View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - October 6th, 2021

10-06-2021, 07:59 PM

AEW Dynamite

This Wednesday night on the DYNAMITE: 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY edition, the bar will continue to be raised with another tremendously loaded event! The battle between The Elite and their foes will continue to escalate with a loaded eight-man tag that includes AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Bryan Danielson! Plus the world-traveled, and highly decorated, Bobby Fish will step through that Forbidden Door to challenge Sammy Guevara for his newly won TNT Championship! But that's not all; a new contender for the AEW World Title will be determined with the second ever Casino Ladder Match while Shida and Deeb meet for the very first time as the former AEW Women's World Champion chases her 50th victory!


– This week's show kicks off with the traditional signature opening video and then we shoot live inside the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA. where the commentators welcome us to the show as fireworks and pyro erupts.

– We then shoot inside the ring where we see all eight participants in our opening contest of this, the two-year anniversary edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT.

– "The Dapper Yapper" Justin Roberts begins by introducing Kenny Omega and The Super Kliq -- Adam Cole and The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt Jackson), and then their opponents, Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage and Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus).

The Elite vs. Bryan Danielson, Christian Cage, and Jurassic Express

Entrances were done on social media ten minutes before the show got going on TNT. Wrestlers are introduced and we get right to the action. Jungle Boy and Nick Jackson get things started. Both dodge each other’s moves until JB lands a slingshot arm drag right into a dropkick. Nick able to get away and tags in Cole. Christian tags in and swings away at Cole. JB decides to get back in there, but gets distract and Cole takes advantage. Omega tags in, springboard elbow to JB’s back. He does some taunting and Nick tags back in for the ax off the top rope. Crowd with the “Kenny No Balls” chant, thanks to Bryan Danielson’s promo from last week.

Nick tries for the top rope arm drag, JB kicks the ropes to drop him. Matt tries to get involved. JB up to the top rope, kicks Nick down and hits a flipping arm drag on Matt. Danielson tags in to a big cheer. He throws a ton of kicks to Matt’s chest. Luchasaurus tags in to a big pop, as well. He helps Danielson with a big dropkick in the corner. Chops and strikes to Matt’s midsection by Luchasaurus. Good guys knock The Elite off the apron, and then all have their turn splashing Matt in the corner. Matt with a kick to the face, JB plants him to the mat, cover, and it’s broken up.

Big brawl starts up and everyone is on the floor now. Nakazawa and Cutler with cheap shots on Christian. Young Bucks then hit IndyTaker down on the floor! Doctor Sampson is over to check on Christian. JB checks on him, but then takes a superkick to the face. Stunt over by Christian and Matt superkicks him down. Christian is taken to the back so it’s 4-on-3. Back in the ring, JB continues to get beat up by The Elite. Omega tries for a snap dragon suplex, JB able to hit a rebound lariat. Nagazawa and Cutler get to Danielson and Luchasaurus, but both get beat up. More attacks on JB until Danielson and Omega get a chance to be face-to-face in the ring. Crowd pops big. Big back and forth shot. Danileson sent to the corner, flips out of that, ducks a clothesline and lands a big boot to the face.

Running dropkick in the corner, more kicks to the chest, and he puts Omega up on the top rope for a hurricanrana. Danielson goes to the top, diving headbutt, cover, and Young Bucks break that up. Luchasaurus in the ring now, double clotheline on the brothers. Everybody landing big shots now. Tiger suplex on Omega, cover, two-count. Danielson with cattle mutilation, but Nick with a senton off the top rope down on Danielson to stop that. Luchasaurus dropping everybody in sight. He knocks all of The Elite in each corner, hits each one, but Cole hits a superkick, tries for panama sunrise, caught in midair. He grabs Omega too, then chokeslams Cole down on Omega. Ducks on the brothers and lands big kicks to both of them. He then hits a moonsault off the apron down on Cole and Omega.

JB with a strike to the outside. Danielson with a suicide dive on the Young Bucks. Omega then lands a flip to the outside on his opponents. Cole looks to fly, but stops and does “Adam Cole! Bay Bay!” He turns around into a chokeslam by Luchasaurus, standing moonsault, cover, two. “This is awesome!” from the crowd. Omega with v-trigger on JB. Ref is distracted. Cole with a lowblow on Luchasaurus. The group looks to do an assisted powerbomb on Luchsasauru and totally botch it. Omega just falls down with Luchsaurus. Whoops! JB then gets involved, takes a few strikes, panama sunrise on JB, cover, Danielson breaks up the count. He throws shots at everyone in front of him. Danielson with kicks to Omega, he gets block and triple superkick brings him down. He goes out to the floor. 4-Way BTE Trigger on JB, cover by Cole, 1-2-3.

Winners: AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, Adam Cole and The Young Bucks

– Backstage, Jon Moxley says he’s been a bit out of sorts lately, but one thing he wants to make clear. Nobody can beat him or submit him, but now they are adding ladders? He’s done ladder matches before, no big deal. He’s not worried though he has a three month old at home “and she is insane!” Moxley finishes that this is his company and that AEW World Championship is his belt.

– CM Punk heads out to the ring. He scouts for someone to catch him and does a stage dive off the ramp. “CM Punk!” rings out as he takes the mic in the ring. Punk asks if they are tired of this yet? “No!” Punk says he’s keeping this love fest going. Punk points out his Jordans, then mentions he came from humble beginnings and talked about how back in the day it was nothing but pro wrestling (whether he wrestled or trained others). He talked about Philly being a big help to him getting rich (not just money, but being rich in spirit and happy). Punk is happy to be immersed back in this wrestling community.

Punk said he wanted to give back somehow. He said he can wrestle or buy everyone cheese steak tonight. “Wrestle” chant eventually breaks out. He says a couple weeks back, Daniel Garcia tried to stop the fun for him, and if he has the stone, he’ll meet him on Rampage. The match is made official moments later via commentary. Punk then gives a kid dressed as Orange Cassidy his Jordans and says something to him. The kid gives a signature Cassidy “thumbs up” to the camera.

– Arn Anderson is outside Cody Rhodes’ house, talking to himself in front of a burning barrel. Anderson says Rhodes has gone too Hollywood these days. Cody comes down and talks with Arn. “You snuck into my house? What are ya gonna do, shoot me?” Cody says. Cody realizes Arn is burning one of his expensive suits! Arn tells him to give him his tie, this extra stuff isn’t needed. Cody tells him the doesn’t need to throw that away. Arn slaps him in the face and responds “you threw us away!” Cody lets go and the tie burns.

– Video package introducing Bobby Fish.

– Backstage, Sammy Guevara says he’s champ now, just like he said he would be. He then gives his buddy, Fuego del Sol, a new truck. Sol immediately offers it up for a title shot. They laugh, and he tells Sammy good luck.

AEW TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Bobby Fish

Both trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Guevara flips over Fish a couple times, single-leg dropkick, kip-up. Guevara with a shoulder thrust in the corner, enziguri from the apron. Guevara with a springboard, but Fish kicks the legs and Guevara has a tough fall to the mat. Fish stays on him, slingshot senton, cover, two. Guevara with a kick to the back, Fish is right up and throws some shots. Guevara tries to fight back but takes a big back elbow.

Guevara with knees up to slow down Fish after getting beat up for a while. Guevara drops his opponent with a couple punches. Guevara with a standing spanish fly on Fish. “Let’s go Sammy!” chant breaks out. Guevara slowly makes his way up to the top rope, Fish kicks out the legs again. He goes up to the top hits a super falcon arrow, pin attempt, two-count. Guevara is down, Fish tries for a kick, Guevara ducks it, GTH hits, 1-2-3.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– Post-match, American Top Team and Scorpio Sky make their way through the crowd and to the ring. They surround Guevara, Sky with a shot from behind. Junior Dos Santos with some ground and pound on Guevara. Fuego runs out to help, but he quickly taken down. Crowd booing all of this. Chris Jericho’s music hits. He and Jake Hager run out and punches are thrown to clear out ATT. Lambert on the mic, he says that’s enough of this stupid song. The music cuts, but the crowd continues to sing on and on. Lamber tries to drown them out, but no luck.

Lambert just getting booed out of the building. He says Rampage is headed to Miami soon. 6-man tag match Inner Circle (Guevara, Jericho, and Hage) vs. Men of the Year and Junior dos Santos with Jorge Masvidal as their body guard. Jericho says he didn’t hear a thing Lambert just says. He says they will beat the s*** out of him and his dips*** team.

– Backstage, The Acclaimed hanging out. Max Caster does a rap. It’s going to be these two taking on AEW World Tag Team Champions Lucha Brothers on Friday’s Rampage.

– In the ring, Tony Schiavone announced the AEW TBS Championship is coming to the women’s division. The inaugural champion will be decided via a tournament. Dynamite is moving from TNT to TBS on January 5.

– Jim Ross talks with Darby Allin, says he saw what happened between him and MJF last week, and MJF was a total ass. Ross says tonight’s opponent for Allin is a bigger challenge to deal with. Ross brings up Allin painting his face. Allin says he wanted to explain more about that night when his uncle drank and drive, and passed away that night. Allin was in the car with him. Allin says he feels half alive since that day, he trusts people only 50%, he should have died that die. Allin says everyone expected him to pop MJF last week, but he wasn’t about that. MJF has yet to meet someone like Darby Allin, and find out very soon what he’s all about.

Darby Allin with Sting vs. Nick Comoroto with QT Marshall

Allin does his entrance, goes to the top rope and just flips down on Comoroto. They head into the ring, Allin ducks a strike, coffin splash, running elbow in the corner. Allin with some more strikes and goes for an over-the-top stunner. Comoroto catches him and reverses into a powerslam. Allin able to work his way back into the match, over-the-top stunner hits this time. Allin with a coffin drop to Comoroto’s back. Cover, and that will end the match.

Winner: Darby Allin

– Post-match, Marshall with a diamond cutter on Sting. He gets right back up! Sting with a lowblow and a scorpion deathdrop.

– Backstage, Dark Order looks to be buddies again.

– In the ring, Tony talks with Dante Martin. Crowd with a “Dante Martin” chant! He says for the past couple of months he proven he’s a problem with a lot of people in the back. He’s here to fight anyone they can bring to him! Lights out. Malakai Black is standing behind him with his freaky mask on. Black removes it, black mist, wheel kick, and down goes Martin. Lights out. Lights on. Martin is gone, but Black stands there still. He takes the mic. “The House of Black…accepts.” Martin is down and out on the floor.

– In the ring, FTW Champion Ricky Starks, who talks about the history of the FTW. He says Taz had the mindset to be this champion, and he has the same mindset, as well. Starks says he wanted to talk with Brian Cage, but he isn’t here. Starks says he was ready to not only wrestle, but challenge him to a Philly Street Fight. Cage runs out from the back and swings away on Starks. Powerhouse Hobb and Hook yank Starks out of the ring to safety.

– Reactions from Thunder Rosa, Skye Blue, Ruby Soho, and Jade Cargill about the AEW TBS Title and upcoming tournament. It sounds like all four are in it.

Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb

If Shida wins, she’ll be the first woman to 50 wins in AEW. Back-and-forth action that spills out of the ring. Shida with a running knee to the head of Deeb while she lays on the apron. Chair gets set up. Shida goes to launch off it, but Deeb gets to it first and throws the chair back under the ring. Deeb heads back into the ring, Shida follows and takes a neckbreaker over the ropes. Shida battling back with big shots, spinning front face lock and Deeb gets dropped to the mat.

Shida heads to the top, missile dropkick lands, cover, 1-2-no. Octopus hold by Deeb, looks to drop Shida, no, Shida with an enziguri, Deeb ducks it and goes right into a pin. Shida with a running knee strike and Deeb flops out to the floor. Shida then flies down from the second floor, taking out Deeb. She sends Deeb back into the ring and as Shida gets back in, chop block by Deeb, dragon leg screw, cover, two. Deeb really working the leg now.

Shida with a rising knee strike. Shida lifts Deeb, she counters out. Deeb tries for another chop block, not this time. Shida lifts and drivers Deeb down to the mat. Running elbow strike, falcon arrow, cover, two. Shida with knees to the head/neck, but Deeb block it, eye rake and hits an inverted dragon screw. Deeb hits detox, cover, two-count. Deebs throws Shida’s knee into the mat a bunch of times, serenity lock applied, she pulls back and Shida taps out!

Winner: Serena Deeb

– Post-match, Deeb takes the trophy meant for Shida and cracks it over Shida’s head, then throws it down on the mat. The trophy breaks in half. Crowd boos her meanness.

– Backstage, Alex Marvez talks with Darby Allin. He says congrats about the win, but MJF asked Tony Khan for a match against him on next Wednesday’s show. Allin says of course! A limo suddenly pulls up and Allin gets ready for him. A masked man smacks Allin with a chair from behind. It looked like Spears as he chuckles away. Some other masked men come out of the limo and beat him up. They lawn dart him into a stop sign. It’s clearly The Pinnacle now as Wardlow F-5’s Allin on a steel guardrail. It looks like MJF strolls out and chokes Allin his own skateboard. The group then makes their way back to the limo and Allin is down and out.

– Friday’s Rampage:

* CM Punk vs. Daniel Garcia
* Jade Cargill vs. Skye Blue
* Ricky Starks (c) vs. Brian Cage (Philly Street Fight for the FTW Championship)
* Lucha Brothers (c) vs. The Acclaimed (AEW World Tag Team Championship)

– Backstage, Lio Rush talks to Dante Martin, says he’s a huge fan. He’s not sure if Martin knows him, but he’s a businessman. He wants to talk business. He sees Martin is an undervalued commodity. Rush says if Martin takes this challenge from Malakai Black, he’s gonna need some guidance. He’s gonna have is people call Martin and they’ll talk soon.

– Backstage, Tony talks with AEW Women’s World Champion Britt Baker (with Jamie Hayter and Rebel) about the upcoming TBS Title. Baker is happy because others in division can have fun fighting in their little tournament while she watches from the top.

Casino Ladder Match: Jon Moxley vs. PAC vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Lance Archer vs. Matt Hardy vs. "Hangman" Adam Page

Winner receives a future AEW World Title Match. PAC and Cassidy get things started. As per the rules, the match can end at any time. Cassidy doing his usual hi-jinx with PAC, who doesn’t seem impressed. Cassidy rolls out to the floor and back in the ring, PAC follows and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. PAC tries to slide a ladder in the ring, Cassidy pushes it back out. PAC gets in the ring, stops Cassidy from putting his hands in his pockets and gives him a brainbuster.

Andrade makes his way out next. He tries to put a ladder in the ring, PAC dropkicks it back to him. He puts the ladder up, Andrade springboards from the ropes on the ladder. He then hits a sunset powerbomb off the ladder on PAC! Rather than going for the chip, he decides to go after PAC some more. Cassidy rolls in, hands in pockets, “hard” kicks. Andrade goes to do the same and chops Cassidy instead. Cassidy able to drop both PAC and Andrade. Matt Hardy joins the match. Cassidy looks for orange punch, Hard with side effect. He gets a ladder and heads up towards the chip. Cassidy slows him down.

Lance Archer joins the fight and puts everybody down. He sets up a ladder, and for some reason decides to go out and get a second ladder, bridging it between the first and the ropes. Cassidy ends up going crashing through that. Jon Moxley makes his way into the match. Moxley and Archer battle away, Moxley throws a chair at Archer and he gets it sent right back to him. Commentary says Allin wasn’t cleared for action for next week’s match against MJF and an update will be provided on Rampage.

Cassidy with a couple orange punches on Archer, he tries to climb up Archer to get the chip. Moxley in the ring, x-plex hits on Cassidy. He then shotgun dropkicks the ladder into Archer. Hangman Page is the joker! Crowd pop big and people are standing and yelling “Cowboy s***!” Page sends Moxley out of the ring, he low bridges Archer, fallaway slam on Cassidy sending him to the ladder. He clears out Andrade and splashes down on Hardy. PAC with a chair from behind and takes down Page.

PAC sets up a very tall ladder, and looks to do some damage with a table set up below him. Andrade tries to stop him, PAC headbutts him down through a table and to the floor. Page climbs up the ladder and hits dead eye (sorta) through the table. Moxley back in the ring and hits Page with paradigm shift (crowd kind of boos that). Moxley and Cassidy climb the ring, Moxley bits him, Archer shoves over the ladder. Hardy puts Cassidy on a table out on the floor, leg drop off the ladder! Back in the ring, Moxley slowly climbs up the ladder, but Archer says no way.

Page with a buckshot lariat on Archer to clear him out of the ring. Page climbs up the ladder and Moxley cracks him with a chair across the back. Moxley starts climbing on the other side of the ladder. Page trying to keep him down and throw punches. Moxley finally drops down, Page climbs the ladder and takes the chip for the win!

Winner: Hangman Page

– Post-match, Page celebrates on the ladder, then gets a beer and drinks it down. Page to talk during the first commercial break of Rhodes to the Top. The crowd cheers Page on as he continues to drink to close the show.
