View Full Version : Kenny Omega & Jim Cornette Take Shots At One Another On Twitter

07-10-2021, 06:24 PM
On Dynamite this week, a fan jumped the guardrail and was briefly on the stage area before being grabbed by security. The fan, or someone purporting to be him, then appeared on social media yesterday.

“I did this for all of us real wrestling fans, wrestling is no longer a safe space for friends to dance around and play dress up,” the fan Tweeted at Jim Cornette.

Cornette then Tweeted the following in response to the fan.

“Got news for you dipshit, the ring is sacred ground for US, and even if you and a lot of others THINK you can kick the shit out of the Young Bucks, I would have turned you into a tennis racket popsicle, & you’re lucky someone there didn’t gut you like a fish. And you’re blocked,” Cornette Tweeted.

Kenny Omega then Tweeted out some comments that many are taking as being directed at Cornette.

Is it finally time to assume some responsibility and dial the online persona back a bit? Your low IQ man children have evolved from parroting your comments to actually acting out in (attempted) violence.

— Kenny Omega (@KennyOmegamanX) July 10, 2021

Cornette then responded to Omega.

“You & I agree for the first time–this guy IS a moron, or he wouldn’t have been at a show with your phony ass on it. Two clarifications: Unlike you I’ve SEEN violence in an arena & this wasn’t it, & secondly looking at your supporters I wouldn’t toss the phrase “low IQ” around,” Cornette Tweeted.

Cornette continued:

Also, Turdblossom, I don't have an "online persona" because unlike you I'm not a complete fucking fake. If you don't like my opinion I really don't give 2 shits, but I don't have to make ANYTHING up to tell you what I think about your phony ass.

— Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette) July 10, 2021

The co-host of Jim Cornette’s podcast also responded to Omega’s comments.

Look at this clown clutching his pearls.
If Omega was a man, he's cut bait with Don Callis for the way he treated women behind the scenes in Impact. But, you know, bad things only count when they're done by people who criticize your bad in-ring emoting.

— The Great Brian Last (@GreatBrianLast) July 10, 2021