle (@RealMikeBennett) July 18, 2020

Nope and I’m not arguing they had any obligation to reach out to me. But when people say they paid for my rehab, they take away from all the work my wife did for me and that will never be ok with me.

— Miracle (@RealMikeBennett) July 18, 2020

Surprise me? No. It makes me sad because they push their drug testing policy and that the health and well being of their talent is first and foremost. But when a talent admits he’s in the middle of addiction recovery and they say nothing to that talent, it just makes me sad.

— Miracle (@RealMikeBennett) July 18, 2020

Maria Kanellis-Bennett also opened up on Twitter. She shared what she and Mike were allegedly told and promised by WWE. Maria has previously called out WWE over its decision to release her and Mike amidst a global pandemic so soon after her giving birth.

Her series of Tweets seem to indicate what they were told by WWE as they contemplated re-signing with the company. Both Maria and Mike would sign multi-year contracts in 2019.

Fans speculated that the pair signed with WWE knowing Maria was pregnant. This would have allowed them to make money while at home after their baby was born. This was not the case, however, as Maria was not aware she was pregnant until after signing her new WWE contract.

According to Maria, she was told and promised the following:

“Think about your family. – @wwe”

“We want to make sure your family is taken care of. -@wwe”

“Look at the position (she) put you in by naming you. – @wwe”

“Don’t you think you’d remember something like that. – @WWE”

“(He) still wants to sign you to this. -@WWE”

“We used to get away with a lot, we can’t get away with (that) anymore. -@WWE”

“It would be good for your career…. -@WWE”

Maria explained how she’s not “spilling tea” or spreading gossip with her series of tweets. Instead, she wanted to give fans insight into what she and Mike were told and experienced.

The couple joined several other Superstars to be released earlier this year as a cost-cutting decision. WWE attributed its decision to the coronavirus pandemic having impacted upon business.