View Full Version : ECW On Sci-Fi Results - October 17, 2006

Dangerous Incorporated
10-18-2006, 04:34 AM
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ECW On Sci-Fi Results - October 17, 2006

- We begin with Joey Styles and Tazz talking about RVD being screwed out of the ECW Title in Philly several months ago. They plugged RVD-Show and Sandman-Striker in a Singapore cane match.

1 -- SANDMAN vs. MATT STRIKER -- Signapore Cane On A Pole Match

Sandman did his entrance while Styles and Tazz talked about Cyber Sunday. They showed clips of Show beating Sandman three weeks ago and Striker beating Sandman in a tag match two weeks ago. No clips of Sandman pinning Striker last week. We'll just pretend like that never happened. Styles explained that Striker doesn't want to teach anyone, he just wants to talk down to people in a condescending way. Sandman caught Striker with left hand blows early on. Striker went for the pole several times, but Sandman cut him off. Striker then attacked Sandman's left knee to soften him up. Striker finally retrieved the pole and cracked it over Sandman's head twice. He missed a third cane shot and Sandman grabbed the pole. He caned Striker over the head and busted him open. Striker then rolled to the outside after realizing he was bleeding. He freaked out and left.

WINNER: Sandman via countout in 4:00. An easy way to continue the feud with a non-finish that didn't require much effort or thought.

- They plugged C.M. Punk up next.

[Commercial Break]

- Styles plugged The Marine's opening last weekend. They aired the "fans react" video that aired on Raw. Styles said The Marine is "an unqualified success."


Dupree slapped Punk across the face before the opening bell. Punk gave chase, but Dupree ducked under the ropes like a good heel to block Punk. Dupree then caught Punk napping and slammed him to the mat. He landed hard right hands then a back elbow smash for a nearfall. Dupree caught Punk out of the corner with a hard clothesline. He then applied a seated neck vice. Dupree missed a corner clothesline then Punk landed two right hands before hitting a kick to the head. Punk fired off successive kicks and slaps to the head before executing the Urinagi. He applied the Anaconda Vice and Dupree tapped out after briefly resisting the hold. Afterwards, Mike Knox tried to hit the ring, but Punk fought him off. Knox backed away from the ring as Punk screamed at him to get in the ring. Knox said he would fight him when he's ready.

WINNER: Punk via submission in 3:00. Decent match. Dupree is good in his role as an arrogant heel.

- One of the Diva search losers, Rebecca, was backstage with RVD as a new interviewer. She tried to act sexy asking him about his match with Big Show after Show stole the ECW Title from him. RVD, with his red eyes, said he started at the bottom and worked his way back to the top after Heyman suspended him. He said he's the best in ECW. RVD said he has what it takes to slay the dragon. He said he would prove tonight he can beat Big Show then Show would eventually have to put the ECW Title on the line.

[Commercial Break]

- Test walked out to the ring dressed to wrestle. Styles said Test is Heyman's enforcer type person. Everyone has their own little nickname, but they paint these characters with such broad brushstrokes that there's very little depth to anyone on this brand. He called himself ECW's impact player. Poor Justin Credible. Test talked about his "good friend" Hardcore Holly taking the suplex spot in a match against RVD a few weeks ago. He then said Holly made a mistake putting his hands on Heyman, the man who inspires him. They showed a clip of Test smacking Holly in the back with a chair. "You suck" the fans chanted. He said he heard Holly is returning next week and when he comes back, he's going to make an example out of him. "My ruthlessness has no bounds," he said. Balls Mahoney then walked out. Styles called him Captain Caveman. They plugged his role in Strip Poker last week. Balls took the mic. He said Holly's medically suspended, but if Test wants competition, he's stepping up for a match right now. Test said he would love to fight him, but just not tonight. Balls caught him with a right hand then drove him to the corner. A referee ran to the ring to make it official.


Test cut off Balls with a hard clothesline then he stomped him to the mat with kicks to the head. Test sent Balls shoulder first into the corner ringpost. The fans rallied behind Balls as Test applied a mat hold. Test snapped Balls's shoulder with a modified shoulderbreaker. Balls made his comeback with clotheslines then he wound up for Balls punches. He executed a seated powerbomb for a nearfall. Test ducked another round of Balls punches then landed a big boot to the head off the ropes. He followed with the F-5 for the win.

WINNER: Test in 3:00. Short, effective match to get over Test in a singles match. Off the top of my head, I can't remember the last time Balls won a match.

[Commercial Break]


Moore was already in the ring out of the break. Where's he been? Moore tried a headfirst slide across the ring to imitate Sabu, but Sabu landed a leg drop. Moore landed right hands then Sabu ducked a blow and hit a turnaround splash out of the corner. Moore slid to the outside and Sabu caught him with a plancha. Back in the ring, Moore caught Sabu off the ropes with a splash. He then missed a corner twisting moonsault and Sabu landed a springboard leg drop from the apron for the win.

WINNER: Sabu in 3:00. Good energy for three minutes, but another one of those matches that ends and it feels like nothing has been accomplished.

- Rebecca was backstage with Big Show. She hesitated as she described Show's size. Show said today is a grand day for RVD because he doesn't know how lucky he is to step in the ring with the Champion of Champions. He said he would prove it at Cyber Sunday. He said he threw Cena around on Raw. Well, that didn't happen. Show said he hasn't been ducking RVD, but he will give RVD a title shot if he beats him tonight. He said RVD's goals and aspirations will stop tonight. As a viewer, it's difficult to be excited about this match based on the promos. At least there is some build up to the main event on the show, but there should be more life out of the two participants.

[Commercial Break]

5 -- BIG SHOW vs. ROB VAN DAM -- Non-Title Match

As Show walked out, Styles and Tazz had a canned exchange about Styles being the only thing that wasn't blown up in The Marine. The fans chanted for RVD before the bell. Show and RVD stood off from a distance after the bell. Show piefaced RVD when came too close. RVD fired back with kicks to the knees and punches to the face. Show then put him down with a boot to the face. RVD came back with a cannonball splash from the top rope, which knocked down Show and led to a nearfall. Show hung up RVD across the top rope then he knocked him to the floor.

[Commercial Break]

Show landed a headbutt out of the break. He worked over RVD while taunting the fans to draw boos. RVD tried to make his comeback, but Show ran him over with a hard clothesline. Show cockily said he could take out RVD whenever he wants to. RVD tried to knock Show off his feet with a spinning side kick, but Show fell back against the ropes. RVD came back with a step through spin kick, but Show only staggered. A top rope thrust kick finally knocked over Show. RVD then hit a splash, but Show bench pressed him out of a pin attempt. RVD tried to get a head of steam, but Show speared him to the mat for a nearfall. Show set up for a Vader Bomb in the corner, but RVD rolled out of the way. Show clotheslined RVD hard in the corner then there was the weakest referee bump ever with Scott Armstrong taking a fall. RVD blocked a chokeslam then hit a DDT. He set up for Five Star, but Test ran to the ring and shoved RVD to the mat. Test picked up a chair ringside and jabbed RVD with it. Hardcore Holly ran to ringside and grabbed the chair from behind Test. He waited for Test to turn around then he smashed the chair over Test's head. Holly turned around and smashed the chair over Show's head twice. RVD hit the Five Star frog splash and the referee came to life to make the three count. Styles said Paul Heyman's worst nightmare has been realized because RVD has a guaranteed ECW Title match.

WINNER: RVD in 14:00.