View Full Version : AEW Rampage Live Coverage - October 8th, 2021

10-08-2021, 02:41 PM

AEW Rampage

This week on Rampage: CM Punk faces Daniel Garcia & AEW World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros vs The Acclaimed


– Commentators Excalibur, Chris Jericho and Taz welcome fans to Rampage! We kick things off with CM Punk and Daniel Garcia.

– They turn it over to Mark Henry, who is standing by for his traditional pre-main event split-screen interview, however this time for the opening bout this week.

Team 2point0 and Daniel Garcia explain why they decided to attack CM Punk in his hometown of Chicago.

Henry then asks what his approach for his match against Garcia tonight is. He says he wouldn't of been fans of these fake Nasty Boys as a kid. He says luckily he won't judge Garcia off of that, but instead his wrestling skills. He vows to make them pay for attacking him in Chicago.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Garcia (w/2point0)

CM Punk locks in an intimidating stare towards Daniel Garcia just as he steps into the ring. Both men use a Greco-Roman lockup. Punk drives Garcia into the mat. Once Garcia bridges down, his shoulders get pinned down twice. He breaks out each time. Punk keeps the match slow and tamed. He locks in a heel hook, which Garcia escapes out of by grabbing the bottom rope. Garcia drives Punk into the corner and lands a heavy chop. Punk returns with a hard slap, followed by a body slam. Another one follows. Garcia escapes a third one. Punk eats a back elbow. Punk looks for a GTS, 2point0 pull Garcia out of the ring. They slam Punk’s leg into the ring post and continue doing so during the picture-in-picture break.

Garcia applies a kneebar on Punk’s injured leg. He throws him back into the ring and continues working the injury. We head back to full screen.

After the quick break, Garcia connects a wicked headbutt while locking Punk’s leg in. Garcia hooks Punk’s leg for one. Punk fires back some shots but gets locked back up again. Garcia eats a right hand. Garcia chop blocks Punk back down on the canvas. Garcia misses a dropkick in the corner. Punk falls away in time. Punk shoots a rising knee strike. Both men trade blows. Punk hits a Mongolian Chop and then a roundhouse. Punk hooks the leg. Garcia kicks out. Punk rolls through with a neckbreaker and a rising knee strike in the corner. Garcia claps back with an Olympic Slam for another near-fall.

Punk drags Garcia back to the center for a Pepsi Twist, which leads to another near-fall. Garcia steps over with a sharpshooter. Punk rolls through, shoving Garcia into 2point0 on the outside. Punk soars off the ring post with a crossbody! Back in the ring, Punk springboards in with a clothesline. Punk is lock and loaded and hits a devastating Gotch Style Piledriver. Punk floats over and puts Garcia in the Anaconda Vice! With nowhere to go, Garcia rightfully taps. Punk is victorious!

Winner: CM Punk

– Backstage, Tony Schiavone is standing by with Lio Rush, Dante Martin and Matt Sydal. Sydal isn’t on board with Rush working with Martin. Rush proposes a match to Sydal: A singles bout with CM Punk. Sydal is on board and we’ll see that match on next week’s Rampage.

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Brothers (c) (w/Alex Abrahantes) vs. The Acclaimed

The Acclaimed take the fight to The Lucha Brothers just as they make their way towards the ring. Rey Fenix shoves Anthony Bowens off with a jawbreaker. Penta El Zero M and Fenix join forces with double superkicks. Bowens whacks Fenix with his boombox just as Fenix dives to the outside. Penta swings and misses Max Caster. Caster sends Penta to the mat with a suplex. Cover. Penta kicks out. The Acclaimed take turns on their offense before Bowens locks Penta in for a pin. Another kick out.

Penta rocks Caster with a DDT. He makes a tag to Fenix. Bowens eats a big boot and rolling cutter for two. Fenix gets caught after a handspring but recovers quickly to send The Acclaimed back on the mat with a double cutter. Bowens rakes Fenix’s eyes. Penta comes off the top with a double stomp to Bowen’s family jewels. The Lucha Brothers reign victorious after an assisted Pentagon and Fenix piledriver. The Lucha Brothers retain their titles!

Winners: The Lucha Brothers

– We look back at “Hangman” Adam Page’s successful return and victory in the Casino Ladder Match. He will be next in line to Kenny Omega’s AEW World Championship.

– Coming back from the break, we revisit the announcement about the TBS Women’s Championship. Two potential challengers for this future title are up next!

Jade Cargill (w/Smart Mark Sterling) vs. Skye Blue

Skye Blue has a lot of moxie laying in an elbow shot on Jade Cargill. Cargill works Skye all around the mat with a powerslam and punt kick. Cargill hoists Skye up and is in the clutches of Jaded. Cargill hits her double chickenwing facebuster for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Jade Cargill

– To add insult to injury, Jade Cargill continues attacking Skye Blue. Thunder Rosa charges down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Cargill escapes and retreats to the ramp.

Next Week on Rampage:

* Matt Sydal vs. CM Punk
* Ruby Soho vs. The Bunny
* Inner Circle vs. Men of the Year & Junior Dos Santos

Then on Saturday Night Dynamite Next Week:

* Dante Martin vs. Malakai Black
* AEW World Tag Team Championship: Lucha Brothers vs. A Masked Tag Team (w/Andrade El Idolo)
* Bryan Danielson vs. Bobby Fish

And now, the main event!

FTW Championship/Philly Street Fight: Ricky Starks (c) vs. Brian Cage

We’re off to the races. Brian Cage holds the early advantage, rag dolling the champion Ricky Starks around. Cage slams a steel chair straight into Starks’ spine. On the outside, Cage throws Starks into the crowd. The fans, along with Cage, bring Starks back near the ring. Cage rails Stark straight into the apron. Cage puts a break on Starks’ spear. Starks uses a pool cue to keep Cage down. He plants a tornado DDT just before we head into picture-in-picture.

Stark grabs a trash can lid and forcefully whales down on Cage. Starks enjoys keeping The Machine down.

After taking the last break,Starks stays on the button with a leg drop. Cover. Cage kicks out. Starks eats a thrust kick. Cage smashes a trash can on top of Starks’ head! Then, he dumps Starks onto the trash can for another near-fall count. Hook runs down and has the FTW Championship in hand. Cage takes his head off. Powerhouse Hobbs storms in. Cage sends Hobbs to the side. He turns around and gets speared. Can Starks capitalize? 1-2, NO! Cage pops out! Cage sends Starks straight into a chair step up in the corner. Cage turns Starks inside out with a lariat. Hobbs runs in to save Starks during the count. With the help of Hobbs and Hook, Starks finishes Cage off to retain his title.

Winner: Ricky Starks