View Full Version : A Missed Opportunity

10-12-2022, 07:36 PM
This weeks RAW hopefully shows us a little of what we have in store for the future. You can easily see that there are otheres piloting the ship now. But, I feel they really missed out on a big opportunity to do something shocking and unexpected, and that was during the match between Lashley and Rollins. I really feel it would have made for an awesome moment if Theory had cashed in his briefcase, stealing the whole thing right in front of Lashley and Rollin's eyes. This would have been awesome for more than one reason.

1. You would get a cash in on a mid-card title, bringing some prestige back to the old championship.

2. You get Theory and Rollins away from the main event picture where they can have a program together.

3. Because Lashley Vs Lesnar does not need a title.