View Full Version : Recap And Review Of Eric Bischoff's Book Signing

Dangerous Incorporated
10-19-2006, 03:33 AM

Here is a review of the Eric Bischoff signing event –

The signing was set for 7pm. I arrived at 6:40 and there were exactly 28 people in line in front of me. (I counted them not because I cared, but because I was bored.) Eric showed up 10 minutes after me at 6:50 pm. He was greeted at the door by the store manager who introduced himself then rushed him to the back of the store into the bakery / coffee shop area. As he walked by the line, Eric was very friendly thanking everyone for showing up and telling them he would be right back. The store manager sat him at a table and for 10 minutes he signed a stack of books that had been brought over to him. His wife was with him, and one of the guys in line in front of me said, “Wow, for her age she is really hot!”, that’s when the guy he is with corrected him and said, “For any age she is really hot!”. For the record, I agree with the 2nd guy. Mrs. Bischoff is hot, period.

Anyway, Eric came back over to the front of the store where there were now 33 people in line. (Simple math, 28 in front of me, only 2 behind me.) Signing started right on time at 7pm. Eric took his time and talked with everyone, he took pictures, signed whatever you wanted him to sign. By time I got to where I was next in line it was 7:25pm. So he was really taking his time with each person, which was nice. The time went by pretty quick though, since I was close enough to Eric that I could hear him talking to everyone. In 25 minutes of talking, there really weren’t any “gems”. Lots of questions about whether he would be back on RAW, to which he answered “You never say never, but there are no plans in the works right now”. (I will recap the rest of what I heard in the next paragraph)

When I got to Eric I asked him if he saw himself getting involved in wrestling anywhere again full time, or was he mostly retired and working on Socko energy and other investments. He answered saying that “retirement is too boring” and he didn’t see himself ever “just not doing anything”. He said that Socko was doing great and asked if I had tried it. I admitted that I hadn’t and that I wasn’t a fan of other energy drinks I had tried. He asked me if I would try it once and just see if it was different. He recommended trying regular Socko first, then if I like it but want less calories that they now have Socko Slim. I thanked him for his time and wished him the best of luck. He thanked me and reminded me to give Socko a try and read his newest blog as I walked away. I have been a fan since I was 9 years old. In that 23 years, I have never gone out of my way to meet any of the “Superstars”. I ran into Test once when he was doing the ribbon cutting (I swear its true) at a ToysR’Us here back in 1999 or 2000. I was there to buy a gift for friends kid, I didn’t have a camera or anything to be signed so I just said “Hello”. It was rather awkward. Since then I just stay away. However, this time I thought it would be kind of cool to just shake Eric's hand and chat with him for a moment. It went as well as I hoped it could, and for that I give the Eric Bischoff book signing “4 out of 4 paper cuts.”

Here is a Recap of the other questions and Eric’s answers that I heard while I was waiting in line –

A guy asked Eric if he would be running for city counsel in Scottsdale again. (he talked in the local media about getting involved, but I don’t remember him ever doing it.) Eric’s reply was that with all the skeletons in his closet, politics will never be his full time job.

Eric was asked if he was still under contract to WWE, his response was, “We still have things we are doing together but I am no longer the GM or employed by WWE”.

One of the more interesting things I heard was when a guy asked him if he still keeps in touch with “Billionaire Ted”. The question must have caught Eric off guard because he laughed out loud then answered, “Nope”.

Another person asked if he still watched wrestling and what he thought of it. Eric replied that he is so busy he doesn’t get to see it very often, and when he watches it he sees things that other people pay no attention to. So its not as much fun for him since he is always aware of what’s going on with production and not enjoying the show.

The best question of the night, that I heard was when one very energetic fan said – “Eric how did you work for McMahon when everyone knows you hated his guts!” Eric laughed and said “read the book!” Then he impressed me by not just brushing off the question and moving on. He said, “Everyone has or is working with someone they don’t like, but you do it because its business and financially it makes sense. You don’t have to like people to be able to work with them”.

That’s pretty much everything semi-interesting. No TNA questions, No Kurt Angle questions, both of which I was expecting. Like I said Eric was really cool to talk to and I’m glad I went.