View Full Version : Claudio Castagnoli Saved A WWE Superstar’s Job With An Uppercut

09-13-2022, 05:07 PM
Claudio Castagnoli did a lot of amazing things in WWE, including saving the job of Tyler Breeze with an uppercut.

The AEW star recently appeared on the Insight podcast. During the Q&A session of the show, Tyler Breeze sent a video message. He asked Castagnoli to tell the story of how an uppercut saved his job. Revealing the story behind it, the former US champion recalled how his first match in FCW was against Breeze:

“Oh, I think what he’s talking about, he makes this joke. He was there in FCW when I just got there. I wrestled my first match against him ever on FCW TV. It was just kind of supposed to be a get over match. Because I don’t think they were very high on him at that time, which I didn’t know.

The uppercut he was talking about is when I popped the guy up and uppercut him on the way down. He just took it like a madman and went super high in the sky. I took his head off.”

Claudio Castagnoli explained that after the match, people asked him how Tyler Breeze was to work with. The praise Castagnoli gave him helped change the perspective about Breeze and saved his job:

“But after that match, everybody was like, ‘How’s it to work with him.’ I’m like, ‘He’s great’, They all [are] like ‘Hey, he’s really good. he’s really good.’ Then fast forward three months and he was FCW champ or something.

What that’s alluding to is [that] I uppercutted his head off, but saved his job in the process. Because they were not high on him before and then afterwards, they were rightfully so very high on him after. So I don’t think I did anything. I think he did everything. He just showed everybody how good he actually was.”