View Full Version : John Morrison Says WWE Is Hellbent On Protecting Officials

03-31-2022, 07:17 PM
In a recent interview, John Morrison commented on how “hellbent” WWE is on protecting officials.

Due to Morrison being a heel for a majority of his second run, he had many moments where he took advantage of the referee. Much of his time in the company was spent cheating behind the officials’ backs to gain heat.

Morrison recently did an interview with The Comedy Store, and he spoke about WWE referees being a bit too strict in the ring.

The six-time WWE Tag Team Champion said, “Here’s one problem I have with WWE; this is the only thing I’ll say about them, they are really hellbent on protecting the officials. If you have five seconds to tag and you don’t get out, disqualification. Ten seconds out of the ring, disqualification. When has anyone bought a ticket to go watch a referee? The ref is extremely important, but the ref’s role should be to facilitate the storytelling. Some of those refs, there are a couple in AEW that work hard cam better than the wrestlers. That’s enough about refs. You get the idea. If they don’t have any sort of control or power, then they are meaningless. You shouldn’t just bury the ref and do a bunch of crap that takes away all their power, but at the same time, you have to be able to cheat. It’s a show, people are going to see a show. You can do a lot more with leeway than you can with a strict ref.”

Morrison was released by WWE in November 2021.

Morrison is scheduled to be a part of multiple matches during WrestleMania weekend. He is booked for shows that are a part of WrestleCon and shows under GCW: The Collective. At the WrestleCon SuperShow, he is scheduled to face his wife Taya Valkyrie in a Dirty Dishes Match.


04-01-2022, 07:39 AM
awww sour grapes Morrison. :(