View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - August 22nd, 2020

08-22-2020, 05:04 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week on DYNAMITE, we have the Finals of the Women’s Tag Team Cup! Darby Allin is in action. The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega face The Dark Order. Top Tag Team Champion contender FTR battle Private Party. The Natural Nightmares and Jurassic Express team up against The Butcher & The Blade and Lucha Bros. And, Mr. Brodie Lee challenges TNT Champion Cody for the title!


- After the NBA Playoff game between the Indiana Pacers and the Miami Heat runs a little long, the AEW on TNT broadcast of Saturday Night Dynamite officially kicks off a little bit after 6:30pm Eastern Time with the regular signature video package that opens the show every week.

- From there we shoot inside the Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. where the announce trio of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Tazz welcome us to the show.

- Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Taz on commentary.

FTR (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Private Party

We start the show right at the beginning of the match as Harwood and Quen get things going. FTR has a slow start, but thanks to a distraction by Wheeler, Harwood gets in a thumbs to the eye to get control of the match, he then throws Quen face-first into Wheeler's boot. Wheeler in the match now, uppercut, body slam, and tags Harwood back in. Harwood tries for an elbow drop, misses, Quen with a shot and tags in Kassidy.

Quen back in and continues to work Harwood's arm, Quen with a double stomp to the back of Harwood's head, then works the shoulder again. Double clothesline on Quen to switch up the momentum. Wheeler back in the match and hits a basement dropkick on Quen, followed up by a big chop to the chest. Harwood in the ring, grinds Quen's face on the top rope, throws him into the turnbuckle pad, and follows up with another chop. Quen tries to tag out, no luck, big clothesline by Harwood that goes right into a pin attempt, Kassidy breaks it up.

Quen still can't get a tag, he seriously needs out of this match. Quen out on the floor, Wheeler with a dive off the apron, misses and hits the apron. Quen gets in the ring, and finally tags his partner. Kassidy with a flurry of strikes on his opponents. Over the top springboard stunner on Harwood, cover, two-count. Quen gets back in the match, but Wheeler yanks Kassidy off the apron. Harwood and Quen trade pin attempts for two-counts. Blind tag to Wheeler who hits a big spinebuster, cover, and it's broken up by Kassidy. Harwood sent out to the floor, Kassidy tries for a splash, and Tully pulls Dax out of the way, so Kassidy crashes and burns. Wheeler then launches Quen shoulder first into the ring post. Goodnight express hits on Quen, cover, 1-2-3.

Winners: FTR

- Earlier today, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley says the MJF campaign is amusing, makes for good TV. He says MJF has had some good jokes about him, but he's missed a lot of stuff. MJF should probably talk to Moxley's wife, she really has his worst problems and issues. Moxley mentions the toughest guys usually don't talk a lot, they don't hide behind words. He wonders what MJF is hiding? Moxley says MJF is talented, and hopes MJF is right about being the one to lead AEW for the next 25 years, he wants to see the company succeed. Moxley says he's not going to last another 25 years, but he hopes one day MJF loses his virginity and moves out of his parent's basement and wins the title. At All Out though, he's going to take down MJF, Moxley says he'll be in his heaven while MJF looks for a way out. Then the whole world will find out what MJF has been hiding.

- Wearing a neck brace, MJF with his campaign crew. MJF says Dictator Jon Moxley is a gutless coward with his attack from last week, not even able to attack from the front. As he tears up, MJF says one day he'd like to have kids and play with them, but he might not be able to with actions like that. His legal counsel then steps in when MJF gets so worked up he can't even talk. Mark Sterling then says they are looking to get the paradigm shift banned. First it was MJF, but next it could be Wardlow or even one of you! They put out a petition to get the move banned and five million signatures were signed. They have put together a proposal to have the match banned at All Out, but all Moxley has to do is sign it. Why wouldn't he? He's a man of the people and one little move shouldn't be a big deal to a bad ass like him. If he doesn't sign it, Moxley is getting sued and they are taking everything he has, including his title.

Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, QT Marshall, and Dustin Rhodes (with Jungle Boy) vs. The Blade, The Butcher, Fenix, and Pentagon Jr.

In eight-man tag-team action, we will see The Lucha Bros -- Rey Fenix and Pentagon Jr., teaming up with The Butcher and The Blade to take on the foursome of Jurassic Express -- Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, who are joining forces with the Natural Nightmares -- Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall.

Immediately we see some potential in-fighting on one side of the ring as all eight men collide to kick this one off with a bang. After a couple of the baby face bodies hit the floor like an old Drowning Pool song, we see our first "tope suicidas" of the evening as the duo of The Lucha Bros go flying out to the floor.

The brawling continues once the action resumes inside the ring, but still the referee is having trouble keeping order in this one, as there are constant double and triple-team spots.

The heels continue to dominate the action as Rhodes and Marshall are the only two who have been able to compete on behalf of their team, a point the announcers sell on commentary as they mention that the Jurassic Express members have been forced to stand on the apron and watch helplessly as The Lucha Bros, The Butcher and The Blade have done a good job of cutting off the ring.

As the Lucha Bros make another tag to bring in another fresh man to beat on the already weakened Natural Nightmares who are still isolated in the ring and unable to make it to their corner to tag in a fresh member of their team, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.

We're back from the break and finally some fresh blood enters the mix on the other side of the ring, as Jungle Boy is tagged in. The Jurassic Express member immediately turns the momentum in his team's favor, hitting running dives to the floor on both sides of the ring repeatedly, before re-entering the ring and tagging in the big fella.

Luchasaurus tags in and the 270-pound masked monster starts unleashing hell on anything that moves until a numbers game advantage from The Lucha Bros slows down his momentum. He tags in Jungle Boy, but they do the same to him and are firmly back in control of the contest. We see some more in-fighting now on the heel side of the ring, as The Butcher and The Blade argue with The Lucha Bros. After one pushes the other, it leads to a school-boy roll-up by Jungle Boy for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy, QT Marshall, and Dustin Rhodes

- Post-match, Butcher, Blade, Pentagon, and Fenix barking at each other. Eddie Kingston then makes his way out to the ring and tries talking with the four of them. He says they've been out in the indies and now they are here in AEW, why is there drama? They only lost because they were divided. Kingston runs down each guy and says they should walk with him and everything they want will be theirs. Kingston gets a group hug going, he then looks at the camera and gives it a smile and a wink.

- Earlier today, Britt Baker in the gym with Reba, Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian are off to the side and kissing. Baker says they need to lay off because they are passing a lot of bacteria between them. She offers a special couples discount next time they come in to get their teeth checked. Baker then asks if Ford could help out her issues with Big Swole, since Swole didn't say what kind of match she wants at All Out, how about a Handicap Match? Ford agrees, it'll be 3 vs. 1.

- Orange Cassidy heads out to the ring with Best Friends for his first-ever in-ring interview with Tony Schiavone. Tony asks Cassidy about his big victory against Chris Jericho, Cassidy doesn't say anything. Jericho's music then hits and he makes his way out to the stage. Jericho gives some props to Cassidy, then wants to toast the man "who puts his hands in his pockets." Jericho says since they each have one win, where he comes from they should have a rubber match to see which is the better man. Jericho says he has a idea to take it to the next level, The Mimosa Mayhem Match. 80 gallons of orange juice is mixed with 500 cases of bubbly with the winner decided is either by pinfall, submission, or thrown into a tank of Mimosa. He then asks if Cassidy accept, and Cassidy gives a weak thumbs up. To celebrate, Jericho invites out the rest of Inner Circle. The group circles the ring, they do a toast, then Jericho says to get them! Inner Circle then beats up the group. The Inner Circle then dumps a bunch of bubbly on a beat up Cassidy.

Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Alan Angels vs. The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega

Young Bucks with the early momentum against the Dark Order. Matt with two northern light suplexes, he tries for a third and it's broken up for a moment. Matt then hits the third on Reynolds and Silver. He tags in Nick, who then immediately tags in Omega. Matt lifts Angels while Omega and Nick land a bunch of attacks, cover, Dark Order break it up.

Young Bucks with stereo dives on Silver and Reynolds. Omega with some big chops to Angels, then tries for you can't escape, Silver stops him, Angels then dumps him out to the floor. Referee is distracted, Reynolds and Silver use a chair on Omega, Angels with a double stomp on the chair on Omega's midsection. Dark Order beating up Omega now, and he finally gets a tag to Nick who goes to work on Angels. He tags in Matt, the brothers hit a bulldog / dropkick combo on Reynolds. Omega back in the match, Dark Order with some shots in the corner, Silver and Reynolds with a flurry of strikes, Reynolds with a the jack knife cover, two.

Omega hits two snap dragon suplexes, v-trigger to Reynolds and he then tags in Matt. Dark Order mess up Young Bucks move, Angels with a double stomp off the top rope on Matt, cover, Omega breaks it up and then swings away at Angels. Referee barks at Omega while Matt gets choked. Angels with a spinning moonsault and eats double superkicks in midair. Nick with a step-up flip down on the other two opponents. Assisted Indy take on Angels, Omega then finishes him off with one winged angel, cover, and that will do it.

Winners: Young Bucks and Kenny Omega

- Post-match, Omega grabs a chair, throws it into the ring, he sets it up, goes to powerbomb Angels, but Matt moves the chair aside. Omega powerbombs him anyways. Omega looks to get the chair again, Matt and Nick try to talk him out of it, which they look to do so.

- Backstage, Alex Marvez talks says next week there's a tag team gauntlet match on next week's show. The Natural Nightmares will start against The Young Bucks, winners of that get Best Friends, winners of that get the number one ranked FTR. The team standing at the end get AEW World Tag Team Champions Hangman Page and Kenny Omega at All Out. Marvez then asks FTR about their relationship with Tully Blanchard. Wheeler brings up last week and says if they want to be the best, they have to have the tag team gold (just like Tully said). Tully then says it's all about getting from almost the best and stepping over the threshold and becoming the best. He says FTR are destined to go to that place. First get through next week, then win at All Out. Harwood goes to talk and tipsy Page rolls in, asking them what the heck was up with last week and them attacking Rock 'N Roll Express. Wheeler says they felt disrespected by RNR Express when they turned their backs to them. Harwood said he faked the knee injury because he had to see who he really trusts. When he went to the back, there were two guys with him and that was Wheeler and Page. Harwood talks to Page and ultimately says "good luck to all of us."

Darby Allin vs. Will Hobbs

Mike Chioda is back to referee this match. Allin with a quick dropkick that sends Hobbs to the floor, Allin follows up with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Allin off the second rope, Hobbs catches him, Allin counters and hits a chop block. Allin tries for the irish whip, no luck, Allin gets sent into the ropes and takes a big body drop. Hobbs gets in some strikes, lifts Allin up and down to the mat, cover, two. Hobbs plants Allin again to the mat, cover, two-count. Allin hits an over-the-top stunner, springboard coffin drop lands. Allin goes to the top rope, coffin drop hits, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Darby Allin

- Post-match, Taz says he has a little surprise for Allin. Taz gets on the mic and announces the newest member of Team Taz. Taz says his name is "Darby" also. Out comes Ricky Starks, dressed like Allin, skateboard in hand. Starks on the mic, he then talks like Allin and mocks him a bit. Starks brings up Allin shredding up his back with a skateboard and thumbtacks. While Allin looks on, Brian Cage comes into the ring from behind and smacks Allin with the FTW Championship. Starks gets into the ring and says Allin is just a clown and a joke. Stark says he doesn't need face paint to be somebody. "I am always going to be better than you in every single way. Life is a joke and you're the biggest joke of them all." Starks then jams the skateboard into Allin's midsection. Taz says Starks is just getting warmed up. Starks with a not so great looking coffin drop from the second rope.

- During the picture-in-picture break, Sammy Guevara does his usual cue cards deal, talking trash about Matt Hardy. After a few minutes, Hardy comes out and whacks Guevara with a steel chair. He then swings away on a downed Guevara. Hardy then swings away a few more times over Guevara's back. Hardy then launches Guevara flipping off the stage and through a table! Matt goes under the ring and pulls out the same type of chair Guevara used to bust open Hardy. A bunch of referees run out and stop Hardy from destroying Guevara. Matt yells it's not over until he ends it.

- NWA Women's World Champion Thunder Rosa says she has heard about AEW Women's World Champion Hikaru Shida's challenge. Rosa says she wants to help Shida put the women's division on the map! At All Out, Rosa wants Shida and wants that title.

Shaul Guerrero, the daughter of AEW manager Vickie Guerrero and the late WWE Hall Of Fame legend Eddie Guerrero, is the ring announcer for our next contest of the evening.

AEW Women's Tag Team Cup Tournament Finals: Ivelisse and Diamante vs. Brandi Rhodes and Allie

It's time for the finals of the first-ever AEW Women's Tag Team Cup Tournament: The Deadly Draw. Shaul introduces the two teams who will be competing for the first-ever AEW Deadly Draw Trophy, which is placed on the entrance stage.

Out comes the duo of Ivelisse and Diamante, followed by the Nightmare Sisters -- Brandi Rhodes and Allie. The bell sounds and here we go.

Brandi and Ivelisse kick things off for their respective teams. As the team of Brandi and Allie establish offensive control of the action, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.

When we return from the break we see a close-up shot of the AEW Deadly Draw Trophy. The camera pans back to the ring where Allie has Diamante on the top-rope looking for a super-plex. Diamante fights her way out of it.

Diamante hits a tornado suplex and starts trying to crawl to her corner. She finally makes it over to tag in the fresher Ivelisse. She takes the hot tag and comes in clotheslining Allie and eventually Brandi, who was also tagged into the match by Allie during this sequence.

Ivelisse's offensive run doesn't last long, however, as she tags Diamante back in and the two look for a double-team spot, but Brandi lands a big shot and tags in Allie. Allie hits her Rabbithole spot and looks for the cover, but it is broken up.

Allie and Diamante are now the legal two women in the ring. Diamante tags Ivelisse. Shawn Spears tries to interfere but it appears to backfire. When the smoke clears, Ivelisse scores the pin on Allie. With the win, she and Diamante become the winners of the first-ever AEW Women's Tag Team Cup Tournament: The Deadly Draw.

Winners: Ivelisse and Diamante

- Once the match is officially wrapped up, the first-ever AEW Deadly Draw tournament winners go up the entrance ramp and to the trophy placed at the top of the stage. They each pull out their respective nation's flags and show some attitude as the match and segment wraps up.

AEW TNT Championship: Cody (c) vs. Brodie Lee

Cody going for shots early, Lee hits a dropkick and then throws Cody down to the floor. Cody is holding his right elbow after that fall, Lee sends him into the barricade, then kicks him over it. Lee with a big chop to the chest and then the back. Lee tosses a bunch of chairs around before turning his attention back to Cody in the ring. Lee goes for a powerbomb, Cody flips out of it and then takes a thrust kick to the face, and then another one, cover, two. Lee with multiple powerbombs on Cody. AA looking concerned on the outside. Cody hits a dicus clothesline for the victory.

Winner and New AEW TNT Champion: Brodie Lee

- Post-match, medical staff checks on Cody while the Dark Order all come out to celebrate with Lee. Tony Schiavone goes out to the ring to talk with Lee. "Nobody thought we could do this! Nobody believed in the Dark Order! Nobody believed in Brodie Lee!" Lee says Dark is at the top and AEW has problems. Lee says he never got a chance, but when he finally got one, what did he do? He knocked it out of the park. Cody gets stretched out of the ring. Before going to the back, he gave a thumbs up. Dark Order is looking at Arn Anderson and the group ends up attacking him!

Lee with a kick to the midsection, then a punch to the face. Lee then flips Cody off the stretcher as the rest of the group clears out everyone. Lee had a black bag, filled with something heavy, and cracked Cody over the head with it. Cody then holds the title over Cody while the rest of Dark Order brings out a beaten up Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall. Brandi then runs out and covers up Cody. Lee looks over to Anna Jay, who then locks in a rear naked choke on Brandi. Lee dumps out the bag and it's just pieces of the original AEW TNT Title. "I told you I'd return it! That belt is yours. This one is mine!"