View Full Version : Former WWE Writer On Vince McMahon: The ‘Mad Genius’ Still Exists

03-11-2021, 07:34 PM
WWE chairman Vince McMahon is often targeted by the fans for incoherent WWE storylines. He is frequently called out for having lost his touch. Former WWE writer Brian Gewirtz was recently interviewed by Comicbook to discuss Young Rock (NBC) and more.

During the interview, Gewirtz spoke about Vince McMahon’s casting in the show. When discussing fan perception of Vince McMahon being out of touch, he told a story of how presented the Nexus storyline to the boss in 2010.

“I would say to anyone…the snarky ones who sit back and go, ‘the old man’s lost it,’ or ‘he’s not attached,’ or what have you, I would say you don’t mean Vince. I think the best example is us sitting around the room one day and then, almost at the top of his head, he pitches the entire Nexus angles — if you recall from 2010 when all the NXT guys turned on [John] Cena and stripped the ring.”

Gewirtz continued by sharing the reaction of the creative team to the idea. Everyone at the meeting was shocked and thought it was an amazing concept. Although McMahon may keep up with many social trends, the ‘mad genius’ that he’s famous for still exists.

“It was very, very highly buzzed about. It just seemed like maybe the idea did percolate in his head, but he verbalized it for the first time in the meeting. We were all looking at each other like, ‘wow, that was absolutely amazing.’ He might not be up on the latest social trends or whatever, but the mad genius still exists and probably always will.”

The Nexus storyline saw the 8 rookies from season one of NXT rebelling against the WWE management. Their goal was to secure WWE contracts for its members. The group’s 14- month run saw many ups and downs. However, the faction created a lot of buzz during its existence.