View Full Version : Mick Foley Announces He Tested Positive For Covid-19

01-03-2021, 01:00 AM
WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley has tested positive for Covid-19 after holding a virtual autograph signing on December 12th.

Foley posted a message on social media to discuss his situation. Foley says there were only two people in the room with him for the signing. They both wore masks, but he took his off so he could better interact with fans. One of the two people in the room with him for the signing later tested positive for the virus.

As of January 1st, he has been isolated in a hotel room for 18 days. He has experienced various symptoms, including body aches, loss of smell and fatigue. However, the worst part for him was being away from his family for Christmas and New Year’s.

Mick Foley has been outspoken on social media about the need for people to wear masks and protect others. He understands the irony that he got Covid-19 by taking his mask off. He said, “I did my best” but quickly corrected himself by adding, “Well, I could have done better.”

Foley has cut back on his schedule dramatically this year, but is still working remotely. He thought that would keep him safe, but unfortunately one ‘exception’ was all it took to be exposed.

SEScoops wishes Mick Foley a full and speedy recovery.

You can read Mick Foley’s message about contracting Covid-19 below:

I tested positive for COVID following a December virtual signing, and have been isolating in a hotel room for the past 18 days.

Please continue to take this virus seriously – mask up, social distance, look out for one another.

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy new year.

— Mick Foley (@RealMickFoley) January 2, 2021