View Full Version : *SPOILERS* Ohio Valley Taping Results - 19 Oct.

Dangerous Incorporated
10-19-2006, 10:37 PM
*SPOILERS* Ohio Valley Taping Results - 19 Oct.

Dark Matches

TJ Dalton def Robbie Dawber

Katie Lea def Jennifer

JTG def Jonny Punch


Joey Mercury def TJ Dalton

Jack Bull wrestled a Bear (Man in a costume) Then was destroyed by Jacob Duncan.
Duncan then left after being chased out by all the babyfaces.

Beth Phoenix def Victoria by DQ when Serena ran in and speared Beth.

Kruel and Kraven def High Dosage when Sean Osbourne used Brass knucks on Reeves.

Steve Lewington def Platinum Pat Buck

Cody Runnels and Sean Spears def Deuce Domino to become the new OVW tag champions!

10-29-2006, 12:02 PM
Why is Victoria at Ohio? I also thought Beth was going to SmackDown full time, strange goings on. Maybe they needed more training?