View Full Version : Vince McMahon Looking At Signing Ken Shamrock

Dangerous Incorporated
10-19-2006, 03:30 AM
Vince McMahon Looking At Signing Ken Shamrock

Vince McMahon was said to be "freaked out" after last week's "Ortiz vs. Shamrock 3" UFC special on SpikeTV drew a 3.1 overall rating and a 4.3 for the final quarter hour featuring the actual Ortiz vs. Shamrock fight. Vince went as far as to tell his writers to start coming up for ideas for Shamrock if they brought him in to WWE.

Supoosedly Paul Heyman had to explain to Vince that the UFC special's huge rating wasn't drawn just by Ken Shamrock, but that it was the whole Ortiz vs. Shamrock rivalry dating back years.

As of now, there's no word on whether the two sides are talking yet but WWE, namely Vince McMahon, is interested in the 42 year old "World's Most Dangerous Man". Shamrock is a former WWE Intercontinental champion who worked with the company during the Attitude era.

Source: Figure4 Newsletter

Black Thought
10-19-2006, 03:45 AM
whoa it would be funny to see Kenny Shamrock back in the WWE... although at least to me he was never that good of a wrestler anyway...

10-19-2006, 04:39 AM
I can actually see this happening. We have all seen how much Vince loves nostalgia and Ken is going to need the money since he retired from MMA.

10-20-2006, 04:11 AM
i doubt it

10-20-2006, 06:12 AM