View Full Version : Wrestling History Today - 24th December

12-25-2022, 06:20 AM
December 24th

On this day in history in ....

1958 - Lee Fields defeats Billy Wicks in Mobile, Alabama to win the NWA Gulf Coast Heavyweight Title, ending Wicks' second title reign.

1971 - Daniel "Christopher Daniels" Covell is born in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

1979 - Chris "Chris Hero" Spradlin is born in Dayton, Ohio.

1985 - Camille Tourville, better known as Tarzan Tyler, fellow wrestler Pierre "Mad Dog" Lefebvre and referee Adrien Desbois died, when the car they were traveling in struck a tow truck on an ice-covered road, after an International Wrestling event in Chicoutimi, Quebec. Tourville was one-half of the very first WWWF World Tag Team Champions with "Crazy" Luke Graham in 1971, and was 58 years old. Lefebvre was just 30.

1986 - Perro Aguayo wins his sixth WWF World Junior Heavyweight Title in Mexico City, Mexico, ending Fishman's second reign.

1994 - The Rock N' Roll Express defeat The Gangstas (New Jack & Mustafa) in Knoxville, Tennessee to win the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Title. This would begin the tenth, and final reign for Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson.

1994 - Russian Assassins I and II defeat The Italian Stallion and George South for the Pro Wrestling Federation Tag Team Title in Charlotte, North Carolina.

1998 - The Bounty Hunters (J.J. and Johnny) defeat Full Force (Bobo Brazil, Jr. and Andy Chene) to win the Independent Association of Wrestling Tag Team Title in Adrian, Michigan, beginning their second reign.

2001 - Monday Night Raw aired a Christmas Eve episode. The episode, which was taped in advance, still managed to earn a 3.2 rating. Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show, which included the first-ever "eggnog match" with Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson.

The 12/24 episode of RAW IS TAPED was filmed on 12/21 in Miami due to the Christmas holidays. It was by definition going to be something of a throwaway show, as ratings will be way down due to it being Christmas Eve. It was an entertaining show with a hot live crowd. The dueling Christmas parties idea was good, though we could have done without the gratuitous stuff with Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young.

Rock came out wearing his #94 jersey from his days with the University of Miami Hurricanes. The crowd went nuts for him. He slightly altered his opening catch phrase, saying "finally, the Rock has come back.....home!" He promised it would be a special homecoming since the TV main event would be Chris Jericho defending the Undisputed World Title against him. Rock read his own special version of "The Night Before Christmas", which proved there's at least one thing he doesn't do well, namely compose Christmas poems:

Twas the night before Christmas, and all though the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The weather was warm, not a trace of snow, as the Rock got ready to whoop Chris Jericho.

Jericho's claim to be the best, the Rock found quite brutal. Clearly Chris Jericho's a man who has no strudel.

"I am a living legend", Y2J would sing, as he trembled with fear heading into the people's ring.

And faster than Scrooge saw the ghost of Christmas past, as Rock hit the people's ring he whooped Y2J's ass.

It seemed quite certain the title would switch, as the Rock made Chris Jericho his own punk-assed bitch.

And after the Rock pinned Chris Jericho 1-2-3, and stood over his limp body in victory,

The Rock grabbed the mic and told everyone in sight, "Merry Christmas to all...."

But before Rock could finish with, "and to all a good night", Kurt Angle interrupted him. The crowd gave Angle hell with all the "whats". Angle said if Santa Claus sees you when you're sleeping and knows when you're awake, he must be a pervert. He said he hopes Santa isn't watching because he plans on being very naughty tonight. He added that there's one man more powerful than Santa, namely Vince McMahon, and that Vince had given him a great Christmas present. Specifically, the present was that Vince had added Angle to the Jericho vs. Rock main event, making it a triple threat match. Rock asked Angle to be quiet for a minute to allow the crowd to call him an "asshole", which they did. Angle said Rock's chance of winning the title in front of his hometown losers just went from slim to none. Rock, in a vague attempt to be poetic, said Angle's ass would end up redder than Rudolph's nose and that both Angle and Jericho would end up on the canvas looking up at Rock after he whips both their candy asses.

Vince was having a Christmas party backstage. Pat Patterson & Gerald Brisco were dressed as elves, including pointed ears. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler later noted the size of Brisco's ears, which was an inside joke. Vince told them they both looked ridiculous, proving he occasionally tells the truth. Each one said it was the other's idea to dress as elves. Various heel wrestlers (such as Christian and Test) and sub-stooges like Harvey Whippleman and Brooklyn Brawler were hanging around. Bubba Ray Dudley was dressed as Santa Claus. He was also the luckiest guy on earth as Santa's helper Stacy Keibler was sitting on his lap. She whispered her gift requests to Bubba Claus and he said she had indeed been a naughty girl. Booker T arrived and Vince praised him for beating Steve Austin in the first blood match on Smackdown. Vince announced that it was time for the "raindear" to arrive, so in came a few stripper type girls, one of whom began stripping.

Rikishi beat Test by DQ in 1:35. Rikishi took his good spin bump. Test kept getting in the face of referee Tim White. He dared White to punch him. White did, so Test beat him up. Of course, he got DQ'ed in there somewhere. He can't be fired, but he can be DQ'ed. Rikishi laid Test out and squashed him with the Banzai ass drop.

Ric Flair was having a Christmas party of his own. Most of the mid or lower card babyface wrestlers were there (Edge, Hurricane, etc.). Trish Stratus and Jackie were there. So was Torrie Wilson, who was Santa's helper, sitting on the lap of Tajiri Claus. Tajiri Claus gave Torrie her present, which was a bra and panties which combined contained about as much material as the little finger on a glove. Kane was there and was being his usual stoic self. Edge & Albert tried to get him into the party mood by giving him champagne and putting Christmas bows on his mask. Debra threatened the festive mood by arriving with a big tray of Christmas cookies she had baked herself. Flair saw this as a good sign, though, as it meant Austin was on his way there.

Meanwhile, at Vince's party, more girls were dancing and stripping. One of the stripper babes was sitting on Bubba Claus' lap, as Bubba chugged down the champagne. Tazz told Bubba he wasn't being a very good representative of Christmas or Santa. Bubba told Tazz he's just jealous because elves are taller than he is. Chuck Palumbo and Billy Gunn traded Christmas gifts. Each had gotten the other a red headband with his name on it. Howard Finkel came in and said two really super hot babes had arrived. It turned out to be Fabulous Moolah & Mae Young. When Vince saw them, he decided he needed another drink.

Palumbo & Gunn beat the APA in 1:49. Palumbo & Gunn were wearing their little headbands, with JR sarcastically calling them "special", almost like it was a gay type of thing. Bradshaw cleaned house, but when he had Gunn up for a slam, Palumbo tripped him. Gunn fell on top and Palumbo held Bradshaw's leg out of view of the ref and Gunn got the pin.

Rob Van Dam arrived at the arena and began looking for Jericho. He found Jericho's locker room, without even having to ask directions. I guess it's easier to find Jericho's locker room than Rock's. But Jericho wasn't there. Instead, RVD found Lance Storm. Storm said Jericho was out preparing for his title defense, but had left a message for RVD, which was that Jericho doesn't have time for losers such as him. RVD said if Jericho doesn't have time for losers he shouldn't have picked Storm as his messenger boy. They argued back and forth and ended up agreeing to face each other in the ring.

Arn Anderson arrived at Flair's party, followed by Austin. Austin began passing out beer. By the way, Big Show was at Flair's party and was pretty hilarious doing a Hulk Hogan imitation. Tajiri Claus kept ringing some bells. Austin made him stop, but then sat on his lap (sort of) and made his Christmas requests. After each request, the other guests all shouted "what". Austin wanted beer (he asked for that about three times), a match against Booker T, a shot at the Undisputed Title, a new truck, a new deer rifle (great for shooting Rudolph), and another middle finger so he can flip more people off.

RVD beat Lance Storm in 2:27. It was a good ECW style match while it lasted, which was less than two-and-a-half minutes. Some pretty stiff shots and good near falls. RVD won with a spinkick and the five star frog splash.

At Vince's party, Test held some mistletoe over his head and tried to get Terri to kiss him. She brushed him off. Maybe he should have hit on Moolah. Moolah & Mae were getting drunk on the spiked punch. Sharmell (formerly Paisley in WCW) interviewed Maven. He put over the new season of Tough Enough. He also mentioned the grocery store brawl between Austin and Booker, calling it one of the funniest things ever. Booker overheard this and didn't like it. He got in Maven's face, backed up by Big Bossman, and challenged Maven to a match.

They aired a promo for HHH's 1/7 return, which got a big pop.

To start hour two, Torrie beat Stacy in 1:55 in a match in a pool of eggnog. Lawler loved this. I kind of liked it myself. Stacy dipped her finger in the eggnog and sucked it off. Lawler nearly passed out. Then Torrie came out sucking on a candy cane. Lawler wished he was a cane. Lawler then said this was good quality Christmas programming. Yeah, this was a scene right out of "It's a Wonderful Life". Anyway, Torrie pinned Stacy in the eggnog. Stacy attacked Torrie afterward.

Back at Vince's party, Bubba Claus & D-Von were sad that Stacy lost. They said she would have won if it had been a Dudleyville cranberry sauce match. Chris Jericho came in and was upset that Vince had added Angle to the main event since it increased his chances of losing. Vince was trying to come up with an explanation when Stephanie came in. Vince took her arrival as an opportunity to get out of his conversation with Jericho. Stephanie was all humble and even crying a little. She had a Christmas present for daddy, a new money clip with his initials on it. However, Vince said she was just trying to manipulate her way back into the WWF. He told her to get the hell out, and she left crying. JR said the McMahons sure aren't the Waltons.

Christian beat Hurricane in 3:37 to retain the European Title. Christian called the Miami Hurricanes a bunch of thugs and petty criminals who won't be winning any bowl games. Another match that was good but short. Hurricane did a senton plancha. Christian did a baseball slide that knocked Hurricane into Mighty Molly. Hurricane managed to crawl back in the ring but was pinned with the unprettier.

Tazz showed up at Flair's party and said Tajiri was a better Santa than Bubba. He sort of stirred up a fight by saying Bubba thinks he's tougher than Tajiri. Austin stepped up and suggested that their Santa should fight Vince's Santa, so the challenge went out for Tajiri Claus vs. Bubba Claus. Austin then began singing Christmas songs very badly as he played a guitar with a broken string.

JR & Lawler announced that the Santa vs. Santa match was a done deal, calling it match that would draw big on PPV at the North Pole. Lawler said he wished JR was more like Santa, only coming around once a year.

Booker T beat Maven in 3:06. Bossman was in Booker's corner. Maven got in a little bit of offense, including one great dropkick. Booker won with the flapjack.

Tajiri Claus beat Bubba Claus in 5:20. A pretty good match for two guys wearing Santa outfits. Tajiri hit an Asai moonsault. JR called one spot a "malfunction at the junction", which was a tribute to Calgary wrestling commentator Ed Whalen, who died recently. Bubba whipped Tajiri with a belt as if he were Rudolph the red-nosed government mule. Bubba missed a senton bomb and Tajiri hit the springboard elbow. Bubba hit a superplex and set Tajiri up for a wazzup. D-Von got on top to (illegally) deliver it, but Tazz ran out and caused D-Von to get crotched. Tajiri sprayed the mist, hit a kick, and got the pin on Bubba.

Angle showed up at Vince's party and promised to humiliate Rock in front of his hometown fans and thus strip him of his dignity. Mae heard the word "strip" and got up on a stage and began stripping, to everyone's dismay.

A video package aired of Undertaker mauling Jeff Hardy & Lita on last week's RAW, and slaughtering Matt Hardy on Smackdown. Lawler said the Hardys and Lita are having a black & blue Christmas.

Mae continued stripping. The cameras thankfully only showed her from the knees down, but we were led to believe she had taken it all off. Everyone else had left in disgust except for the drunken elves Patterson and Brisco, Moolah, and Vince. Vince was about to leave when Austin charged in. He KO'ed Vince, drowned Brisco in the punch bowl, and put Patterson's head between Mae's legs, looking up at her supposedly exposed private parts, and he began gagging as if about to throw up. It was one of those really gratuitous and stupid incidents that make you wonder how sick some of the people who write this stuff really are.

Jericho beat Rock and Angle in the three-way match to retain the Undisputed WWF Title in 12:43. A good match with awesome heat, though it followed the booking pattern they've established where Jericho survives as champ only because of flukes. Jericho, as champ, was actually introduced first. Rock was last, which did make some sense as it was Rock's hometown and they were popping huge for him. The first part of the match saw Jericho and Angle conspire to double on Rock, with Rock making occasional comebacks. Angle took a bump into the stairs and was out on the floor for a while, allowing Rock and Jericho to go at it. Jericho went for his lionsault but Rock got his knees up. Angle recovered and tripped Rock. Rock came back and nearly pinned Angle with a suplex but Jericho made the save. They did a spot where Jericho was laid out on the mat and Angle fell on him with his head hitting Jericho's crotch. Rock put the sharpshooter on Angle, but Jericho broke it up. Rock gave Jericho a spinebuster and went for the people's elbow but Angle caught Rock in the ankle lock. This forced Jericho to go after Angle to save his title. Angle and Jericho began arguing. Angle gave Jericho the German suplexes. Jericho tried for the walls on Angle but Angle reversed it into an ankle lock on Jericho, which Rock broke up. There was the expected ref bump. Rock put the walls on Jericho, who tapped, but there was no ref. What a surprise! Angle swung a chair at Rock but accidentally hit Jericho, though it was set up so that it wasn't really clear whether it was an accident or not, as they're obviously doing a storyline where Vince's "boys" Jericho and Angle are rivals. Rock hit Angle with a Rock Bottom but Jericho stopped the reviving ref from counting. Angle DDT'd Rock on a chair, but sold it as if he hurt himself as well. As a result, Angle was unable to make the pin and Jericho crawled on Rock and got the pin to retain the belt as the show ended.
2006 - Minoru defeats Koji Kanemoto for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title in Tokyo, Japan. This ended Kanemoto's fifth reign and began Minoru's fourth.

2006 - Sachie Abe and KAZUKI defeat Toshie Uematsu and Ran Yu-Yu to win the JWP Tag Team Title in Tokyo, Japan. Also, Arisa Nakajima defeats Aoi Kizuki in a tournament final for the vacant JWP Junior Title. That title had been vacated on December 3, 2005 due to champion Erika Watanabe having a heart problem.

2008 - New York City's The Village Voice ran a piece on Ring of Honor and former ECW champ Jerry Lynn in this week's edition, which hits the streets tomorrow. The article portrayed Lynn as the real-life Randy The Ram from "The Wrestler", "minus the drugs", according to ROH owner Cary Silkin.

The article paints Lynn as a normal, down to earth guy who takes care of his daughter during the week, then wrestles on weekends despite the laundry list of injuries he's suffered over his career, including broken feet, broken ankles, broken pelvis, knee surger, torn rotator cuff, a "permanently damaged" right arm and numerous broken noses.

"You think about all the injuries and the political bull in this business," says Lynn. "I missed seeing half of my first daughter's life growing up. I passed on good job opportunities. But when you see how the crowd is in the palm of your hands, you can't turn your back on it."

2009 - WWE broadcast Superstars. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the wrestling world, not a creature was stirring because they sat through Little People’s Court Twice.

Our first match is from the ECW brand.

Before our first match, we see William Regal turning on Vladimir Kozlov and helping Ezekiel Jackson with the battle of the red trunks.

Match Number One: Ezekiel Jackson versus Vladimir Kozlov in a Battle for William Regal’s Friendship

They lock up and Kozlov with a side head lock and Jackson with a break but Kozlov with a kick and punch followed by an arm drag into a front face lock. Jackson with forearms to the face and back. Jackson with a tackle and both men go to the floor. Kozlov with a forearm on the floor followed by a kick that sends Jackson into the ringside barrier. They continue to fight on the floor. Jackson sends Kozlov into the ring post and the referee makes the ten count.
Double Count Out

After the match, Kozlov wants to restart the match but Jackson goes to the back with a smile on his face.

We go to the trailer for The Marine 2, starring Ted DiBiase and the guy who played Jango Fett.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Christian video package.

Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler talk about tomorrow night’s Christmas Night edition of Smackdown and the World Title Match between Undertaker and Rey Mysterio. We go to a Smackdown Rebound to see why Rey is wrestling Taker tomorrow night.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Royal Rumble commercial for the pay per view on the week between the AFC and NFC Championships and the Super Bowl (still no fruit basket).

Our next match comes from the Raw brand.

Match Number Two: Chavo Guerrero versus Primo

They lock up and Chavo with a snap mare but Primo with a kick to the head. Chavo wants the referee to check his lip to see if it is bleeding. Primo with a side head lock but Primo with a series of kicks and a leg sweep for a near fall. Primo with an arm bar but Chavo with a punch to the head and shoulder tackle. Primo with a monkey flip and then he punches Chavo in the corner. Chavo tries to do something with Primo but Primo with a sunset flip. Chavo with a Liger Kick into the corner and then he kicks Primo. Chavo with a Latino uppercut for a near fall. Chavo rubs his boot on Primo’s face and then he goes for an arm bar. Chavo with a kick but Primo with a punch to respond. Primo with punches to the head and a flying back elbow and clothesline. Primo with a drop kick and then it is time for the gymnastics portion of the match as Primo does a cartwheel before a side Russian leg sweep and a near fall. Primo goes to the apron for a springboard cross body but Chavo with a drop kick to Primo. Chavo does the Eddie Guerrero Shimmy and then it is time for the Three Amigos but Primo with an inside cradle after the second suplex. Primo with a back body drop and Chavo begs for mercy. Primo punches Chavo and then he tries to slam Chavo but Chavo is against the ropes and he goes to the apron and drops Primo against the ropes. Chavo hits the frog splash for the three count.
Winner: Chavo Guerrero

It is time for Ask the Divas and the WWE Universe gets to ask the questions this week.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre to come to the ring.

Drew says that when Mr. McMahon personally signed him to Smackdown, he saw the future. He saw an individual who could take over and lead this company into a new generation. Drew says that he stands here the new Intercontinental Champion. Drew says that this means that Mr. McMahon was right and everything that he said he would do, he has done. It also means that when Mr. McMahon proclaimed him a future World Champion, . . .

John Morrison will not let the new champion finish and John Morrison comes to the ring dressed a lot less formally than the champion.

John and Drew have some words before John talks into the mic. John acknowledges that Drew is the champion and he congratulates Drew for having his future drawn out. John asks Drew if he was told about New Year’s Day by Mr. McMahon. John says that he gets his rematch on New Year’s Day. Drew tells John that he should live it up and celebrate all he wants on New Year’s Eve because on New Year’s Day his party is over. John wants to know what kind of party Drew is talking about. John says that nobody wants to party with Drew because nobody can understand what he says. John says that the party will be over for Drew on New Year’s Day. John talks over Drew and he says that he will tell us what is going to happen. John says that he will win the Intercontinental Title. Morrison and McIntyre are done talking and Morrison has things under control. Morrison hits the split legged corkscrew moonsault and then he drops the belt on McIntyre’s chest before he poses for the fans.

Kane is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back with the John Cena comments from the Tribute to the Troops Special.

Match Number Three: Kane versus Mike Knox

They lock up and Knox with a side head lock. Knox with a shoulder tackle but Kane gets his knees up for an elbow drop and then Kane starts to work on the arm. Kane with an arm drag and arm bar. Knox with a punch and knee followed by an attempted suplex but Kane blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Kane with a drop kick for a near fall. Kane sends Knox shoulder first into the turnbuckles and then he wraps the arm in the ropes. Knox runs Kane into the turnbuckles and hits a series of shoulders. Kane with a divorce court and Knox rolls to the apron. We go to commercial.

We are back and Kane runs into an elbow but then Kane clotheslines Knox over the top rope to the floor. Kane continues the attack on the floor and he rolls Knox back in. Kane grabs Knox from the apron but Knox drops Kane on the top rope and then Knox with a bicycle kick to send Kane to the floor. Knox hits Kane in the back and then he sends Kane into the apron before returning to the ring. Knox goes up top and connects with a forearm to the head. Knox with punches to Kane followed by an Irish whip and splash in the corner. Knox with a clothesline to Kane and a splash for a near fall. Knox with a reverse chin lock but Kane with a belly-to-back suplex to escape the hold. Knox with a drop kick to Kane for a two count. Knox returns to the reverse chin lock but Kane punches his way out of the hold. Kane with a big boot to Knox and then he connects with a vintage uppercut. Kane with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner followed by a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline and gets another near fall. Kane with another Irish whip but Knox moves when Kane charges into the corner and Knox hits a running cross body but can only get a two count. Knox and Kane fight on the turnbuckles and Knox head butts Kane to the mat. Knox comes off the turnbuckles but Kane grabs him and hits a choke slam for the three count.
Winner: Kane

2010 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live from San Antonio, Texas and your announcers are Matt ‘Can I be Mark Harmon tonight’ Striker, Michael ‘Tuesday Not Titans’ Cole, and Josh ‘I need a diet soda’ Mathews.

We see footage from last night when Jerry Lawler pinned Miz, with some help from Randy Orton in the Raw main event.

Match Number One: Randy Orton versus Miz with Alex Riley in a You Didn’t Think We Would Start Off Smackdown with Smackdown Wrestlers Did You Match

They lock up and Orton backs Miz into the corner but Miz and Orton go around the ring until Orton breaks thanks to help from the referee. Miz with a punch to Orton and Orton with that glare and Miz goes to the floor. Miz and Orton go around the ring and Orton with a Thesz Press and punches. Orton kicks Miz and Miz goes to the floor. Orton sends Miz into the barrier and then hits a clothesline. Orton sees Riley approaching and Riley backs off because he doesn’t want to get involved yet. Orton with a European uppercut and they return to the ring.

Orton has Miz in the ropes and connects with a forearm. Orton stomps on the chest as Miz is on the apron. Orton slingshots Miz’s throat into the rope and gets a near fall. Orton with a few European uppercuts on Miz and Miz goes to the apron again. Miz drops Orton on the top rope as Miz goes to the floor.

Miz with a running boot to the head and he gets a near fall on Orton. Miz with knees to Orton’s back. Orton punches Miz but Miz with a knee to the midsection and the referee checks on Orton. Miz with elbows to the neck and then he connects with a forearm across the chest. Miz with a suplex and gets a near fall. Orton with punches to Miz but Miz with kicks. Orton with the vintage Viper back breaker. Orton with clotheslines to Miz followed by a power slam.

Miz rolls to the apron again and Orton with a kick to the chest and then he sets for the IEDDT but Miz gets into the ring and Miz sends Orton to the apron. Orton punches Miz and while the referee is with Miz, Riley trips Orton and Orton hits the ring steps. Miz Irish whips Orton into the ring steps and we go to commercial.

We are back and Miz has Orton in a reverse chin lock but Orton with a sleeper. Miz with a sleeper of his own but Orton with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. We see footage during the commercial when Miz connected with a knee lift on the floor. Back to live action and Miz punches and kicks Orton while the referee warns him. We also see a boot by Miz. Miz goes up top but Orton with a glancing uppercut and Miz gets crotched. Orton with uppercuts and then he goes for a superplex and hits it but he can only get a near fall. Orton punches Miz but Miz punches back. Orton with kicks and punches but Miz is standing toe to toe with Miz. Orton takes over and kicks Miz in the corner. The referee warns Orton and when Miz gets up, Orton with an Olympic Slam for a near fall.

Miz with a kick to Orton and he hits a neck breaker and swinging neck breaker combination for a near fall. Miz misses a running boot and Orton with a drop kick for a near fall. Orton sets for a power bomb and Riley gets on the apron to distract Orton and Miz with a back body drop. Miz sets for and hits the Awesome Clothesline. Miz with a kick to Orton and hits a DDT for a near fall. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale but Orton escapes. Miz avoids the RKO with a backslide and gets a near fall. Orton with an uppercut and then he hits the IEDDT.

Orton with push ups and that means that it is almost time for the RKO. Orton hits Riley on the apron and then he hits the RKO on Miz. Riley interferes and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Randy Orton by disqualification

After the match, Riley gets sent over the top rope to the floor. Orton sees Miz on his hands and knees and he thinks about a field goal, but he approaches Miz and then lines up the kick. Cole begs for Miz to move and Riley enters the ring and gets an RKO. Miz crawls to the back while Cole stops hyperventilating.

We take a look back at the footage from TLC when John Cena made it rain chairs on top of a cart that was on top of Wade Barrett.

Showta Claus and his elf Rosa hand out gifts to people in the back. They find their other elf Hornswoggle in the back and they are walking into commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE gives all of its programming to the military on American Forces Network?

Santa Show, Rosa Claus, and Elfswoggle come to the ring and they are bearing gifts. There is a table with milk and cookies so while Rosa and Hornswoggle hand out gifts, Show goes to the ring. Show sits down and he breaks the chair. Show sits down while Cole yells at him. Show reads ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, WWE Style. Show doesn’t like the line about his weight and he wonders if Hornswoggle wrote that line.

While Show and Rosa hand out gifts, Cody Rhodes comes from out of nowhere and attacks Hornswoggle. He also kicks Big Show before destroying the gifts in the ring and leaving.

We go to commercial.

We are back and remember that you can watch Tribute to the Troops tomorrow night on USA Network featuring a six man tag match with Miz, Alberto Del Rio, and Wade Barrett against John Cena, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton.

We take a look back at last night’s Raw because you haven’t seen it in 24 hours.

Todd Grisham is with Beth Phoenix in the interview area and he asks Beth about how she is feeling. Beth says that she is thankful that she isn’t hurt any more. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov stop by and Santino says that he wanted to see if she is okay. Beth says that she is okay. Santino says that he is very happy for her and suggests that they do one of their famous lip locks. Vladimir has some mistletoe and Beth asks Santino if he is seeing Tamina. Santino says that what happens on Smackdown stays on Smackdown. Beth decides to kiss Vladimir instead. Santino says that he wants to know where she went. Vladimir says that she vanished. Santino notices the lipstick and suggests in his broken English that they kissed. Santino storms off as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Santino Marella with Vladimir Kozlov versus Chavo Guerrero in a This Time I Have Nobody Else to Blame for the Loss to Santino Match

Santino with a hip lock take down to Chavo but Chavo with a kick and Latino uppercut. Santino holds on to the ropes and then he back drops Chavo to the floor. Santino sends him back into the ring but Chavo with a kick as Santino returns to the ring. Chavo with a Latino uppercut followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall. Chavo punches Santino in the head and he kicks Santino in the leg. Chavo sends Santino into the turnbuckles. Santino sends Chavo into the turnbuckles and then he does the split followed by a hip toss. Chavo avoids the diving head butt. Chavo sets for the Three Amigos suplex combination but Santino blocks the third one. Santino with a jawbreaker and then he hits the Cobra and gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Edge to come to the ring.

For the past four weeks, he has been asked if all of the insanity with Kane and Paul Bearer would pay off. The wheelchairs, dummies, and wild goose chases. Was it worth it? Edge says yes it was worth it because he is the new World Heavyweight Champion. Edge says that Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match shortened his career and the careers of everyone in the match. Edge says that it hurts him to walk to the ring. However, it was absolutely worth it. Nineteen years ago, he got into this industry and he told himself that he would get to the WWE. He told himself that he would win the Tag Titles with his best friend Christian. He said that he would win the Intercontinental Championship, and he said that he would win the World Title. Edge says that it wasn’t being cocky, it was confidence in what he could do.

Edge is interrupted by Kane who wants it to stop. He is sick of hearing Edge’s sentimental story. Kane says that Edge’s story is finished. Edge doesn’t get to write the ending to his story. Kane says that he does. The story will not have a happy ending. The story will end with his body broken and the World Title back in his possession. For all of Edge’s tormenting.

Edge says that he might be sore, but nothing is more painful than listening to Kane’s psychotic ramblings. Edge suggests that they cut to the chase. Why not do it right here and now. Kane versus Edge for the World Title.

Kane comes to the ring, but he stops before he gets there. Kane tells Edge that he cannot manipulate him that easily. Kane says that for six weeks, they have been playing this game according to his rules. Kane says that he will get the World Title back, but he will do it on his terms and when he is ready.

In case you missed it earlier, we have the footage of what John Cena did to Wade Barrett at the end of TLC.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ezekiel Jackson will be on Smackdown soon.

Match Number Three: Drew McIntyre versus Kaval

Drew attacks Kaval as he enters the ring and before the referee starts the match. The referee checks on Kaval to see if he can wrestle.

Kaval avoids a charge from Drew but he does not miss a running boot and then Drew hits the Future Shock DDT for the three count.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

In case you didn’t know from the many commercials and plugs in the first hour, we have a video package for the Tribute to the Troops Special that will air tomorrow night on USA Network.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see a photo of Alberto Del Rio being knocked off a ladder through two tables on Sunday night in the TLC Match.

Match Number Four: Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger versus Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston

Del Rio and Mysterio start things off but Swagger and Kofi get face to face and Swagger pushes Kofi to the floor and that allows Del Rio to sneak up on Rey and hits him. Del Rio with a snap mare and he goes for the mask and kicks Rey in the back before getting a near fall. Swagger tags in and he punches Rey. Del Rio tags back in and he kicks Rey again. Alberto with an Irish whip but Rey floats over and Rey with a head scissors. Kofi tags in and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Kofi with a near fall. Rey tags back in and hits a springboard seated splash for a near fall. Kofi tags back in and he hits a missile drop kick for a near fall and Swagger gets involved. The referee warns Swagger while Del Rio kicks Kofi. Del Rio tries for a splash in the ropes but Kofi moves and Alberto goes to the floor. Swagger tries to attack Kofi but Kofi moves and Rey pulls the ropes down and Swagger goes to the floor as well. Kofi and Rey go up top and hit cross bodies on Alberto and Jack as we go to commercial.

We are back and things are calmed down a lot with Alberto having Rey grounded in a reverse chin lock. We see footage from the commercial break when Swagger crotched Rey. Del Rio kicks Rey in the ribs and gets a near fall. Swagger tags in and he punches Rey in the ribs and then drops a knee on Rey. Swagger with a slam and then he sets for the double jump Swagger bomb and hits it but he can only get a near fall. Swagger with a bear hug to Rey and he swings Rey around like a doll.

Rey with punches to escape followed by a kick. Rey tries to make the tag by jumping over Swagger but Swagger throws Rey into the corner. Swagger charges at Rey but he is sent head first into the turnbuckles with a drop toe hold. Kofi tags in and he hits a cross body followed by chops and a drop kick. Swagger gets his feet up when Kofi charges at him. Swagger gets a near fall on Kofi. Del Rio tags back in and he kicks Kofi in the ribs.

Del Rio with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Del Rio mocks Kofi’s set up for Trouble in Paradise and Kofi with punches to Alberto but Alberto kicks Kofi. Alberto talks to the referee to allow Swagger to punch Kofi. Swagger tags back in and he puts Kofi in a front face lock. Kofi tries to get to his corner but Swagger fights off the attempt. Swagger sends Kofi into the turnbuckles and then Irish whips Kofi but Kofi with a cross body and both men are down. Kofi tries to make the tag to Rey but Swagger grabs the ankle. Del Rio is tagged in and Rey tags in too. Rey with a seated senton splash followed by a DDT for a near fall. Rey with a kick to Del Rio’s head and he gets a near fall.

Del Rio charges into a boot from Rey but Alberto with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alberto with a kick to the head and he tries for a slam but Rey gets out of the hold. Rey with a drop kick to the back and he falls into the ropes. Swagger makes the tag and he hits Rey with a body block and gets a near fall. Swagger tries for the Doctor Bomb but Rey gets out of the hold. Rey arm drags Swagger into the ropes. Del Rio goes into the ropes and Rey hits a 619 on both men. Kofi with Trouble in Paradise to Swagger and Rey hits a springboard dive onto Swagger for the three count.

Winners: Rey Mysterio and Kofi Kingston

In case you missed it the first few times, we see the waterfall of chairs and Cole wonders what is next for Nexus.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that a lot of people from a lot of places are going to Wrestlemania. We see the Alamo, and Pee Wee Herman is still looking for the basement.

Kelly Kelly is in the back and Drew McIntyre wants to apologize for what happened last week. Drew says that they are a lot alike. Drew says that he would never hurt Kelly. Drew walks away and Kelly continues to text.

Vickie is stretching for her match and Dolph enters the office. He asks Vickie if she still wants to go through with the match. Vickie says that Cena insulted her last night and if Ziggler loves her, he will defend her honor. Vickie wants Dolph to help her stretch.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rey Mysterio will team with Edge to face Alberto Del Rio and Kane.

Match Number Five: Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero versus John Cena

Vickie wants to start but Dolph holds her back and tells her to get on the apron. Dolph goes after Cena but Cena with a side head lock take down. Dolph with a rollup for a near fall. Dolph with a side head lock but Cena with a shoulder tackle and he puts Ziggler in a reverse chin lock. Cena backs Ziggler into the corner and Vickie yells at Cena and that allows Ziggler to punch Cena. Ziggler kicks Cena and punches him. Ziggler with punches to Cena. Ziggler with punches in the corner and Vickie tags in.

Vickie chokes Cena and stands on his head. Cena lifts Vickie up but Ziggler makes the tag and he punches Cena and gets a near fall. Ziggler with a fireman’s carry followed by a series of elbow drops and then he finishes it off with a hesitation leaping elbow drop. Ziggler continues to punch Cena. Cena with an Irish whip and bulldog and gets a near fall. Cena gets Ziggler up for the Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler counters with a DDT and gets a near fall. Ziggler with forearms in the ropes while he chokes him too. Vickie kicks Cena off the ropes while Dolph is with the referee.

Ziggler with a neckbreaker and gets a near fall. Cena goes to the apron and Ziggler punches him off the apron to the floor. The referee starts his count while Cena tries to get up. Ziggler goes after Cena and he sends Cena’s head into the announce table. Cena prevents Ziggler from sending him into the ring steps and Cena is the one to send his opponent into the ring steps.

They return to the ring and Ziggler with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Ziggler tries for a suplex and Cena blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Both men are still down. Cena is the first to his knees. Ziggler and Cena exchange punches but Cena gets the advantage. Cena misses the flying shoulder tackle but Ziggler ducks and Cena goes to the floor. Vickie taunts Cena on the floor.

Cena with a gutwrench suplex and both men are down. Vickie distracts Cena and Ziggler moves out of the way of a charge into the corner. Ziggler with a reverse chin lock on Cena, but Cena gets his hands up to get Ziggler to release the chin lock. Cena with punches but Ziggler with a bareback for a near fall. Ziggler stands over Cena and Vickie tags herself into the match. She tells Cena that he can’t see her and she misses an elbow drop. Cena struggles to get to his feet and Dolph wants Vickie to tag him back in.

Ziggler misses a clothesline and Cena with two shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb. Time to finish the Legendary Sequence with a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Ziggler up for the Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler counters with a Fameasser but he can only get a two count. Ziggler gets ready for either the sleeper or Zig Zag but Cena pushes him out of he way and puts Ziggler in the STF. Vickie pulls Cena off Ziggler and she yells at Cena. Cena kisses Vickie and that gives him enough power to give Ziggler the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match, Vickie tries to slap Cena and Cena blocks it and gets Vickie up for an Attitude Adjustment. CM Punk comes into the ring with a chair and he hits Cena in the ribs and back with the chair.

Punk leaves the ring and walks to the back as we go to credits.

12-25-2022, 06:20 AM
Continued ...

2012 - WWE broadcast a taped edition of Monday Night Raw for Christmas Eve. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

An animated CM Punk tries to light an animated Christmas tree but it does not go on.

Since Christmas is on Tuesday, a number of Superstars are on the stage being led by John Cena to perform a Christmas carols.

Dashing through the show
So we can entertain
O’er the ropes we’ll go
Hope I land on Kane (sung by Damien Sandow)
Funk is on a roll (sung by Brodus Clay)
When you step into that ring (sung by AJ Lee)
Yes No Yes No Okay Yes . . . (sung by Daniel Bryan)
I’m not going to sing (sung by Kane)
Ohhh Ring the bell Ring the bell
Season’s here no doubt
We won’t stop until we win
Or I’m gonna knock you out (sung by Big Show)
We go out to compete
All alone (sung by Randy Orton) or in a pair (sung by Darren Young and Titus O’Neil)
I can’t eat enough red meat (sung by Ryback)
We fly through the air (sung by Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara)
I’m the best in this whole world (sung by CM Punk)
I know that is not true (sung by Sheamus)
Excuse me, don’t you start a fight (sung by Vickie Guerrero)
Can you dig it? You sing too (sung by Booker T)
Ring the bell. Ring the bell
We hope that you’re inspired
If you aren’t entertained
Then Vince will say
YOU’RE FIRED (sung by an animated Vince McMahon)

We go back to the animated CM Punk’s attempts to light the Christmas tree and he continues to fail. He is knocked out of the way and an animated John Cena comes to save the day and he lights the tree and we see Santa in the background.

Raw is in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and your announcers are Jerry ‘Will anyone mind if I wear a Browns jersey’ Lawler and Michael ‘The Fish that Saved Pittsburgh’ Cole.

Our host makes his way to the ring and it is Santa Claus. Santa has some gifts for the fans along the aisle. While Santa gives out more gifts, Ricardo Rodriguez comes out to introduce Alberto Del Rio, who drives into the arena and he hits Santa.

Ricardo and Alberto don’t know what to do while the medical staff checks on Santa. Santa gives the thumbs up and the people cheer.

We go to commercial.

We are back at the crime scene in the arena and we see why the police tape is out. We see Del Rio hitting Santa Claus as Cole speaks in a very somber tone. We will get updates later in the night.

Everyone is standing outside the trainer’s room waiting for an update on Santa. Booker emerges and he says that he will not sugar coat it. Santa is down and he don’t look good. Everyone needs to pull together and the show must go on.

Alberto Del Rio stops by and John Cena yells at Del Rio for running over Santa. Alberto says that he did not know that Santa would be there. He says that it is not his fault.

Booker tells Alberto that before Santa lost consciousness, his last words were that Alberto will be in a fight. A Miracle on 34th Street Fight . . . against John Cena.

Booker tells John to do it for Santa.

We see footage of Cody Rhodes being back body dropped onto the disabled list by Kane last month on Main Event.

Match Number One: Cody Rhodes versus Kane in a This was supposed to be on Main Event last week but we got a Tag Title Match instead Match

Cody with a punch but Kane presses Cody over his head and he drops Cody behind him. Kane with a biel to Cody across the ring. Cody with a kick and then he comes off the turnbuckles but Kane catches him and runs Cody into the turnbuckles. Kane with kicks in the corner. Cody with kicks to the knee and punches.

Cody with a top wrist lock but Kane sends Cody over the top rope to the floor. Cody goes to the apron and he drops Kane’s throat across the top rope. Cody sends Kane’s shoulder into the ring post. Cody with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Cody tries to remove the top turnbuckle pad and the referee stops Cody. Cody punches Kane and kicks him.

Cody wraps the arm in the ropes. Cody kicks Kane in the corner and he punches Kane. Kane with a kick and punch to Cody. Cody with a kick to the chest and he wraps Kane’s arm in the ropes again. Cody with a head butt and punch to the head but Kane with an uppercut. Kane sets for a suplex but Cody with a kick and single arm DDT. Cody with a wrist lock submission.

Kane grabs Cody by the throat and tries for a choke slam but Cody escapes. Kane with a boot followed by two Irish whips and clotheslines. Kane with a side slam and he gets a near fall. Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he hits it. Kane signals for the choke slam but Cody with punches to stop Kane. Kane gets Cody up for a tombstone but Cody escapes. Cody hits Beautiful Disaster and then he loosens another turnbuckle pad. Kane sends Cody into the exposed turnbuckle and then hits a choke slam and gets the three count.

Winner: Kane

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Kaitlyn, Layla El, Alicia Fox, and Natalya versus Eve Torres, Rosa Mendes, Aksana, and Tamina Snuka

Natalya and Aksana start things off and they lock up. Natalya with a rollup for a near fall. Natalya holds on to a waist lock but Aksana escapes. Natalya with a rollup and Backlund bridge for a near fall. Alicia tags in and she leap frogs Aksana while Natalya hits a clothesline. Alicia misses a boot into the corner and Aksana throws Alicia into the corner and she crawls to the corner seductively before tagging in Tamina.

Tamina with head butts and then she pulls Alicia over by the hair but Alicia with a drop kick. Layla tags in and hits a clothesline. Layla with an arm drag and cover. Layla hits Tamina with her rear end but Tamina stops Layla. Tamina runs into boots from Layla. Rosa distracts Layla and that allows Tamina to hit a Samoan drop on Layla followed by a boot to the back and a near fall.

Rosa tags in and she hits a clothesline and gets a near fall. Rosa with a Japanese stranglehold and she puts Layla on her knees to add more pressure. Rosa turns it into a modified camel clutch. Rosa with an elbow to the back to stop Layla from making the tag. Eve tags in and she connects with an elbow drop. Eve with knees and a kick for a near fall. Eve misses an elbow drop and Kailtyn tags in.

Kaitlyn with a clothesline and back elbow followed by a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall but Rosa breaks up the cover. Rosa sends Kaitlyn to the floor. Natalya applies the Sharpshooter to Rosa but Tamina with a superkick. Alicia with a scissors kick to Tamina. Aksana with a spinebuster to Alicia, but Layla with a kick and triple jump cross body. Eve with a kick to Layla. Kaitlyn with a gutbuster for the three count.

Winners: Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Layla El, and Natalya

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see a fire and a Christmas tree. AJ and Dolph Ziggler are sitting on the floor and AJ thanks Dolph for watching her favorite Christmas movie with him. AJ says that it is a movie about not living in the past. We see that they are watching TLC when AJ pushes Cena off the ladder and allows Ziggler to win the match.

Dolph says that all they need this holiday season is some T.L.C. AJ says that the best part was that John Cena did not see it coming. AJ says that this is the most wonderful time of the year.

In case you missed the tragic pedestrian accident, we have a replay.

We see the monitors while Matt Striker gives us an update. Wrestlers and other backstage people hold a vigil for Santa.

It is time for the Lumberjacks to come out for the LumberJack Frost Match and we go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Big Show versus Sheamus in a LumberJack Frost Match

They lock up and Show sends Sheamus to the mat. They lock up again and Sheamus pushes Show into the ropes. Show wants a Greco Roman knuckle lock but Sheamus cannot reach Show’s hand so Sheamus stomps on Show’s foot and applies a side head lock. Show with a shoulder tackle.

Show with a head butt and chop in the corner and then he wishes Sheamus a Merry Christmas. Show misses a splash into the corner and then Sheamus drops Show across the top rope and he connects with the ten forearms across the chest. Sheamus goes up top and hits a shoulder tackle that knocks Show down.

Sheamus looks around and signals for the Brogue Kick but Show rolls to the floor. The lumberjacks think about sending Show back into the ring but 3MB aren’t stupid. They allow Show to enter at his own leisure and we go to commercial.

We are back and Show has something to say to Sheamus but Sheamus with a kick. We see footage from the commercial break when Sheamus was sent to the floor in front of 3MB and Sheamus had to fight his way into the ring. Show with a key lock. Seamus grabs Show’s nose and he punches Show.

Sheamus tries to slam Show but he collapses under Show’s weight and Show gets a near fall. Show sends Sheamus to the floor and 3MB attack Sheamus and we have a lumberjack brawl. Sheamus gets back into the ring while the lumberjacks continue to battle. Show with a head butt and the hostilities on the floor calm down. Maybe they will be able to settle their differences later.

Show with a suplex and Sheamus is down. Show chokes Sheamus in the ropes. Tensai punches Sheamus while Show talks to the referee. Show with a few chops to the chest. Show climbs the turnbuckles and he sets to punch Sheamus but Sheamus gets Show on his shoulders and he hits an Electric Chair Drop and both men are down.

Show and Sheamus exchange punches from their knees. Sheamus with the advantage but Show with a choke slam for a near fall. Show with a head butt but Sheamus with punches as he gets back to his feet. Show with a punch to the midsection and then he hits a step over leg drop for a near fall. Sheamsu with more punches but Show with a bear hug.

Sheamus with forearms to get out of the hold. Sheamus with a flying double sledge or two. Sheamus with a shoulder into the corner followed by another shoulder. Sheamus goes for the knee lift but Show knows it is coming and Show with a clothesline for a near fall. Show with an elbow drop for a near fall.

Show goes to the turnbuckles for a Vader Bomb but Sheamus moves. Sheamus gets Show up for White Noise and hits it. Sheamus gets a near fall on Show. Sheamus tries for the Brogue kick but Show blocks it and he sends Sheamus over the top rope to the floor. The lumberjacks battle around the ring while Tensai sends Sheamus back into the ring.

Show gets the fist ready but Sheamus ducks it and Sheamus with a Brogue Kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, the Lumberjacks enter the ring and they brawl until the heel lumberjacks are sent to the floor.

We take a look back at Tribute to the Troops.

We go to commercial.

We are back and David Otunga is in the ring. He says that he is the only Harvard educated lawyer in the history of the WWE. That makes him uniquely qualified to discuss the situation involving Santa and Alberto Del Rio. People are quick to pass judgment and assign blame. He says that people are pre judging and they are prejudiced. David says that Alberto is really the victim. Santa is guilty of trespassing and working without the proper visas.

Zack Ryder says that Alberto ran over Santa. The man who says ho ho ho is in the back getting treatment while Otunga faces the man who says woo woo woo.

Match Number Four: Zack Ryder versus David Otunga

They lock up and Otunga with a knee. Ryder with a forearm and back elbow followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Otunga sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and he connects with clotheslines. Otunga poses and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Otunga with a rear chin lock. Otunga with a back elbow to Ryder and Otunga poses and does the Jericho cover. Otunga with a clothesline and then he picks up Ryder again and hits another clothesline while applying a hammer lock. Otunga with a third clothesline and gets a near fall.

Ryder with a rollup for a near fall. Otunga with a kick and Irish whip followed by a clothesline and flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Otunga with a rear chin lock. Ryder with punches but Otunga with a forearm. Ryder with an X Factor and back elbow. Ryder with knees and a drop kick from the middle turnbuckle. Ryder with a running forearm and he hits the Broski Boot for a near fall.

Ryder sets for the Rough Ryder but Otunga sends Ryder over his head. Otunga misses a clothesline in the corner. Ryder with the Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

Booker is in the office with Teddy Long and he says that it is fitting that Vickie is on vacation on a week that Santa gets run over. They laugh at Otunga losing. Brad Maddox enters and he says that he is looking forward to his contract. Booker says that Brad lost and he was awful. Booker gives Brad another chance. Brad says that it will be great television. Booker tells Brad that he has to beat one of Santa’s elves.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Miz and Kofi Kingston versus Antonio Cesaro and Wade Barrett

Miz and Cesaro start things off and they lock up. Cesaro with a waist lock but Miz with a wrist lock. Cesaro with a waist lock take down and he slaps Miz in the head. Cesaro reminds Miz that he is a champion. Miz with a waist lock and side head lock but Cesaro escapes. Miz with a kick and running knee lift and he slaps Cesaro in the back of the head. Miz with a flapjack and kick to the head for a near fall.

Cesaro with a forearm and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Barrett tags in and he punches and kicks Miz. Miz with a kick to Barrett and he sends Wade into the turnbuckles. Barrett with an Irish whip but Miz avoids Barrett and hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Kofi tags in and connects with a double sledge. Kofi with a kick and waist lock.

Barrett backs Kofi into the corner but Kofi with kicks. Barrett misses a clothesline but Barrett avoids Trouble in Paradise. Barrett goes to the floor to get into Kofi’s head and slow down the pace. Cesaro tags back in and Kofi with a drop toe hold and front face lock. Cesaro backs Kofi into the corner but Kofi punches Cesaro. Cesaro with a side slam and he kicks Kofi in the head and chokes him in the ropes.

Cesaro with a European uppercut and Barrett tags back in. Barrett with a snap mare and he stretches Kofi. Kofi with a kick and chop followed by a kick to the head. Barrett with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Cesaro tags in and he kicks Kofi in the abdomen and then Cesaro picks up Kofi and hits a dead lift side salto for a near fall. Cesaro with a chin lock using Kofi’s arm.

Cesaro with an Irish whip but Kofi with a pendulum kick. Cesaro keeps Kofi from making the tag momentarily. Miz and Barrett are in and Miz with a back elbow and punches. Miz with the Awesome Clothesline and then he kicks Cesaro off the apron and hits a chop to the top of the head from the turnbuckles. Miz sets for the Skull Crushing Finale but Cesaro with a forearm to the back. Miz takes care of Cesaro but Barrett gets Miz on his shoulders. Miz sends Barrett to the ropes and Kofi with Trouble in Paradise from the floor and Miz gets the three count after the Skull Crushing Finale.

Winners: Miz and Kofi Kingston

We are back at Dolph and AJ’s Christmas Eve celebration and his briefcase has been gift wrapped. AJ says that she got the last one for him and broke John Cena’s heart by pushing him off a ladder. AJ says that she has one more present for Dolph and she opens her robe for him and he drops his present. She is wearing a Ziggler t-shirt.

Michael Cole reminds us that Santa suffered some injuries as a result of colliding with Alberto Del Rio’s hood.

We go to Matt Striker with an update. He says that there is not a lot to report. There was some damage done to Santa by the car.

Brad Maddox comes out and he sings Brad Maddox is coming to Raw.

Match Number Six: Brad Maddox versus Great Khali (with Hornswoggle)

Brad slaps Khali and he tells Khali he is not an elf. Khali sends Maddox into the turnbuckles and he chops Brad across the chest and Brad goes down. Khali with another chop. Hornswoggle tells Khali to do it again and he chops Brad out of the ring. Hornswoggle with a splash onto Maddox. Maddox drops Khali on the ropes and Brad with elbows drops to the leg.

Khali chops Brad to get out of the hold. Maddox with a drop kick to the head. Maddox poses for the crowd and then he goes for the injured leg but Khali kicks Brad into the corner. Maddox goes to the turnbuckles but he comes off and is chopped by Khali. Khali with clotheslines and then he choke slams Maddox and gets the three count.

Winner: Great Khali

After the match Great Khali and Hornswoggle dance. Hornswoggle tells Santa to get well. Khali wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

CM Punk and Paul Heyman are in the hallway and we go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look at the crime scene before CM Punk and Paul Heyman make their way to the ring.

Punk tells Heyman that there should be an escalator to help him into the ring.

Punk mocks Great Khali’s Christmas wish and he says that he must have been from Pittsburgh since he couldn’t understand him. Punk says that in all seriousness, Christmas has been ruined.

The crowd starts a Steelers chant and Punk says that he isn’t stupid enough to root for a bunch of losers like the Cubs and he is from Chicago. Punk says that Christmas has been ruined. Punk says that it was not his fault. He is not talking about when Santa got hit by a car.

Punk is talking about how the best in the world is clearly injured to the point where he cannot compete tonight. Punk says that if you want to boo anyone, the person to boo is Ryback. Ryback is the reason why Christmas is ruined. Punk says that he cannot even walk without these crutches.

Punk says that Ryback has ruined Christmas. Ryback has ruined Hanukkah. What do we do to the lowlife who has ruined Christmas and Hanukkah. Do we fire him? No. Do we suspend him? No. Do we fine him an obscene amount of money? No. What is the punishment for Ryback for hurting the champion? Nothing. He is rewarded with a championship match.

If it was proven that CM Punk has worked with Brad Maddox or the Shield, then maybe Ryback should be given a title match. Punk says that he is in obvious pain. He is not cleared by doctors. Ryback is believing his own crap.

Punk says that he is in a bad mood because he has been doing a lot of training to get ready to go back to the ring. Punk insults the people in the crowd.

Paul tells everyone to get one thing perfectly clear. They do not boo CM Punk. CM Punk has been your WWE Champion for 400 consecutive days. For each and every one of those 400 days, CM Punk has been the victim of a documented conspiracy in the WWE to take this championship away from him. Paul mentions the Ryback situation. He has received not one, but two extraordinary opportunities to wrestle the title from CM Punk. On both occasions, Ryback has failed.

Punk tells Ryback that on two legs he was better than him. On one leg he is better than him. He could have his leg amputated and he will be better than him. He says that he is the best in the world.

Ryback’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

Paul tells Ryback to listen to him. CM Punk is not medically cleared to wrestle. If Ryback places one finger on Punk, he will sue him for assault.

Ryback says that he does not have to lay a finger on him because he got his Christmas present. In two weeks, if Punk is medically cleared, they will have the match that they were supposed to have at the pay per view. It will be a TLC match.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Seven: Daniel Bryan versus Damien Sandow

Damien demands silence and Bryan says no. They go back and forth until Daniel wins out. Bryan with a drop toe hold and he tries for the No Lock and Sandow gets to the floor. Bryan with a baseball slide to Sandow and then he goes to the apron and hits the running knee off the apron.

Bryan sends Sandow back into the ring and he hits the running drop kick into the corner and gets a near fall. Sandow with a punch and head butt to Bryan. Sandow with shoulders in the corner followed by punches. Sandow with an Irish whip but Bryan flips over Sandow. Bryan with a flying clothesline and he follows with Kicks of No. Bryan misses a round kick and Sandow gets a near fall with a rollup. Sandow sends Bryan to the apron.

Sandow with a shoulder to keep Bryan on the apron. Sandow sends Bryan into the ring post and Bryan falls to the floor. Sandow sends Bryan into the apron and then back into the ring for a near fall. Sandow with an Irish whip and a suplex for a near fall. Sandow with a quarter nelson and chin lock.

Bryan punches Sandow but Sandow with a knee and kick to Bryan. Sandow with kicks to the ribs and then he bows. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and he sets for the Elbow of Disdain and hits it. Damien puts Bryan on the turnbuckles and punches Daniel. Sandow sets for a superplex but Bryan knocks Sandow off the turnbuckles. Bryan with a diving head butt but Sandow moves out of the way. Sandow goes for Terminus but Bryan counters with the No Lock. Bryan locks it in and Sandow taps out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

We go to commercial.

Match Number Eight: Usos, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Brodus Clay, and Santino Marella versus Tensai, Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, Drew McIntyre, Darren Young, and Titus O’Neil

Darren and Brodus start things off and they lock up. Clay sends Young to the floor and then Clay shimmies. Clay with a shoulder tackle and Irish whip followed by a running back elbow. Kidd tags in and he hits a double sledge from the apron and then applies a hammer lock. Young reverses and then Kidd goes through the ropes to tie up Young in the ropes. Kidd with a hip toss and drop kick.

Kidd tags in Gabriel and they hit a double back elbow and double snap mare followed by a double kick for a near fall. Young with a European uppercut and Tensai tags in. Tensai with an uppercut and a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Tensai misses a short arm clothesline and Gabriel with kicks and an enzuigiri. Santino tags in and he walks into an uppercut.

Mahal tags in and Santino misses a kick. Mahal with a leaping elbow drop for a near fall. Mahal with a rear chin lock. Santino with a belly-to-back suplex and he tags in Jey Uso. Drew tags in as well. Drew with an Irish whip and Jey tries to float over but Drew kicks him in the midsection. Titus tags in and he kicks Jey. Titus with a double underhook gutbuster and then he tags Tensai back in.

Tensai mocks Jey and the Uso chant. Tensai with a head butt. Jey with punches but Tensai with a shoulder. Titus tags back in and he kicks and chokes Jey. Titus barks and then he runs into boots from Jey and both men are down. Jimmy and Slater tag in and Jimmy with a flying shoulder and clothesline. Jimmy with a Bubba Bomb and then he sends Slater into the corner for a running butt splash. Jimmy gets a near fall and Drew and Jinder break up the cover. Kidd and Gabriel take care of them and hit dives to the floor.

Slater hits Smash Hit but Brodus breaks up the cover. Clay sends Young and O’Neil to the floor. Tensai punches Clay. Santino with the Cobra to Tensai. Slater with Smash Hit to Santino. Gabriel with a quebrada to Slater followed by a springboard elbow drop from Kidd. Jey with a Superfly splash for the three count.

Winners: Usos, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Brodus Clay, and Santino Marella

We go to commercial, but when we come back, we will find out the latest on Santa.

We are back and Daniel Bryan is in a good mood. Both of them won and Christmas is his favorite day of the year. Kane says that he hates Christmas, but he still got Daniel a present. Kane did not get around to wrapping it. Daniel opens it and he sees that it is a Slammy Award. Daniel says that he has a present for Kane and it is a puppy.

Kane thanks Daniel and he says that he is starving. Daniel yells no and says that animals are our friends and not food. Daniel takes the dog back.

We go to AJ reading Twas the Night Before Christmas with her own interpretation. AJ pushes Dolph under the mistletoe and they kiss and their passion knocks over the Christmas tree.

In case you missed it the first four or five times, we see the horrible automobile accident involving Santa Claus and Alberto Del Rio.

We go to Matt Striker for the latest update on Santa. Matt says that Santa has taken a turn for the worst and he is about to be taken to a medical facility but it looks like he is doing much better. It is a Christmas Eve Miracle.

Ricardo comes out and he cannot do the usual Alberto introduction because of what happened earlier to Santa.

Match Number Nine: John Cena versus Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) in a Miracle on 34th . . . Street Fight

Cena yells at Del Rio for running over Santa. Del Rio pushes Cena and says that it was an accident. Cena punches Del Rio and then he climbs the turnbuckles. Cena sends Del Rio to the floor and Del Rio Irish whips Cena into the ring steps and Del Rio kicks Cena in the shoulder as a prelude for the cross arm breaker.

Del Rio gets a near fall and then he stomps on the arm. Del Rio tells Ricardo to get the mic. Del Rio says that it was an accident and then he hits Cena with the mic. He was not trying to hurt Santa. He hits Cena with the mic one more time. Cena blocks another shot with the mic and Cena kicks Del Rio and hits Alberto in the head with the mic. Cena grabs a present and he opens it. Cena pulls out a steel chair.

Cena hits Del Rio in the midsection and back with the chair. Cena gets a near fall. Cena chases Ricardo around the ring and Del Rio with a clotheslines when the get into the ring. Del Rio with kicks and punches to Cena. Ricardo gives Alberto a present and Del Rio opens it.

It is a pie and Del Rio tries to throw it in Cena’s face but he hits Ricardo instead. Cena with a kick followed by an Irish whip and bulldog. Cena sends Del Rio to the floor and Cena sends Del Rio into the barrier on the ramp. The fight onto the stage and Cena gets another present.

Cena picks up a monitor and he hits Del Rio in the head with it. We go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio is in control. We see Ricardo distracting Cena and Del Rio with a superkick to the shoulder. Alberto is given another present and Ricardo says that it is a bazooka, but it is a teddy bear. Del Rio throws the teddy bear at Cena and Cena is fine. Alberto grabs Ricardo and then Cena sends Del Rio into the presents. Cena puts a wreath over Ricardo and then gives him a present to the head.

They fight down the ramp and back to the ring. Cena sends Del Rio into the apron and then into the barrier. Cena goes back for another present and the crowd wants him to use the tree. Cena picks up the tree and takes it to the ringside area and he hits Del Rio with the tree.

Cena opens another present and he has a bowling ball. Cena lines up for the 7-10 split on Del Rio and he hits Del Rio in the head pin. Cena goes for another present and it is a fire extinguisher. Cena stands over Del Rio and he goes into the ring and sprays Alberto with the extinguisher.

Ricardo jumps on Cena’s back and applies a sleeper.

Santa’s music plays and he makes his way to the ring with his bag of presents. Ricardo is jubilant that Santa is okay. Santa hits Ricardo with the bag of presents and he gives Del Rio Mr. Socko. Cena with Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

2014 - Former WWF and WCW World champion Kevin Nash was arrested after a family dispute that was sparked by his 18-year old son Tristan returning home late and intoxicated. When he was disrespectful to his mother, Nash either took his son down or his son fell - as according to police reports, Nash's story changed.

Several hours after Nash was arrested, police were again called to the Nash household, this time after Tristen's uncle (Kevin Nash's brother-in-law) called police following another incident where Tristen attempted to physically assault him. Nash's brother-in-law was giving a statement to police when his wife began arguing with him, at which point he refused to give a statement.

Both father and son were charged with battery, which is a misdemeanor charge. They were each released from jail earlier this afternoon.

Kevin Nash's attorney told the newspaper, "It's an unfortunate situation. They're a good family. I'm hoping the State Attorney's Office will receive my information and dismiss the charges. The kid was out of control, and the father was defending his wife. I'm pretty confident we will have a resolution in the next couple of months."

WWE later issued the following statement: "Kevin Nash has not regularly performed for WWE since January 2004. He is currently under a non-wrestling 'legends' contract, which has been immediately suspended until this domestic dispute is resolved."

2015 - PWInsider.com broke the following story:

WWE informed contracted talents yesterday that as of 2/21/16, they will begin conducting random checks with insurance providers to make sure that information talents have provided WWE regarding their personal medical insurance is correct, up to date and in order.

WWE began requiring all of of their signed talents to personally purchase and maintain medical insurance for themselves in May 2011. WWE covers the costs of all in-ring related medical issues and injuries, including surgeries and physical therapy.

In the announcement to talents, WWE, noting that the health of their talents is a priority, told them that should the company learn they do not have their medical insurance in order, talents will be told they need to immediately rectify that situation.

If they do not, WWE stated that the talents could "not be available" to be used by the company. So, WWE in effect has warned talents they will be benched and not used if their medical insurance is not in order.

WWE likely informed talents yesterday so they have 60 days to get their medical insurance in order, if they were not in order already.

2016 - It was announced that the defunct WWE-owned XFL Football League would be getting a special one day Hall of Fame display in NYC as part of a promotion for ESPN's 30for30 documentary on the league.