View Full Version : MLW 'War Chamber' 2023 Report / Results

04-07-2023, 12:27 PM

Major League Wrestling War Chamber 2023 from The Melrose Ballroom in Queens, NYC's Long Island City!

AKIRA attacked Lince Dorado as he came to the ring.

Raven cut a promo saying he started with MLW twenty years ago, and they promised him they would be the next iafter ECW but what we got was this mishmosh of garbage. Fans chant for MLW and not him. He demanded everyone chant for AKIRA and promised he would leave the cty bathed in blood.

Lince said if AKIRA wanted to fight, they could right now. AKIRA demanded a title shot right now.

Lio Rush came out and said if they wanted chaos, it was chaos they would get.

MLW Middleweight Championship
Lio Rush (c) vs. Lince Dorado vs. AKIRA with Raven

The crowd chanted for Lio. Lots of fast athletic maneuvers early. Dorado caught Rush with an over the knee backbreaker and a dropkick that sent him to the floor. Dorado hit a dive from the top rope to the floor. He hit a bodypress on AKIRA for a two count. They double-teamed AKIRA, who trolled to the outside on the ring entrance ramp. Dorado and Lio battled back and forth. Rush hit a dive to the outside. He was cut off on the top and battled with AKIRA, who nailed an enziguiri. Rush was knocked outside the ring and AKIRA scored the pinfall on Lince.

Winner: AKIRA (New champion)

After the match:
Raven presented him with the title and The Calling posed on the stage.

MLW Tag Team Championship
The Samoan Swat Team (c) vs. The FBI vs. The Mane Event

All six battled in the ring at the bell. The SST were tossed out. The FBI and Main Event battled. The FBI nailed the Paesano elbow. Ray Jaz hit a pescado to the floor. Guido teased a dive but instead played to the crowd. Guido tried to dive from the apron but was caught by Juicy Finau. They went into a series of dives. Back in the ring, The SST ran through the Mane Event.

The SST cleaned house. The Mane Event made a comeback but the SST kicked out at one. The two side battled. They did a Tower of Doom spot. Guido tried to cover everyone for near falls. He even tried to pin his own partner. Juicy crushed them in the corner with an Avalanche. The SST took out Mane Event and Lance Ano'ai scored the pin with a top rope splash.

Winner: The Samoan SWAT Team (Retains championship)

Ken Broadway vs. TJ Crawford

Broadway showboated early but was chopped hard in the chest. He came back with an over the knee backbreaker. Crawford attacked the knee and drilled Broadway down. Crawford worked him over with hard chops in the corner. Broadway battled back and went for a full nelson slam. Crawford battled his way out with strikes and kicks but was slammed by Broadway.

They battled back and forth with right hands. Broadway nailed a discus punch, a powerbomb and a TKO for a close two count. Crawford focused his attack on the shoulder. He nailed a big missile dropkick and a package slam for a two count. Broadway was caught with a spinning kick to the jaw and then a stunner.

Broadway came back with a German suplex and scored the pin.

Winner: Broadway

Opera Cup 2023
Calvin Tankman vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

They began grappling and feeling the other out. Smith grabbed a headlock and grinded away on Tankman. He was shot into the ropes but neither man budged when they collided center ring. They went for a test of strenth but Smith began working over Tankman's arm.

Tankman fired back and worked over Smith in the corner with body blows. He charged Smith in the corner and worked him over on the ramp outside the ring. Tankman focused his attack on Smith's knee and leg, beating it on the apron and slamming it into the ring post outside.

Back inside, Tankman kept working over Smith, who tried to fight from underneath. Tankman kept working over the leg. Tankman kept working over the leg but Smith kept kicking out. Smith made a comeback and they slugged it out. Tankman came off the ropes but was caught in a powerslam for a two count. Smit came off the top with a headbutt and an Alabama Jam. Tankman kicked up.

Tankman came back with a savage back elbow to the neck but Smith reversed a move and locked him in a Clutch. Tankman tapped.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr

MLW Featherweight Championship
Taya Valkyrie (c)(w/ John Hennigan) vs. Delmi Exo

They jawed back and forth. Exo was ready to go and Taya was trying to calm the pace. They finally lockd up and Taya maneuvered her into the corner and drill her with chops. Exo came back with a dropkick and a charge in the corner. Taya went to the floor to break the momentum. Delmi followed but was attacked and slammed on the apron outside.

Taya maintained control back in the ring, nailing a legdrop to the lower regions. She tossed Delmi into the corner but missed a charge and hit her shoulder on the ring post. Delmi came back with a superkick and some strikes before nailing a Pedigree for a close two count. She nailed several charging strikes but was hit with a big boot for another two count. Hennigan grabbed Exo foot as she rebounded off the ropes. The referee argued with him and Exo rolled up Taya but there was no referee. Taya accidentally hit Fusion and the crowd chanted, "You F***ed up."

Exo scored the pin with a package piledriver.

Winner: Delmi Exo (New champion)

After the match:
Exo celebrated and showed off the belt. The crowd chanted, "You deserve it!"

Sam Adonis (w/ John Hennigan) vs. WIllie Mack

Adonis cut a promo saying that after coming to NYC after the pandemic, they should have kept it shut off. He ripped on some fans and demanded his opponent. It was Willie Mack.

Mack cleaned house early and clotheslined him over the top to the floor. He went for a pescado but Adonis moved. Willie landed on his feet. Adonis and Hennigan were able to overwhelm him. Back in the ring, Adonis worked over Mack with some hard chops. Mack went for a leapfrog but didn't clear and looked to have hurt his hamstring coming down. Adonis was in control until Mack caught him and slammed him back into the ring as Adonis attempted to walk the ropes.

Mack and Adonis battled back and forth. Adonis went to come off the ropes with an axehandle but was drilled coming back in the mid-section. Mack nailed a standing moonsault for a two count. They battled back and forth with still chops and elbows and strikes.

Mack finally smashed him with a big uoppercut. Fusion got on the apron but Mack nailed him. Adonis caught him with a punch and a Samoan Drop. He ascended the top rope and nailed a 450 splash for the pin.

Winner: Sam Adonis

Sam Leterna interviewed Mance Warner on the stage. Sam Adonis and Johnny Fusion told him to go back to his garbage indies and that he didn't belong there in Adonis' moment. They attacked him after he struck one of them. They beat down Warner and dragged him to the ring. They double teamed him and used a strap to choke him. They left Mance laying.

B3cca vs. Billie Starkz

B3cca plays a heel pop star.

They locked up and batlted back and forth. Starkz controlled the action early but B3cca used the ropes to escape a move. Starkz tossed her to the floor and nailed a tope suicida that the crowd loved.

Starkz came back up selling her leg and ate a BIG running boot for a two count. B3cca missed a running elbow in the corner and was peppered with strikes. B3cca cut her off with another big boot. B3cca nailed a hell of a missile dropkick for a two count. She cinched in a Boston Crab but Starkz battled to the ropes and forced a break.

B3cca came back with a rough forearm but Starkz drilled her with one of her own. They battled over a suplex and began drilling each other with forearms and strikes. They battled back and forth. B3cca was almost pinned with a back suplex. B3cca used a handstand into a rana to pull Starkz from the top. She scored several near falls.

Starkz went to the top and nailed a swanton for the pin.

Winner: Billie Starkz

After the match:
One of Raven's minions came out with a box for Starkz. She was hesitant but accepted. She opened it and was horrified by whatever was inside.

MLW National Openweight Championship
John Hennigan (c)(w/ Taya Valkyrie) vs. Jacob Fatu

The crowd was soundly behind Fatu, who showed off how dangerous he could be early with his strength. They battled to the floor, where Fatu smashed Hennigan with a drink. Fatu was in control, beating Hennigan around ringside. He headbutt Hennigan and drilled him with some hard shots. Hennigan cut him off with a kick as he returned to the ring and stomped away on Fatu.

Hennigan cinched in a side chinlock, trying to wear Fatu down. The NYC crowd tried to rally Fatu. He fought to his feet but was slammed backwards via a hair yank down to the mat. Hennigan went to the top but Fatu shoved him to the floor and hit a dive to the outside. He came off the top with a flying bodypress for a two count. He nailed a handspring into a moonsault for another two count.

Hennigan cut him off and went for Starship Pain but missed. Fatu went to the top but Sam Adonis was in the balcony talking trash. Hennigan went to use a chair but the referee grabbed it. Fatu superkicked it but when the referee removed the chair, Taya nailed him with the title belt. Fatu kicked out. Delmi Exo came out and confronted Taya. Fatu nailed a moonsault but Taya pulled the referee out of the ring. The SST came out and carried Taya out of the building.

Fatu and Hennigan battled to get to their feet. They battled back and forth. Hennigan cleaned house with strikes and nailed Starship Pain but Fatu kicked out at the last second. The crowd chanted "This is awesome." They battled until Fatu nailed a popup Samoan Drop and a moonsault for the pin.

Winner: Jacob Fatu (New champion)

After the match:
Fatu said it was great to be back in NYC. He said he wanted to say thank you and there would be a lot of other great wrestling tonight.

Mandy Leon vs. Clara Carreras

This is Leon's MLW debut. She attacked Clara before the bell and beat her down. Leon choked Clara against the ropes. Clara came back with a cannonball in the corner. Leon cut her off and locked on a submission. Carreras tried to fight out and was able to slip out. They battled and they had some miscues. Leon shoved her over the top to the floor and smashed her into the apron face-first. Carrerras gained control and nailed a great splash off the top. Leon battled back and scored the pin.

Winner: Mandy Leon

Alex Kane (w/ Mr. Thomas) vs. Shigehiro Irie

Kane came out with a big entourage. He said the Bomaye Fight Club is for the people, He said he had a bag of money for anyone who could beat him and challenged anyone from the back. Out came Irie. Kane stepped to him and he was drilled with a headbutt.

Irie snatched and slammed Kane, then hit a rebound splash off the ropes. Kane went to the floor. Irie followed but was tossed into the barricades several times. They battled back into the ring where they fought over a suplex. Irie nailed a splash to Kane's back, smashing him off the apron to the floor. He nailed a big cannonball for a close two count. They peppered each other with strlkes. Kane nailed a super stiff clothesline. They were down and out and fought to their feet. Kane came back with several suplexes and scored the pin.

Winner: Alex Kane

After the match:
Kane cut a promo after challenging MLW Champion Alexander Hammerstone. Hammerstone came out and said if he half as good at wrestling as he was at talking, he'd be champion six months ago. He said the only work Kane needs is dental world. Kane challenged "Ho Hogan" to come fight him. Officials held back Hammerstone. Kane said he was just a placeholder and Kane is the one who runs MLW. Good segment.

Tony Deppen vs. Tracy Williams

Some very good back and forth wrestling here early on. Deppen shoved Williams, who responed with some hard strikes. Williams tied up Deppen in knots. Deppen had some great facial expressions here. Williams went for a powerbomb but was thumbed in the eyes. Deppen nailed a backbreaker for a two count and followed up with a stiff kick to the face. The crowd chanted for Hot Sauce Williams. Deppen nailed a series of kicks to the face. They chopped away at each other. Williams snatched and tossed Deppen and fired away with chops.

Williams nailed a nice butterfly suplex for a two count. They battled back and forth with chops, strikes and kicks. Really damn good. Williams caught Deppen and nailed a DVDR for a two count. He cinched in a STF but Deppen was able to force a break. Deppen drilled him into the buckles. He nailed a big running double knee strike in the corner, then hit a double stomp off the top for a close two count.

Williams and Deppen battled in the ropes. Deppen was drive into the buckles and then hit with a clothesline for a close two count. Deppen came back to grab a crossface chickenbwing but Williams escaped and locked on a sleeper. They went into a series of close pinfall attempts and reversals. Williams snatched him in a piledriver for the pin.'

Winner: Tracy Williams

Microman (w/ Jared St. Laurent) vs. Beastman (w/ Kim-Chee)

Microman attempted to take down Beastman but was kicked down. He picked up Microman and bit him, then pressed and slammed him down. Beastman went to the top for a Legdrop but Microman rolled out of the way. He nailed Beastman with a weapon and did a lucha takeover into a DDT. He pinned Beastman. THE END.

Winner: Microman

War Chamber Match
MLW Champion Alexander Hammerstone & The Second Gear Crew vs. The Calling: Rickey Shane Page, AKIRA & two competitors to be named with Raven

The first entrant for The Calling is Rickey Shane Page.

The first entrant for Hammerheads is The One Called Manders.

They began brawling as Manders entered the cage. They tossed each other into the cage. Manders chopped the hell out of him in the corner. RSP drilled Manders with his own chaps. He used a wrench to rip at Manders and peppered him with forearms. Manders fired back with right hands but was cut off. Manders nailed him with a spinebuster. He sent RSP into th cage and stomped away at him.

RSP caught him in the corner and chopped hard. Manders caught him with a big lariat coming off the ropes. Manders used the wrench, ripping at RSP's mouth.

The Calling won the toss and AKIRA came in second for The Calling. They beat down Manders, who tried in vain to battle back.

Matthew Justice was second out for The Hammerheads and began flinging chairs like he was Kevin Sullivan. He drilled The Calling with the Chairs. Manders used him as a weapon, drilling him into The Calling. They used the chairs to work over The Calling.

The Calling's third member was Delirious. He began biting and attacking Manders and Justice. The Calling maintained control, wedging chairs in between the buckles and running Justice and Manders into them

Next out for the Hammerheads was MLW Champion Hammerstone. He hit the ring and began throwing all sorts of suplexes. He powerbombed Delirious into RSP in the corner. They took over and triple-teamed RSP and then brawled in the cage.

Dr. Cornwallus was the final member for The Calling. They worked over The Hammerheads.

The final member for The Hammerheads was Mance Warner. He smashed the cage door into Cornwallus and began working over everyone, including biting Delirious' foot. The two sides squared off and charged at each other, brawling. Team Hammerheads all tossed chairs at the opposition. Cornwallus was CLOBBERED. Mance began pulling barbed wire from the top of the cage. Delirious was pressed and slammed into the steel cage.

Mance dove off the top, drilling AKIRA with a chair to the head as he was up by the other members of the Second Gear Crew. AKIRA suplexed Manders. Mance unloaded on him with some clubberin' blows. Justice was killing RSP with chair shots. RSP fired back with a giant boot to the face. RSP and Warner were bleeding. A table was brought into the ring. Two chairs were placed atop it.

Warner threw a chair at RSP and nailed a superplex through the chairs and table. The crowd chanted "Holy sh**!"

All sorts of chaos and insanity until The Calling scored the win.

Winners: The Calling (Raven, Rickey Shane Page, Akira, and Dr. Cornwallus)

Raven sent some minions into the ring after but they got KILLED with chairs.
