View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results - December 22nd, 2022

12-24-2022, 12:56 AM
WWE Main Event Results - December 22nd, 2022

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Kevin Patrick.

Andre Chase says even though his students are on winter break . . . he is told to restart his comments and he yells at the director.

Cedric Alexander versus Andre Chase

They shake hands and lock up. Alexander backs Chase into the corner and gives a clean break. They lock up and Chase with a wrist lock. Alexander with a reversal and Chase with a reversal of his own. Alexander with a reversal but Chase with a side head lock take down. Alexander with a head scissors. Alexander with a side head lock take down and Chase with a head scissors. Chase with a waist lock and Alexander with an escape. Alexander with an arm drag.

Chase with a rollup for a near fall. Alexander with an arm drag but Chase with another arm drag. Chase with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Alexander with a head scissors take down and a drop kick for a near fall. Alexander with a kick to the back. Alexander with another kick to the back and he tries for a seated abdominal stretch but Chase blocks it for a moment. Alexander locks in the seated abdominal stretch. Chase gets back to his feet and Chase goes for an abdominal stretch and Alexander with a back elbow to avoid it. Alexander runs into a boot.

Chase with a side Russian leg sweep and it is time for the C-H-A-S-E-U Stomp. Alexander with a victory roll for a near fall. Chase counters and gets a near fall. Alexander rolls through on a sunset flip but Chase holds on and hits a Gibson Driver for a near fall. Chase goes up top and Alexander moves. Alexander holds on to the ropes on an O’Connor Roll attempt. Alexander with a Neuralizer followed by a brainbuster for the three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

We take a look at the Bloodline from last week’s Smackdown and the reveal that John Cena would be Kevin Owens’ partner next week on Smackdown.

We have a video package for Axiom.

He says when he was growing up, comics were his escape from reality. He wanted to know if he could emulate his idols when he was fighting. He wanted to be his own super hero. He wanted to be a symbol. He is anonymous because it is not about him, it is about everyone else.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Roman Reigns giving the Order 66 to the Usos, Sami, and Solo.

We take a look at Seth Rollins and Austin Theory from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Becky Lynch and Bayley from Raw.

We go to the sit down interview with Bianca Belair and Alexa Bliss from Raw.

Axiom and Mustafa Ali are in the locker room.

Ali says that was one hell of a video package.

Axiom introduces himself to Ali.

Ali asks Axiom if he is disrespecting him by side eyeing him. Ali says he is kidding.

Ali says he will shake Axiom’s hand in the ring but he has to earn his respect.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Bray Wyatt and LA Knight from Smackdown.

Axiom versus Mustafa Ali

They shake hands and then Ali pulls Axiom close and has some words for Axiom. They lock up and Ali with a side head lock. Ali with a shoulder tackle and a near fall. Ali with a side head lock take down. Ali with a crucifix for a near fall. Axiom with a leg sweep and a back slide for a near fall. Axiom with a rollup for a near fall. Axiom tries for a spinning heel kick but Ali gets out of the way. Ali with a wrist lock. Axiom with a reversal and take down. Ali with a wrist lock take down but Axiom holds on to the wrist lock. Ali with a forearm.

Ali goes for a suplex but Axiom lands on his feet. Axiom with an arm drag and a springboard arm drag. Axiom with a drop kick that sends Ali to the floor. Axiom with a springboard moonsault onto Ali on the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ali with forearms in the corner. Axiom with forearms. Axiom with an Irish whip and Axiom is sent to the apron. Axiom with a forearm from the apron and he sets for a springboard move but Ali with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Ali floats over and Axiom with a drop kick. Ali with a punch and Axiom with a forearm. They exchange forearms. Axiom charges into the corner and Ali with a kick and a slingshot rolling neck breaker. Axiom counters a suplex into a sleeper. Ali with a boot to Axiom and he goes for a springboard move but Axiom goes through the ropes and hits a German suplex.

Ali with a drop kick as Axiom comes off the turnbuckles. Ali gets a near fall. Ali gets Axiom on his shoulders and Axiom gets to his feet. Ali with a super kick to Axiom but Axiom with an enzuigiri and a tornado DDT. Axiom gets a near fall. Axiom with a triangle on Ali and Ali tries to get to the ropes. Ali picks up Axiom for a one arm power bomb. Ali pulls himself up to the turnbuckles for a 450 splash and the three count.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

After the match, Ali raises Axiom’s hand.

We take a look at Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Usos versus Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins from Raw.

We go to credits.