View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - June 11th, 2021

06-11-2021, 04:46 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week on Friday Night DYNAMITE, we will hear from The Pinnacle for the first time since DOUBLE OR NOTHING. AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks team up with Brandon Cutler to take on Eddie Kingston and Death Triangle's PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo. Sting & Darby Allin respond to the challenge from Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky. Dark Order's Evil Uno challenges TNT Champion Miro for the title. Hangman Page and Dark Order's 10 battle Team Taz's Brian Cage and Powerhouse Hobbs. Christian Cage returns to action to face The Hybrid2's Angélico, with Matt Hardy in his corner. Plus, Cody Rhodes will make a special announcement with Tony Schiavone.


– This week's show kicks off with a shot of The Pinnacle arriving in a limo at Dynamite tonight for their first appearance since suffering the loss to The Inner Circle in the Stadium Stampede 2 match at the Double Or Nothing pay-per-view.

– The weekly intro video package airs and then we shoot inside Daily's Place as fireworks and pyro erupt and Jim Ross does his catchphrase. Tony Schiavone and Excalibur check in on commentary and then they send things right down to the ring.

– We see "Big Money" Matt Hardy standing in the ring with a microphone while Angelico and his normal tag-team partner standing by his side. He claims he has taught Angelico everything he knows and he will help keep his promise to end the career of "Captain Charisma."

Angelico vs. Christian Cage

Christian Cage's theme plays while highlights from AEW Dark are shown to catch fans up on the latest ongoing in the Hardy-Christian feud.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with our first bout of the evening. The fans chant "Christian! Christian!" as he and Angelico lock up. Angelico goes behind him and isolates his arm but Christian reverses. Angelico reverses it back. Christian frees himself and starts taking it to Angelico as the commentators talk up the legendary career of the wrestling veteran.

Angelico starts to shift the offensive momentum in his favor now, as he begins taking it to Christian. He is focusing a lot of his attack on the arm of Christian. "Captain Charisma" teases a comeback, but Angelico cuts it short and widens the offensive gap, pulling into a comfortable lead in this opening contest as the fans try and rally Christian back into the action.

The fans do, in fact, give some fire to Christian, who starts landing shots on Angelico. He appeared to be taking over however Angelico was having none of that, as he again cuts his offensive attempts short. He controls Christian on the mat with some jiu-jitsu submission work, as narrated by Excalibur.

We see Angelico continue to control the action as he takes Christian to the top-rope. Once settled on the top, however, Christian reverses with a nice DDT and now he begins making a real offensive comeback, taking it to the TH2 member and "Big Money" Matt Hardy stable-mate to the roaring approval of the AEW fans inside their home base of Daily's Place.

Christian yanks Angelico throat-first over the ropes from the floor. He heads to the top-rope and re-enters the ring by coming off the top with a diving headbutt for a close near fall. We see some immediate replays of this action as the fans again try and rally behind Christian, only for Angelico to turn the cheers to boos by flipping the script on the future Hall of Fame legend.

Now Christian ends up getting an inside cradle near fall attempt out of nowhere, and while it was close, Angelico does hang on. Afterwards, Angelico slows Christian down by getting back into the fight. The fans chant "Let's go Christian!" as he begins exchanging shots with Angelico. He drops him with a headbutt and now both guys use the ropes in the corner to pull themselves up.

Angelico charges at Christian, but Christian moves and counters him. He hops on the middle rope and comes flying off with a big shot that turns Angelico inside-out. Christian then hooks his Killswitch finisher, locking eyes with Hardy before executing it and then scoring the pin fall victory.

Winner: Christian Cage

– Once the match wraps up, we see Angelico's tag-team partner hit the ring, only for Christian to get the better of him as well.

The distraction, however, does allow Matt Hardy to attack from behind. "Big Money" Matt Hardy hits another Twist of Fate cheap shot on Christian. He goes for a second one, but Jungle Boy runs out from the back to make the save in the ring, chasing the heels off to the back and helping Christian up. We go to break.

– We return from the break and Tony Schiavone announces the upcoming AEW debut of Brock Anderson, the son of "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson, and then he introduces Cody Rhodes, Arn Anderson and Brock Anderson.

Cody's theme hits, fireworks and pyro explodes inside Daily's Place and out through the entrance tunnel emerges "The American Nightmare" himself. Out next is Brock Anderson, who he walks up and shakes hands with. "Double A" comes out and the three head down to the ring to join Schiavone.

Finally, the music fades down and Schiavone mentions that Brock Anderson's AEW debut will take place next week. He then tells Cody that this is a big moment. Cody agrees and talks about his level of excitement for Brock Anderson in AEW.

He then shifts gears and talks about needing some revenge of his own, mentioning the loss to Anthony Ogogo on last week's show. Before he can continue, out comes QT Marshall who questions what Cody just said. He said he pinned Cody in the ring by himself, just like he's coming out and down to the ring -- by himself.

The fans chant "You suck! You suck!" as he continues to talk, taunting Brock Anderson and asking him if he wants pyro for his entrance, too. He says maybe AEW should just lower him from the ceiling and do it up big for him. He tells him to shut up because he's holding the mic.

Marshall talks about fans being what matters. Not the "IWC" fans but the actual paying customers. He says when the show goes on the road again next week he is going to whip Cody's ass. He says literally. He challenges him to a strap match. Cody says they can do it right now and takes his belt off.

QT exits the ring and pretends to head to the back, only to re-enter the ring and blast Arn Anderson with a cheap shot with his own belt. The commentators confirm Cody Rhodes & Brock Anderson vs. QT Marshall & Anthony Ogogo in a Strap Match for next week's show.

AEW Trios Match: PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Eddie Kingston vs. The Young Bucks & Brandon Cutler

Now we switch gears and head back down to ringside as The Lucha Bros theme hits and out comes two members of Death Triangle -- PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo.

They settle in the ring and their music fades down, and then the familiar sounds of Eddie Kingston's theme hits as he emerges from the entrance tunnel. He heads down to the ring as a split-screen interview from earlier today airs with Kingston talking about this match while standing by PAC and Penta.

With the three members of the babyface team now in the ring together, the music of the AEW World Tag-Team Champions hits and out comes The Young Bucks -- Nick and Matt Jackson -- along with their tag-team partner for this AEW Trios match, Brandon Cutler. Don Callis makes his way over and joins J.R., Schiavone and Excalibur for special guest commentary for this bout.

It will be PAC and Jackson kicking things off for their respective teams. Jackson teases tagging in Cutler to start the match off instead, but turns and tries hitting PAC with a cheap shot. PAC saw it coming, however, and blasts Jackson and begins going to work on him. Jackson immediately tries tagging out, but Cutler tries avoiding the tag at first until the Bucks make him accept it.

Cutler finally takes the tag and comes in and is immediately turned into prey for PAC. "The Bastard" goes to work on Cutler and then heads over to his corner to tag out. He pauses briefly and blatantly decides against tagging in Kingston, instead tagging in Penta. The masked man hits the ring and brings some energy from the crowd as he goes to work on Cutler.

We get another tag, but all hell breaks loose and everyone ends up in the ring together until a couple of the guys splinter out to the floor. We see action all over the place as the commentators talk us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the match continues.

We're back from the break now and we are informed by the commentators that The Young Bucks and Brandon Cutler have been dominating the action in a complete one-sided fashion throughout the break. We see PAC take out Cutler in the ring and tag in Eddie Kingston. Kingston hits the ring like a mad-man, taking out any-and-everything that moves as the fans cheer him on.

Kingston tags in Penta, who comes flying off the ropes with a big cross-body. He then blasts a Buck with a super kick and hits the other with a Destroyer that looked awesome. He hits the ropes but Cutler yanks him down from the floor by tripping him up. Jackson tries to capitalize but Penta avoids it, takes Cutler out of the equation for the time being and goes back to work on Jackson.

Penta now tags in PAC as J.R. mentions that time is about to become an issue, with Excalibur explaining that we have hit the ten minute mark in this match, which has a 20-minute time limit. All hell breaks loose with bodies coming in and out of the ring left and right, whether legally in the match or not. PAC seemed to sit on the top-rope waiting for what seemed like forever. Penta hits a big spot flying out to the floor and then PAC finally comes off the top with a 450 splash.

He hooks in his featured submission hold as Jackson tries kicking him off. Kingston pleads for teamwork with PAC and the two hit dueling dives from the ring to the floor, taking out Cutler and Jackson. PAC rolls back in the ring but is rolled up by Jackson, who holds the tights of PAC but still only gets a two-count. The Young Bucks set up PAC for a double kick and then they tag in Cutler, who leap-frogs off the ropes only for PAC to move. Kingston levels Cutler and PAC covers him for the win.

Winners: PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Eddie Kingston

– Once the match wraps up, we see the heel trio immediately jump on the babyface trio for a post-match attack. This leads to The Good Brothers hitting the ring to help and the numbers game plays into the favorite of the heels.

Frankie Kazarian hits the ring to make the save, clearing it of The Elite members and standing tall with the Death Triangle duo and Eddie Kingston. We cut to break.

– We're back from the break and we immediately hear the theme song of The Pinnacle. MJF leads his faction, which includes Shawn Spears, Wardlow and FTR, down to the ring.

The Pinnacle speaks for the first time since suffering their loss to The Inner Circle in the Stadium Stampede 2 showdown at the recent Double Or Nothing pay-per-view.

FTR start things off by talking about how Stadium Stampede isn't their kind of match. They talk about Santana and Ortiz losing their edge, but they claim they have not. They say they're happy being a footnote in someone else's legacy.

Shawn Spears takes his turn on the microphone now as the fans try and cut him off with "Inner Circle! Inner Circle!" chants. "The Chairman of AEW" dresses down Sammy Guevara, calling him a glorified "Indy darling" who thinks doing high-flying flippy-moves is cool.

Wardlow speaks now, claiming Jake Hager is obsessed in him. He feels that is because Hager has realized everytime they lock horns, he brings out the best of Hager. He addresses Hager challenging him to a MMA fight. He says that's because Hager doesn't wanna step in Wardlow's world. He says in one week he will prove that no matter where they fight they are in Wardlow's world. He says he accepts Hager's challenge.

Now, MJF gets his turn. He says he is tired. He claims everyone says he needs to do this and that but he is well-aware that he is already the best. He talks about growing up idolizing Chris Jericho. He mentions reading all of his books and watching all of his matches. He brings up the AEW Rally in Jacksonville years ago. He talks about seeing his idol Chris Jericho walk past him. He says his heart was racing then because he realized he was going to get to work with him and team with him. He says then he realized something, he idolized a false God. He says he realized he's like everyone else -- not even remotely on his level. He claims he has nothing to prove to him or the fans. He says his match request is denied.

He says then there is Sammy Guevara. He calls him a chicken sh*t with the same speaking skills as Hellen Keller. He warns him to keep his name out of his mouth because he's better than him and he knows it.

As he wraps up, we hear Chris Jericho's voice in the distance and then "Le Champion" appears on the big screen holding Floyd the baseball bat as he stands outside somewhere, seemingly outside of Daily's Place based out the background scenery in his camera shot. He tells him he knows what happens when he doesn't accept his challenges. He tells him he can think about that when he is walking home tonight. The camera pans over to show The Inner Circle with bats and sledgehammers beating the crap out of The Pinnacle's limo.

We go to commercial.

– When we return from the break, Excalibur sends us to Darby Allin and Sting, who are standing by with their response to last week's challenge from Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page.

Darby Allin talks to the camera as Sting looks at him. Darby tells Sky and Page he is not going to replace "The Icon," and that he wants a handicap match -- two against one -- Sky and Page against himself.

Sting tries interjecting but Darby tells him to just stay home one night. Sting says he will. He tells Darby to pound it. Darby is hesitant, thinking Sting is only saying he's not gonna show up. Finally Sting convinces him, they pound it and "The Icon" walks off.

TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Evil Uno

A special vignette airs showing Evil Uno of The Dark Order talking about being under the wing of the late Jon Huber, aka Mr. Brodie Lee, and vowing to make him proud of him. He says Miro is going to find out just how devious he can be.

The Dark Order theme hits inside Daily's Place as we return live and out comes Evil Uno accompanied by the rest of The Dark Order. "The Dapper Yapper" Justin Roberts begins the formal introductions for the challenger as the fans erupt in Jacksonville.

"The Best Man" makes his way down to the ring as the commentators sing his praises and remind fans of his recent title defense against Lance Archer at Double Or Nothing.

The bell sounds and we're off-and-running with our lone title bout of the evening here on Friday Night Dynamite. These two lock up and Miro muscles Uno into the corner. They break and lock up again, and this time Miro suplexes Uno down to the mat. He scoops him up and bodyslams him and plays to the fans as they boo him.

Miro misses a big punch and Uno capitalizes by flying off the ropes and splashing onto him. The commentators talk about him doing something most cannot -- which is take the TNT Champion off of his feet. Miro ends up cutting Uno's offensive spurt short and starts dominating the action again as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as this title match continues in the ring.

When we return from the break we see Miro taunting the fans and easily controlling the action as he dominates Uno. We see Uno out of it on the floor where he was left by the TNT Champion and the referee begins counting him out. Alan Angels and John Silver come out and try and provide moral support to Uno. Miro goes out after them and they head to the back. Miro tears the turnbuckle off the top-rope in one of the corners of the ring.

Now we see Uno begin fighting back. He hits a step-up hurricanrana and then charges into the corner of the ring with a big clothesline that connects on the champion. Miro comes out of the corner with an attempted clothesline of his own but Uno avoids it and blasts Miro with a Brodie-esque big-boot. He goes to the top-rope and hits a senton for a near fall, only for Miro to kick out at the count of one.

From there, we see a ton of members from The Dark Order coming down to the ringside area, including the son of Mr. Brodie Lee. They cheer on Uno as he stomps on the hands of Miro. He blasts him with elbows and goes for the cross-body but Miro counters and rolls through for a pin attempt. Uno kicks out so hard that Miro is rammed head first into the exposed turnbuckle in the corner.

Uno goes for a cover after that, however somehow Miro hangs on. The Dark Order members get excited at ringside as Uno calls for the Discus Lariat in a tribute to Brodie Lee, only for Miro to take it and no-sell it completely, responding with a clothesline that turns Uno inside-out. He taunts The Dark Order members and stomps on Uno. He then locks in his submission finisher and cranks back. Uno taps out.

Winner: Miro

– The commentators talk about how next week's show will feature a special one-on-one sit-down interview with Jim Ross talking with the newest addition to the active talent roster in AEW -- Andrade El Idolo.

A special "Face of Latinos" vignettes airs to hype Andrade's arrival in AEW and then we see the official promotional graphic for next week's JR and Andrade sit-down discussion.

– We head back down to the ring as the theme for the AEW World Champion hits and out comes Kenny Omega, accompanied by Don Callis. The two make their way down to the ring where Tony Schiavone is standing.

Don Callis seems to excuse Schiavone, as he takes over and begins mocking Jungle Boy. He then pretends to give him some credit for winning the Casino Battle Royale, but claim they have overcome a conspiracy theory that reaches deeper than anyone can imagine.

They continue to mock Jungle Boy, with even Omega noting he knows he's supposed to put Jungle Boy over as someone who has a shot at winning the title, but claims much like the band who wrote and performed his theme song -- he is a one-hit wonder at best and has no chance against him.

As they continue talking, they are interrupted by the aforementioned catchy theme song of the Jurassic Express member as Jungle Boy makes his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and Callis and Omega amp up their energy. Omega tells Jungle Boy he's not usually the talking type but he can tell he's got something to say.

Omega warns Jungle Boy to say his piece and make it quick because he's getting a little razzled and pissed off. Jungle Boy tells Omega he talks way too much. Omega tries laughing it off, only to attempt a sneak-cheap shot, which Jungle Boy saw coming. They exchange punches until Omega rakes the eyes of Jungle Boy.

The AEW World Champion takes his sport coat off and goes to work on Jungle Boy. He whips him into the ropes but Jungle Boy reverses and counters the champ into his Snare-Trap submission. He scoots out the back door to the floor as The Young Bucks run down and hits the ring to make the save.

Jungle Boy stares Omega down from ringside as the fans humm his theme song, which begins playing again, and the commentators sell us on the legitimate chances Jungle Boy has of capturing the title from Omega when they meet.

– Mark Sterling is shown standing by Jade Cargill. He talks about monetizing her efforts and how things are going according to plan.

Jade chimes in and talks about how everyone says her catchphrase. She then closes the segment by saying it, "because she's that b*tch." We head back to another commercial break.

When we return from the break, we get a quick reaction promo segment from Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page, who laugh off Darby Allin's decision to fight them by himself in a handicap match on next week's show.

Lance Archer vs. Chandler Hopkins

From there we head down to the ring as "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer comes out accompanied by Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and he looks pissed and all business.

Archer charges down to the ring where his opponent, Chandler Hopkins, is already standing, and he immediately goes to work on him. 30 seconds or so later and Archer hits his finisher and scores the pin fall victory.

He doesn't soak in the win, instead opting to exit the ring, walk right past Jake Roberts and back through the entrance tunnel to the backstage area.

Winner: Lance Archer

– Now we hear the sounds of Nyla Rose's theme as she makes her way out accompanied by Vickie Guerrero. They settle into the ring and their music fades down.

The theme for her opponent in our next scheduled bout of the evening -- "Legit" Leyla Hirsch -- begins playing. She comes out and stops and sees a step-stool left in the aisle to mock her.

Nyla Rose vs. Leyla Hirsch

She finally hits the ring and the bell sounds. This one gets off with a bang as Hirsch goes right after Rose and gets in some good offense, surprising her bigger opponent with an onslaught coming out of the gate.

Hirsch knocks Rose to the floor and runs, diving through the ropes but getting caught by Rose and slammed down at ringside. Rose continues to blast Hirsch with follow-up shots at ringside. She misses a big one and blasts the steel ring post.

"Legit" Leyla capitalizes by locking her in an armbar but Rose hoists her up while still in the armbar and swings her, slamming her into the ringside barricade to break her grip. Rose taunts her and brings her back in the ring.

She hits a big knee drop and covers her but Hirsch kicks out. We head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as Rose goes to work on Hirsch in the ring as this match continues.

We return from the break to see Hirsch hitting a crazy suplex spot and then a running knee. She follows that up with a moonsault off the top for a near fall. Hirsch stomps away at a grounded Rose now as she sells her arm.

She looks for the armbar on Rose despite the bad arm. Rose powers her way up and muscles Hirsch up, power-bombing her down to escape the hold and shift the momentum in her favor. They end up on the top-rope together where Rose hits the Avalance Beast Bomb off the top for the pin fall victory.

Winner: Nyla Rose

– We shoot backstage to Tony Schiavone who is standing by with the AEW Women's World Champion Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. Schiavone brings up Nyla Rose ruining the championship celebration of Baker last week.

Baker delivers a message to Rose to close out the segment and then the commentators run down the lineup for next week's Friday Night Dynamite show ahead of tonight's main event, which is up next.

The commentators then switch gears and deliver one final message of hype for our headline bout for this week's show -- which will be up next after another commercial break.

Hangman Page & 10 vs. Brian Cage & Powerhouse Hobbs

We return from the break to the ring entrance of Powerhouse Hobbs and Brian Cage. The Team Taz duo settles into the ring while "The Human Suplex Machine" joins the regular commentary trio for this main event match.

Out next is 10 from The Dark Order as well as his partner for this evening, who comes out to the familiar sounds of his official entrance music -- "Hangman" Adam Page. The commentators talk about Page getting the biggest ovation from the fans at Double Or Nothing.

The bell sounds to get our final featured attraction bout underway. We see "Hangman" jump off to an early offensive lead, however "The Machine" Brian Cage uses his size and strength to begin taking over control of things. Page fights his way back into competitive form and tags in 10.

10 goes to work on Cage as the fans cheer him on, but he hits the ropes and eats a cheap-shot kick from Hobbs on the apron which shifts the momentum into the favor of the heel duo. Cage tags Hobbs in, who begins going to work on the masked Dark Order member as the fans fill the amphitheater with boos.

We see Hobbs turning up the violence level a few notches as he takes over complete control of the action. He tags "The Machine" back into the contest and the commentators lead us into our final mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break of the evening as our main event continues inside the squared circle.

When we return from the break, we see Cage taking it to 10 inside the ring. Taz on commentary informs us that Hook and Ricky Starks have joined the action by coming down to ringside to provide moral support to their fellow Team Taz members in this main event match-up. Finally Hobbs tags in just as 10 makes the much-needed tag to Page.

"Hangman" Adam Page comes in like a man possessed, taking out any-and-everything that moves. He heads to the top-rope and mixes in some high risk offense. Hobbs is the legal man now and Page is working him over but ends up getting turned inside-out by a massive cross-body from the Powerhouse.

Cage hits a 6-1-9 on 10 as they hit the ring, but Page then knocks him off the apron and decks Hobbs. He goes for the cover but the ref informs him that Hobbs' arm is under the ropes. Page tags 10 in. The fans rally behind the masked member of The Dark Order. He looks for his full nelson finisher but Hobbs backs him into his team's corner and then tags in Cage.

"The Machine" hits the ring and blasts Page with a cheap shot. He hits a big move on 10 and stalks him for a follow-up spot just as Hobbs blasts him. Cage goes for the cover but 10 hangs on. Cage tags Hobbs back in. The ref gets tied up and Ricky Starks throws in the FTW title to Cage to use. Cage throws it back to the floor.

Starks hops on the apron and slaps Cage in the face. Cage exits the ring and chases Starks to the back. Taz seems pissed at Cage on commentary for not taking the title and using it. Hobbs hits 10 with a spinebuster and goes for the cover, however "Hangman" breaks it up just in time. Hobbs knocks Page out to the floor. He picks 10 up and goes for another spinebuster on him but 10 hits a rip-code into a cutter. Page follows that up with a Buckshot Lariat and 10 makes the cover. 1-2-3.

Winners: "Hangman" Adam Page & 10