View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - September 2nd, 2020

09-02-2020, 08:20 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week on DYNAMITE, before he battles Orange Cassidy in Mimosa Mayhem at ALL OUT on pay-per-view on Saturday, September 5th, Chris Jericho takes on Joey Janela. Jon Moxley warms up for his AEW World Championship title defense at ALL OUT by facing MJF’s lawyer. Best Friends seek revenge on Santana & Ortiz for ruining Sue's van. Also, SCU & Private Party team up against the Young Bucks & Jurassic Express.


- The regular weekly signature video package opens up the show and then we shoot live inside the Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. where fire and pyro explode and Jim Ross welcomes us to the AEW ALL OUT 2020 pay-per-view "go-home" edition of AEW Dynamite.

- From there, the camera continues panning around the venue as we hear J.R. inform us that The Excalibur is back on commentary with he and Tony Schiavone this week.

After that, Excalibur checks in for the first time in several weeks from the announce desk as he runs down some of the action scheduled for tonight's show, such as the upcoming opening contest pitting The Best Friends against Santana & Ortiz.

Video highlights then air that tell the story of the ongoing rivalry between the two teams of Best Friends -- Chuck Taylor and Trent and Proud -N- Powerful -- Santana & Ortiz, including Trent's mom's van being trashed by the Inner Circle duo and the subsequent demand from Chuck and Trent of an apology from Santana and Ortiz.

Best Friends vs. Santana and Ortiz

Best Friends attack during Santana and Ortiz's entrance. The two team pair off and brawl on the outside. The match still hasn't even officially started as Ortiz chokes Trent at ringside while Taylor sets up a bunch of chairs. He's finally done building his pyramid near the stage/ramp, and then Santana throws a chair at his head. The two battle on the ramp where Santana eventually throws Taylor off the ramp and through the chairs!

Trent and Santana finally get into the ring and the match has started! Trent with a standing double knee drop on his opponent. Santana and Ortiz work together to turn the tide though. Ortiz drops Trent, cover, two. Trent finally finds a window to tag out, but Taylor is still down and out. Trent battles his opponents, looks for a spear on the outside, Santana leaps out of the way and Trent goes right into the barricade.

Taylor finally gets back into the match with a flip over the top rope and down on both of his opponents. Back in the ring, Taylor goes for a couple pins to no avail. Trent gets the tag, puts Santana to the mat. He looks for a move on the apron, Ortiz grabs him, Santana then shoves Trent and he back back first into the steel steps that were out on the floor.

Street sweeper, Taylor gets rid of Santana. Trent counters and plants Ortiz to the mat. Goes for a pin, Santana put Ortiz's hand on the ropes and then throws Taylor into the crowd. Santana grabs a steel baton and smacks Trent's back with it when he hits the ropes. Street sweeper lands, cover on Trent, 1-2-3.

Winners: Santana and Ortiz

- Backstage, MJF says the one way All Out is ending is with him winning the title. Lee comes over and tells MJF his lawyer has locked himself in the room, so he doesn't have to fight Moxley. Wardlow kicks the door in and brings Mark Sterling out. MJF says he understands Sterling is afraid of Moxley, but there's nothing scarier than getting in front of MJF's goals — bad things happen. He says there's two options for him tonight: get in the ring, or get in a wood chipper!

The Young Bucks and Jurassic Express vs. Private Party and SCU

Winners of this match will then face each other at All Out. Back and forth action between different members of each team as things get going. Young Bucks with a very serious demeanor, stemming from Hangman Page cost them their match last week. Christopher Daniels wearing a "Black Lives Matter" shirt. Fan at ringside with a "Hangman! Drink my beer!" sign. Matt rips the sign up and dumps the beer on the guy's head.

Frankie Kazarian and Jungle Boy kick things off in the ring as the announcers explain what went down last week that caused The Young Bucks to be in a bad mood this week after ultimately kicking "Hangman" Adam Page out of The Elite.

Several tags are made and and Quen and Matt Jackson end up as the legal men in the ring. Matt gets pissed at ringside and yanks a sign from a fan and takes his beer from him and pours it over his head. Schiavone informs us that the fans sign said something about "'Hangman' Adam Page -- please drink my beer!"

Jackson returns to the ring and goes to work on Christopher Daniels, who is now the legal man for his team. Jackson refuses to tag Luchasaurus or Jungle Boy, which prompt them to use their facial acting skills for their close-up camera shots. The announcers explain that after everything that has gone down with Hangman, who they thought was their friend, they are reluctant to trust anyone but each other.

Now Jungle Boy is finally tagged in after taking advantage of an opportunity. Jungle Boy hits a couple of high spots but is eventually slowed down by Kazarian when he tags in and takes over, also taking out one of The Young Bucks off the ring apron for good measure. Daniels hits a beautiful moon sault to the floor for an awesome high spot. Kazarian keeping the pressure on Jungle Boy in the corner of the ring now, as they are the current two legal men in the bout.

Kazarian hits a leaping leg-drop off the middle rope for a near fall on Jungle Boy. We head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues in the ring. We return from the break to Luchasaurus finally getting the hot tag. He comes in with all kinds of enthusiasm and rage and is taking bodies out left and right.

Things built to a crazy spot involving all four members of The Young Bucks and Jurassic Express team, as one member of each team went to the top rope and the other member of each team hit a standing moonsault on a downed opponent while the other opposing member came off the top rope with a big splash at the same time.

Or, "stereo 'Risky Business' by The Young Bucks and Jurassic Express," as the all-knowing Excalibur referred to it as. Things then build to Private Party hitting their double team finishing spot, however they couldn't seal the deal with it. Instead a BTE Trigger from The Young Bucks -- Nick and Matt Jackson -- ends up securing the victory for their team.

With the win, we can now officially pencil in The Young Bucks -- Nick and Matt Jackson, against the team of Jurassic Express -- Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, this Saturday at AEW ALL OUT 2020. As Jurassic Express tries to shake hands with The Young Bucks, the Jackson's end up walking off instead.

Winners: The Young Bucks & Jurassic Express

- Post-match, Young Bucks don't stay in the ring to celebrate.

- We are told by the announcers that Jake Hager of the Inner Circle is on the camera crew tonight. They kick it to a backstage segment where he walks in and approaches a seated Orange Cassidy, who has his feet up.

Hager knocks Cassidy's foot down and informs him that Chris Jericho has requested his presence at ringside for his match against Joey Janela later tonight. As Cassidy puts his foot up again, Hager knocks it back down and tells him it would be wise to be there, before leaving. We head to a commercial break after this segment.

- Backstage, Tully Blanchard talks with FTR about following the path to the tag titles. They won the gauntlet match, that was the first goal. On Saturday, they have to go take the gold, Hangman Page and Kenny Omega aren't going to give it away. Wheeler calls the match the most important of their careers, nothing matters if they don't get the tag titles. Harwood says Sunday they have all day to be sore, but Omega and Page will Fear the Revelation on Saturday.

- AEW World Tag Team Champion Kenny Omega heads out to the ring to talk with Tony Schiavone. Omega wearing a shirt in tribute of Hana Kimura. Tony notes how Page isn't by Omega's side this week, then brings up what happened last week with Page and The Young Bucks. Matt and Nick threw Page out of The Elite. Omega says everyone makes mistakes, but on Saturday they will work together against FTR. Just like every other match, they will win. FTR walks out with a cooler, they say they have no problem with Omega, they just want to have a great match. How about a cheers? They bring Omega some chocolate milk.

Omega says there's nothing more he like than chocolate milk, but he's not going to spend time around some "d--k heads." Omega says they can drop the act and let's just get to the brawl, they have other match to get to. Omega tells Tully to stay back, he can smell his adult diapers form here. Page makes his way out to the ring. FTR says they never told Page to do anything about last week. They said Page is nothing but a little boy and he got into his own head. They try to get in Page's head, but Omega tells him not to listen. FTR gets their tag titles while the champs talk. They go to hand the titles over and just drop them to the mat, then leave the ring. Page picks them up, goes to hand one to Omega, and he's already out on the floor.

- Backstage, Alex Marvez speaks with Chris Jericho about his upcoming All Out match against Orange Cassidy. Jericho says fans are going to get to experience the culmination of Jericho vs. Cassidy, and they will find out who is the better man. Jericho says he is the one who made Cassidy a main event star, but that's why he needs to put a bullet in Cassidy's head and show him that he's not on the same level as Jericho. He's going to end Cassidy's dreams with a little bit of the bubbly. For Joey Janela, things are going to get a whole lot worse as Jericho looks to show Cassidy a taste of what he's in store for.

Chris Jericho (with Jake Hager) vs. Joey Janela

Orange Cassidy strolls through the crowd to watch the match. Jericho wearing a Cassidy shirt for his match. Jericho goes right to work on Janela, throws him into the corner, then a few punches to the face. Jericho stands on Janela's hair and pulls up on Janela's upper body. Jericho keeps looking out at Cassidy while the crowd chants for "Joey!" Janela sent out to the ramp for a moment, he tries to springboard back in and Jericho hits a midair codebreaker! He then locks in the walls of Jericho for the fairly quick win.

Winner: Joey Janela

- Post-match, Jericho punches away at Janela. Jericho rips the turnbuckle pad off, then tosses Janela into it. Hager has a good laugh at that. Janela is busted open now after that shot. He then puts some of that blood on Cassidy's shirt. He rips it off and throws it to Cassidy. Orange runs into the ring with a bag, and swings away at Jericho. Hager runs him to help out. Sonny Kiss out to the ring and hits Jericho with a running forearm. Hager plants Kiss to the mat, Cassidy ditches Hager, swinging DDT on Jericho, kip-up. Cassidy looking for a superman punch, but Hager gets Jericho out of the ring. Cassidy then pulls a little bit of the bubbly out of his bag, pops it up, then dumps it and gives Jericho a thumbs down.

- Recap shown of the rivalry between Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara. The two will meet in a Broken Rules Match at All Out, if Hardy loses, he'll leave AEW.

- Guevara makes his way out with his cue cards. Hardy is looking on from the stands. Hardy with his own cue cards, Sammy finally sees him and the two jaw at each other.

- FTW Champion Brian Cage, Taz, and Ricky Starks head out to the ring. Taz on the mic, says either Cage or Starks will win the Casino Battle Royale on Saturday night. He tells Darby Allin that he needs to wake up because Starks is going to destroy him. He then mentions Lance Archer, saying he can't deal with Cage. Jake Roberts heads out with Lance Archer and lets Taz knows he's getting interupted this week. Roberts says they are walking out with nothing and what he sees are the best set of losers he's ever seen. Roberts and Archer get in the ring. Kingston then rolls out with his group. He says they are live, they gotta keep things moving. Kingston then runs everyone in the ring.

Tully Blanchard heads out with Shawn Spears checking out everyone without saying anything. Taz says they will fight everyone, especially Archer. Some shoving starts, and an all out brawl happens. Billy Gunn gets into the ring. Darby Allin comes out and goes after Starks. Some of the wrestlers at ringside get involved and everybody is swinging now. Getting a bit of a preview for Saturday's Battle Royale. Shawn Spears finally makes his way to the ring and beats up some of the wrestlers. Hager, Santana, Ortiz, and Best Friends all come running out and begin fighting. This goes on for multiple minutes without anyone really standing tall at the end of it.

- Dark Order hype vignette featuring clips of AEW TNT Champion Brodie Lee destroying Cody. Lee says you've created this monster and now this monster is taking over AEW. We see Dark Order taking down The Nightmare Family. Dustin Rhodes says it's uncalled for what they did, and they will pay. Preview shown of Dark Order vs. Matt Cardona, Scorpio Sky, Dustin Rhodes, and QT Marshall at All Out.

NWA Women's World Champion Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb

No entrance for Deeb as we get a first look at Rosa in AEW. Rosa worked over by Deeb early on, headlock on Rosa, but she fights out of it. Deeb with a forearm to the face, Rosa fires back with a forearm. Deeb tries again, Rosa with a couple arm drags and then a dropkick. Deeb puts Rosa down, traps her arm and drives Rosa's knee in the ring multiple times. Rosa finally crawls over to the rope to break things up.

Rosa works back into the match, hits a neckbreaker and then a leg drop. Straight jacket submission by Rosa, but Deeb counters into a backstabber. Deeb with a couple clotheslines, cover, two. Rosa with a back elbow, big clothesline in the corner, slingshot knees to the chest, low dropkick, cover, two-count. Rosa puts Deeb on her back, spins around, countered into a pin by Deeb, two. Deeb looks for a piledriver, no, death valley driver by Rosa, pin, two. Rosa with some shots, release german suplex, dropkick, lifts and hits a thunder driver, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

- Backstage, AEW World Champion Jon Moxley says MJF climbed the rankings and Saturday night he gets his shot. He says MJF he shouldn't sweat anything, the campaign, lawyers, media. When the bell rings all that goes away, and it just comes down to MJF being willing to kill or be killed. Moxley says 2020 has been bad enough already, and we can't let "MJF's dumbass be AEW champion." Moxley says everything MJF has done thus far has just been the easy stuff.

- Big Swole says on this Saturday on the All In: Buy-In, Swole is going to show up at Brit Baker's job where they will be fighting. A pizza is delivered to Tony, and it's Reba. Big Swole says she's not fooling anybody, Bake then cracks Swole in the back with her crutch. She shoves Swole's face in the pizza, hits a low superkick then applies the lockjaw on Swole. Some officials finally break up the brawl. There will be a Tooth and Nail Match between Baker and Swole on Saturday.

Jon Moxley vs. Mark Sterling (MJF's Lawyer)

Sterling is launched through the entrance tunnel by Wardlow, and is wearing a red, white, and blue, body suit. Moxley strolls from the side entrance to the ring. Moxley jokingly asks for forgiveness for what he's about to do to Sterling. Moxley scares his opponent just by yelling at him. Moxley offers Sterling to hit him, Moxley ends up slapping him in the ear, he goes out of the ring. Moxley then gives up his back and asks for another free shot. Sterling charges in, Moxley moves to the side and Sterling crashes out to the floor.

Sterling with an eye poke, celebrates a bit, but then gets clotheslined twice. The second sends him out to the floor, Moxley follows and launches him into the barricade. Moxley piles a bunch of stuff on his opponent, then beats him with a shoe. Sterling is brought back to the ring, gets a chair, and then sits for a moment. Moxley puts his hand out for a handshake and thumbs Sterling in the eye, paradigm shift, cover, and we're done here.

Winner: Jon Moxley

- Post-match, Wardlow runs over Moxley, hits a spinning F-10, and then another one. MJF with he help of his walker, makes his way out to the stage. MJF then ditches the walker and his neck brace. He ditches his coat and other items as he stares at Moxley. MJF makes his way into the ring, gets on Moxley and throws big punches. Kicks to the face in the corner. He beats up the champion some more, then yells into the camera "You want violence? You got it! You got it!" He then asks for his AEW Diamond Ring from Wardlow. MJF punches Moxley right in the head with it. Moxley bleeding after that shot. MJF telling Moxley to fight for the fans as he continues to swing away. MJF puts some of Moxley's blood on his face, then takes the title from Wardlow and holds it up. "This is the future for the next 25 years!"
