View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Coverage - December 21st, 2020

12-21-2020, 07:36 PM

What's next for Drew McIntyre and AJ Styles after their epic clash?

AJ Styles brought his best, The Miz even brought his briefcase, and Drew McIntyre still left WWE TLC as WWE Champion. The King of Claymore Country still reigns supreme after a thrilling Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match, overcoming The Phenomenal One at the top of his game and an unexpected Money in the Bank Cash-In by The Miz. As the new year draws nearer, what’s next for these competitors following this chaotic encounter?


- The post-TLC edition of WWE RAW opens up with the standard video package. We're live from the WWE ThunderDome at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined at ringside by Samoa Joe and Byron Saxton. They talk about last night's pay-per-view and hype tonight's six-man Street Fight, and Randy Orton's reaction to his Firefly Inferno win at TLC. The stage is set up with Christmas decorations.

- We go right to the ring and out comes new WWE Women's Champion Charlotte Flair. This is Flair's first RAW appearance at The ThunderDome, and her first RAW appearance since mid-June. She hits the ring as we get a video package showing how Flair returned at TLC as Lana's replacement, teaming with RAW Women's Champion Asuka to win the gold from Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler.

Flair says she is in the ThunderDome and what would be the ThunderDome without The Queen. She brags on winning gold her first night back and says nothing has changed with The Queen in the last six months. She then goes on about her partner and friend, who some say is the heart of the division. Flair introduces Asuka and out she comes with both of her titles. Flair and Asuka stand together as Asuka takes the mic. She speaks in Japanese and touts being a double champion as the crowd cheers them on. Asuka says Jax and Baszler were not ready for Asuka, and were definitely not ready for her partner, The Queen. Flair laughs and then nods as Asuka bounces around.

Flair asks what about the RAW Women's Title and says, "Friend to friend..." but the music interrupts as Jax and Baszler come to the ring. Tom announces that they will face Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose later tonight. Jax and Baszler enter the ring and take the mic. Jax jokes that it took 6 months to heal Flair's broken arm, but that didn't clear up her robotic voice. Flair mocks Jax and says she kicked her ass last night. Jax says Santa Claus isn't the only one with a naughty or nice list but they don't hand out coal, they hand out beatings... Season's Beatings. Just ask Lana or Kairi Sane. The music interrupts and out comes Rose and Brooke. Rose and Brooke try to crack jokes on how Jax and Baszler look without the titles this week. They tell them to move over. Brooke and Rose are in the ring now. Flair asks Asuka if she wants to stay and watch this, and she does. Flair calls a referee to come to the ring. Flair's music hits as she and Asuka head to ringside to watch. The other two teams have words as RAW goes to commercial.

Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose vs. Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

Back from the break and Mandy Rose and Shayna Baszler trade holds & counters to start. WWE Women's Champions Charlotte Flair and RAW Women's Champion Asuka are on commentary.

Rose and Baszler continue to go back & forth. Rose takes it to the corner for shoulder thrusts. It's revealed that Asuka and Flair will work a non-title match tonight against Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans. Dana Brooke tags in and gets the upperhand on Baszler, sending her to tag. Nia Jax comes in and levels Brooke with a headbutt. Jax runs over Brooke and headbutts her to the mat again. Jax continues to beat Brooke around the ring, sending her to the corner for a big splash.

Brooke comes back and hits the back elbow in the corner. Jax stays on her but Brooke sends her spinning with the head scissors. Rose tags in and unloads on Jax, sending her to the floor. Brooke knocks Baszler from the apron to the floor. Brooke and Rose taunt their opponents from the apron. Rose leaps off the apron with a crossbody to Jax. Brooke then flies off the apron to take Baszler down. Brooke and Rose continue posing at ringside in front of the announce table. The champs stand up to get a look.

Rose brings Jax back in the ring but Jax knocks her back to the floor from the apron. Jax follows and ends up launching Rose into the barrier. Jax stands tall as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rose is fighting off Jax in the ring but Jax drops her with ease. Baszler takes over and stretches Rose on the mat as fans rally. Jax comes back in and they keep dominating Rose. Rose kicks Jax away but Baszler runs in and knocks Brooke to the apron to avoid the tag. Rose begins to mount offense on Baszler now with clotheslines. Rose with a suplex.

Baszler runs into a back elbow in the corner. Rose unloads on Baszler in the corner now. Rose with a big knee strike to Baszler as Brooke follows up with a splash for a 2 count. Brooke drops Baszler again. Brooke goes to the top for the Swanton but Jax pulls Brooke to the floor to break the count. Rose leaps off the apron to take Jax down. Brooke with the springboard forearm to send Jax into the apron on the floor. Baszler levels Rose with a kick to the face from the ring.

Brooke comes in and tries to finish Baszler but Baszler decks her and hits a big backbreaker. Brooke has no one to tag. She tangles with Baszler some more but Baszler goes right into the Kirifuda Clutch for the win.

Winners: Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

- After the match, Baszler and Jax stand tall as the music hits. Baszler and Jax taunt the champs from the apron but Brooke and Rose come from behind, knocking Jax and Baszler to the floor.

- We see how The Hurt Business captured the RAW Tag Team Titles from The New Day at WWE TLC. We see The Hurt Business backstage bullying a staffer in a New Day t-shirt now. They put him in a Hurt Business t-shirt and laugh after sending him on his way. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and it's time for a Championship Edition of The VIP Lounge. Out comes The Hurt Business

- MVP, WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley, new RAW Tag Team Champions Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander. Tom confirms Riddle and Jeff Hardy vs. MVP and Lashley for later tonight.

MVP takes the mic and says if there was ever a time for a champagne toast in WWE, it's now. He goes on bragging about why The Hurt Business is better than you. Cedric and Benjamin talk about winning the titles from The New Day at WWE TLC. Cedric says the come up is over because Prime Alexander is here. He says we can forget about pancakes and unicorns now. Lashley goes on about how they are the most dominant force in WWE, and says we can get used to seeing this. He guarantees there is not a man alive who can beat him for his title.

MVP has invited a photographer to commemorate this occasion. He gets them to pose for a proper picture as the photographer gets her camera ready. WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is photobombing them from behind, standing in the corner. Here comes Erik, Titus O'Neil, Lince Dorado and Akira Tozawa. They chase Truth around the ring and back up the stage, around the Christmas trees, and back to the back. The music interrupts next and out comes Hardy and Riddle. MVP doesn't believe they were invited to the celebration. We see the 24/7 Title chase continuing behind Riddle and Hardy as they speak from the stage.

Riddle congratulates them on Sunday's win but he thinks they're doing this celebration wrong. They're spending too much on champagne and the club when they could be hanging out in the backyard, getting toasted with the homies, listening to the Joe Rogan podcast or a comedy special. Riddle goes on rambling about how everyone is the same and should just chill out. MVP says we are not the same and since Riddle doesn't know what he's talking about, they don't either. MVP says no one cares about Riddle's hair-brained concepts. MVP asks what is Riddle talking about. Hardy interrupts and says life is more than status, and they'd rather live a life of pride than greed. Hardy goes on about faith and is on the same page as Riddle it appears. Hardy's music hits and they leave together as The Hurt Business looks on.

- Still to come, Randy Orton will react to the Firefly Inferno match. Back to commercial.

Drew Gulak vs. Angel Garza

Back from the break and Drew Gulak is waiting in the ring. Angel Garza is backstage with Sarah Schreiber. She asks how he prepared for this match but he just flirts with her and gives her a rose. Garza says he might be fighting Gulak but he will be thinking of Schreiber and maybe they can end up in her room under the mistletoe later on. Garza walks off and Schreiber looks disturbed or annoyed. Garza heads to the ring as Mike Rome does the introductions.

The bell rings and Gulak backs Garza to the corner. Garza stops him and rips his pants off, throwing at Gulak for the distraction. Garza attacks and unloads. Gulak comes back with a backbreaker. Gulak takes it to the corner but Garza turns it right back around. Garza with a big right hand and a knee to the ribs for a quick pin attempt.

Garza grounds Gulak now and works on his arm. Gulak turns it around with an abdominal stretch of his own. Garza breaks free with a shot to the ribs, dropping Gulak. Garza comes back with a sitdown slam for a 2 count. Gulak rocks Garza into the corner with right hands. Garza wit a big kick. They tangle and Garza nails a superkick. Garza then follows up with the Wing Clipper in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Angel Garza

- After the match, Garza stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. We come back to Garza posing on the top turnbuckle, smiling down at Gulak.

- Tom hypes a MizTV segment for later tonight with AJ Styles. We get a video package showing how The Miz failed to cash in at TLC last night in the TLC Match between AJ and WWE Champion Drew McIntyre, who retained. Charly Caruso stops AJ backstage and asks how he felt when The Miz cashed in last night. AJ goes on about how he was furious, past his boiling point. Charly asks if AJ is so upset, then why did he accept the invite to be on MizTV tonight? AJ says he wants to find out what Miz has to say for himself, and for his sake, it better be good. AJ looked up at Omos when he said the last line. We go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and The Miz and John Morrison are in the ring for another must see edition of MizTV. Miz says you aren't always presented with the chance to become WWE Champion but he had the chance to make history at TLC last night, but he failed. Not only did he fail himself, he failed his family and for that, he's sorry.

Morrison says that isn't the only apology that needs to be delivered tonight. Miz agrees. Miz then introduces his guest for tonight and out comes AJ Styles. AJ poses on the stage as the pyro goes off. Omos then comes out and joins him. They head to the ring together. Tom plugs tonight's six-man Holiday Street Fight with AJ, Miz and Morrison vs. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre, Sheamus and Keith Lee.

There's some tension as soon as they enter the ring but AJ hold Omos back. Miz wants to hear AJ's explanation. Miz goes on and says AJ would've done the same thing... AJ cuts him off and has already heard enough. He calls Miz the biggest idiot on Earth and goes on about how incompetent he is. AJ says Miz cashed in and because of him, they both lost. Miz yells back and gets fired up, saying that Money In the Bank contract was everything. 10 years ago he cashed in and main evented WrestleMania, and this was going to be the same thing this year. Miz goes on about how he's fought for respect for 15 years. If he won the WWE Title again maybe, just maybe, AJ and everyone else would've respected him and he would've taken RAW to new heights. Miz says all he can do now is make it right. He apologizes from the bottom of his heart and says they were both robbed last night. He admits he blew it. Miz says it's the holidays, the time for giving, and he might can make this right by giving AJ an early holiday gift. He offers AJ the chance to star in the next edition of The Marine. We see a mock poster for The Marine 7. Omos is on it but AJ can barely be seen. Morrison points out how he's not even on the poster. Everyone argues some more with AJ and Morrison getting heated with each other.

Omos exits the ring as Miz gets in between Morrison and AJ. Miz points out how they're right, Morrison cashed in Miz's contract last night but technically Miz is the only one who can cash it in. Miz starts ranting about how he wants a WWE official to reinstate his MITB title shot because Morrison is the one who cashed it in. The music interrupts and out comes McIntyre. McIntyre points out how he left AJ a present on his face last night, a scar. He goes on about how he, Sheamus and Lee came up with a sequel to last week's "Nightmare Before TLC" story from Miz, Morrison and AJ. Drew starts reading. Sheamus takes over and appears at ringside. Lee picks up with the reading and he's also at ringside. The babyfaces have surrounded the ring now. They enter as Miz, Morrison and AJ get ready to fight. A big brawl breaks out now as fans pop. Drew launches Morrison over his head and he flies to the floor. AJ dropkicks Lee into Sheamus as he prepared for a Brogue Kick to Miz. Sheamus and Lee argue now but Drew gets in between them. AJ retreats to the floor with Omos. Drew calms Sheamus down as they stand with Lee in the middle of the ring. AJ, Miz and Morrison head up the ramp.

- The announcers hype Ricochet vs. T-BAR for tonight. We get a video package on the recent feud between Ricochet and RETRIBUTION.

T-BAR vs. Ricochet

We go back to the ring and out comes RETRIBUTION - T-BAR with Mustafa Ali, Slapjack, Mace and Reckoning. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Sheamus and Keith Lee arguing in the back. Drew McIntyre runs up and yells at them to stop. Sheamus ends up storming off and Drew tells Lee to imagine the damage they can do together if they're on the same page. Drew tells Lee to let him worry about Sheamus, and Lee agrees. We go back to the ring and T-BAR stands tall as the rest of RETRIBUTION looks on from ringside. Out next comes Ricochet.

The bell ring and Ricochet immediately nails a missile dropkick. Ricochet with lefts and rights but T-BAR throws him off. Ricochet takes T-BAR to one knee with shots to the knees. Ricochet yells out at the others but this allows T-BAR to manhandle him some. T-BAR then tosses Ricochet across the ring and Ali reacts with all smiles.

T-BAR unloads on Ricochet in the corner now, beating him down. T-BAR levels Ricochet with a huge clothesline for a close 2 count. T-BAR grounds Ricochet now with a knee to the back. Fans rally for Ricochet and he fights up and out but T-BAR clubs him back down. Ricochet dumps T-BAR over the top rope to the floor as he charges. Ricochet runs to the other side but has to stop and kick Slapjack off the floor. Ricochet then tangles with Mace at ringside and Mace gets dropped. T-BAR comes over and nails Ricochet from behind as Ali stares Ricochet down.

T-BAR brings it back in the ring as Ali preaches to Ricochet from the floor. Ricochet grabs Ali through the ropes and unloads with strikes but T-BAR grabs Ricochet from behind, scoops him on his shoulders and drives him into a knee with the inverted GTS for the pin to win.

Winner: T-BAR

- After the match, the music hits as we go to replays. RETRIBUTION hits the ring now. T-BAR stands over Ricochet and takes the mic, telling him that they are his allies, not his enemies, and he will either join them or his existence will come to an end. T-BAR drops the mic and RETRIBUTION yells down at Ricochet as he looks up from his back.

- We see video from earlier today of Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. Woods says they will win the RAW Tag Team Titles back one day as they always do. Kofi gives props to new RAW Tag Team Champions The Hurt Business and talks about losing pieces of his teeth in the WWE TLC match. He goes on about how The New Day will bounce back because this is what they do.

MVP and Bobby Lashley vs. Riddle and Jeff Hardy

We go back to the ring and out first comes The Hurt Business - MVP and WWE United States Champion Bobby Lashley with new RAW Tag Team Champions Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out first comes Riddle. Jeff Hardy is out next and they head to the ring together as "The Hardy Bros" as the pyro goes off. They hop into the ring and more pyro explodes as Riddle kicks his sandals off. Hardy and Lashley go at it to start. Riddle tags in and jumps on Lashley's back with a Sleeper but he ends up launched to the mat and clubbed. Lashley takes it to their corner and in comes MVP. MVP unloads on Riddle in the corner, beating him down to boos.

MVP keeps Riddle down in the corner and in comes Lashley to take over. Shelton and Cedric watch from ringside. Lashley drops Riddle for a 2 count. Riddle crawls for a tag but Lashley stops him. Riddle gets up and starts kicking Lashley. Lashley catches a kick but Riddle kicks him into the corner. Hardy tags in and goes at it with Lashley. Hardy with the inverted Atomic Drop and the leg drop, then the low dropkick for a splash and a 2 count.

Hardy and Riddle double team Lashley now as Hardy hits Bro-etry In Motion to the corner. Lashley gets dropped as MVP comes in. They double team MVP in the middle of the ring with an assisted Floating Bro. MVP rolls to the floor to regroup with Lashley. Hardy kicks Lashley through the ropes and Riddle nails a big kick to MVP from the apron. Riddle and Hardy yell out and stand tall together as fans cheer them on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Hardy is trading shots with Lashley in the ring. Lashley runs into an elbow in the corner. Hardy goes to the top but Lashley knocks him to the floor. Hardy lands hard and bounces off the steel ring steps. Riddle checks on Hardy and has words with Benjamin and Alexander, who are laughing at Hardy. Hardy is slow to recover at ringside as the referee counts.

Hardy rolls back in just in time. Lashley stops him from tagging and works on snapping the arm. Lashley grounds Hardy and tags in MVP to take over. MVP works on the arm and covers for a 2 count, and another. Hardy fights up and out but MVP nails a jawbreaker. MVP stands over Hardy and goes for the Ballin' elbow drop, nailing it to boos from the crowd. Hardy kicks out at 2.

MVP mounts Hardy with right hands as the referee warns him. MVP whips Hardy into the corner and wastes some time, missing the running big boot. Hardy goes to the top and hits Whisper In the Wind for a pop. Riddle rallies for Hardy now. Riddle tags in and unloads on MVP with strikes. Riddle drops MVP with a kick, then kips up. Riddle with running forearms in the corner. Cedric with a distraction from the apron. Riddle still slams MVP and hits the Exploder. Riddle goes on and hits a Fisherman's suplex with a bridge but Lashley runs in and breaks the pin up.

Lashley comes back in and drops Riddle with a Flatliner in the middle of the ring. Lashley goes for the big stalling suplex but Riddle fights out with a knee to the head. Hardy fights off Lashley in the corner and tags in. Riddle with a pump kick to Lashley. Riddle runs and leaps off Hardy's back, flying out to take down Cedric and Shelton on the floor. MVP tries to run interference but Riddle stops him as Hardy goes to the top.

Lashley dodges the Swanton Bomb. Lashley charges for a Spear but Hardy kicks him. Lashley blocks the Twist of Fate and applies The Hurt Lock. Lashley rag-dolls Hardy with the hold and he eventually taps out for the finish.

Winners: The Hurt Business

- After the match, The Hurt Business regroups and stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Hardy and Riddle look on from the ring as The Hurt Business heads to the back.

- We see AJ Styles, The Miz and John Morrison arguing backstage as Omos looks on. AJ storms off and we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Elias is in the ring with Jaxson Ryker. Elias says Ryker is a man who understands the Universal Truth but fans boo them. Elias talks about the ups & downs he's had, noting that his 2020 has been a whirlwind. He goes on with a message for his fans but says before Ryker sends a message to his opponent with a beating, he has... the music interrupts and out comes Lucha House Party - Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado. Metalik hits the ring while Dorado watches from ringside.

Jaxson Ryker vs. Gran Metalik

The bell rings and Gran Metalik ducks a shot, unloading on Jaxson Ryker. Elias takes his guitar to the top turnbuckle and watches the match while performing a song. Ryker overpowers Metalik and beats him down. Ryker keeps control until running into the ring post after Metalik moves.

Metalik goes to the top and sends Elias to the mat with a hurricanrana. Ryker comes back exploding out of the corner, leveling Metalik with ease. Ryker then drives Metalik back into the mat with the sit-out Choke Bomb in the middle of the ring. Ryker covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Jaxson Ryker

- After the match, Ryker stands over Metalik and Elias joins him, taunting Metalik as the music hits.

- The announcers send us to a video package on last night's first-ever Firefly Inferno Match at WWE TLC, which saw Randy Orton defeat "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt. We see Orton walking backstage now and he's smiling. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Randy Orton to the ring. Orton smiles and stares straight ahead as he marches to the ring.

Orton enters the ring and poses in the corner as most fans boo him. Orton does his signature pose as more pyro goes off from above. Orton takes the mic and goes on about being sick and twisted and deranged, and demented, and at TLC he proved he is each and every one of those things when he burned "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt alive. Other normal people may have an issue when they set a man on fire but The Fiend is no man and Orton is not normal. He enjoyed every second as he stood by and watched The Fiend burn. The boos get louder. Orton kneels down in the middle of the ring and says this is exactly where it happened. He can see it and smell it if he closes his eyes. Orton says the stench of burning flesh lingers.

Orton says he didn't sleep last night because the voices in his head he's grown accustomed to, which also enabled him to rest peacefully at night, those voices were gone. They don't exist in his head after last night and the only ting he hears in his head right now is The Fiend gasping for his last breath as the fire grew hotter, as the flames grew higher. Orton declares that The Fiend is gone and The Fiend is no more, and Orton is the evil son of a b---h that took him out. The boos get louder.

The lights suddenly start going out in the arena. Orton rolls out of the ring as the arena goes black. A reddish purple light comes on in the ring and there's some fog. Alexa Bliss is there, swinging on a swing set. There are some other toys there. Bliss asks Orton if he was expecting someone else. She says "He" built this for her, and we'll just call it Alexa's Playground. Bliss tells Orton to come in the ring. She says he's probably worrying where "He" is now. "He" could be at a tanning salon because "He" was looking kind of pale, or "He" could be at the beach but she hopes "He" doesn't get sunburned. "He" could be at his favorite restaurant eating his favorite food... BBQ. She laughs some more.

Bliss says Orton is right - it was right here in the ring, where you can smell his burning flesh. She says it's almost like The Fiend was absorbed into the mat. She goes on and says "He" is home, but if "He" ever leaves home, "He" might come to Alexa's Playground and if so, it'll be unlike anything we've ever seen before. The lights go down again and the arena is black as Bliss stares at Orton. The lights come back up and the announcers are playing up the seriousness of the situation. Bliss and Orton are gone.

- The announcers again show us how Charlotte Flair and Asuka won tag team gold from Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler at WWE TLC on Sunday.

Charlotte Flair and Asuka vs. Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans

We go back to the ring and out first comes WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Charlotte Flair for this non-title match. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Flair's partner is out with her, RAW Women's Champion Asuka. Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans are in the back now. Sarah Schreiber approaches them for comments and they're ready to take out the trash. Royce makes it known that she got them this title shot by challenging Flair. It seems Royce and Evans aren't on the same page. Evans' music hits and they head to the ring together. Royce and Asuka start things off. Asuka drops Royce with a shoulder. They tangle and Royce rolls Asuka for a 2 count as Evans tags in.

Asuka goes right for the Asuka Lock on Royce but Evans saves Royce. Asuka goes at it with Evans now and Evans sweeps her from the apron. Evans launches herself in but Asuka drops her. We see Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler watching backstage. Royce comes back in and takes Asuka down for a 2 count. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and the challengers are in control. Royce and Evans end up arguing on the apron. Royce goes back in to keep Asuka down but Asuka fights back. Asuka with a big German suplex. Flair tags in and unloads on Royce, then Evans as she runs in. Flair kips back up and yells out. Flair chops away on Royce now.

Royce looks to turn it around but Flair catches Royce with a backbreaker, then levels her with a big boot. Flair goes for the Figure Four but has to stop when Evans runs in. Flair drops Evans. We see Jax and Baszler watching again in the back. Royce takes Flair's knee out and goes for the single Crab. Evans knocks Asuka off the apron, and again. Royce keeps the submission on Flair. Asuka tricks Evans and runs in to break the submission with a kick to Royce.

Asuka goes back to the floor and takes out Evans. Flair turns it back around on Royce in the middle of the ring. Royce counters with a roll-up for 2. Flair takes Royce back down and applies the Figure Four. Flair bridges into the Figure Eight for the win.

Winners: Charlotte Flair and Asuka

- After the bell, Jax and Baszler are shown backstage again, annoyed by the champs. Flair and Asuka stand tall together.

- We see Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and Keith Lee backstage warming up for the main event. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video on how Titus O'Neil recently teamed up with other locals to give a new car to a local middle school employee. Byron says Titus and his friends have given 5 new cars to families in need. The announcers give him props for how he helps the community.

- We see what happened earlier tonight on MizTV. The Miz and John Morrison are backstage now. Miz is on the phone with someone now, trying to get his Money In the Bank title shot reinstated because it was Morrison who cashed in at TLC. AJ Styles and Omos walk up. AJ tells Miz to hang up the phone because they have a match. Miz keeps talking and AJ hangs it up for him. AJ walks off as Miz complains about how much that phone call was.

Holiday Street Fight: Drew McIntyre, Sheamus and Keith Lee vs. AJ Styles, The Miz and John Morrison

We go back to the ring for tonight's Holiday Street Fight main event as WWE Champion Drew McIntyre makes his way out. Drew jabs the sword down as the pyro goes off. He then marches to the ring and gets more pyro. Out next comes Sheamus. We see a table set up at ringside with Santa Claus hats, cookies and milk. There are also several Christmas trees and wrapped presents around the ringside area. Sheamus poses in the corner as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and announced for RAW Talk is Charlotte Flair, Ricochet, Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin. Sheamus and McIntyre wait in the ring now as Keith Lee makes his way out. Out next comes The Miz and John Morrison. AJ Styles is out next with Omos. Morrison starts off with Sheamus. They lock up and Morrison gets the upperhand with forearms. Sheamus drops Morrison and clubs him. Morrison with kicks and a takedown. Morrison with a leg submission, allowing Miz to tag in and take over.

Miz traps Sheamus in the ropes, allowing Morrison to land a cheap shot as the referee is distracted. AJ tags in but Sheamus blocks him in the corner and beats him around the ring. Sheamus drops AJ with a clothesline. Morrison tags in and unloads on Sheamus in the corner now as Miz holds him. Sheamus fights back and clotheslines Morrison as AJ regroups on the outside. Sheamus drags Morrison over and in comes McIntyre for the quick double team. Drew takes Morrison to the corner and chops him down.

Drew stomps on Morrison but he goes down and kicks Drew's knee out. Morrison with more kicks now, taking Drew to the corner. Morrison focuses on the knee and takes Drew down with a Dragonscrew. Drew drops Morrison with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt. Drew holds Morrison and tags in Lee for the double suplex, tossing him across the ring. Morrison lands hard. Lee works on Morrison's arm now. Sheamus tags in and they drop Morrison with a double shoulder. Lee directs Sheamus and they take out Miz as he charges, then AJ. Lee and Sheamus get on the same page now. They smack each other on the back a few times but it gets heated. Lee with big chops to the chest as the tension grows. Drew gets in between them and tries to keep it friendly and on the same page. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sheamus has AJ grounded in the middle of the ring by his arm. AJ fights up and out with strikes. AJ charges but Sheamus drops him with an elbow. Sheamus brings Miz in over the top rope. Drew joins in on the brawl. Drew and Sheamus send Miz and Morrison to the apron, then hit double 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Lee sends them both into the barrier. Miz and Morrison also get sent into the floor and at a Christmas tree. Sheamus grounds AJ again and unloads on him while he's down. Sheamus drops knees and keeps AJ down with a knee to the neck.

Miz and Morrison return to the apron now. A present is tossed into the ring but Sheamus keeps going on AJ. Sheamus sends AJ to the corner but misses a shoulder thrust. Miz tags in and unloads now. Morrison also gets involved. The the three babyfaces send Miz and AJ back out as Sheamus takes back over on Morrison. Sheamus with the Celtic Cross. Sheamus goes to the top. Morrison tires to run interference but he gets dropped. Morrison runs to the top as AJ distracts Sheamus. Morrison shoves Sheamus from the top, down through a table at ringside. Sheamus lands hard.

Morrison brings Sheamus back into the ring and rocks him with a forearm for a 2 count. Miz and Morrison double team Sheamus now. Miz stops Sheamus from tagging out. Miz drops Sheamus with a DDT for another close 2 count. AJ tags back in and stomps away on Sheamus. Sheamus fights AJ off but AJ hits an enziguri. AJ then knocks Lee off the apron with a cheap shot. Sheamus drops AJ with White Noise as he turns around. Miz and Drew tag in at the same time and they go at it. Drew unloads and drops Miz, then tosses Morrison as he runs in. Drew tosses Miz and kips up for a pop.

Drew with a big Alabama Slam to Morrison, slamming him on top of Miz while he's down. Miz blocks the Futureshock DDT and kicks Drew's knee. Drew catches Miz as he charges, hitting a Spinebuster for a 2 count as AJ breaks it up just in time. Lee drops AJ with a big Pounce. Morrison drops Lee with a springboard kick. Sheamus with the Irish Curse backbreaker to Morrison. Miz sends Sheamus to the floor. Drew sends Miz to the floor. AJ brings a candy cane kendo stick in and unloads on Drew with it, focusing on his hurt knee.

Drew has AJ on the floor now and ends up launching him into a Christmas tree. Drew lifts AJ and powerbombs him through a table with eggnog and cookies on it. Sheamus beats Morrison around the ringside area with the candy cane kendo stick. Drew has Miz back in the ring now. Drew waits for Miz to recover for the Claymore but Sheamus tags himself in. Drew is annoyed. Sheamus readies for a Brogue Kick but Lee tags himself in. Sheamus isn't happy. Morrison gets knocked into the arms of Omos at ringside. Omos slams Morrison through the table at ringside. Lee goes on and hits Miz with a Spirit Bomb in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: Keith Lee, Drew McIntyre and Sheamus

- After the bell, the winners stand tall in the middle of the ring but Sheamus drops Lee with a Brogue Kick. Drew yells at Sheamus in his face and they have words. The post-TLC edition of RAW goes off the air with Sheamus and McIntyre arguing in the middle of the ring.