View Full Version : AEW Rampage Live Coverage - September 9th, 2022

09-09-2022, 06:14 PM

AEW Rampage

AEW’s Grand Slam Tournament of Champions
continues as Sammy Guevara faces Darby Allin.


– This week's show kicks off inside the KeyBank Center in Buffalo, N.Y. where the commentary trio of Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho welcome us to this week's show.

The Tournament Of Champions First Round Match: Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin

Darby Allin and Sammy Guevara lock up in the ring. Tay Melo is at ringside as Guevara pushes Allin into the corner. The two exchange submissions before Allin delivers a Coffin Splash. Guevara fires back with an insiguri, followed by a chop. The two men ascend to the top rope before Guevara hits Allin with a superplex. He hangs on and delivers a second suplex. He looks for a third, but the pair spill to the outside and Allin delivers one of his own. Allin looks for a tope suicida, but Guevara counters with a cutter mid-air.

Back from the break, Guevara hits Allin with a thrust kick. He looks for a Shooting Star Press, but Allin counters with a reverse Code Red. He goes for a pin, but Guevara kicks out. The two spill to the outside as Melo gets in Allin's face. Guevara delivers a knee off the ring steps. Melo and Guevara kiss as Allin takes advantage and knocks Guevara to the floor. The two get back in the ring before Allin takes his wedding band off. Melo tries to get the ring back, but Guevara hits him with a knee before he can do anything with it. He puts it back on, then delivers a shoulder to Allin's midsection, followed by an insiguri and a cutter off the ropes. He goes for a pin, but Allin kicks out.

Guevara looks to mock Allin by hitting the Coffin Drop, but Allin rolls out of the way. Anna Jay A.S. runs down to cause a distraction, allowing Melo to toss a skateboard in the ring. Guevara delivers a low blow before sending him into it. He delivers the GTH for the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

– We then head to a video of MJF from this past Wednesday's "Dynamite".

– Back from the break, Samoa Joe heads to the ring. Joe grabs a mic and apologizes for his absence, but says he's back in business. Mark Sterling, Tony Nese and Josh Woods interrupt. Sterling says that Nese and Woods have been grinding week after week while he's been away in Hollywood. He says Nese has more abs than he does and calls Woods a natural athlete. He challenges Joe to a match for his title on behalf of Woods. Joe agrees with what Sterling said and says it will happen tonight. Sterling says that they aren't doing it in Buffalo, but "in a better New York town, Albany next week." Joe stands tall and holds up his title.

– Madison Rayne heads to the ring, followed by Serena Deeb.

Serena Deeb vs. Madison Rayne

The bell rings and the two lock up. They exchange submissions before Deeb delivers a kick to Rayne's midsection. Deeb pushes Rayne before Rayne returns the favor. Deeb fires down right hands, followed by an uppercut. She delivers a swinging neck breaker, then goes for a pin but Rayne kicks out. Rayne hits an insiguri, followed by a few forearms and a sliding lariat. She goes for a pin, but Deeb kicks out. Deeb smashes Rayne's knee into the mat, then locks in The Serenity Lock for the win.

Winner: Serena Deeb

– We then head to Jade Cargill and The Baddies. She says she did exactly what she told everyone she would do to Athena before telling the women's division that whoever wants to come for her title is welcome to do so.

– Back from the break, we head to Powerhouse Hobbs. He says that the whole world loves to doubt him and says he believes that if you want something done, then you have to do it himself. He says that he put Ricky Starks 6 feet deep and he will show the world the beast from Oakland.

– Dax Harwood heads to the ring, followed by Claudio Castagnoli and William Regal.

ROH World Championship Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Dax Harwood

The bell rings and the two shake hands. They lock up before Castagnoli delivers a shoulder tackle. Castagnoli delivers a back elbow before Harwood delivers a chop. Castagnoli hits a couple of European Uppercuts before Harwood fires back with a short arm clothesline. The two men then spill to the outside.

Back from the break, Castagnoli and Harwood exchange chops. Castagnoli sends Harwood back first into the ringpost, then delivers a sliding drop kick. The pair exchange forearm shots before Castagnoli gets the upper hand with a clothesline. The two ascend to the top as Harwood fires off several chops. He drops Harwood, then hits the diving head butt. He goes for a pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. Harwood hits a pile driver, then goes for a pin but Castagnoli kicks out. Castagnoli comes back with a couple of European Uppercuts, followed by a superplex off the top. He goes for a pin, but Harwood kicks out.

The two men spill to the outside as Harwood fires off some chops. He tosses Castagnoli back in the ring, then delivers a Brain Buster. He goes for a pin, but Castagnoli kicks out. The pair get back in the ring and Castagnoli hits a short arm lariat. He goes for a pin, but Harwood kicks out. Harwood hits a forearm, followed by a chop. He hits the Slingshot Liger Bomb, then goes for a pin but Castagnoli kicks out. Harwood hits a set of German Suplexes, then sits Castagnoli on the top turnbuckle. Castagnoli counters it into a crossbody.

Castagnoli delivers a couple of uppercuts, followed by a chop. He rains down several right and left hands before delivering his signature swing. He locks in the Sharpshooter, but Harwood counters into one of his own. Castagnoli manages to escape and hits several elbows on Harwood's head. He locks in the Sharpshooter once more and Harwood taps.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli

– After the match, William Regal helps Harwood up and shakes his hand. Castagnoli hugs him and raises his hand.

– The commentary crew wraps up this week's show, Chris Jericho mentions that he has never been a ROH Champion before. He says, "I'll just leave that there for now." We head off the air with Jim Ross plugging the Sammy Guevara vs. Jon Moxley match in the Tournament of Champions on next week's Dynamite. This week's post-ALL OUT edition of Rampage goes off the air