View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - October 27th, 2021

10-27-2021, 08:01 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week, CM Punk makes his DYNAMITE debut against Bobby Fish. Ethan Page challenges Sammy Guevara for the TNT Championship Title. Also, who advances as the AEW World Championship and TBS Title tournaments continue?


– This week's show kicks off with the intro that starts the show off each and every week, and then we go inside Agganis Arena in Boston, MA.

– We hear the commentators welcome us to the show as the camera pans the venue and we settle in and get ready for the return of Dynamite in it's regular Wednesday night prime time slot.

Bobby Fish vs. CM Punk

Fish doing some posing as things get started. Both scrambling as both are looking to find some momentum. Elbow with an elbow drop to Fish and applies a reverse chinlock. Both up, Fish leaps over a charging Punk, but instantly gets scoop slammed, not once but twice. Crowd wants a third and he obliges. Punk tries for GTS, but Fish gets to the ropes and hits a back elbow to get out of that. Fish with a flurry of strikes, slingshot senton, cover, two.

Punk ends up sending Fish out of the ring, Punk with a suicide dive on his opponent. Back in the ring, Punk heads to the top, but Fish goes back to the floor. Punk goes out to the apron, Fish sweeps the leg. Back in the ring, Fish keeps the pressure on, inverted dragon screw, and Punk dumped back out to the floor. Punk sent into the barricade. Both throwing big strikes on the floor until Punk is dropped with a knee to the midsection. Fish really looking to work over Punk’s knee. Punk is able to work his way back into the match and fight his way towards a GTS on Fish. He hits him with the bad knee, slow to cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: CM Punk

– Earlier today, Malakai Black says he made Cody’s family lose faith in him and divided the entire American Nightmare family. He even made the crowds hate him. Black says if Cody thinks it’s just about pinfalls, that’s not the deal. “The House always win.”

MJF with Shawn Spears and Wardlow vs. Bryce Donovan

MJF lands a flurry of strikes. Nails the heat seeker. Does a one-finger pin for the victory.

Winner: MJF

– After the match, MJF immediately on the mic and says Boston is exactly how he remembered it from last time, “an absolutely s*** hole.” MJF rips on the women of Boston. He does an impression of Boston’s mothers having sex with him. He then pivots to Darby Allin. He says Allin is too scared to show up for work now after getting dropped by The Pinnacle. He jokes about dropping Sting with his Dynamite Diamond Ring, a ring he won two years ago against Hangman Page. He says there’s nothing stopping his destiny. It doesn’t matter what happens at Full Gear, you’re looking at the future AEW World Champion. Sting’s music hits.

Lights go out again. On the big screen, we see someone wearing an MJF mask and Darby Allin putting them through a table. Lights go up and Sting is behind the group. Sting bashes Wardlow and Spears with a bat. MJF runs out to the barricade and Allin is standing behind him in the crowd. MJF runs up to the stage, but Spears gets caught by Spears. Allin grabs a skateboard with thumbtacks on and he whacks both guys. Darby grabs the mic and says “Max! Full Gear!”

– Backstage, Tony Schiavone notes Britt Baker walked out on her match against Abadon on the Jericho Cruise. She now has to face Abadon in a Trick or Treat No DQ Match. If Abadon wins, she gets a title shot.

AEW TNT Championship: Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Ethan Page

Guevara runs to the ring and gets right to work, sending Page out of the ring. Hits a big knee and then a twisting flip out to the floor. Guevara continues to beat up Page on the floor. The match still hasn’t officially started, but the two finally get in the ring and make it official. Page getting in some strikes. Guevara uses his agility to avoid Page and blast him with a dropkick. Tony Nese is shown out in the crowd.

Both trading shots, Guevara lifts Page and kicks him in the back, then kicks Page in the face. Guevara heads to the top rope but gets knocked to the floor. Page controls the match for the next few minutes. Guevara finally builds some offense, boot to the head from the apron. Looks for a double springboard cutter and hits it. Guevara charges in and takes a kick to the face. Page runs ahead, standing spanish fly by Sammy, pin attempt, two-count. Page out to the floor, Guevara slowly going to the top turnbuckle, shooting star press to the floor on Page.

Back in the ring, Guevara looking for GTH, nope, eats a forearm to the face. Guevara on the second rope, Page whips him off it, slams him down, cover, two. Both end up on the second rope, Page just slams him down to the mat and hits a big shoulder thrust, cover, two-count. Both on the top rope, Guevara with a hurricanrana counter, Guevara misses a standing shooting star press. He’s able to counter Page, sweeps the legs, jackknife pin, 1-2-3.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– Post-match, Page attacks Guevara. Scorpio Sky runs out and helps him out. All of Inner Circle (with the pyro!) run out and clear the ring. Jericho’s music plays on as he gets a mic. Jericho says leave it to the “Jackasses of the Year” to ambush Sammy after his match. He confirms there will be a 5-on-5 match at Full Gear. Says it will be a Minneapolis Street Fight now, per Tony Khan. Next week they will decide which ATT members will be in the match.

– Backstage, Tony Schiavone talks with Bryan Danielson and Eddie Kingston before their semifinals tournament match. Kingston says Danielson says he doesn’t work hard? He talks about dealing with stuff every single day and Danielson shouldn’t talk until he walks a day in his shoes. He’s done talking and done listening. He leaves. Danielson says that’s the Kingston he wants to see! He says there’s a lot of tough guys out there, but Kingston and Jon Moxley are two of the toughest he’s ever been with in the ring. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how hard Kingston works in the ring, Danielson is going to beat him in their match.

– Backstage, AEW World Tag Team Champions Lucha Brothers challenge FTR to a match at Full Gear.

AEW TBS Title Tournament Match: Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb

Action makes its way to the ring post where Deeb throws Shida’s leg into it. She tries again, but Shida launches Deeb into the post and crashed down to the floor. Referee starts up her ten-count, Shida stops it and brings Deeb up to the apron. Second rope deadlift suplex, cover, two. Shida keeps the pressure up, lots of shots to the head, followed by a knee strike.

Shida makes her way to the top rope, missile dropkick lands. Couple counters in the middle of the ring. Shida with an ax kick, release german suplex, Shida with a modified facebuster, cover, two. Knee strike to the back of the head, pin, two-count. Shida tries for a suplex, no, Deeb wrenches at Shida’s knee. She tries for another and gets booted out to the floor. Shida tries to do her leap off the chair, but Deeb swipes it away. Shida charges and leaps off the steps and hits a dropkick anyways.

Deeb trips up Shida’s leg and slams her leg down on the edge of the ring a couple times. She then does a figure-four around the ring post and has to stop before the count of five. Shida with a question mark kick, knee strike to the jaw, running knee strike is reversed into a single-leg boston crab. Shida tries to get to the ropes, Deeb pulls her back to the middle of the ring and does an inverted figure-four. Shida able to get a rope break. Deeb gets a piece of the broken trophy that Shida brought to the ring. Shida kicks Deeb and she drops it. Shida thinks about smacking Deeb with it, but hands it off to the ref. Shida with a poke in the eye, roll-up, two! Deeb looks for her finisher, reversed into a pin for Shida, 1-2-3.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– Post-match, Deeb with a chop block from behind. She then grabs a chair and whacks Shida a few times in the knee. She applies the single-leg boston crab again. Multiple officials and Jerry Lynn run out to stop Deeb. She finally does let go.

– Mike Sydal is injured and this Friday’s tag match between The Sydal Brothers vs. Lio Rush and Dante Martin if off. Instead, Martin and Matt Sydal will meet up yet again. Lio says his return match will come in time, but Dante will get a chance to be mentored by someone who wants to see him continue to grow and also beat his opponent this Friday.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament Match: Jon Moxley vs. 10

Moxley gets right to the action with a release german suplex on 10. He stomps away at 10 in the corner. Moxley tries for another suplex, eats a back elbow. Charges in, ends up on the apron, and takes an elbow to the face and then is slammed hard into the steps. Moxley tears off 10’s mask and bites his head. 10 is bloodied up after that attack.

10 with some forearms, pump kick in the corner. Moxley blasts him with a lariat and hits a bunch of punches to the face. Moxley with paradigm shift, cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Jon Moxley

– Tony talks with FTR about the challenge by Lucha Brothers. Cash Wheeler says they’ve been waiting a while to get those titles back, so of course they accept. Tully Blanchard says Lucha Brothers have no idea what they have coimng down the pipe. Dax says they will fight for their lives in that match, but FTR is taking those titles.

– Cody Rhodes makes his way out to the ring with Arn Anderson. Cody gets quite a few boos from the live crowd. Cody says whether the fans believe it or not, he hears the people, he hears it social media. He talks about beating Malakai Black and using the Tiger Driver ’98 to win. He says for a moment, he thought about using the other move (Triple H’s Pedigree). Cody says he didn’t though because that’s the easy way out. He wants fans to cheer or boo. He says fans can easily boo the guy who writes the checks, but don’t forget the guy who built the bank. Crowd cheers that comment. He tells the fans they should walk in his shoes for a minute, he takes his sneakers off and tosses them to the fans.

Cody talks about having a Hall of Fame brother, a wife who is way too hot for him, and a father who’s legacy he’ll never be able to outdo — even if he lives to 300 years old. It’s the easy way out to just turn (heel). He says if people thought he “went Hollywood.” He’s sorry. He apologizes to The Nightmare Family and apologizes to Arn. He tells AA it’s a damn honor to stand in the ring with him. Cody apologizes, tells AA he was right, and shakes his hand.

Out strolls Andrade El Idolo. Andrade tells Cody the people don’t like him! He gets that people don’t like him either, but Andrade doesn’t care about the people! Andrade thinks Cody makes stupid choices, like that neck tattoo. The next stupid thing was getting into Andrade’s business. “I’m going to make you my little b****.” The lights go out and Malakai Black shows up next to Andrade. He spits black mist in Cody’s face. Andrade (and his assistant) beat up Arn. Out runs PAC to help get rid of Andrade and pump kick Black. He sends them out of the ring and looks to fly, but ends up sitting cross-legged in the ring and flips off Black and Andrade. Officials run out to keep them back.

Dark Order vs. The Elite

Dark Order is all dressed up in this Halloween themed match. Colt Cabana is dressed as Brandon Cutler, Stu is God of War, Silver is Bambi, Uno is a cowboy. The Elite all dressed as Ghostbusters. Silver and Cole get things going, Silver with some punches, throws a headbutt, back body drop. “Johnny hungy!” chant. Omega and Uno tag in, Omega still have the proton pack on. Uno tries for a splash in the corner, Omega turns around and crashes into Omega’s back! Nakazawa (dressed as a baby) and Cutler (Stay Puft Marshmallow Man) are out in fat costumes. Nakazawa splashes down on Uno out on the floor.

Uno beats up on Matt a bit. He gets sent into the corner. A couple splash, Cabana runs up and cold sprays him in the face to a nice pop. Dark Order getting control of this match as Cabana continues to beat up Matt. Back and forth action until we get a ref bump! Matt with a lowblow on Grayson. The other Dark Order members roll up on him, but all three take a lowblow. The Elite get their proton packs and surround Dark Order. They get splashed with the packs. Cabana then gets powerbombed on all of the pack! Ref is still down. 5 and Reynolds run down and get knocked down. A man dressed as a horse runs down. They end up lowblow kicking him and giving him a BTE Trigger. They unmask him and it’s Brandon Cutler!? So who’s the Marshmallow Man?! It’s Hangman Page! He takes out Matt Jackson. Grayson with a flip off the top rope on The Elite out on the floor. Deadeye on Omega by Page. Silver with the spin doctor on Matt, cover, 1-2-3!

Winners: Dark Order

– Hangman Page leads The Dark Order in a beer-drinking celebration after the victory while The Super Elite leave to the back in their Ghostbuster gear looking pissed off. That's how this week's show goes off the air.