View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Coverage - September 14th, 2020

09-14-2020, 07:41 PM

McIntyre and Lee clash on In Your Face Monday edition of Raw

The Limitless One has been on a roll since arriving on the red brand, including a big win over Orton at WWE Payback. Can he pick up the biggest win of his career against the WWE Champion?


- Tonight's "In Your Face" edition of WWE RAW opens up on the USA Network with a video package.

- We're live from WWE ThunderDome at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Byron Saxton and Dolph Ziggler as Tom Phillips and Samoa Joe have the night off this week. The announcers hype tonight's show.

- We go right to the ring and out first comes WWE Champion Drew McIntyre in street clothes. He poses in the ring and raises the title in the air as the pyro goes off. We go right to a video package on the feud with Randy Orton with footage from the last few weeks.

Drew addresses Orton and says he should be happy his head is still attached after those three Claymores. Regarding his own status, Drew says WWE medical told him to take some time off but if he did that, he'd have to give up the WWE Title and he told them no. He said one bad hit and he will have to get his jaw wired shut, but he'd rather leave RAW in an ambulance each week rather than give up his title. He tells Orton to get his nurse at the hospital to turn the volume up so he can hear this... he says it's only appropriate that the next time they meet at Clash of Champions, someone leaves in an ambulance. He says their match at Clash of Champions should be an Ambulance Match.

Drew goes on taunting some of the recent Claymore victims with a Photoshopped image, including Ziggler, who is on commentary. WWE Producer Adam Pearce interrupts from the stage. He talks about the seriousness of Orton's status and says Orton may be unable to face Drew in any kind of match. Now Drew's match with Keith Lee becomes ore than a match between friends for bragging rights. If Lee wins tonight and Orton is unable to face McIntyre, then Lee will be the one to challenge Drew at Clash of Champions. Pearce turns and walks away as Drew wonders who put him in charge. The music hits and out comes Lee to the ring.

Lee and Drew shake hands but there's some tension between the two. They keep the shake locked in as we go to commercial.

The Street Profits vs. Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura

Back from the break and out come RAW Tag Team Champions The Street Profits - Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They stop on the stage as red cups falls from the rafters as Mike Rome does the introductions for this non-title Champions vs. Champions match. Thanks to the Brand To Brand Invitational, out next are SmackDown Tag Team Champions Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura.

We get a picture-in-picture video from earlier today with Cesaro and Nakamura talking about how they want the smoke tonight to get revenge for what The Profits did on SmackDown. The bell rings and Cesaro immediately levels Dawkins with a huge uppercut. Cesaro drops Dawkins over the top turnbuckle and in comes Nakamura with a high knee. Cesaro with the gutwrench suplex double team as Nakamura comes off the second rope with a kick. Dawkins kicks out at 2. Nakamura with knees and more strikes in the corner now. Dawkins gets a big boot up as Nakamura charges. Dawkins with a big clothesline out of the corner.

Ford tags in and hits a big dropkick. Dawkins launches his partner onto Nakamura for a 2 count as Cesaro breaks it up. Dawkins rocks Cesaro. Nakamura gets sent out and Cesaro gets hit with a double dropkick, also sending him to the floor. Ford runs the ropes and leaps out onto Cesaro and Nakamura at ringside. They catch him in mid-air and drive him down into the top of the barrier. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cesaro has Ford grounded in the middle of the ring with a hold. Ford fights up and out as the crowd rallies. Cesaro beats him back into the corner but Ford moves and Cesaro hits the ring post shoulder-first. Cesaro stomps Ford and tags Nakamura. Dawkins also comes in and nails clotheslines to Nakamura. Dawkins with a spinning corkscrew elbow to Nakamura and offense to Cesaro as he runs in. Dawkins drives Nakamura back to the mat for a close 2 count

Dawkins whips Nakamura as Ford watches from the floor. Nakamura kicks back and they tangle. Nakamura hits the big sliding German suplex under the bottom rope. Nakamura charges for a Kinshasa but Dawkins catches him with a Spinebuster. Ford goes to the top and hits the big Frogsplash but Nakamura gets his knees up as Cesaro grapples with Dawkins. Cesaro sends Dawkins to the floor and Ford kicks out of Nakamura's pin attempt at 2. Cesaro comes in and hits the Cesaro Swing on Ford, sending hi into Nakamura's knees. Nakamura with a 2 count as Ford makes the save.

Cesaro works over Dawkins on the mat now. Nakamura with a big kick to the head from the floor for boos. Ford comes at Cesaro and ends up rolling him for a 2 count. Cesaro lifts Ford and drops him into an uppercut for another close 2 count. Nakamura gets sent knees-first into the steel ring steps at ringside as Dawkins moves out of the way. Cesaro takes Ford to the corner and unloads with uppercuts for boos. The referee warns him and Cesaro lands another. Cesaro yells at the referee now. Cesaro looks to superplex Ford from the apron but Dawkins tags himself in. Ford gets dropped with the superplex. Cesaro doesn't see Dawkins go to the top and hit the Cash Out splash as the legal man. Dawkins holds it for the pin to win.

Winners: The Street Profits

- After the match, the music hits as Ford and Dawkins stand tall and raise their titles in the air. We go to replays. The Profits continue celebrating as Ziggler tells Cesaro and Nakamura that they got out-classed on RAW tonight.

- Cole leads us to a video package on Mickie James ahead of tonight's title shot from Asuka. The announcers hype the title match.

- Lana is backstage with Angel Garza. She can't believe Mickie James already has a title shot when it should be Natalya. She goes on praising Natalya. Garza agrees that this is unfair, and says Lana's passion for justice is intoxicating, the fire in her eyes... Zelina Vega walks up with Andrade and asks Lana to give them a minute. Vega rants at Garza and he tells her he's tired of being blamed for every set back they have, when Andrade lost a match. The tension continues as Andrade steps to Garza. They argue and Vega gets in between them, yelling that this is enough. She says she can't do this anymore, then she walks off. Garza and Andrade brawl a bit as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see The Mysterio Family backstage - Dominik Mysterio, Rey Mysterio and his wife Angie, and daughter Aliyah. Dominik will face Seth Rollins in a Steel Cage match tonight, his first ever.

Cedric Alexander vs. Ricochet

We go back to the ring and out comes The Hurt Business - Cedric Alexander with MVP, Shelton Benjamin and WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley. We see how Cedric joined the group last week. MVP takes the mic and makes an official announcement - business is booming. He goes on about why life is good for each of them. Cedric talks about how his social media was blowing up last week after he turned on Ricochet and Apollo Crews. He says this is his job and he does whatever it takes to succeed. He goes on about getting beat up every week by The Hurt Business, and then being too beat up on Tuesdays to play with his kids. He goes on but is interrupted by the music. Out comes Ricochet with Apollo Crews.

Crews yells at Cedric for turning on them and selling them out. He says Cedric is too weak minded and now he has to live with the consequences from the decision he made. The arguing continues. Ricochet says last week's turn hurt more than any beating. Ricochet says now he and Crews are coming for Cedric. He drops the mic and here we go. The bell rings and Ricochet immediately takes Cedric down. They go at it and trade offense. Ricochet sends Cedric to the floor. Ricochet follows with a big kick to the face from the apron. Ricochet with a second rope moonsault but he lands on the floor. Crews comes over and drops Shelton at ringside but Lashley levels Crews. Erik runs down and saves Crews from Lashley, who he will face tonight. Erik and Lashley brawl up the ramp as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cedric has Ricochet grounded. Lashley and Erik are nowhere to be seen but Crews, MVP and Shelton cheer their friends on. Ricochet fights Cedric off but Cedric nails a big knee to the gut. Cedric with a dropkick to the back for a 2 count. Cedric keeps control and works Ricochet over on the mat. Cedric works Ricochet over in the corner.

Cedric works on Ricochet against the ropes now. Ricochet with a big dropkick out of nowhere and they both go down. MVP encourages Cedric to get back up and capitalize. They get up and Ricochet strikes first. Ricochet with a big uppercut to get fired up, then a chop. MVP talks some trash from ringside. Ricochet and Cedric tangle some more until Ricochet nails a big superkick to the jaw. Ricochet ends up hitting a big German suplex for a close 2 count.

Ricochet goes to the top for the 450 but has to roll through. Ricochet comes right back but Cedric catches him with a Michinoku Driver for a close 2 count. Cedric blocks a shot and nails a big Lumbar Check in the middle of the ring out of nowhere, holding it for the pin to win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

- After the match, The Hurt Business stands in the ring as Cedric celebrates, minus Lashley. The fans go blank in the LED rows. The lights go out. The RETRIBUTION logo appears on some of the screens. We see several members of the group standing in the back somewhere. One member of the group speaks and says they are the product of empty promises, lies, and betrayal. They once trusted but now they walk with eyes wide open. He goes on and then the big man, apparently Dominik Dijakovic, speaks, adding that they see what Superstars are made of - waste, scrap, byproduct. They see how the Superstars show loyalty to an entity that casts people aside like garbage and when you do that, you become garbage. When you sell your soul to a corrupt machine, you become corrupt. He goes on and says they once thought their time at the WWE Performance Center would lead to fame and wealth, but now they refuse to suck up to the machine. While you enjoy your last days of oblivion, RETRIBUTION is preparing to show you exactly who they are. They go on and declare that they are RETRIBUTION. The screen goes blank and the lights return in the arena. The fans in the LED rows also return. MVP, Benjamin and Alexander stand together in the ring, ready for a fight, but the crowd is just booing them.

- Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Mickie James. She asks what emotion fills her as she prepares for tonight's title match. Mickie goes on about how much she loves the business and what she's given to it, what a high-stakes champion like Asuka brings out in her. Mickie goes on about wisdom and clarity, noting that it's become clear to her that she's always had what it takes to become RAW Women's Champion, but what fuels her tonight is knowing that this could become her last chance to win the RAW Women's Title. She walks off.


RAW Women's Title Match: Mickie James vs. Asuka

We go back to the ring and out first comes RAW Women's Champion Asuka. She poses in the corner as the pyro goes off. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Adam Pearce is yelling at security in the back over RETRIBUTION. The Hurt Business walks up and MVP says he knows Pearce's job comes with high pressure, but he also knows Pearce will be out of a job if he doesn't find a solution to the RETRIBUTION problem. Pearce says this is not MVP's concern. Lashley says it is their concern if they say it is. MVP tells Pearce to listen to Lashley. MVP tells Pearce to let them help upgrade his security from boys to men because The Hurt Business isn't scared of RETRIBUTION. MVP goes on and tells Pearce to let The Hurt Business help him keep his job. Pearce says you're right, thanks for volunteering. He extends his hand for a shake but they just laugh at him. MVP talks more about this being their business, and then walks off as the others laugh at Pearce some more, mocking him. We go back to the ring and Asuka waits as Mickie James makes her way out. We get formal ring introductions from Rome.

They lock up and go at it to start. Mickie takes Asuka down for a quick pin attempt. Asuka turns it around and does the same. More back and forth now. James trips Asuka and hits a neckbreaker in the middle of the ring. Asuka kicks out at 2. They tangle off the ropes and Asuka ends up nailing a big kick to the face for a close 2 count. Asuka goes for a Hip Attack but Mickie moves and Asuka gets stuck on the middle rope. James rocks Asuka and sends her out to the floor. James also falls to the mat and we go to commercial with both competitors down.

Back from the break and they're going at it in the middle of the ring. Asuka fights off James from behind and drops her in the corner. Asuka runs into a big elbow. James catches Asuka and sends her flying with a head scissors. Asuka ends up hitting the Hip Attack in the middle of the ring. Asuka is fired up now. Mickie catches her with a Flapjack out of nowhere. Mickie kips up for a pop.

Mickie wastes some time but climbs to the top and Asuka cuts her off. Asuka climbs up but Mickie knocks her to the mat. Mickie leaps with the Thesz Press but Asuka kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. They trade big strikes on their feet now. Asuka dodges a kick and rocks Mickie with a back fist. Asuka with kicks while Mickie is on her knees now. Asuka charges but Mickie ducks a kick and grabs her leg, going right into a single-leg Crab. Asuka drags Mickie to the bottom rope but Mickie pulls her back to the middle of the ring. Asuka rolls her into a 2 count.

Mickie drops Asuka with a kick to the jaw but barely connects. Asuka kicks out at 2, grabbing the bottom rope just in time. Asuka catches Mickie and rolls her into an arm bar on the mat. More back and forth on the mat now. Asuka blocks the DDT. Mickie fights Asuka off and rolls her into a 2 count. Asuka takes James right back down into the Asuka Lock. Mickie resists but the referee calls the match out of nowhere, apparently saying Mickie tapped out.

Winner: Asuka

- After the match, it's announced that Asuka wins as Mickie can no longer continue. The referee hands Asuka the title as her music hits. The music interrupts as Zelina Vega comes marching to the ring to boos. We see the referee checking on Mickie at ringside as Vega takes a mic and starts ranting about how she's been thinking of her future. Today it dawned on her that she has wasted some of the best years of her career, managing two selfish ingrates like Andrade and Zelina Vega. Ingrates... just like Asuka. She says Asuka was handed the title by one of the greatest but she's been nothing but reckless with it. She says Asuka has been so worried about the Superstars of yesterday, ignoring one of the greatest of today. Vega. Vega says she's here to tell Asuka's she's ready for the title. Asuka fires back in Japanese and laughs in her face. Vega rocks Asuka and drops her with a slap. Asuka looks to come back but Vega exits the ring, taunting Asuka. Asuka's music starts up as the two Superstars continue taunting each other.

- Charly Caruso is backstage with Keith Lee. He goes on about his opportunity to face WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. They've known each other for a long time and have been honest about possibly having to face each other, just like he's been honest about Drew not interfering in his matches. Lee goes on and says he knows Drew will do whatever it takes to remain WWE Champion, and Lee will do what he must to become WWE Champion. Caruso asks about Drew's jaw injury. Lee doesn't want to take vantage of an injury his friend has, but to come here and be WWE Champion? Like he said, he will do what he must. Lee walks off and we go to commercial.

Bobby Lashley vs. Erik

Back from the break and out first comes WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley for this non-title match. MVP joins the announcers for commentary. Out next is Erik of The Viking Raiders. Cole talks about Ivar's neck injury from last week. The bell rings and they start brawling.

Lashley beats Erik down in the corner. Lashley charges with a big shoulder thrust as MVP cheers him on from the announce table. Lashley runs into a big elbow in the corner. Erik with double knees to drop Lashley. Erik goes on with another big knee strike to the face for a 2 count. Erik with forearm shots to the head now. Lashley catches him out of nowhere and drives him into the mat. Lashley with a big gutwrench into a powerslam now but Erik kicks out at 2.

Lashley grabs Erik from behind with the Full Nelson, taking Erik down to the mat for The Hurt Lock. Erik taps out for the easy non-title win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

- After the bell, Lashley stands tall and raises his title as the music hits. We go to replays.

- Kevin Owens is backstage when Sarah Schreiber asks him why he thinks Aleister Black developed a personal vendetta against him. Owens goes on about how there could be several reasons why. He also takes shots at Black and says he doesn't care about why, just how... how he's going to inflict enough pain on Black tonight to feel like they are even, to make sure Black doesn't just walk, he runs back to his hiding spot, and how he's going to give a beating that constantly reminds Black what happens when you pick a fight with Owens. Owens isn't really worried about any of those things, do you know why? Because he's Kevin Owens. Owens turns and walks away. Black appears and stares him down, with the eye covering still on.

- We see the crew setting up the steel cage around the ring. Back to commercial.

- Shane McMahon is backstage with his extra large RAW Underground security. Shane says last week will be nothing compared to this week. Braun Strowman approaches and Shane's security guard steps to him. Strowman tells them both to get out of his way. He's pissed off and he knows on the other side of the door is some poor soul he can smash their head in. Strowman again threatens Shane and his security, and tells him to send his best fighter so he can send him home to his mother with a pocket full of teeth. Strowman enters RAW Underground and the door is closed behind him.

- We go back to the Steel Cage to the announcers. MVP has joined Cole and Saxton on commentary. We get a video package on the recent feud with Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins and Murphy. Seth is backstage now when Murphy knocks on his door. Rollins tells him to come in. Murphy brings up what The Mysterio Family did to him last week and Rollins gets it. He says forgiveness is part of the process but it's all in the past. Now they have to look forward to tonight and the future. Rollins says tonight's Steel Cage match is the perfect opportunity for them to teach Dominik and the world a lesson. Rollins asks Murphy if he's prepared for his role tonight. He has something very important for Murphy to do and he needs him to be ready. He asks Murphy if he's ready and Murphy is. Rollins smacks Murphy back, then grabs him by his face. Rollins says Murphy's role tonight is to stay in the back so he doesn't have to deal with any of his stupid mistakes. Do you understand me? Yes sir, Murphy says. Rollins smacks him again and Murphy is fuming. Rollins grabs him by his face and bullies him some more before walking off. Murphy stares at Rollins as he exits. We get another look at the cage in the arena. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is backstage talking trash to a Kit Kat chocolate bar, threatening to break it. Liv Morgan walks up and helps him break it, then walks off. The commercial ends with Truth talking more trash to the candy.

- The announcers talk about how Mandy Rose has been traded to RAW from SmackDown, thanks to The Miz. They are a brief "coming soon" promo.

Steel Cage Match: Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins

We go back to the Steel Cage and out first comes Seth Rollins as the crowd boos. MVP is still on commentary. Charly is backstage with The Mysterio Family now. Dominik Mysterio says he can't back down from any challenges if he wants to follow in his father's footsteps, even if it's Rollins in a cage. Rey Mysterio talks about how he and his wife Angie are more worried for their son. He mentions they will be at ringside to support Dominik. Rey goes on and says the real question is should Rollins be worried about Dominik? They walk off and Dominik makes his way to the cage with his father, mother and sister right behind him. Dominik enters the cage for the first time in his career.

The bell rings and the cage is closed. Rollins laughs as they go to lock up. Rollins kicks him and beats him down. Dominik counters a move and nails a side Russian leg sweep. Dominik climbs the cage to escape but Rollins stops him. Dominik counters with a big DDT for a close 2 count. Dominik starts trying to escape again. Murphy appears and slides a kendo stick in to Rollins. Rollins nails Dominik with it, knocking him off the cage wall. Rollins unloads with kendo stick shots now. Rollins sends Dominik face-first into the steel. Dominik's family cheers him on as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is beating Dominik around the cage as his family looks on. Rollins taunts Dominik, asking when will he learn. Rollins tells Rey to watch this. He goes to throw Dominik into the steel but Dominik counters and sends Rollins face-first into the cage wall. Dominik climbs up but Rollins pulls him off for a powerbomb but Dominik counters and sends Rollins into the steel with a head scissors. Rey slides Dominik a kendo stick now and the crowd pops.

Rey unloads on Rollins with kendo stick shots. Dominik launches Rollins into the cage walls several times now. Dominik with a sitdown powerbomb for a close 2 count. Dominik grabs the stick and waits for Rollins to get up. Rollins attacks and launches Dominik into the steel but he grabs it and starts climbing. Rollins meets him on the top rope and they trade strikes. Rollins crotches Dominik on the top rope. Rollins gets crotched next. They both collapse to the mat as the referee checks on them.

The cage door is opened as Rey meets Dominik and encourages him. Murphy runs over and attacks, sending Rey into the barrier. Murphy slams the door thinking Dominik is there, but the cage door nails Rollins in the head instead. Murphy realizes he messed up. Murphy runs around and tries to stop Dominik from escaping at the top of the cage. Dominik knocks Murphy off to the floor at ringside. Dominik nails a big Frogsplash from up high, hitting Rollins on the mat. Rollins still kicks out at 2.

Dominik climbs to the top of the cage again to escape. Rollins comes and tries to stop him. Dominik kicks Rollins to the mat. Dominik gets his legs over the top of the cage but Rollins grabs him. Rollins hits a huge superplex from the top of the cage, then a Falcon's Arrow in the middle of the ring. Dominik still kicks out at 2 for a pop.

Rollins taunts Rey and his family through the cage now. Dominik rolls Rollins from behind for a 2 count. Rollins comes right back with a big Stomp to Dominik. Rollins follows up with a second Stomp in the middle of the ring. The family cheers Dominik on but Rollins covers him for the pin to win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

- After the bell, the music hits as Rollins stands tall over Dominik, staring out at the family and taunting them. Murphy opens the cage door as Rollins makes his exit with the kendo stick in hand. Rollins turns and looks at Murphy. Rollins drops the stick and grabs Murphy by his cheeks. Rollins has a few words for Murphy and then kisses him on his forehead. Rollins suddenly ends Murphy into the barrier, then drops him by slamming the door into his face. Rollins yells at Murphy as the crowd boos. Rollins walks up to Rey's wife and daughter. He tells Angie she did a hell of a job with Dominik, but he hopes the daughter Aliyah turns out better. Rollins walks off. The family enters the ring to check on Dominik but Aliyah briefly stops at the door to check on Murphy. Rey and his family check on Dominik in the ring, calling for a medic to come help.

- We go back to Shane McMahon at RAW Underground. Dolph Ziggler is in the ring with an enhancement talent, going back & forth on the mat. Ziggler beats the man with elbows while mounting him and the bell is rang. Shane asks who wants a piece of Ziggler next. Riddick Moss steps up and they go at it. Ziggler nails a big punch but Moss catches him with a Spinebuster. Braun Strowman suddenly storms the ring and runs over both of them. He delivers a big chokeslam to Moss. Ziggler comes back at him and Strowman decimates him with a move. Strowman stands tall and yells out as Shane asks who wants Strowman next. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video for WWE and Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month.

- Charly is backstage with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre, bringing up how Keith Lee earlier made it clear that he will do what he has to to get a chance at the WWE Title. Drew hopes he would do anything it takes. Drew goes on about Lee and Randy Orton, when Lee appears. Lee asks Caruso to excuse them and she does. Drew asks if he can help Lee. Lee says it would be helpful if Drew didn't drag his name and reputation. He thought they were supposed to be friends. Drew says they are, but Lee shouldn't be spinning his words. Lee goes on and says Drew seems a little concerned that Lee may beat him tonight and then again at Clash of Champions. Drew mocks Lee and says he doesn't get concerned about nothing, and he's certainly not afraid. The tension picks up between the two friends and Drew rocks Lee in the mouth with a right hand. They start brawling and Drew sends Lee into a bathroom door. Lee counters an Irish whip and sends Drew into a production cart. Officials show up to get between them and the brawl is broken up as the two competitors yell at each other.

- We go back to RAW Underground. Titus O'Neil is stopped by Shane's security but he's hyped up and wants to get in. Titus is allowed in and the door is closed. We see Strowman dominating in the ring again. Riddick Moss makes another go for him but Strowman takes him out once again. Titus appears out of nowhere and charges Strowman, taking him down. Strowman ends up beating him down and unloading while he's down. Shane and security have to get Braun off Titus. Braun stands tall as Shane asks who wants a piece of him next.

Kevin Owens vs. Aleister Black

We go back to the ring and out first comes Kevin Owens. Aleister Black suddenly attacks from behind, beating Owens down before the bell. Fans boo and the referee backs Black away as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the match begins. Owens drops Black and takes him to the corner. Black catches a kick and sweeps the leg. Black, who no longer has his eye covered, works Owens against the ropes. Black drops Owens and bends his knee around. Owens kicks Black in the head to break free. Owens dumps Black over the top rope to the floor and he hits hard on the edge of the apron. Owens goes to run for a big dive but he puts the brakes on as his leg is hurting. Black takes advantage and gets the upperhand once again as fans boo.

Black returns to the ring and works on Owens' leg while he's down. Owens fights from the mat and rocks Black in his eye. Black with a kick to drop Owens. Black continues focusing on the hurt leg in the corner now. Owens goes back down in the corner. Owens gets up and rocks Black in the face. Black counters and takes Owens down into a leg bar as Owens screams out and reaches for the bottom rope. Owens gets the rope to break the hold but Black uses the count up.

Black stomps away on Owens as the referee backs him away now. Fans boo but Owens gets up and delivers a big superkick out of nowhere. They both go down. Owens hobbles around but his knee goes out. Black stands tall but the lights start flickering in the arena. Owens takes advantage of the distraction and drops Black with a Stunner for the pin to win.

Winner: Kevin Owens

- After the match, Owens rolls to the floor as his music hits. Owens sells the hurt leg while down against the barrier.

- We cut backstage and see Drew McIntyre getting ready for the main event. Keith Lee attacks him and their brawl picks back up. Adam Pearce gets in between them and threatens to cancel tonight's main event and the Clash of Champions match if they don't stop. We go back to commercial.

The Riott Squad vs. Lana and Natalya

We go back to the ring and out first comes current #1 contenders The Riott Squad - Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan. We see WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax on commentary. They show a backstage video from earlier today with Liv and Ruby cutting promos on how they will win tonight and then at Clash of Champions to capture the titles. Out next comes the team of Lana and Natalya.

The bell rings and Natalya manhandles Liv on the mat early on. Natalya takes it to the corner and in comes Lana for some double teaming. Lana drops Liv with a big kick for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Liv counters and sends Lana into the ropes. Riott tags in and they unload on Lana with double teaming. Riott easily drops Lana for the pin to win.

Winners: The Riott Squad

- After the match, Liv and Riott stand tall in the ring as their music hits. Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax hit the ring as their #1 contenders back up the ramp. The two teams trade verbal shots. Jax and Baszler turn their attention to Lana and Natalya now. Baszler tosses Lana to the floor, where Jax has cleared the top of the announce table. The Riott Squad watches from the stage as Jax puts Lana through the announce table with a big Samoan Drop.

- We see Keith Lee backstage marching to the ring. We also see Drew McIntyre making his way out for the main event. Back to commercial.

- Aleister Black, Zelina Vega, Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax are announced for RAW Talk after tonight's show on the WWE Network.

- We go back to Shane McMahon at RAW Underground. Braun Strowman is still dominating in the ring. Another enhancement talent gets knocked out for the bell. Riddick Moss returns to the platform for more from Strowman. Strowman drops him with ease. Dolph Ziggler attacks Strowman from behind next. Moss and Ziggler double team Strowman. Ziggler claws the eyes while on Braun's back but Strowman ends up taking them out again. Dabba-Kato steps up to the ring next. He and Strowman stare each other down. Shane gets in between the two big men as they face off. Shane says this will happen next week. That's the end of RAW Underground this week.

Drew McIntyre vs. Keith Lee

We go back to the ring for tonight's non-title main event as WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way out. Drew is all business. Cole confirms that Randy Orton vs. McIntyre at Clash of Champions will be an Ambulance Match. If Orton is unable to compete and Keith Lee wins this next match, then Lee will get the title shot at Clash of Champions on September 27. Drew hits the ring and stands tall as the pyro explodes. The music hits and out next comes Lee, who is also ready to fight.

Drew raises the title at Lee as they briefly face off. The bell rings and Lee rams Drew back into the corner. Lee with big shoulder thrusts now. Lee ends up running into a boot to the face. Drew sends Lee into the corner but runs into a boot. Lee nails Drew in his hurt jaw. Lee knocks Drew over the top rope to the floor. Lee is in control as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Drew delivers big chops. Lee rocks Drew in the hurt jaw. Drew kicks Lee in the shoulder. Drew with more chops. MVP is still on commentary from earlier. Drew knocks Lee down off the ropes. Lee breaks Drew away with strikes in the middle of the ring. Drew with a headbutt to send Lee into the corner. Drew launches Lee across the ring with a big overhead throw.

Drew goes to the top as Lee stumbles to his feet. Drew leaps and takes Lee down. They're both down in the middle of the ring now. Drew kips up for a pop. Lee blocks the Futureshock DDT but Drew comes back with a big Spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Lee ends up kicking out at 2 and Drew shows some frustration. They tangle in the middle of the ring. Lee breaks free from a hold but Drew keeps rocking him. Lee with a big chop to the chest. Lee levels Drew in the middle of the ring with a clothesline for a close 2 count.

Drew goes back to the top but Lee meets him with a headbutt to the jaw, sending him to the apron. Lee climbs to the second rope and looks to superplex Drew back into the ring. Drew fights back while up top. They trade shots. Lee nails the superplex but Drew still kicks out at 2 in the middle of the ring. They're both slow to get back up now.

Drew kicks Lee first. Drew with a big chop now. Lee dodges a Claymore Kick. Drew slides out of a Spirit Bomb. They collide in mid-air with crossbody attempts, and both go down. RETRIBUTION suddenly appears at ringside, coming through the crowd. They surround the ring and get on the apron now. Drew and Lee attack them but they end up beat down by the masked male and female members of the group. RETRIBUTION is heavily booed by the crowd as they stomp away on Lee and McIntyre while they're down.

The assault continues while Lee and McIntyre are down. There are many members of RETRIBUTION this week. The music suddenly hits and out comes The Hurt Business, all in suits. RETRIBUTION waits for them at ringside and readies for the fight. The Hurt Business gets ready on the stage. RETRIBUTION and The Hurt Business start brawling at ringside now. Lee and McIntyre recover in the ring, then run the ropes together and leap out, taking members from both groups down at ringside. McIntyre and Lee get back to their feet while there are bodies down everywhere. The "In Your Face" edition of RAW goes off the air with McIntyre and Lee staring each other down while RETRIBUTION and The Hurt Business are laid out.