View Full Version : Booker T Discusses Possible “Forbidden Door” Controversy

01-15-2022, 08:27 PM
In the latest Hall Of Fame podcast, Booker T discussed WWE deciding to open up the forbidden door. At the moment, only Mickie James has been confirmed to be appearing from another company. However, there have been reports WWE wants someone for the men’s match as well, and Booker is excited to see what happens.

“I think it does good for everybody. Not just from the women’s side. We haven’t seen any names for the men’s side, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing what kind of surprises we’re going to get there. Because there’s a whole lot out there in the world today that could be benefited through WWE. I’m talking about from both sides.”

While Booker T does think the forbidden door is a good thing, he does see a potential negative. The Hall Of Famer has discussed the possibility of controversy happening. This would be if someone ends up impressing, possibly wanting to then move.

“That’s where I think it might be some kind of controversy, a little bit,” he said. “As far as, what if these guys come in and really, really do well and want to actually move over to the other side.”

Booker T then admitted that he sees the whole situation as a good thing. The multi-time World Champion also mentioned that Impact Wrestling isn’t the same company it once was. He noted that a wrestler needs to move on to make any real money.

“I look at the forbidden door thing. Someone like Mickie James coming over, I see it as a plus,” he said. “I really do, I don’t look at that as a bad thing or anything at all. The reason why is Impact Wrestling is not in the same place they were in 2005 through 10, they’re just not.

“Impact Wrestling is almost like a developmental territory,” Booker T said. “It’s a good place to be seen, but if you want to really make some real money, you’re going to have to go somewhere else. That’s no slight to Impact Wrestling or anything like that.”