View Full Version : WWE NXT 2.0 Live Coverage - December 21st, 2021

12-21-2021, 06:24 PM

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai look to tear each other apart in a Street Fight

The former friends and tag team champions turned bitter enemies have been at each other’s throats since Kai severed their partnership to challenge Big Mami Cool for the NXT Women’s Championship. Kai returned to bash Gonzalez with a shovel and caused her to lose the championship to Mandy Rose at Halloween Havoc. Since then, Gonzalez has been seeing red, and she has vowed to end the conflict with Kai once and for all.


– Tonight’s WWE NXT 2.0 episode on the USA Network opens up live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Vic Joseph welcomes us and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. He’s joined at ringside by Wade Barrett.

– We go right to the ring and NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa is out. Ciampa looks out as the fans chant his name.

Ciampa says he has something to get off his chest and goes on about being a target due to the title. He’s a little different than others before him because he does the hunting, and last week Bron Breakker was hunted. He knows Bron wants to get revenge and will likely come out soon, but Bron doesn’t need to rush to it because Ciampa is inviting him to his ring. Ciampa has something to say to Bron’s face. The sirens hit and out comes Breakker.

Bron goes for a mic but Ciampa says he doesn’t need it, telling the crew not to give Bron one. Ciampa knows what Bron is going to say. He predicts how Bron was going to brag about what happened at WarGames and how he’s now earned a title shot for New Year’s Evil. Ciampa agrees that Bron deserves a shot, but hope he doesn’t drown like the first time. Ciampa says Bron will get his second chance at New Year’s Evil, when some don’t even get one. Ciampa wants Bron to remember what he told him about jumping in the deep end because he exposed Bron for his inexperience in the ring and in life at Halloween Havoc.

Ciampa goes on about how he and everyone else sees that Bron has what it takes, but Ciampa says he’s not ready to be a champion in Ciampa’s NXT, with guys like Sami Zayn, Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura, Tommaso Ciampa, guys who spent a decade learning the ropes before WWE, then a decade in WWE, that’s 20 years perfecting their crafts. Ciampa says Bron has like 10 or 20 matches. Ciampa says Bron is doing great, but Ciampa isn’t sure if he’s ready for all this – the bright lights, the World Title, the weight of the world on his shoulders, the responsibility… it’s too soon, he says.

Bron continues staring Ciampa down as he keeps talking. Ciampa says if Bron does win, he’ll take the title home to his dad, put it on the mantle and the whole family will bark at it. Ciampa goes on and smacks Bron, saying then the reality will hit, and it will stare Bron in the face, and that reality is that Ciampa is the greatest NXT Champion of all-time. Bron grabs Ciampa by the throat and backs him away, then presses him high in he air. Ciampa screams out but Breakker lets him down without slamming him. Bron grabs the NXT Title belt as Ciampa looks on from the mat. Bron says blood is in the water and this shark is going to eat Ciampa alive. Bron says he will see Ciampa in two weeks, champ. Bron looks on as Ciampa takes his title back and clutches it.

– We see Grayson Waller’s Twitter video from the weekend, where he took shots at AJ Styles. Vic says Style will be here tonight and he’s in a bad mood.

Street Fight: Raquel Gonzalez vs. Dakota Kai

We’re about to go to the ring for tonight’s Street Fight but the camera cuts backstage to Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez brawling. They’re fighting around the backstage area with various weapons. Gonzalez talks trash and torpedo’s Kai into a shelf full of materials, and again. Gonzalez clutches her arm now. Kai kicks her while she’s down. Gonzalez grabs a tall piece of lighting rig and rams Kai in the ribs with it, pushing her back into shelving.

Gonzalez scoops Kai and drops her face-first into a production cart. Kai stumbles away while throwing and pushing different items into Gonzalez as she follows. Kai gets dropped again. Gonzalez pushes a production cart but Kai moves before being smashed into another case. Kai throws a trash can and Gonzalez goes down. Kai with another trash can at the face of Gonzalez. Kai smiles as she continues beating Gonzalez around. Referees show up and try to get Kai to stop, telling her the match has to start in the ring.

Gonzalez attacks and puts Kai on a cart. She pounds on Kai and then wheels the cart into a bay door. They stumble around and are outside in the parking lot now. Gonzalez rams Kai into the other side of a bay door now. Gonzalez stays on her but Kai sends her face-first into the side of a building column. We go to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

Back from the break and the match is now officially underway. The brawl continued outside and inside during the break. They’re fighting at ringside now. Gonzalez has Kai down as she starts throwing more weapons in the ring. Gonzalez grabs half of the steel ring steps and charges with them but Kai side-steps and drops her on the steps. Kai works Gonzalez over while she’s down, then sends her into the barrier. The referee checks on Gonzalez and Kai keeps pounding. Gonzalez rocks Kai at ringside but Kai turns it back around and goes to the apron for a kick.

Gonzalez blocks another kick attempt but Kai counters and stomps her face into the steel steps. Kai pulls a table from under the ring and fans pop. Gonzalez shoves the table into Kai’s ribs. They enter the ring now and Gonzalez drops Kai face-first into a chair standing up. Gonzalez leans a table in the corner now. Kai charges but Gonzalez goes for a powerbomb, but Kai blocks that and sends them both tumbling to the floor with a hurricanrana. Kai ends up putting a trash can over Gonzalez and smashing it with a big double stomp from the apron. Fans chant “this is awesome!” as they trade counters at ringside. Gonzalez counters and puts Kai flat on her back with a big powerbomb. Fans chant “holy s--t!” and “one more time!” now.

Gonzalez beats Kai around and snaps, choking her and holding her down on the announce table. Gonzalez brings it back in but Kai rocks her. Gonzalez runs her over with a big boot. Gonzalez with another big one-arm chokeslam bomb, this time onto a trash can. Gonzalez covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Raquel Gonzalez

– After the match, Gonzalez stands tall as the music hits and we go to repays. Fans cheer Gonzalez on as she celebrates. Gonzalez takes the mic and says she’s sick and tired of waiting. She calls out NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose and says she’s not leaving until she gets her shot. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a promo from Tony D’Angelo, who sends a warning to Pete Dunne for tonight’s match. We go back to the ring and Gonzalez is still waiting. The music interrupts Gonzalez and out comes Cora Jade. Jade congratulates Gonzalez on her win but says as much as Gonzalez wants Rose, she wants Toxic Attraction for how they tried to injure her. Jade says the only way to kill Toxic Attraction is to go for the head of the snake and her title, but Jade knows Rose doesn’t want to give her a title shot. Gonzalez gives Jade some props and recalls how they fought together in WarGames, but says it’s every woman for herself when it comes to the title, and she hasn’t been the same since Rose robbed her at Halloween Havoc. Gonzalez says she will go through anyone to get her title back. Jade, who is in the middle of the ring with Gonzalez now, says not if she gets there first.

Rose suddenly appears on the big screen, from a swimming pool somewhere. She taunts them both and says since she’s in the holiday spirit, she will defend in a Triple Threat at New Year’s Evil, and kill two ugly birds with one stone. Rose says not only do they booth get a title match, they also get an ass kicking tonight. NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne sudden;y attack from behind with weapons. They beat Jade and Gonzalez down, then stand tall as the crowd boos them. Jayne and Dolin laugh at Jade and Gonzalez before heading to the back.

– We see how Harland tossed WWE Producer Brian Kendrick down a flight of stairs last week. Joe Gacy wants to apologize publicly, and he has been given time to do that tonight. Gacy checks in from backstage, and thanks Joseph and Barrett for this time. Gacy says it’s been put upon Harland’s heart to apologize for his actions last week He says Harland is a sensitive man and is too far shaken up to speak on this, but you can see the regret on his face. Gacy says Kendrick triggered an emotion in Harland and took him back to when people didn’t love him or care for him as much as Gacy does. Gacy says hey don’t condone violence but Kendrick put his hands on Harland, used offensive language and called him a freak. Gacy says they were just doing what they were told – leaving the arena. Gacy says some might think Kendrick brought this on himself, but Gacy is not here tonight to make that argument, but he hopes everyone will learn and grow from this event. Gacy gives thanks to end the segment.

– The Grizzled Young Veterans are backstage watching a recent impressive Twitter video from The Creed Brothers. Zack Gibson hates cocky athletes like The Creed Brothers. James Drake asks him if he has a plan, and of course he does. Gibson says they will beat The Creed Brothers with their minds, not their muscles. They walk off and we go to commercial.

– Indi Hartwell is warming up in the back when Persia Pirotta walks in and says their match tonight was delayed for some reason. Grayson Waller walks in and Indi isn’t happy over what he did to Johnny Gargano last week. Waller jokes around and says they should stick together because they’re all from Australia. Indi wants to get her hands on Waller. They tell him he should be more concerned with AJ Styles coming to NXT but Waller isn’t scared. He laughs about kicking Gargano out of NXT, and says they should watch what he does tonight because he is The Way of the future. Persia holds Indi back as Waller leaves.

The Grizzled Young Veterans vs. The Creed Brothers

We go back to the ring and The Creed Brothers are already in the ring – Brutus Creed and Julius Creed. The Grizzled Young Veterans are also out – James Drake and Zack Gibson.

The bell rings and Julius takes Gibson down and they tangle. They run the ropes and Julius takes Gibson down for a pop. Brutus tags in for a big double team slam. The Diamond Mine’s Malcolm Bivens barks from ringside as Brutus covers for 2. Julius comes back in for more double teaming. Gibson kicks Julius away. Drake sacrifices himself in the corner, allowing Gibson to clothesline Julius.

Drake tags in for a double team on Julius for a 2 count. Gibson tags back in for more double teaming as Drake hits an axe kick. Gibson covers for 2. Julius counters with a suplex in the middle of the ring. Drake keeps control until Brutus comes in and slams him to the mat. Julius gets in some stiff offense before he leaves the ring as Bivens yells from ringside. Brutus with a big suplex bomb in the middle of the ring for a 2 count as Gibson breaks it up. More back and forth now. Brutus doesn’t see Gibson tag in and The GYV capitalize. They both take Brutus down at ringside.

Jacket Time’s Kushida and Ikemen Jiro show up at ringside, both carrying their own announce table. Drake and Gibson look at Jacket Time a bit surprised as they set up their announce table next to Joseph and Barrett. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Gibson grounds Brutus. Drake tags in for more double teaming. Drake with a forearm to the jaw and a takedown. Drake tightens the hold as Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen come out to watch the match from the entrance-way.

Brutus fights closer to his corner but Drake keeps the headlock tightened. Brutus slams Drake back and in comes Julius. Julius attacks Gibson and then goes for Drake. He turns back around and knocks Gibson off the apron. Julius with a big dropkick to Drake. Julius slaps his brother and in he comes for the double team. Brutus with a big powerslam to Drake for a close 2 count. Brutus ends up dropping Gibson at ringside with a big right hand but Drake flies form the ring and takes him out in front of the announcers.

Gibson goes to powerbomb Brutus through Jacket Time’s announce table but Julius drops Drake and Brutus turns it around. Brutus goes to powerbomb Gibson through Jacket Time’s table now but the two teams argue. Gibson and Drake attack both teams form the side, sending them into the mini-announce table to break it. The referee calls the match.

Officials try to break the brawl up at ringside as Briggs and Jensen get involved now. Fans chant “NXT!” as the fight continues. Jacket Time stands tall in the ring with Briggs and Jensen as GYV and The Creed Brothers look on from ringside.

– NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. Hayes hypes up Trick and puts him over, praising him for the match against Dexter Lumis. Trick then takes the mic and cuts a promo on how good he is, and Lumis. Lumis suddenly appears on the big screen, and Waller and Trick are spooked. They walk off and we go back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see video from earlier today where Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde confronted Io Shirai and Zoey Stark as Shirai went with Stark to the trainer’s room. They taunted Shirai and Stark until Elektra Lopez also walked in. Lopez and Shirai had tense words before Lopez walked away.

Trick Williams vs. Dexter Lumis

We go back to the ring and Trick Williams is introduced by Alicia Taylor. He’s already in the ring, as is Dexter Lumis. NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes is at ringside.

The bell rings and Williams talks some trash as Lumis just stares him down. Trick looks to attack but Lumis just stands there and h e goes down in the corner. Lumis catches a kick and puts Trick back down in the corner. Trick talks strategy with Hayes as Lumis slithers to them, terrifying them. Lumis chases Trick back in, hitting a Thesz Press and mounting him with right hands. Lumis keeps control and grounds Trick, man-handling him as the referee checks on him.

Trick ends up turning it around and beating Lumis to keep him down. Trick slams Lumis face-first into the mat. We see The Diamond Mine’s Malcolm Bivens and Ivy Nile standing on the platform above the crowd, taunting Trick and Hayes. Lumis ends up trapping Trick in the apron cover at ringside, and unloading on him. Hayes and Lumis face off now.

NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong shows up and unloads on Hayes. Strong and Hayes brawl away from the ringside area. Lumis and Trick go at it again. They bring it back in the ring and Trick slams Lumis for a 2 count. Trick with another slam and pin attempt. Trick grounds Lumis with a headlock in the middle of the ring now.

Fans try to rally for Lumis now. He fights up and to his feet but Trick slams him for another 2 count. Lumis finally gets an opening, then levels Trick with a big right hand, and another. Lumis with a big uppercut and a corner clothesline. Lumis then hits the bulldog for a close 2 count. Lumis keeps the offense going and nails a big leg drop in the middle of the ring. Lumis with right hands and kicks in the corner as the referee warns him.

Lumis goes on and Trick tries to hit him with a shoe, but Lumis counters and drops him with the big side-slam. Lumis then applies The Silence and Trick starts to fade. He drops the shoe and passes out to give Lumis the win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Dexter Lumis

– After the match, Lumis stands tall in the middle of the ring as the music hits. We go to replays. We come back to Lumis standing there until Grayson Waller drops him from behind with a steel chair. Waller says he’s going to take out the best in NXT, one-by-one. AJ Styles is shown on the big screen as he arrives in the back parking lot. Fans pop and Waller takes his seat in the chair. We go to commercial.

– Back from the break and we get a vignette from Pete Dunne. He’s not done accomplishing things in NXT, and while these new 2.0 guys are hungry, he’s their age also, more hungry and won’t let them stand in his way. Dunne goes on and says they know he’s one of the best in NXT, and tonight he will make sure they don’t forget it.

– We go back to the ring and Grayson Waller has a mic. He gets booed as he rants about how people thank the fans when they’re inducted into the WWE Hall of Famer. Waller says when he’s inducted he will say “told ya so” and thank himself. He goes on until the music hits and out comes AJ Styles to a big pop for his 2nd NXT appearance ever. AJ hits the ring and fans chant his name now.

Waller gets the fans to give it up for AJ, and takes credit for single-handedly bringing AJ to NXT. AJ says he can shut up now. Fans chant “shut the hell up!” at Waller. AJ repeats this. AJ calls Waller the biggest a-----e around. They have some more words and Waller brags on getting AJ’s attention. Waller asks AJ why he’s here – to be the veteran that comes and helps the new guy? No, you’re here because your meal ticket Omos left you, and you need a new meal ticket to stay relevant on RAW. Waller appreciates the offer but says he’s more of a singles guy.

AJ says Waller called him out just to get the AJ Styles rub. AJ brings up Waller’s globes and single elbow pad, and implies that Waller is copying him. AJ says Waller does have potential, he’s cocky and AJ can appreciate that, but a future Superstar? Eh… AJ says he can see it in Bron Breakker, NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and Tony D’Angelo, but the jury is still out on Waller. AJ says Waller’s problem is he’d rather look good and lose than look bad and win. Waller brags about carrying his WarGames team to a win. AJ brings up how Waller previously said likes and swipes are more important.

Waller finds it interesting how AJ is talking this way in his ring without his usual insurance policy. Waller says he could end AJ right now. AJ tells him to do it, and says he’s had a few good weeks of being a Superstar, but try being phenomenal for 20 years. Fans chant for AJ now as he drops the mic and tells Waller to bring it. Waller exits the ring as fans boo. Waller says he will let Omos deal with AJ first, but he’s got next with AJ after that. AJ looks on from the ring as Waller talks trash on the entrance-way. AJ’s music hits to end the segment.

– The Diamond Mine is backstage – Malcolm Bivens, Hachiman, NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong, Ivy Nile, and The Creed Brothers. Bivens talks about what happened to NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes and says that’s what happens when you disrespect The Diamond Mine. He goes on and proposes Strong vs. Hayes in a big Title vs. Title match at New Year’s Evil. Strong says Hayes has two weeks to find his balls. Bivens sends a “Ho! Ho! Ho!” to end the segment.

– Back from a break and we see a vignette where RAW Tag Team Champion Riddle is riding scooters with MSK. They thank him for leading them on this beautiful journey. They all go on and Riddle says he may be their Shaman Bro, but they’re also teaching him some stuff and he can’t wait to share it with Randy Orton. Riddle goes on and gifts them some new merchandise, and reveals he will be with them on NXT next week to call out NXT Tag Team Champions Imperium. They all ride off on their scooters for a “Best Day Ever” in the city. They all three apparently get hit by a car. MSK are now back at the same bus stop they were at a few weeks back. They indicate that the whole thing with Shaman Riddle and the scooters was a dream, but they have the t-shirts. Riddle then gets off a bus when it stops. Riddle makes three scooters appear and they ride off. Best Day Ever, it says again.

Von Wagner vs. Edris Enofe

We go back to the ring and out comes Von Wagner. Edris Enofe is already waiting in the ring.

The bell rings and Enofe unloads, nailing a dropkick. Wagner shuts him down and delivers a big powerslam. Robert Stone is seen watching the match from the entrance-way now. Enofe tries to roll Wagner up out of nowhere. Wagner fights back and dominates Enofe again. Wagner pounds on Enofe to keep him down.

Wagner with a big clothesline and more strikes. Wagner goes for a powerbomb but Enofe slides down and rolls him up out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: Edris Enofe

– After the match, Enofe goes to the floor to celebrate as the music hits but Wagner immediately attacks. Wagner snaps and brings it back into the ring, slamming Enofe as fans boo him and Stone looks on. Wagner levels Enofe with another clothesline. Wagner storms out of the ring, walking right past Stone.

– McKenzie is backstage with NXT Tag Team Champions Imperium. She asks about MSK and their journey with Riddle. They aren’t worried about MSK and McKenzie can’t understand Italian or German. Marcel Barthel now speaks in English and says MSK may have found a Shaman on their path to enlightenment, but they have a General, which is a reference to WALTER. Imperium walks off.

– Legado del Fantasma walks backstage – Elektra Lopez, Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Lopez says she’s not worried about Io Shirai and will destroy her. They walk off and we see Xyon Quinn appear in the background. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Vic shows us a video of NXT Superstars giving back for the holidays at recent WWE Community events in Orlando.

Elektra Lopez vs. Io Shirai

We go back to the ring and Elektra Lopez is out with Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Out next comes Io Shirai.

The bell rings and they lock up. Lopez goes for the arm and slams Shirai. Lopez sends Shirai to the corner and charges in with a back elbow. Shirai dodges another charge and now she beats Lopez down in the corner.

Fans do dueling chants now. Lopez blocks the big slingshot knees in the corner, then levels Shirai with a clothesline. More back and forth between the two now. Shirai looks to mount offense but Lopez catches her with a big Spinebuster in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count. Lopez grounds Shirai with a headlock now.

Shirai mounts offense and nails a dropkick. Shirai goes on and hits 619. Shirai goes to the top and hits the missile dropkick. Shirai with running knees in the corner for a close 2 count. Shirai goes back to the top but Lopez decks her from behind and slams her to the mat.

Xyon Quinn suddenly attacks Mendoza and Wilde at ringside, preventing them from running interference. Quinn takes his jacket off and has a bundle of mistletoe in his teeth now. He hops up on the apron as Lopez stares him down. She slowly walks to him and he raises the mistletoe in the air. Lopez reaches for it but Santos Escobar pulls Quinn of the apron and attacks.

Escobar and Quinn brawl at ringside as Lopez turns around to an open palm strike from Shirai. Shirai goes to the top and hits the big moonsault for the pin to win.

Winner: Io Shirai

– After the match, Quinn dangles the mistletoe at ringside, taunting Lopez with it. Shirai celebrates as her music hits. We see Escobar down at ringside, apparently knocked back down by Quinn. Lopez and Quinn stare each other down as Quinn backs away and Escobar looks on.

– NXT North American Champion Carmelo Hayes is backstage with Trick Williams. Hayes cuts a promo on The Diamond Mine and says he will give them that Christmas present and face NXT Cruiserweight Champion Roderick Strong at New Year’s Evil, but it will be Hayes that walks away with two titles. Trick tells Hayes to talk his talk.

Tony D’Angelo vs. Pete Dunne

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as Tony D’Angelo makes his way out to a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and WWE Producer Brian Kendrick is backstage in a neck brace. He thanks Joe Gacy for the earlier apology but says it felt like Gacy thinks Kendrick should be the one to apologize. Kendrick says he thought about that and today he went in and resigned as a coach, and signed a waiver, so if Harland wants an apology, he can get it in the ring next week. A contract signing for Strong vs. Hayes at New Year’s Evil is also confirmed for next week with Barrett hosting. Waller vs. Lumis, plus Jade and Gonzalez vs. Jayne and Dolin in a non-title match are also confirmed for next week. We go back tot he ring and out comes Pete Dunne for the main event. The bell rings and they lock up. D’Angelo goes to work on Dunne’s arm. Dunne turns it around and takes D’Angelo to the mat.

They break and size each other up. They lock up again and Tony goes for the arm. Dunne counters and twists D’Angelo’s arm up. D’Angelo counters and takes Dunne down, and talks some trash. They run the ropes and Dunne ducks a clothesline, but D’Angelo comes right back with a big suplex to dump Dunne on his head.

Dunne and D’Angelo go at it now. D’Angelo slams Dunne again, and shows off for the crowd. D’Angelo stomps on Dunne to keep him down now. Dunne unloads with strikes. They trade holds and D’Angelo hits a big German suplex. D’Angelo keeps control and stalks Dunne. Dunne blocks a suplex and lands on his feet, then kicks D’Angelo in the face to send him to the apron. Dunne with a running kick. Dunne keeps going and knocks D’Angelo to the floor now. We go to commercial with Dunne standing tall at ringside while D’Angelo clutches his arm.

We see Dunne controlling D’Angelo and delivering a double stomp during the picture-in-picture break. Dunne bends D’Angelo’s fingers and hand back now, keeping him grounded. Dunne kicks D’Angelo around now, disrespecting him. Dunne controls D’Angelo by the arm again and kicks him in the side of the head a few times.

D’Angelo takes a bunch of strikes but is getting angry. D’Angelo levels Dunne for a pop. D’Angelo with a corner clothesline as fans cheer him on. D’Angelo with a Northern Lights suplex but Dunne blocks the follow-up and goes for his fingers. Dunne pulls D’Angelo into a Triangle now. D’Angelo fades some as Dunne also headbutts him. D’Angelo powers up and launches Dunne with a big overhead suplex. Dunne kicks out at 2.

Fans do dueling chants now. D’Angelo controls Dunne but Dunne throws strikes. D’Angelo launches Dunne on his head again. Dunne turns it around in the corner with kicks and a boot to the head. Dunne with a running forearm. Dunne waits in the corner and levels D’Angelo with another shot to the jaw. D’Angelo kicks out just in time. Dunne stays on top of D’Angelo and stomps away while holding him down by his arms. They’re both down now as fans rally. Dunne stares D’Angelo down as he recovers.

Fans chant “this is awesome!” as they trade strikes from their knees. Dunne stomps D’Angelo’s fingers and kicks him in the head. D’Angelo counters and drops Dunne on his head with sitdown Brainbuster. Dunne kicks out at 2. The referee checks on both competitors as fans do dueling chants. They slowly get back up but D’Angelo has grabbed his crowbar. He tries to use it but Dunne dodges the weapon and takes D’Angelo down in an armbar. Dunne pulls back on the submission while bending D’Angelo’s fingers back. D’Angelo hooks Dunne’s mouth and rips the mouth guard out. D’Angelo sends Dunne face-first into the turnbuckle.

D’Angelo goes for his neckbreaker finisher Dunne blocks it and snaps his fingers. Dunne nails the Bitter End in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Pete Dunne

– After the match, Dunne stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Dunne poses in the middle of the ring but D’Angelo tries to attack from behind. Dunne senses him coming and unloads, sending D’Angelo to the floor. Dunne follows and they brawl in front of the announce table now. D’Angelo drops Dunne on the concrete with his neckbreaker finisher. D’Angelo stands tall and talks some trash as the boos get louder. D’Angelo grabs his crowbar and chokes Dunne with it against the announce table. D’Angelo then holds Dunne’s arm out and smashes his hand with the crowbar. D’Angelo stands over Dunne and talks more trash while Dunne clutches his hand. NXT goes off the air with the crowd booing D’Angelo.