View Full Version : Impact Wrestling on AXS TV Results / Report - Feb 23rd, 2023

02-24-2023, 10:12 PM

- The show starts off with highlights from last week's edition of Impact, featuring Rich Swann, Josh Alexander, Kenny King, Crazy Steve and Trey Miguel.

- Trey Miguel and Crazzy Steve are shown being locked away ahead of their Monsters Ball Match.

Mike Bailey & Jonathan Gresham vs. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

The match begins with Shelley and Gresham working over each other’s arms, Shelley avoids a leap from Gresham before rolling him up. Gresham quickly recovers and he hits Shelley with a dragon screw leg whip, Bailey tags in and he attacks the injured leg of Shelley. Gresham tags back in and he kicks the trapped leg of Shelley, Gresham then hits the leg of Shelley with a knee drop before tagging Bailey back in. Bailey spikes the injured leg of Shelley before Sabin makes a blind tag, Sabin and Shelley find a way to double team both opponents. Sabin then hits Bailey with a neck breaker before locking him in a kravat, Shelley tags back in and he double teams Bailey with Sabin. Shelley cracks Bailey with a few strikes before tagging Sabin back in, Bailey fights back and he attacks both opponents with a variety of kicks. Gresham tags in and he has a striking exchange with Sabin, Shelley hits the ring and Gresham takes out both opponents. Gresham slams Sabin before rolling him up for a near fall, Bailey hits the ring and Shelley takes him down with a knee strike.

Sabin and Shelley then hit Gresham with an assisted neck breaker followed by a Magic Killer for a near fall, Gresham recovers and he nails Sabin with a delayed vertical suplex. Bailey and Shelley are tagged in by their respective partners, Bailey drops Shelley with a combination before missing a standing shooting star press attempt. Sabin hits the ring and Bailey drops him before getting Shelley in a modified figure four leg lock, Shelley gets to the ropes to break the submission hold. Shelley recovers and he sends Bailey into the corner before double teaming him with Sabin, Bailey blocks a Skull & Bones attempt before knocking Sabin out of the ring and landing a suicide dive. Gresham hits the ring and he gets Shelley in a figure four leg lock, Gresham releases the hold so he can tag into the match. Shelley’s leg gives out on him and Gresham hits him with a springboard moonsault, Gresham clears the ring before he and Bailey hit their opponents with suicide dives. Gresham and Bailey get the MCMG back in the ring before Gresham gets Shelley in a figure four leg lock, Bailey then hits Shelley with a double knee strike moonsault while Gresham kept him in the submission.

Sabin returns and he power bombs Bailey onto Gresham to break the submission hold, Sabin and Shelley look to double team Bailey before Gresham intervenes. Bailey almost takes out Gresham by accident before being double teamed by the MCMG, Gresham catches Shelley in a roll up for a near fall. Gresham accidentally takes out Bailey before eating a cutter from Sabin, Sabin and Shelley hit Gresham with their finisher for a three count.

Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

- A video package airs featuring Rich Swann’s history with the Impact Wrestling World Championship and his upcoming match with Josh Alexander.

- Highlights are shown of Gisele Shaw attacking Deonna Purrazzo last week on BTI.

- Deonna Purrazzo is backstage and she talks about how Gisele Shaw has been a problem with different tag teams in Impact Wrestling, Purrazzo says she does her talking in the ring and she will get revenge at No Surrender.

Beat The Clock Challenge Match #1:
Tommy Dreamer vs. Jason Hotch w/John Skyler

The match begins with Hotch attacking Dreamer with a few strikes, Dreamer recovers and he nails Hotch with a hip toss. Dreamer misses a charge in the corner and Hotch nails him with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall, Hotch goes to the top rope and Dreamer crotches him. Dreamer climbs the ropes and he nails Hotch with a super death valley driver for a three count.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer (Time - 1:15)

- Highlights are shown of Joe Hendry meeting his fans earlier in the day.

Taya Valkyrie w/Jessicka & Rosemary vs. Allysin Kay w/Marti Belle

The match begins with Kay sending a charging Valkyrie into the corner, Valkyrie avoids Kay’s charge into the corner before both trade strikes. Valkyrie traps Kay in the corner while landing chops, Kay fights back and she trades more blows with Valkyrie. Valkyrie drops Kay and she gets her in a modified octopus stretch, Kay makes it to the ropes to break the submission attempt from Valkyrie. Kay fights back and Valkyrie nails her with a spear for a near fall, Valkyrie gets Kay in the corner before landing a multitude of kicks. Kay misses a charge in the corner and Valkyrie nails her with more strikes. Kay goes down and Valkyrie nails her with a hip attack followed by a running double knee strike for a near fall as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Kay working over a cornered Valkyrie. Kay drops Valkyrie in the corner before Valkyrie fights back, Valkyrie drops Kay in the corner again before landing another running hip attack.

Kay recovers and she drops Valkyrie with a right for a near fall, Valkyrie escapes the grasp of Kay to land a few strikes. Valkyrie then drops Kay with a clothesline followed by a blue thunder bomb for a near fall, Valkyrie follows up by landing a curb stomp on Kay followed by an STF. Kay gets to the ropes and Valkyrie nails her with a double stomp for another near fall, Valkyrie looks for a power bomb and Kay counters with a Dude Buster for a near fall. Valkyrie escapes the grasp of Kay and Valkyrie looks for a Road To Valhalla before Belle distracts her, Kay then hits Valkyrie with an AK-47 for a three count.

Winner: Allysin Kay w/Marti Belle

- Santino is backstage with Josh Alexander and Rich Swann as they sign a contract for their title bout at No Surrender, Swann and Alexander argue about Swann accidentally super kicking Alexander last week on Impact. Steve Maclin interrupts to say he will become top contender and will beat whomever walks away as the Impact World Champion, Swann and Maclin brawl until security breaks them up.

Deaner & Callihan w/Angels & Kon vs. Yuya Uemura & Frankie Kazarian

The match begins with Deaner tagging Callihan into the match, Deaner distracts Kazarian so Callihan can crack him with some strikes. Deaner tags into the match and he nails Kazarian with strikes, Kazarian fights back and he nails Deaner with chops. Deaner backs Kazarian into the corner before landing more strikes, Kazarian recovers to hit Deaner with some arm drags. Uemura tags in and he works with Kazarian to double team Deaner for a near fall, Uemura then drops Deaner with a back elbow strike before landing multiple elbow drops. Uemura keeps Deaner grounded while working over his arm, Deaner backs Uemura into his corner before Callihan tags in. Callihan rakes the eyes of Uemura and Uemura fights back before Deaner interferes with a hair pull to drop him, Callihan keeps Uemura down while going after his eyes. Deaner tags in and he chokes Uemura along the middle rope, Deaner gets Uemura off the ropes before going after his eyes.

Callihan tags in and he rakes the body of Uemura, Callihan drops Uemura before applying a chin lock to him. Uemura fights back and he drops Callihan with a pele kick, Deaner distracts the ref so Kon can level Kazarian with a clothesline. Deaner tags in and he stomps away on a cornered Uemura, Callihan tags in and he slams Uemura before tagging Deaner back in. Deaner goes for a top rope headbutt and Uemura gets out of the way, Kazarian and Callihan are tagged in. Kazarian quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Kazarian drops Callihan before landing a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Angels distracts Kazarian so Callihan can hit him with an exploder suplex, Deaner tags in and Kazarian escapes a double team move to tag Uemura in. Uemura quickly attacks both Callihan and Deaner with a variety of strikes, Uemura drops Deaner with a trap arm belly to belly suplex. Uemura then hits Deaner with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Callihan tags in and he looks for a piledriver before Uemura tags Kazarian in.

Kazarian hits Callihan with a slingshot DDT before Deaner takes him out, Uemura takes Deaner out and Callihan gets Uemura out of the ring. Callihan then hits a charging Kazarian with a pop up spine buster, Deaner wants Callihan to tag him in before refusing to do so. Kazarian applies a submission to a confused Callihan and Callihan taps out.

Winners: Yuya Uemura & Frankie Kazarian

- A video package airs highlighting the upcoming Impact Knockouts Championship Match at No Surrender.

- The Design are confronted by Callihan backstage, Callihan demands answers for what just happened in the ring. Deaner says step five is about loyalty and he wants Callihan to prove that he will remain loyal to The Design, Callihan agrees to be loyal and Deaner says Callihan still has two steps left to complete.

Beat The Clock Challenge Match #2:
Bully Ray vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

The match begins with Gujjar attacking the interfering Good Hands, Ray cracks Gujjar with his chain behind the ref’s back to get the three count.

Winner: Bully Ray (Time: 0:30)

- Trey Miguel and Crazzy Steve are shown backstage ahead of their Monsters Ball Match.

- Tommy Dreamer approaches Bhupinder Gujjar backstage, Gujjar tries apologizing to Dreamer and Dreamer says Gujjar should use the loss to motivate himself.

Impact Wrestling X Division Championship
Monsters Ball Match
Trey Miguel (c) vs. Crazy Steve

The match begins with Steve dropping Miguel with a clothesline, Miguel gets up and Steve clotheslines him out of the ring. Steve follows up by taking Miguel down with a dive, Steve mounts a downed Miguel while landing more strikes. Steve grabs Miguel and he sends him into a table as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Steve stomping on Miguel before setting up steel chairs on the arena floor. Miguel escapes a suplex attempt to hit Steve with a drop toe hold onto some chairs, Steve goes under the ring and Miguel pulls him out before missing a chair shot. Steve then hits a charging Miguel with a back body drop onto some chairs, Steve gets Miguel back in the ring and Miguel hits him with a drop kick. Miguel mounts a downed Steve before landing some strikes, Miguel grabs a few weapons and he throws them into the ring. Miguel goes for a trash can shot and Steve uses a staple gun on his balls, Steve puts a garbage can on Miguel before landing a cannonball as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Steve trying to stab Miguel with a fork, Miguel fights back and he drops Steve with a neck breaker for a near fall. Miguel grabs the fork and he tries stabbing Steve with it, Miguel gives up on that before hitting Steve with a double stomp. Miguel finds a bag of thumbtacks and he dumps them all over the ring, Steve fights back and Miguel blocks his tornado DDT attempt. Miguel then hits Steve with a super kick, Steve recovers and he hits Miguel with a Black Hole Slam onto the tacks for a near fall. Steve grabs a garbage can and he hits Miguel with it, Steve then drops Miguel with a hard Irish whip into the corner. Miguel fights back and he uses a double stomp to send Steve into the tacks for a near fall, Miguel leaves the ring and he returns with a table that gets set up in the corner. Steve and Miguel nail each other with clotheslines that send them both into the tacks, Miguel leaves the ring and he returns with a spike. Steve leaves the ring and he returns with a piece of wood filled with nails, Miguel hits Steve in the midsection with the spike. Steve picks up Miguel and he hits him with a death valley driver through the table for a near fall, Steve leaves the ring before returning with some chairs.

Steve sets a chair up in the corner before Miguel nails him with a different chair, Steve recovers and he bites Miguel before putting him on the top rope. Miguel gets free and he kicks Steve’s head into a steel chair, Miguel follows up by landing a 619 on Steve. Steve avoids a leaping Miguel and Miguel crashes into some tacks, Steve then hits Miguel with a destroyer into the tacks for a near fall. Steve grabs the board filled with nails and he stabs Miguel in the head with it, Steve drags Miguel to the ring apron before eating a low blow. Miguel then hits Steve with a spinning neck breaker through the barbed wire board, Miguel gets Steve back in the ring to get the three count.

Winner: Trey Miguel, still your Impact Wrestling X Division Champion