View Full Version : Nikki Cross Cuts Promo On Her Current Position In WWE (Video)

01-21-2021, 10:47 PM
While Nikki Cross is a former two times women’s tag team champion, the female star hasn’t been featured much on WWE programming since her partnership with Alexa Bliss ended.

The former NXT star recently vented about her current position in WWE and she cut a promo about her struggles in a video posted on her Twitter account.

Cross told the interviewer who tried to talk to her that he will not get the fake smile from her because she is angry and annoyed at not having any momentum heading into the Royal Rumble PPV:

“I’m angry and I’m annoyed and I don’t want to talk about new year’s resolutions or feign happiness. The Royal Rumble is right around the corner and I have zero momentum going into it! I have no momentum to even want to!”

Nikki Cross then explained that the only thing that is stopping her from getting angry is focusing on the ring before saying that one day people will realize her potential and the reason behind the success she has achieved so far:

“I swore that I wasn’t going to be like my mom and dad; struggling and working so hard and working 60-hour shifts, night shifts, just tryin’ to keep our bellies full. I swore that wouldn’t to be me. It’s not going to be me. It’s not. Because there is a reason why I was the first-ever Scottish woman to be signed by WWE!

It may not be now, it may not even be in the near future, but one day, you’re all going to realize what exactly it is about me that got me to this point. So let me finish with this. I’m gonna be around in this industry for a very long time and I’m gonna go down as one of the best. And I am so done and I am so finished with not realizing that myself!”

Nikki Cross made her main roster debut back in 2018 and she started teaming with Alexa Bliss in May 2019. Though this team disbanded last year and the female star was drafted to Raw from SmackDown.