View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - April 13th, 2021

04-14-2021, 12:45 AM

WWE NXT LIVE Coverage - 13th Apr, 2021
Location: Capitol Wrestling Centre
Announcers: Wade Barrett, Beth Phoenix, and Vic Joseph.

NXT Men's Champion Karrion Kross and his muse Scarlett make their way to the ring.

Karrion is given the mic. He says I told you. Time always comes full circle. It was a matter of time that I would be standing in this ring, my ring with this title, my title, as the NXT Champion. As for Mr. Balor, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest to step in this ring of all time. Everywhere he has gone, championships have followed. Unfortunately Finn thought that his emotions would be a weakness. Balor didn't understand that anything can be a driving force if you control it. I control everything. Understand this. Now that time has allowed the course to correct itself, I am in command of NXT until I say so. When you are at the top, there is nowhere else to go but down. That is a complete and total lie. No one will outwrestle men and NXT has the hungriest guys and girls on this planet.

I'm starvin' and I am insatiable. This is how it is going to go. You want this, step up and roll the dice and I will roll off all of your heads. I don't care who you are or where you have been, what you feel you are entitled to, or how many zeros are on your check, I will take care of you until there are none left. No matter where the time is told, in the end, everyone pays the toll.

We take a look at highlights from Takeover.

NXT Men's Tag Team Championship
Wes Lee and Nash Carter (c's) vs Killian Dain and Drake Maverick

Dain and Carter start things off and Carter with a kick to the leg. Dain blocks a kick and gets Carter down with a waist lock and he gets a near fall. Dain with a suplex for a near fall. Maverick tags in and Drake trips Carter and Dain with an elbow drop to the back and Maverick gets a near fall. Carter with a jaw breaker and Lee tags in and Lee stomps on Maverick's back when Lee leap frogs Maverick. Maverick with a drop kick to the knee and then he sends Lee into the turnbuckles. Maverick misses a splash into the corner and Drake with a knee and somersault senton for a near fall.

Carter tags in and hits a bronco buster. Carter gets a near fall. Carter with a boot to the chest and he tags in Lee. Lee with a knee to the midsection and Carter tags back in. They go for a double belly-to-back suplex but Maverick lands on his feet and Dain tags in. Dain is sent to the floor and Lee goes for a suicide dive but Dain sends Lee into the apron and then Dain with a running cross body on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Drake keeps Lee from making the tag but Lee kicks Drake and tags in Carter. Maverick with punches but Carter with knees and a running kick to Maverick. Carter kicks Dain off the apron and then Carter hits a wheelbarrow German suplex. Lee tags in and Carter with a splash but Dain breaks up the cover and he tags in. Lee and Carter with punches and kicks to Dain. Carter with a double stomp to the back. Lee tags in and Dain misses a shoulder in the corner. Lee and Carter with double kicks to Dain and Lee with a twisting splash for a near fall. Carter tags in and Dain pushes Carter into Lee. Carter goes for a sunset flip and Lee goes for a kick but Dain bocks it and Dain catches Lee and Dain drops down on Carter for a near fall.

Maverick with a satellite DDT on Cater. Dain with an Irish whip and elbow followed by a splash from Maverick. Dain and Maverick with kicks. Dain with a power bomb and Dain tries to power bomb Maverick onto Lee but Carter pushes Lee out of the way. Dain sends Carter away and Lee kicks Dain to teh floor. Maverick with an inside cradle for a near fall. Lee tags in and they hit the blockbuster and spinebuster combination for the three count.

Winners: Wes Lee and Nash Carter

After the match
Alexander Wolfe makes his way to the ring and he talks to Dain and that allows Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel to attack Dain from behind. Aichner with a choke slam and Barthel with a kick.

Robert Stone is in the back with Aliyah and he talks about getting another tag title match for Jessi and Aliyah. Mercedes Martinez wants her money and she chokes Aliyah but Jessi comes to make the save. Mercedes asks if Jessi wants to step up to her and Jessi says she wants to step on Mercedes.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Roderick Strong and Marina Shafir arriving at the building.

We take a look back at the Unsanctioned Match between Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly with a video package.

We see Adam Cole being stretchered out of the building while Kyle collapses as he makes it to the back. We see footage of both men being wheeled into the local medical facility together. Cole tells Kyle that he is dead and that he is finished.

Mercedes Martinez vs Jessi Kamea (with Aliyah and Robert Stone)

Kamea attacks Martinez before the bell and follows with a drop kick and she kicks Martinez in the corner. Kamea chokes Martinez in the ropes. Kamea with a biel and splash into the corner. Kamea sends Martinez into the turnbuckles and she kicks Mercedes. Kamea with a springboard elbow drop. Martinez moves out of the corner and then Kamea misses a splash. Martinez with a running knee to Kamea and Martinez with an Air Raid Crash Driver for the three count.

Winner: Mercedes Martinez

After the match
Martinez goes after Stone and she grabs Stone and he gives her the money that she is owed. Martinez says congratulations Raquel, but here is a warning. I am coming for you.

We go to McKenzie Mitchell in the back with The Way. She asks them about the eight person tag match. Johnny says this is CooCoo Bananas. This is all because of William Regal. This is the first time they are in the ring together. Austin says tonight he gets his revenge on Dexter Lumis. Candice says they are going to get revenge on Shotzi and Ember for last week. Indi says that she wants to get into the ring with Dexter to take care of her business. They do their Whoa Bundy and Austin goes the wrong way.

Santos Excobar walks in the back with Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Isaiah Scott in the studio. He says he had the starmaking performance in the Gauntlet Elliminator. He proved that he is a star and he is just different. He eliminated Cameron Grimes and former North American Champion Leon Ruff. Tonight, it is time for me to move on but I cannot do it until I am done with you Leon. After tonight, Swerve and Leon are done.

Santos Escobar says a year ago this was the title of a forgotten division, but no more. Legado del Fantasma was created and the side show became prime time. The Emperor of Lucha Libre stole the show at Stand and Deliver. Santos Escobar is The UNDISPUTED Cruiserweight Champion. Just like his father was and his son will be. We are warriors and we don't back down. We always fight. That is why I am going to lay out an open challenge . . .

KUSHIDA makes his way to the ring.

NXT Cruiserweight Championship
KUSHIDA vs Santos Escobar (with Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza)

KUSHIDA with a drop kick before the bell rings and Escobar goes to floor.

The match starts and KUSHIDA with a leg sweep for a near fall. Escobar with a leg sweep for a near fall. Escobar misses a drop kick and KUSHIDA goes for the hoverboard lock and Escobar goes to the ropes. KUSHIDA works on the arm and Escobar goes to the floor. KUSHIDA with a leg sweep to Escobar on the apron. KUSHIDA with an arm bar. KUSHIDA continues to work on the arm and has Escobar in a hammer lock against the ropes. KUSHIDA is sent to the apron and Escobar drop kicks KUSHIDA off the apron. Escobar sends KUSHIDA Into the plexiglass a few times. Escobar returns to the ring and he breaks the count.

Escobar goes back to the floor and he sends KUSHDA into the ring and applies a bow and arrow around the ring post. Escobar with a slam and he gets a near fall. Escobar pushes KUSHIDA to the apron and he rolls to the floor. Escobar stomps on the hand. Escobar sends KUSHIDA into the plexiglass and then back into the ring. Escobar with a running clothesline into the corner and he kicks KUSHIDA to the floor. Escobar swings KUSHIDA's head into the ring steps. Escobar with a Liontamer around the ring post.

Escobar kicks KUSHIDA in the head and hits a drop kick for a near fall. Escobar with a seated abdominal stretch with forearms to the chest. Escobar with kicks to the chest. Escobar with a chop and a running double knee strike into the corner. Escobar puts KUSHIDA on the turnbuckles and sets for a Frakensteiner and hits it for a near fall. Escobar with a surfboard to KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA with elbows and chops. Escobar with a drop kick to KUSHIDA. Escobar sets for the Phantom Driver but KUSHIDA with elbows. KUSHIDA with a reverse atomic drop and hip toss followed by a cartwheel and drop kick. KUSHIDA with a punch and kick to the arm.

KUSHIDA with a front face lock and hammer lock but Escobar escapes. KUSHIDA with a shotei to Escobar and he puts Escober on the turnbuckles but KUSHIDA is sent to the mat. KUSHIDA with a kick to the arm and he sets for a hammerlock superplex and he hits a hammer lock Northern Lights suplex and Escobar gets his foot on the ropes to stop the count. KUSHIDA goes for the hoverboard lock and Escobar with an enzugiiri. KUSHIDA with a pele kick. KUSHIDA with forearms and a kick to the ribs. Both men with kicks to the ribs. KUSHIDA goes for a handspring move and Escobar with a lungblower. KUSHIDA with a sunset flip to counter the Phantom Driver. After a series of rollups, KUSHIDA gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: KUSHIDA (new champion)

After the match
Escobar yells at the referee about what happened.

Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa are in the back. The Dusty Classic tested our strength as a team. WALTER tested our loyalty. We have passed every test. We come out on the other side stronger as a unit against a new NXT. A new landscape. Timothy Thatcher mentions new champion and tag team champions. What path do we choose? We will finish what we start. Ciampa says they are coming for MSK and leave.

Raquel Gonzalez walks in the back with Dakota Kai.

We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal congratulates KUSHIDA On his victory. Jordan Devlin is also there to congratulate KUSHIDA. He says that KUSHIDA Is the man since he won. Who did he ever beat? Just because he climbed up a ladder faster doesn't mean he is a better wrestler. Devlin says the travel Gods are smiling on you because I will be going home but I will be back for the title.

Dakota Kai is in the ring and she introduces the new NXT Women's Champion Raquel Gonzalez.

Raquel says a year and a half ago it was the biggest night of her career. She was supposed to have her first match on the first live episode. I was not ready. I busted my ass to train harder and a year and a half later, I stand here as your NXT Women's Champion. The one person who recognized my dedication was Dakota Kai. Without Dakota, I don't debut and we don't become the first NXT Women's Tag Champion, and I don't stand here as your NXT Women's Champion.

Dakota says for 14 months, we dominated the best women's division in the world. Raquel says all of the respect to Io Shirai. She was a great champion, but the Raquel Gonzalez Era has officially begun.

The lights go down and Franky Monet comes to the ring with her dog.

Monet congratulates Raquel and she says she is here to formally introduce herself to you and the world. She says she is Franky Monet. Now the best division on this planet has gotten a little shinier and a whole lot better. Since you are at the top of my division, you'll be seeing a whole lot more of me.

Raquel says Franky is lucky she is in a good mood tonight. If you interrupt me again, I will shove this little poochie up your grill.

Franky says she will see Raquel every single Tuesday.

Raw Women's Champion Rhea Ripley's music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

Rhea stands face to face with Raquel and they tap belts and hug.

Smackdown Women's Champion Bianca Belair's music plays and she makes her way to the ring.

Bianca stands between Rhea and Raquel and they look at a photo of the three of them and they hold up their title belts.

They all hug and are happy for each other's accomplishments.

Pete Dunne is in the back and he says he outwrestled KUSHIDA at Takeover. He proved that he is the best technical wrestler in WWE. He says if anyone wants to prove him wrong, I dare you. I came back for championship gold.

We go to commercial.

We are back and William Regal talks about how it took a lot of time but the Warrior of the Sun Sarray has signed with NXT. He says she is something very special and she will take it to a different level. WIth the success of Asuka, Kairi Sane, and Io Shirai the women's division will only get better with the arrival of Sarray.

She will debut next week.

McKenzie asks William Regal about Sarray's debut next week. Regal says he is happy that she will finally be here. He says he has some business to attend to.

Roderick Strong and Marina Shafir are in Regal's office and Strong hands Regal an envelope and he says he is done.

Regal says he cannot say there were times that were trying dealing with the UE, but he is welcome back any time.

Leon Ruff vs Isaiah Scott

Ruff has some words for Scott and Ruff with forearms. Scott pushes Ruff away and Ruff with a double leg take down and punches. Scott sends Ruff into the air and face first to the mat. Ruff with a kick to send Scott to the mat shoulder first. Scott is sent to the apron and Ruff with divorce court off the apron to the floor. Ruff with an elbow and Scott sends Ruff to the apron. Scott with a chop and Ruff goes down. Scott with a slam and he goes to the turnbuckles for a European uppercut to the back for a near fall. Ruff lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and Ruff with a drop kick. Ruff with a running forearm. Ruff with a stomp to the back of the head.

Ruff with a forearm and he is sent to the apron. Ruff springboards around Scott but Scott with a side Russian leg sweep off the ropes. Scott with a kick to the head on the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Scott with a head lock and he sends Ruff into the turnbuckles and follows with a chop. Scott with another chop and he has some words for Ruff. Scott with another chop but Ruff chops back and Ruff with a clothesline. Ruff with another clothesline. Ruff with a side head lock and he goes off the turnbuckles and Scott goes for an arm bar. Ruff stomps on the elbow and hits a springboard cutter out of the corner. Ruff with a double jump somersault senton onto Scott on the floor.

Ruff goes up top again and hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Scott goes up top and Ruff with an enzuigiri to Scott's arm. Ruff goes up top and hits a Frankensteiner. Ruff gets a near fall. Ruff with punches and forearms. Scott with an uppercut and Ruff sends Scott into the turnbuckles and follows with a rebound clothesline. Scott with a clothesline and Ruff with a head scissors for a near fall. Scott sends Ruff into the turnbuckles and Scott with the JML Driver for the three count.

Winner: Isaiah Scott

Zoey Stark is asked how does she feel about wrestling on Takeover. Zoey says she was struggling four months ago in Las Vegas. She fought hard to get here and she had her biggest match at the biggest show. She faced a top star in Toni Storm. Now she is setting her sights on the title.

Mercedes Martinez says that McKenzie is interviewing the wrong person. She is the one who is next for the title, not some rookie.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package for Imperium. WALTER says he has been the most dominant champion for the last two years. Tommaso Ciampa was a worthy opponent but the result was the same. Imperium will grow and Imperium will expand. We are here to stay. You will see what we mean when we say the mat is sacred.

Isaiah Scott is asked if it is over with Leon Ruff. Scott says he made a statement.

Leon Ruff attacks Scott and he pushes a storage case into Scott's head. Ruff says it is not over until he says it is over. Officials check on Scott and tell Ruff to leave.

Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon, Bronson Reed, and Dexter Lumis vs Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Indi Hartwell, and Austin Theory

Lumis and Theory start things off and Theory runs Lumis into the corner and connects with shoulders. Lumis with a Thesz Press and punches. Indi wants to tag in and Candice intercepts. Moon drop kicks LeRae and Shotzi tags in. Shotzi trips Candice and Ember with a kick and Shotzi with a back senton for a near fall. Ember tags in and Gargano pulls Candice aside. Shotzi, Ember, and Bronson pinball Gargano. Lumis tags in and Lumis blocks a punch and punches Garagano. Gargano with a forearm and Lumis with a pop up punch. Lumis punches Theory off the apron.

Indi is about to do something icky with Lumis but Candice pulls her off the apron. Gargano with a forearm and kicks to Lumis. Theory tags in and he punches Lumis and sends him into the turnbuckles. Theory with a suplex and he poses. Theory gets a near fall. Theory with a rear chin lock. Theory with a knee to the midsection followed by a back breaker. Theory with a reverse chin lock. Lumis gets Theory down and Reed tags in and Reed with clotheslines and a body block. Reed with a body block to Gargano and then Reed with a splash to Gargano and Theory. Reed puts Gargano on the turnbuckles and he gets Theory on his shoulders and then Johnny falls onto Theory and Reed hits a double Samoan drop and LeRae and Indi break up the cover.

Shotzi and Ember go after Candice and Indi. Hartwell with a spinebuster to Moon. Candice kicks Shotzi. Candice goes up top and tries for a cross body onto Reed but she bounces off Reed. Theory drop kicks Reed and then Lumis with a spinebuster to Theory. Moon with a suicide dive to Gargano. Candice with a suicide dive to Lumis but Lumis catches Candice and Candice with a DDT. Reed and Shotzi are in the ring and Reed presses Shotzi and press slams her onto everyone. Lumis with a sit out side slam into Silence on Gargano. Indi wants to kick Dexter but she cannot and she lays down.

Dexter releases the hold and he checks on Indi to see if she is conscious. Theory keeps Dexter from kissing his 'sister'. Indi sends Theory over the top rope to the floor and Indi is down on the apron again. Dexter carries Indi to the back. Indi gives a thumbs up as she goes to the back. Theory with a shoulder and Reed with a forearm when Theory goes for a rolling move. Moon gets onto Reed's shoulders and she hits Eclipse on Theory and Candice sends Moon to the floor. Reed goes up top but Gargano crotches Reed. Gargano punches Reed on the turnbuckles and then he goes for a superplex but Reed drops Gargano onto Theory and Theory flops like a fish at the end of Epic.

Shotzi gets Candice on her shoulders and she drops Candice onto Shotzi. Reed with a splash for the three count.

Winners: Dexter Lumis, Shotzi Blackheart, Ember Moon, and Bronson Reed

We go to credits.

04-14-2021, 12:47 AM

Tonight on NXT on Tuesdays!

What better way to ring in NXT on Tuesday nights than with the new NXT Women's Champion?

The NXT Universe will hear from Raquel González on NXT on its new night this Tuesday at 8/7 C on USA Network.

"Big Mami Cool" rose to the occasion in the biggest moment of her career, dethroning former champion Io Shirai at NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver after an unforgettable battle.

Now that González has solidified her place atop NXT, what will be her first move as champion?

04-14-2021, 01:04 AM
Cool opening to NXT

04-14-2021, 02:27 AM
Ripley and Belair on NXT :)

04-14-2021, 02:49 AM

Roderick Strong and his wife Marina Shafir were shown backstage during NXT this week, and Strong had an envelope in his hand. He ended up handing that envelope off to William Regal which included his resignation papers.

04-14-2021, 02:53 AM
Triple H with all the new Women's Champions.


04-14-2021, 03:07 AM
Not a bad show.