View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Coverage - March 21st, 2022

03-21-2022, 04:36 PM

AJ Styles Returns to Raw Tonight!

What will happen when Styles returns to get payback after the brutal assault from The Rated-R Superstar several weeks ago?


– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens live on the USA Network from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois. The music of WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin hits as the glass breaks and the crowd goes wild. Fans quickly start booing as Kevin Owens comes out, dressed as Stone Cold, with skull-cap and all. Jimmy Smith welcomes us to RAW. He’s joined at ringside by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

Owens takes the mic and the crowd is furious. He does his best impersonation of Austin and asks if we’re ready to see Owens open up a can of whoop-ass on Stone Cold at WrestleMania 38. The announcers hype Austin on The KO Show at WrestleMania 38. Owens goes on mocking Austin until a loud “we want Austin!” chant breaks out. Owens says the crowd has got to be the stupidest sons of bitches he’s ever seen… the glass breaks again and Owens readies for a fight as Stone Cold’s music starts back up. Owens drops his fists and starts laughing. He fooled the crowd again. The boos are even louder now.

Owens says the crowd are absolute idiots, and that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so! Owens says Stone Cold needs some liquid courage to get to WrestleMania so he calls for some beers. The music starts again and Owens is tossed a few beers but it’s a bad attempt. Owens picks the mic back up and calls for the music to be cut. He insults the crew member at ringside, then tells him to grab a beer and bring it in the ring. The crew member brings the beer in and turns to leave, but Owens drops him with a Stone Cold Stunner. Owens then cracks open the beers and gives the guy a beer bath as fans continue booing. Owens then steps on the guy and poses in the corner, continuing his best Stone Cold impersonation.

– We see what happened between Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens last week, and how Rollins faced Owens with his WrestleMania 38 talk show segment and guest on the line, but Rollins came up short. Kevin Patrick is backstage with Rollins now, asking about his current state of mind when he faces the fact he’s not going to WrestleMania. Fans in the arena begin chanting “Cody!” now. Rollins just starts laughing at Patrick, and grabs the mic. Rollins says he’s going to borrow the mic. He walks off.

The Mysterios vs. The Dirty Dawgs

We go back to the ring and out comes Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio. Rey jumps on Dominik’s back and they head to the ring. They grab a Mexican flag from the crowd and pose with it in the corner. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see what happened last week when The Miz saved Logan Paul from a double 619 by The Mysterios. We go back to the ring and out comes The Dirty Dawgs – WWE NXT Champion Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. The music hits and out comes The Miz with them. Miz joins the announcers for commentary as Roode and Ziggler get ready. Ziggler starts off with Dominik and they go at it. Dominik with a deep arm drag and another out of the corner to send Ziggler to the floor.

Dominik goes out after Ziggler but Ziggler shoves him back-first into the edge of the apron. Ziggler brings Dominik back in for a double team as Roode comes in but Rey makes the save. Ziggler attacks Rey but Rey ends up sending him to the floor. Dominik and Roode tangle now. Dominik dropkicks Roode out of the ring to the floor. The Mysterios end up flying and taking down Roode and Ziggler on the floor again.

The music interrupts and out comes Seth Rollins to the stage. He says this show doesn’t continue until the world hears what he has to say. He wants a WrestleMania 38 spot and he will get it because he’s Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Rollins is having some mic troubles. He wants a WrestleMania spot that will live on forever. He tried to get WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin last week but now he wants bigger. Rollins seethes at officials cutting his mic off as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Ziggler has Rey up top for a superplex but Rey resists. Rey headbutts Ziggler to the mat, then kicks Roode off the apron. Rey flies with a big senton from the top. Ziggler catches a kick but Rey nails an enziguri to drop him. Roode tags in and runs over to knock Dominik off the apron. Rey counters Roode with a big tornado DDT in the middle of the ring. Dominik tags in to a pop now. Dominik comes in off the top with a crossbody. Dominik with a hurricanrana takedown.

Roode fights but Dominik drops him and then launches himself over the top rope from the apron. Dominik keeps control until Ziggler breaks the pin attempt up. Dominik takes Ziggler out. More back and forth now. Roode ends up slamming Dominik with a Spinebuster for 2. Dominik blocks the Glorious DDT and rolls Roode for 2. Dominik goes for 619 on Roode and he hits it. Dominik goes to the top for the Frogsplash on Roode for the pin to win.

Winners: The Mysterios

– After the match, Dominik stands tall with his arm raised but Ziggler superkicks him out of nowhere. Ziggler retreats and Rey chases him around the ring now. Miz jumps up from his chair and decks Rey, then drops him on the floor with a Skull Crushing Finale. Miz snatches Rey’s mask off and raises it in the air to boos. Rey rolls around on the ground and covers his face. Miz snatches a Mysterio fan sign and rips it up while taunting The Mysterios with Rey’s mask. Dominik stands in the ring with his dad, who has a towel over his head.

– Seth Rollins is backstage with Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce now. He accuses them of trying to silence him. He wants the biggest spotlight at WrestleMania. Pearce says acting like a lunatic won’t get him what he wants. Deville says they gave him a chance last week and he failed. Pearce tells Rollins to calm down and let him look at it, maybe there’s something they can do. Rollins laughs and walks off.

– Still to come, a look at Brock Lesnar going after The Bloodline with a forklift on SmackDown. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see what just happened to Rey Mysterio. The Miz is backstage with Rey’s mask now. Kevin Patrick asks him why he did what he did to Rey. Miz goes on about how Logan Paul watched Rey as a kid and wanted nothing but his own Rey mask. But Logan has met Rey and his son Dominik and they’re not what he thought as a kid. Miz goes on and says they will humiliate The Mysterios at WrestleMania. He also says he took Rey’s mask for Paul, and will give it to him after having it steam cleaned. Miz dares Logan to wear Rey’s mask on RAW next week.

– We see how WWE Champion Brock Lesnar went after The Bloodline (WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos, Paul Heyman) with a forklift on SmackDown. Lesnar and Reigns will both be on RAW next week.

2-on-1 Handicap Match: Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez vs. Omos

We go back to the ring and out comes Omos for a Handicap Match. He steps over the top rope and poses in the middle of the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get an Xfinity-sponsored video package on Omos. Omos waits in the ring now as Apollo Crews and Commander Azeez head to the ring. Azeez distracts from the floor and apron, allowing Crews to come in with a dropkick to the back. They keep this angle going on Omos until Crews knocks him to the floor, where he brawls with Azeez. Omos has them both held by their throats now but they fight free. Omos keeps fighting and man-handles Crews now. Azeez decks Omos from behind and sends him into the ring post to save Crews. Omos fights his way back in by shoving Crews away.

Now the bell rings as Omos easily drops Crews. Omos wants Azeez and in he comes. They stare each other down and talk trash. Omos dodges an attack and then lifts Azeez with one arm, holds him there and then slams him. Crews leaps off the middle rope but Omos catches him, man-handles him over his head and slams him. Omos levels Azeez with a big boot now.

Omos lifts Crews to his feet and taunts him with a fallen Azeez, saying this is his fault. Omos slams Crews with the big Choke Bomb now. Omos drags Crews on top of Azeez and pins them both at the same time.

Winner: Omos

– After the match, Omos stands tall as the music hits and we go to replays. Omos takes the mic and says it doesn’t matter how big they are or how strong they are, he’s undefeated and unstoppable. Some fans are giving him the “What!?” treatment now. Omos says if anyone has the balls to step up and face him at RAW or WrestleMania, they will all be dominated. Omos looks straight ahead at the camera and then at the WrestleMania 38 sign as his music starts back up.

– We get a video looking back at the in-ring promo by WWE Hall of Famer Edge on last week’s show.

– We go back to the ring and out comes AJ Styles as Mike Rome does the introductions. AJ will address WWE Hall of Famer Edge next after the commercial break.

Back from the break and fans are chanting for AJ. He says he’s been missing this because he’s been at home recovering from an injury. He goes on about how having a lot of time can be a bad thing. He’s watched that clip of Edge attacking him over and over. It was driving him crazy, he didn’t want to see his kids or spend time with his wife, he was just consumed with what happened and then Edge showed up on RAW again, running his mouth. AJ goes on and says he’s not here to get answers and doesn’t care about why, he’s here to kick Edge’s teeth down his throat. He says Edge wants The Pitbull version of AJ and he will get him at WrestleMania, but there’s no sense in waiting when we can do this right now. AJ calls Edge to the ring to come fight.

Edge isn’t showing up. AJ calls him a coward. The music interrupts and out comes Seth Rollins. Rollins hits the ring and faces off with AJ. A “Cody!” chant starts up and Rollins tells Chicago to simmer down, adding that rumors are fun but they don’t make moments and he is looking for his WrestleMania Moment.

Rollins stares at AJ and AJ tells him to cut the crap. AJ asks Rollins what he wants. Rollins is concerned about AJ’s health, and if he’s physically and emotionally capable of facing Edge at WrestleMania. Rollins has a proposition. He tells AJ to go home to his family, hug them close, get 100%, then come back after WrestleMania but let Rollins do what he should’ve done before – end Edge’s career on The Grandest Stage of Them All, because that is a moment befitting Rollins. He tells AJ to think about it but AJ shoots the idea down and says as long as he’s able to walk, he will be there to face Edge. Rollins says so if for some unfortunate reason AJ got taken out, does that mean Rollins can have his spot at WrestleMania? AJ sees what Rollins is doing, the same thing he tried with Kevin Owens last week. AJ asks if he got it right. Rollins says that sounds good to him, so what does Chicago think? Rollins says desperate times call for desperate measures and he’s running out of time. AJ says Rollins dresses like some idiot and he’s delusional if he thinks he will just give up his WrestleMania opportunity. AJ says he’s going to do what Rollins couldn’t – he’s going to destroy Edge and then he will get back to he and Rollins.

Adam Pearce and Sonya Deville interrupt from the stage. Pearce announces Rollins vs. Styles for tonight, in Rollins’ last chance. If Rollins can beat AJ tonight, he will replace AJ at WrestleMania 38 in the match against Edge. Rollins is fired up now and AJ is upset. AJ drops Rollins with a right hand and unloads. Rollins quickly retreats to the floor and taunts AJ while backing up the ramp, laughing. AJ’s music plays as he looks on from the ring.

– WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Zelina Vega are backstage. Vega is still not happy with how Carmella isn’t focused on their WrestleMania match, and is too worried about her phone, her stupid wedding and her stupid little reality show. Vega takes Carmella’s phone and throws it away, then calls her an ugly Bride-zilla. Carmella smacks Vega and calls her a little hobbit. Vega decks Carmella and they start brawling on the ground now. Officials and a referee show up to pull them apart.

Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley vs. Shayna Baszler and Natalya

We go back to the ring and out comes Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley. They head to the ring together and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and AJ Styles confronts Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce in the back. He knocks them for being bad at their jobs and says he will take care of Seth Rollins and secure his own WrestleMania Moment. AJ storms off. We go back to the ring and out comes Natalya and Shayna Baszler while Morgan and Ripley look on. Baszler and Ripley start things off. Ripley goes behind and slams Ripley. Baszler turns it around but Ripley slides out of a hold and slams her again.

Ripley has a right hand blocked but she rocks Ripley with the other. Ripley drops Baszler to one knee, then dropkicks her. Ripley slams Baszler face-first in the middle of the ring, then tags in Morgan for a close double count. Baszler turns it around on Morgan and in comes Natalya to turn it around. Morgan takes control and nails the hurricanrana to Natalya. Baszler provides a distraction from the apron, allowing Natalya to level Morgan. Baszler tags back in and hits a running knee for a close 2 count on Liv. Baszler grounds Liv in the middle of the ring now.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Carmella comes to the announce table now, ranting to Corey Graves about what her partner Queen Zelina Vega did to her backstage. In the ring, Baszler rams Morgan back into the turnbuckles to block her.

Carmella continues whining to Graves. Ripley reaches for a tag but Baszler pulls her off the apron to the floor. Liv rolls Natalya for a close 2 count. Baszler tags back in and they hit the Hart Attack double team for the pin to win on Morgan.

Winners: Shayna Baszler and Natalya

– After the match, Vega runs down and decks Ripley from behind with her scepter. Carmella fights off Natalya and Baszler at ringside, dropping them both as Vega watches from the ring. Carmella enters the ring and has words with Vega. They stop, look around at their fallen challengers, and then start hugging and smiling as fans boo. Carmella and Vega raise their titles in the air as the music hits and they get back on the same page now.

– We see how RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch attacked Bianca Belair last week. Graves says the throat injury may keep Belair off WrestleMania.

– We go back to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Becky Lynch to a mixed reaction. Lynch is carrying a steel chair in one hand and her title in the other. She brings both into the ring and poses as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get a video package for WrestleMania 38, which is just 12 days away. The announcers hype Lynch vs. Bianca Belair as we go back to the ring and Lynch is being booed as she sits in her chair in the middle of the ring. There are some technical difficulties on this end but Lynch says she will go through anything to keep her title. She taunts Belair for not having what it takes to beat her. Lynch says it’s an eye for an eye, a throat for a throat. Lynch says Belair isn’t here tonight. Lynch says Belair doesn’t want to lose her own soul, while Lynch has already lost hers and she will do what it takes to keep the title on her shoulder. Lynch goes on and asks Belair what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. She says she will show Belair and the world what it means at WrestleMania, if she makes it there. Lynch drops the mic and raises the title in the air as the music starts up.

– We see recent SmackDown happenings between Pat McAfee and Austin Theory. Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Theory now. He doesn’t care if McAfee’s SmackDown apology was sincere because he’s a dumb jock, but he finally did something smart and that’s apologize. Theory says McAfee has no business getting in the ring with him. Theory goes on and says he’s going to beat McAfee at WrestleMania, but if he goes and talks to his mentor, WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon, then McAfee won’t have his commentator job, and that’s another loss. Schreiber asks Theory about WWE United States Champion Finn Balor and if he’s had time to prepare for tonight’s match. Theory knocks Balor and says he has room for one more selfie with Balor on his Road to WrestleMania.

WWE United States Champion Finn Balor vs. Austin Theory

We go back to the ring and out comes Austin Theory to boos. He poses in the corner and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we get another “coming soon” vignette for Veer Mahaan. We go back to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Finn Balor for this non-title match. Fans cheer Balor on as he heads to the ring. Before the match can begin, Rome announces a special guest commentator for this match and out comes Pat McAfee to a pop. Theory seethes in the ring as McAfee makes his way down.

The bell rings and Balor grabs Theory but takes a back elbow. Theory drops Balor but Balor rolls him up off a distraction as Theory yells at McAfee. Theory with a forearm shot to the back. Balor counters a roll-up and hits a basement dropkick. Balor drops Theory and stomps away, sending him out to the floor for a breather. McAfee taunts Theory and throws crotch chops at him now. Balor runs over and takes advantage of the distraction, sending Theory into the barrier with a big dropkick. McAfee celebrates as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Theory has Balor grounded in the middle of the ring now. McAfee gets up from commentary and rallies for Balor at ringside, taunting Theory. Balor takes advantage and mounts some offense now. Balor with a Spinebuster and a Stomp. Balor with a big strike in the corner. Theory turns it around and sends Balor to the floor.

Theory follows and slams Balor into the announce table while taunting McAfee. Balor fights back and slams Theory’s face into the announce table over and over. Balor brings it back in with a Slingblade, then a big corner dropkick. Balor goes to the top for Coup de Grace but Theory moves and Balor lands hard on his ankles. Theory rolls Balor over for a close 2 count. Theory mounts Balor with lefts and rights now.

McAfee gets back on the apron and talks more trash, distracting Theory. Theory scoops Balor for the ATL but taunts McAfee before finishing it. Balor slides out and connects with kicks. Theory blocks the suplex with a neckbreaker over his knee. Balor kicks out just in time but Theory shows frustration now. Theory goes to the apron to launch himself back in at Balor but McAfee distracts him once again. This leads to Balor rolling Theory up for the pin to win.

Winner: Finn Balor

– After the match, the music hits and fans pop as Balor stands tall. Balor and McAfee celebrate together on the ramp now while Theory seethes in the ring.

– We see how Alpha Academy attacked The Street Profits and RAW Tag Team Champions RK-Bro last week. The announcers confirm the Triple Threat for WrestleMania.

RAW Tag Team Champions RK-Bro vs. Alpha Academy

We go back to the ring and out first comes RAW Tag Team Champions RK-Bro for this non-title match – Randy Orton and Riddle. They hit the ring and pose together as the pyro goes off. Back to commercial

Back from the break and we get a look back at Rob Gronkowski in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 33. We go back to the ring and out comes Alpha Academy – Otis and Chad Gable. Gable takes the mic and starts ripping the people of Chicago, then Orton and Riddle. Gable says RK-Bro screwed up their chances by making the WrestleMania 38 match a Triple Threat with The Street Profits, but they will still prevail and leave with the titles. The bell rings and Gable goes at it with Orton to start. Gable takes Orton down and works on his arm. Orton fights up and out, drops Gable and tags in Riddle. Orton helps Riddle with the corkscrew senton on Gable for a 2 count.

Gable comes back and hits a big double underhook suplex to Riddle for 2. Otis tags in and runs over Riddle while Gable holds him. Otis drops Riddle again and tags Gable back in for right hands in the corner. Riddle counters Gable and drops him with an overhead kick. Riddle with running forearms in the corner and more signature offense. Riddle goes for a punt kick from the apron to the floor but Gable catches the kick and drops Riddle face-first on the apron.

Otis comes over and flattens Riddle at ringside to boos from the crowd. Otis stands tall at ringside as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Gable rocks Riddle with a stiff forearm. Riddle counters a pin attempt and goes for one of his own. Orton finally tags back in to a big poo. He unloads on Gable as fans cheer. Orton with a powerslam in the middle of the ring. Orton goes for the second rope draping DDT but here comes Otis. Orton mounts Otis in the corner and unloads with rights. Gable drops Orton over the top rope but Orton keeps fighting and ends up hitting the draping DDT for a pop.

Gable with a big German on Orton. Gable then clotheslines Orton to the floor, not seeing Riddle become the legal man. Riddle and Gable tangle until Riddle hits Bro Derek in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winners: RK-Bro

– After the match, Otis rushes Orton at ringside and tosses him over the barrier to boos. Otis hits the ring and levels Riddle as Gable looks on. Otis goes for the second rope Vader Bomb to Riddle but The Street Profits rush the ring and toss Otis to the floor. Fans pop as The Profits then double team Gable in the middle of the ring. Angelo Dawkins then drops Riddle with a Sky High, and Montez Ford follows up with a big Frogsplash to Riddle. The Profits stand tall in the middle of the ring as their music hits. We go to replays.

– We see recent happenings in the feud with Akira Tozawa and Tamina Snuka vs. Reggie and WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke, plus R-Truth’s involvement.

Tornado Mixed Tag Team Match: Reggie and WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke vs. Tamina Snuka and Akira Tozawa

We go back to the ring and out comes WWE 24/7 Champion Dana Brooke. Reggie is out next and they head to the ring together. We see their recent kiss, along with the recent kiss from Tamina Snuka to Akira Tozawa. Back to commercial as Brooke and Reggie pose together in the ring.

Back from a break, which included a Women’s History Month video on WWE Hall of Famers The Bella Twins, and Reggie is in the ring with Brooke. Out next comes Snuka and Tozawa. We see footage from earlier today with Tozawa backstage, saying they had a moment last week. Snuka says she felt it also. Tamina said she wants what Tozawa wants… the WWE 24/7 Title. Snuka man-handled Tozawa some and told him to make it happen. The bell rings and Dana gets on Reggie’s shoulders. Tamina tries to get on Tozawa’s shoulders but he can’t lift her. Tamina puts Tozawa on her shoulders instead.

Tamina kicks Reggie and Dana falls off his shoulders. Dana brings Tozawa off Tamina’s shoulders. Tozawa gets sent into Tamina in the corner, then Brooke hits the handspring elbow to both in the corner. Tozawa falls and Tamina falls onto him, hurting him below the belt. Brooke with a knee, followed by a splash by Reggie for the pin to win.

Winners: Dana Brooke and Reggie

– After the match, Dana and Reggie celebrate as the music hits. Tozawa is hurting below the belt and can barely move. Tamina carries him away to the back as Reggie and Dana look on from the ring.

– We see how Kevin Owens mocked Steve Austin earlier tonight.

AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins

We go back to the ring for tonight’s main event as AJ Styles makes his way out. If Seth Rollins can defeat AJ in this match, he will get to face WWE Hall of Famer Edge at WrestleMania 38, instead of AJ. AJ hits the ring and stands tall as the music hits. Back to commercial.

In addition to WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns appearing next Monday on RAW, Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz will happen, along with The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy, and eight-woman action with Sasha Banks, Naomi, Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley vs. Natalya, Shayna Baszler and WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Carmella and Queen Zelina Vega. We go back to the ring and out comes Rollins for tonight’s main event. The bell rings and Rollins taunts AJ as fans sing his theme. AJ works on Rollins’ arm but Rollins counters and taunts him some more.

AJ grounds Rollins with a headlock now. Rollins breaks free and they run the ropes. Rollins with a big Slingblade. AJ blocks The Pedigree with a back-drop across the ring. AJ misses a leaping right hand into the corner. Rollins charges but AJ launches him out to the floor, face-first on the ground. AJ launches himself from the ring to the floor, dropping Rollins with a strike to the face. We go to commercial with Rollins clutching his jaw on the ground as AJ looks on.

Back from the break and Rollins is in control. AJ looks to mount offense, working on Rollins’ leg now. AJ with a Dragon Screw leg whip in the middle of the ring. AJ goes for the leg in the corner but Rollins fights him off. AJ charges but Rollins moves and AJ smacks the turnbuckle head-first. AJ falls out to the floor and the referee starts counting. AJ makes it back in at the 9 count and Rollins can’t believe it.

Rollins starts stomping on AJ, then drops him with a DDT for a close 2 count. Rollins looks up at the WrestleMania 38 sign. Rollins with big chops in the corner now. Rollins turns AJ upside down in the corner, then runs the ring and hits a big hanging dropkick. AJ still kicks out just in time and Rollins can’t believe it. AJ fights Rollins out of the corner. AJ goes to springboard in from the apron for the Phenomenal Forearm but Rollins knocks him out of the air, to the floor. Rollins runs the ropes and nails a suicide dive, sending AJ into the announce table. Rollins sits up on his knees and smiles at ringside as we go back to break.

Back from the break and Rollins is beating AJ down in the middle of the ring, showing some frustration. Fans boo as Rollins taunts AJ and yells about this not being personal, and how he likes AJ and wants him to go home to be with his family. Rollins grabs AJ by his head and slaps him. Rollins continues ranting. AJ gets up and slaps him. They trade strikes and AJ unloads on Rollins now. Rollins unloads with a bunch of strikes back. AJ with strikes of his own, then a clothesline in the middle of the ring. AJ with a running clothesline in the corner, then the Ushigoroshi. Rollins kicks out just in time and AJ is frustrated now.

AJ looks for the Styles Clash but Rollins tackles him for a close 2 count. AJ comes back and slams Rollins face-first into the mat with a sitdown Facebuster. Rollins kicks out just in time. AJ calls for the Styles Clash again but it’s blocked. Rollins with the rolling elbow and a Falcon Arrow in the middle of the ring for another close 2 count. Rollins can’t believe it. AJ blocks the Stomp but Rollins blocks that. They tangle on the mat with roll-ups and counters.

AJ blocks a Buckle Bomb and sends Rollins flying into the turnbuckles with a snap suplex. AJ and Rollins are both down in the corner now. AJ goes to the top but he’s moving slow. Rollins cuts him off and climbs up for a superplex. AJ resists and sends Rollins to the mat. Rollins leaps back to the top but AJ slides down. Rollins gets sent to the mat on his knee. AJ with the Torture Rack in the middle of the ring. AJ then turns that into a Rack Bomb in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count as Rollins kicks out just in time. AJ goes back to the apron and springboards in for the Phenomenal Forearm but Rollins superkicks him in mid-air. Rollins with a Buckle Bomb. Rollins goes to the top for the big Frogsplash but AJ gets his knees up and Rollins lands hard.

AJ goes back to the apron for the Phenomenal Forearm. Rollins approaches but AJ knocks him back and gets ready for the Phenomenal Forearm again. Edge suddenly appears out of nowhere at ringside, hitting AJ with a chair. It looks like he hit AJ’s arm with the chair. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: AJ Styles

– After the bell, Edge hits AJ one more time and then backs away from the ringside area, smiling. Rollins seethes and has words with the referee. It’s announced that AJ is the winner by disqualification, and the one that will face Edge at WrestleMania 38. Rollins is furious now. He flips out at ringside as fans rally and chant. Rollins stands on top of the announce table and declares that this is b------t. Rollins says next week RAW will not happen unless he gets what he deserves – his WrestleMania moment. Rollins tosses the mic and continues throwing a fit at ringside. Fans chant “Cody!” as Rollins kicks over the barrier, tears up the apron, flips over the announce table, rips the ring post covers off, and so on. Fans are booing and chanting for Cody Rhodes as Rollins stops his tantrum to look up at the WrestleMania 38 sign. RAW goes off the air.

03-22-2022, 04:18 AM
lol Well it looks like Rollins may be facing Rhodes at Mania. I wonder if they will bring Rhodes in next RAW, the last before Mania. They would have to wouldn't they.

03-22-2022, 08:29 AM
Thank you for LC :)