View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - July 6th, 2022

07-06-2022, 05:00 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week on DYNAMITE on TBS, don't miss the aftermath of Blood & Guts and Royal Rampage! Jon Moxley defends his Interim AEW World Championship title against Royal Rampage Winner Brody King! Plus, Wardlow challenges TNT Champion Scorpio Sky.


– This week's show kicks off with the opening video and theme song and then we shoot live inside the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York.

Excalibur is joined by Taz and Tony Schiavone on commentary and then we get right down to action, as we head to the ring for our opening contest.

TNT Championship Street Fight – Scorpio Sky (c) vs. Wardlow

We are kicking off tonight’s AEW Dynamite in a big way, and of course, the champion is not alone as Scorpio Sky members of American Top Team at ringside with him. Sky starts out using kicks and body shots, with his pace proving to be a difference-maker until the challenger drops him with a shoulder tackle.

Sky then responds with a low blow, but that just leads to Wardlow becoming angry, connecting with a belly-to-belly suplex as he then launches the champion across the ring. Dan Lambert then tries to get involved, putting his hands on Wardlow, but as he goes to square up to him, the rest of American Top Team gets in the way.

The distraction works as Sky launches him into the steel stairs as his faction members then jump Wardlow. Back in the ring, Wardlow misses with an attack in the corner which allows the champion to fire in with several shots, driving him down. The champion takes too long though as Wardlow then runs him down with several clotheslines.

Once again though, Wardlow misses with a charge into the corner, this time crashing into the ring post. Sky places his opponent on the top turnbuckle but gets sent back down, and Wardlow then nails a Swanton Bomb! Wardlow looks for his Powerbomb, but Lambert then sends in the ATT members, only for Wardlow to destroy them all with clotheslines, as he launches another member out to the rest of them outside.

However, this distraction works and Sky nails him in the head with the belt, but Wardlow still kicks out! Sky looks for the TKO but Wardlow reverses and then sends Sky into Lambert on the ring apron. Wardlow follows up with a Spinebuster and then a huge Powerbomb! Wardlow brings him up again and then hits another two Powerbombs before pinning Sky to become champion!

Winner and NEW TNT Champion – Wardlow

– Jon Moxley is backstage and he says a lot of people are waiting for him to be caught off guard, and they think tonight Brody King will surprise him as they think Moxley doesn’t know the monster he’s dealing with. But, he thinks people have forgotten the monster that is in him. He knows what King is, he’s seen him in New Japan and ROH, the only question left is, does Brody have a monster-sized heart. He says being in the BCC ain’t for everybody, step up or get stepped on.

– Mark Sterling speaks to Keith Lee saying that Swerve Strickland is a snake and he has a letter he wants him to sign in order to take him off the roster. Lee says he is still winning, unlike Tony Nese, and he walks away.

– We head back inside the Blue Cross Arena and we hear thetheme song of Christian Cage. He makes his way out and stop and then Luchasaurus' theme hits. The masked man makes his way out to join him.

Christian Cage says on the heels of Blood & Guts he is the cage everyone is talking about, and people want to know why he did what he did and why Luchasaurus decided to remain with him. Before he continues Matt Hardy makes his way out and says he is the Michael Jordan of being an asshol*.

Hardy says Christian screwed Jungle Boy over, Cage says Matt can’t pretend he’s close friends with Jungle Boy, as Cage says that Matt is making his brother sound like the sober one. Matt says Cage is using Luchasaurus to try make as much money as he can, which he claims he did with Private Party. He says by a strange Twist Of Fate his life has been a mess in the past month, and he’s making sure nobody gets taken advantage of.

Cage disagrees and says Matt is a clout chaser and he can’t stand his name not being in the headlines, he uses his wife, his father-in-law, a boat, or turning a blind eye to his brother’s issues for one last run. Cage says he is the hottest and most influential star in AEW and Matt just wants to be near him.

Cage says Jeff isn’t the most embarrassing thing to his family, he is. The time for talking is over after that and a two-on-one attack begins as Luchasaurus connects with a headbutt and then sent Matt into the stairs, which he follows with a big boot to Hardy as his head is sandwiched between the ring post.

Luchasaurus then Chokeslams Matt through the timekeeper’s table as Cage talks trash to him once again.

– Backstage Jake Hager and Claudio Castagnoli are backstage and Hager says his former partner knows he’s not as hard as him and he will never be a World Champion and he wants his respect. Claudio says anyone who says that doesn’t deserve respect at all, as he points out what he’s achieved in AEW. Next week, Claudio says he will go 3-0.

The Butcher & The Blade vs. Swerve In Our Glory

Keith Lee starts out by throwing Butcher across the ring and he looks to get a chair, but Blade calms him down and then tags himself in, which Swerve Strickland also does. Strickland manages to trip Blade, but the heel uses hair to get advantage until Lee drags his partner to make a tag.

His muscle instantly takes advantage, as Strickland holds Blade in the corner as Lee nails a double chop and they tag. Strickland then looks for the penalty kick as Blade is on the ring apron, but Bunny gets in the way. This allows Butcher to knock Lee to the floor and he then tags in and starts physically dominating over Strickland.

Blade gets back in action and pushes Swerve to the ropes, which Bunny then does while the official is distracted. The heels continue to dominate, isolating Swerve by himself in their corner. Butcher puts Swerve on the top turnbuckle, but he reverses and ends up biting his hand.

Swerve sends Butcher back into the ring as he leaps down to head to the corner where Lee tags in and stars running through his opponents/ He then launches Blade into Butcher, taking them down as he then looks for a double team but they get back in time to level things up until Strickland hits a flatliner and then combination offense from the team.

Lee looks to charge into Blade, but he pushes Strickland in the way, who gets flattened. They then work together to attack Lee as they dominate against Strickland as well, almost getting the win. Both men then just brawl on Lee until Swerve hits a running heel kick to Butcher. They then work together as Lee holds up Blade and Strickland dives from the top rope to stomp down in order to get the win.

Winners: Swerve In Our Glory

– Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks then appear, with Hobbs saying they won’t let them just distract them. Starks says they could destroy them on the microphone, and they have proven there are levels to this, he is sick of them thinking they have a shot at them because they’re former WWE guys. He talks about who the best tag team is…but then the champions appear!

Matt Jackson says that was pretty sweet, they should have got their music ready, and they don’t have to apologize as they started this company. He puts over the tag team division and says everyone is eating well, but let’s not forget who set the table. Nick then says these two teams are very good. But he points out Jurassic Express beat them at DON, and that 4 1/2 stars is an off night for them as he puts over the fact they’re champions.

Matt has a proposal for them, a triple threat tag team match for the titles, which leads to a huge FTR chant, as Nick points out that they’re better than them.

– Tony Schiavone is in the ring with Eddie Kingston, and he starts out by congratulating Wardlow, and everyone who won Blood & Guts, including Claudio Castagnoli. But the real deal he’s here is Chris Jericho. He says he didn’t bleed, so he’s going to make him bleed, but Jericho then appears backstage where Tay Conti slams the car door into Ruby Soho’s arm.

– The Dark Order are out for the next segment with Negative One, getting a huge Brodie chant. Evil Uno says they have huge news and he says the fans are what made Dark Order, he thanks them for that, which is why the six of them…are here to stay. Dark Order is forever, and they’re beginning a new chapter.

Negative One then gets on the microphone, but before he speaks QT Marshall appears asking how long we have to put up with this charity case. He gets it, but he ain’t his father, he takes after his mother. Marshall says he didn’t bring his friends, and he challenges the 10-year-old a match. But, out comes Hangman Page, and he and Evil Uno start fighting Marshall.

He gets thrown into the ring and the faction takes it in turns attacking him. Negative One says he would pin him right now, but he’s going to wait until he is 19.

Penta Oscuro vs. Rush

Straight away the two men go back and forth taking some shots at each other with punches and slaps and then they head outside the ring where the constant reversals continue until Penta Oscuro sends Rush across the floor. Back in the ring Rush hits a forearm strike on the masked man.

Rush then hits several lariats in the corner which gets him a near fall and he focuses on ripping the mask, but Penta fights out with several sling blades. He follows it up by diving over the top ropes to the outside where their valets end up brawling as Jose and Alex fight to the back.

Rush once again focuses on trying to rip off the mask of his opponent, which allows him to come in with several big kicks in the corner. Rush then hits a snap slam, but Penta responds by dropping Rush down to the mat as well, which gets a near fall. They continue to push each other with headbutts, and then a leaping knee strike from Rush which takes both men down.

Rush gets the best of the situation when they get up though, stomping away on Penta in the corner, and he then connects with a missile dropkick, but Penta manages to kick out. Rush follows up with a senton from the top rope, but Penta kicks out, only to eat a big elbow strike. Despite that, Penta then counters with a thrust kick and then hits the Fear Factor, but Andrade outs Rush’s foot on the ropes.

But as the official is arguing with Rey Fenix and Andrade, Rush is able to hit a low blow, and he then steals the mask of Penta as he gets the roll-up victory.

Winner: Rush

– Backstage Mark Sterling speaks to Orange Cassidy about signing the paper, but Danhausen interjects as the lawyer, and this leads to a match being set between OC and Tony Nese on Rampage

The Gunn Club & The Acclaimed vs. Ruffin It & Fuego Del Sol & Bear Country

The Gunn Club take Max Caster’s microphone straight away to stop them from doing the rap. Colten Gunn attacks Fuego Del Sol in the corner, but Anthony Bowens tags himself in and continues that while taking out all of Sol’s partners on the apron. He responds with a DDT, but Bear Bronson hits a double clothesline to Gunn Club and then a sit-down powerbomb to Austin Gunn, but Max Caster makes the save and he dumps out Ruff.

Bowens then comes in and goes back and forth with Bear, dropping him down to the ring as Caster tags in to hit the Mic Drop. But Austin made a blind tag and he then gets the pinfall himself.

Winners: The Gunn Club & The Acclaimed

– After the match, the four men argue and Gunn Club attacks The Acclaimed until Billy Gunn pulls off his sons. He argues with them, and then he nails Caster with a clothesline! Bowens wants to be scissored, but instead, Gunn hits him with a Famouser as The Gunn Club reunite.

– A video package then airs for Miro talking about Malakai Black.

Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir vs. Toni Storm & Thunder Rosa

Marina Shafir and Nyla Rose attack their opponents straight away, but Toni Storm fights back with a low dropkick to Marina. Thunder Rosa then makes her way into the match and she takes some body shots with the babyfaces sending each other into Shafir as Rosa then runs up Storm’s back, using it as a platform to dropkick Shafir.

The frequent tags between the babyfaces keeps them fresh as they dominate Shafir, with Rosa nailing some huge chops. Marina shows some aggression and fights back against both of them, and when the official is not looking, Rosa uses an umbrella as a weapon. She comes in and hits a suplex early on.

Shafir comes back in as the heels continue to isolate Storm with he aggressive nature and holds, with Rose then hitting the ring to drop down on Toni. Storm manages to send Rosa into the turnbuckles, but she is quickly slammed onto the bottom rope, despite that Thunder tags into the match. She nails Shafir with a hip attack and then lots of chops to Rose, who she drops on the bottom rope.

Rosa then charges in with a dropkick that sends Nyla into the bottom rope, but the third time is too many and she reverses this time. That allows Shafir to come in, who gets a near fall. Storm fights back and hits a Hip Attack to Shafir as Rosa then picks her up, driving Shafir into the mat as Storm drops off the top turnbuckle to push her down as it happens.

Winners: Thunder Rosa & Toni Storm

– Jade Cargill is backstage and Stokely says they can have an interim baddie and he brings in Leila Gray. He says three on two is better, and it takes a special person to convince a rival to help, but Jade makes it clear if it doesn’t work, Stokely is gone.

– Backstage Daniel Garcia says Wheeler Yuta doesn’t scare anybody with the fake tough guy act, and he says that he will have to call him the best, he will see him at Death Before Dishonor.

– FTR are shown backstage and they say it doesn’t sit well with them that some people don’t think they’re the best, so they challenge The Briscoes to a match at ROH Death Before Dishonor.

Interim AEW World Championship Match – Jon Moxley (c) vs. Brody King

Straight away a strike by Brody King sends the champion down but Jon Moxley gets up and starts throwing hands himself, but once again less attacks from King prove to be more effective. He then takes the fight to the floor as he launches Moxley into the barricade, as he follows up with some chops. But, as he charges into him, Moxley side steps which send Brody into the steps.

Despite that, King gets the next major moment, dropping Moxley onto the ring ramp. Back inside the ring, Moxley puts the focus on King’s legs, working different submissions, and when they get back to their feet it is down to throwing hands once again until the challenger just slams him to the mat.

Once again the right heads outside the ring with Brody continuing to dominate, slamming Moxley down and connecting with more chops, which then gets him a near fall. Mox tries to hit a chop, but that has no impact while King nails one of his own which turns the champion inside out, and he then delivers another.

Moxley tries to fight back with some elbow strikes, but King just walks through them, only to missing with a cannonball in the corner. This then allows Moxley to attack with chops and then a rake of the back before hitting a superplex as he then locks in the Bulldog, but King reverses only to be hit with a dragon suplex.

King then drops the champion once again with a clothesline and then a piledriver, but Moxley kicks out just in time. Brody then looks for the rear choke, but Moxley takes him to the corner in a bid to escape, instead, he climbs up to the top rope and chokes him from there, which almost takes Jon out. This time he does hit the cannonball, but Moxley manages to kick out.

Then out of nowhere, Moxley hits the Paradigm Shift, but he doesn’t go for a pinfall. Instead, it’s the hammer and anvil elbows which makes no impact as King then gets up, yet Moxley locks in the Bulldog Choke, yet when he fades out, he drops directly onto the champion to break it up. That happens for seconds as Moxley then locks in the submission again and passes out for Moxley to retain.

Winner and still Interim AEW World Champion: Jon Moxley