View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - May 28th, 2021

05-27-2021, 06:27 PM

AEW Dynamite

It’s “Friday” Night DYNAMITE, and the last stop before DOUBLE OR NOTHING on Sunday! TNT Champion Miro defends his title for the first time against Top Flight's Dante Martin. The Inner Circle celebrates their best moments before their Stadium Stampede battle with The Pinnacle. Scorpio Sky and Ethan page take on The Dark Order's Evil Uno and Stu Grayson. The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes and The Factory's Anthony Ogogo weigh in ahead of their match at DOUBLE OR NOTHING. AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida, the longest reigning champion in company history, is honored. Darby Allin returns to action for the first time since losing the TNT Championship to face Cezar Bononi. Orange Cassidy responds to AEW World Champion Kenny Omega’s offer to step aside at DOUBLE OR NOTHING. Also, The Bad Boy Joey Janela is back to take on Hangman Page.


– The "go-home" show for this Sunday's Double Or Nothing pay-per-view kicks off with the usual video opening sequence that starts the program every week.

– From there, we shoot inside Daily's Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida, where Jim Ross does a modified version of his "you know what that means" catchphrase, with Friday obviously replacing Wednesday in the opening line.

Darby Allin (w/ Sting) vs. Cezar Bononi (w/ Ryan Nemeth)

After that, we immediately head down to the squared circle where we hear "The Dapper Yapper" Justin Roberts formally introduce former TNT Champion Darby Allin. Allin makes his way down to the ring accompanied by "The Icon" Sting for this week's opening match.

With Allin now settled in the ring and "The Icon" at ringside, and his opponent -- Cezar Bononi (with Ryan Nemeth at ringside in his corner) -- already waiting for him, the bell sounds and we're off-and-running with our first bout of the evening.

Allin jumps off to an early offensive lead, using his speed and quickness to get in the first handful of shots and attacks on his much larger opposition. Bononi then takes over and uses his strength advantage to dominate the action for a minute or two before Allin makes a comeback, capped off by his Coffin Drop off the top-rope for the pin fall victory in what was a quick opening contest.

Winner: Darby Allin

– Once the match wraps up, Allin jumps on the microphone as his theme music cuts off. He essentially calls out "All Ego" Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, noting he and Sting aren't going to wait to get attacked from behind once again before their big showdown at this Sunday night's PPV.

This brings out Sky and Page, who cut a quick response promo before we see "The Icon" and the former TNT Champion attacked from behind by the opponents earlier in the opening match, as well as others, until finally Page and Sky join in on the beatdown.

We see a steel chair brought into the mix as they look to take out Allin's leg with vicious intentions until several members of The Dark Order hit the ring to make the save, chasing off Page, Sky and the rest of the heels who were involved in the Darby Allin and Sting post-match ambush.

– Paul Wight out to host the weigh-in between Anthony Ogogo and Cody Rhodes before their Double or Nothing match. Wight says he’ll be out here to make sure it’s a serious weigh-in, he then introduces Anthony Ogogo. Ogogo comes out with QT Marshall, Aaron Solow, Nick Comoroto, and another individual. Marshall on the mic, crowd boos, Marshall says they shouldn’t boo Wight! Wight tells QT to shut up and keep it moving. Wight then introduces Cody Rhodes who comes out with a bunch of Nightmare Factory students, Red Velvet, Lee Johnson, Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes, and others.

Wight calms both sides and asks them to save it for the PPV. Cody goes first and weighs-in at 218. Fireworks going off in the background on the beach because its Memorial Day Weekend. Crowd with a “USA” chant as Ogogo gets ready to find out his official weight is 219. Marshall cuts off Wight and says he’s heavier and already has the victory in his hands. Ogogo and Cody get up on the top ropes with Cody getting bigger pops. Rhodes lunges at QT Marshall and sends the group out of the ring. Cody takes the mic and thanks Wight for hosting and tells the fans he’ll see them at the PPV.

– Video package hypes the upcoming Stadium Stampede Match between The Pinnacle and Inner Circle. If Inner Circle loses, they have to disband. We see clips from the first match when The Elite defeated Inner Circle.

– Backstage, Powerhouse Hobb and Christian Cage are battling back and forth. Cage gets send into some equipment, but then launches Hobbs into a fence. He then smacks Hobbs in the midsection with some backstage equipment and spears him into boxes. A bunch of people separate the two.

Hangman Page vs. Joey Janela

Taz joins commentary to get another look at Page before his match against Brian Cage at the PPV. Page with a shoulder block, side headlock, but Janela able to get to the rope to break that up. Janela with a shot in the corner, but Page returns the favor with some chops of his own. Page with a suplex, cover, two. He ends up tosses Janela out to the floor, Page goes out, Janela to the apron, leaps, and is caught in midair. Page with a fallaway slam on the floor, then tosses his opponent in the ring.

Back and forth action that leads to the two on the apron. Page looks a move, but takes a few punches to the back. Page with a springboard clothesline that sends Janela back to the floor, he then hits a splash down to the floor. Page looks to be bleeding a bit from the mouth. Page thinking buckshot lariat, Janela blocks it, but ends up taking a modified spinebuster, cover, two.

Janela with a slick snap suplex that sent Page into the bottom turnbuckle. Janela hits an elbow drop from the top rope, cover, two. Page with a rolling elbow, another one, pop-up powerbomb, Page then blasts Janela with a buckshot lariat. Page’s forehead got busted open somewhere near the end of the match.

Winner: Hangman Page

– Post-match, Taz gets on a mic and introduces Brian Cage. Cage comes out to the ring. Page jumps on the mic, tells Taz to shut up. He says they’ve done the same thing month after month with Team Taz jumping him from behind. Page says he expects that from Taz, but not Cage. Page doesn’t think Cage needs those guys to fight. Page says to leave “these assh****” out of it and fight him like a man at the PPV. Cage agrees to a one-on-one match.

– Outside, Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley have The Young Bucks’ sneakers that they stole and said it’s time to get serious! Cut to an abrupt commercial. We’re back, Moxley says he would go to war with Kingston, and at the PPV, it will be a war. Moxley says he needs those tag belts! Moxley admits The Young Bucks might be a well oiled machine, but he wants those titles! Kingston says it’s going to happen because Young Bucks are going to quit, they’ve already quit on the people. Kingston says the pressure is coming on Sunday.

– Tony Schiavone in the ring to talk with Orange Cassidy about if he will defer his title shot or not. Instead, PAC walks out to the ring and boots Tony. PAC wants to let everyone know that Cassidy is irrelevant, and only PAC will be relevant when he beats Omega. PAC says Omega has only been ducking and dodging his whole title reign and it’s been pathetic. He calls out Omega. Don Callis up on the big screen, he calls PAC a dangerous person and they want nothing to do with him! Omega tries to sneak attack from behind, but PAC catches him and hits a hard single leg dropkick. The Good Brothers run out and swing away on PAC. The Lucha Bros run out to help make the save for PAC. Good Brothers bail, leaving Kenny still in the ring. Omega looks for the one winged angel as Cassidy’s music hits. Out he strolls with Best Friends and Kris Statlander. Orange goes to the ring on his own and rolls in. He has a note for Kenny and hands it over. “Freshly Squeezed!” chant from the crowd. Omega thinks it’s the contract he gave Cassidy, but it’s all shredded up. Cassidy then drops Omega. Cassidy goes for the title, PAC stops him and they brawl until Cassidy cracks him with an Orange Punch. He then puts his shades on, picks up the title, and gives his signature thumbs up while his music plays on.

– Jade Cargill goes to talk with Tony Schiavone, but gets interrupted by Matt Hardy about wanting her to join the group. Mark Sterling jumps in and says he’s already been selected by Cargill. He tells Hardy if he keeps bothering her, he’s going to slap him with a restraining order. Sterling notes his payment style is way different than Hardy as he only gets paid if she wins. Hardy is not happy at all and heads off.

Jade Cargill with Mark Sterling vs. KiLynn King

Cargill able to work over her opponent, catching her in midair and curling King a few times. She steps on her opponent and taunts the crowd some more. She continues to put King down, kip up, more taunting, but King lands a few shots. Cargil then launches King out to the floor. Sterling offers up his card for her, but she takes a swing at him. Back in the ring, King takes a swing and ends up getting Cargill’s finisher (Jaded), cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Jade Cargill

– Backstage, Jake Roberts says Dante Martin will be a great champion if he can actually win the title, but Lance Archer cuts him off. He doesn’t want Martin, he wants Miro at the PPV and is looking to take that title.

AEW TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Dante Martin

Miro is not in a good mood and throws some big shots at Martin. He then lands a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd with a “Miro is gonna kill you” chant. Miro fakes a kick, smiles a bit, and ends up eating a jawbreaker. Miro with a judo throw, looks for a splash, but nobody home. Martin with a flurry of moves, shotgun dropkick, cover, one-count. Martin knocked down to the apron, Miro with a huge suplex as he brings Martin back in the ring. Miro with a big leaping kick and then locks in game over for the tap out.

Winner: Miro

– Jake Roberts and Lance Archer head out to the ramp. Roberts says Archer is focused and ready for the champ. He says on Sunday, Miro’s fairy tale comes to an end. He tells Miro to “shut the f up.” Miro gets on the mic and says Robert needs to shut up and stop holding back Archer. Roberts finally tells Archer to go get him. Archer runs out and nearly hits a chokeslam on him. He gets in a punch and a kick, that sends Miro out to the floor. A bunch of referees gets in the way to keep them separated. Roberts cackles in the background.

– Tony Schiavone introduces AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida as they honor her year-long reign. She also received the new Women’s Championship which has some added bling to it. Shida then takes the mic and says when she won the title, there were no fans in attendance, but tonight they are back! She says the title is for all the fans…just as Britt Baker’s music hits. Baker makes her way out to the stage and says she made a mistake earlier when she spoke with Jim Ross. She had previously said she was the face of the women’s division, but when she wins the tile she’ll be the face of a whole new era. That previous era was all about 3:16, this one will be D.M.D.

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky vs. Stu Grayson and Evil Uno

Sky and Uno get things started with Sky showing lots of disrespect to Uno. Crowd breaks out with an “Evil Uno!” chant. Multiple tags from both teams and the Dark Order members look to gain control of the match. Grayson and Uno with a side suplex/elbow drop combo. Grayson with a senton over the top rope, on Page, and down to the floor. Sky then sweeps out the legs of Grayson and he falls hard to the apron. Grayson back in the ring, Sky with a springboard cutter after he tags in. We head to commercial.

We are back and Grayson with a uranage, he gets the tag to Evil Uno, who nails a hurancanrana to Page. Flatliner to Sky. Page goes for a kick. Uno catches it and hands the leg to Bryce Remsburg. Uno then hits a neckbreaker. Uno tags in Grayson and they hit their cannonball, top rope splash for 2 on Page. Uno tags in. Page immediately catches him in the Ego's Edge for the pin while Sky keeps Grayson ay bay with a heel hook.

Winners: Ethan Page and Darby Allin

Here comes Darby Allin with a whole lot of guys dressed as Sting. Most of them get beaten quickly until the real Sting emerges. Page and Sky run off.

– The announcers run down the Double or Nothing card. Next week's Dynamite will be also be on Friday at 10 PM

– Eric Bischoff comes out as he is the host of tonight's Inner Circle Celebration. He reminds us that we're 25 years and 1 day removed from Scott Hall's arrival on Nitro, giving birth to the greatest faction of all time. He introduces the group he says could give them a run for their money. No way Jacksonville isn't doing a HUGE singalong for "Judas". Jericho thanks Eric Bischoff for everything he did for his career. We get a highlight package of the history of the Inner Circle. Good to see Santana back after his incarceration (special thanks to our own Mike Johnson for bailing him out in time to get the interview). Santana almost seems to be giving a farewell speech (remember, they must break up should they lose at Double or Nothing), as is Hager. Sammy Guevara even gives an "if we lose" scenario. I'm really thinking they might split these guys up. Jericho tells his men that he loves them. MJF and Wardlow appear at the stadium, having beaten up Dean Malenko. The Inner Cicle run out to save him but get jumped by the rest of the Pinnacle. Proud and Powerful get piledriven through tables. The Pinnacle pose as we go to credits.