View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 20th Oct 2006

10-22-2006, 05:54 AM
Smackdown Results - 20th Oct 2006
Los Angeles, California

Quick Results:
- Kane def. MVP by disqualification
- Elijah Burke def. Vito
- William Regal and David Taylor def. Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki
- I Quit Match: Chavo Guerrero def. Rey Mysterio
- Non Title: The Undertaker def. Gregory Helms
- World Title: Batista def. King Booker by disqualification

WWE Smackdown! Opener:
We begin the show with a recap from last week with the match between Batista, Finlay and Lashley as to who would meet King Booker this week in a title bout. From there it's straight into the opening credits of the show.

In the arena:
Today's show comes to you from Los Angeles and it's a big crowd and they look to be pumped for the show. The first match is between MVP and Kane and we get MVP coming down to the ring with minimal reaction from the crowd, even heat wise. On his way into the ring he picks up a mic so it looks as if we're going to get a promo from him. We get a recap of what happened last week when Kane came out to interrupt him. Back to the ring and MVP is cutting a promo about how Long set him up last week and that he wasn't ready for his match against Kane then but he's ready now. He calls Kane out to the ring and says he's not afraid and then we get the Kane pyro and he makes his way to the ring looking intent as he always does.

Kane vs. Montell Vontavious Porter
Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:
As the referee is laying down the law before the match starts MVP pushes him out the way and goes after Kane with some right hands and the match has officially started! MVP hits him into the corner but Kane pushes him away. MVP comes straight back with some right hands until Kane pushes him away again. As MVP comes in again Kane meets him with a big right hand sending MVP crashing to the floor.

Mid-match notes:
Kane then slams the head of MVP against the turnbuckle and delivers another right uppercut to MVP. An Irish whip across the ring and MVP staggers from it into the arms of Kane who picks him up to slam him but MVP wriggles out over the back of Kane and rolls out the ring. Kane meets a staggering MVP on the outside of the ring with another uppercut then throws MVP into the ring. As he goes to enter the ring MVP drops an elbow but Kane was ready for it and had moved out of the way. Kane drags him out of the ring and onto the floor. MVP is giving a time-out signal to slow down Kane and grabs the front of his trunks and pulls Kane, knee first into the steel steps when he gets too close. MVP stomps away at Kane on the outside of the ring but then reenters the ring so as not to be counted out. Kane makes it back in on the count of 8 and MVP is waiting for him and goes on the offensive pounding into the back of Kane and then working on the injured knee with kicks and punches. Kane finally on his knees stops a kick by MVP by grabbing his boot and gives him an uppercut.

The Finish:
MVP comes back with an eye rake then brings Kane back down to one knee with a kick to the back of the knee. He then taunts Kane before bouncing off the ropes only to be met by a big right boot to the face. Kane follows it up with a side slam then exits the ring, climbs the ropes and jumps back in with a flying clothesline. Kane is waiting for MVP to stagger to his feet and grabs his throat for the choke slam only to have MVP deliver a low blow with his boot and the match is over!

Winner by disqualification: Kane

The Aftermath:
Kane is in the ring staring at MVP as he has rolled out of the ring and made his way up the rampway.

We go backstage and King Booker is seen, having his right hand taped up ready for the match. We then are shown Batista getting ready for the bout as well by stretching.

In the arena:
Back from commercial to a shot of Mindy Sterling from Austin Powers fame in the crowd and then to stage where we get the music of Sylvester Terkay as he comes out with Elijah Burke who is actually the one wrestling. In the ring Elijah Burke grabs a mic and in a deja vu from a couple of weeks ago or was it last week repeats his comment that with over 100 boxing wins he is the only man crazy enough to spar with Terkay. He finishes introducing himself to a bit of heat from the crowd, before the music of Vito hits and he makes his way to the ring dressed like Heidi with no hair.

Elijah Burke vs. Vito
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:
The match begins with Vito flicking his dress at Burke who has gone into the corner. Terkay reaches in and grabs the dress of Vito and when Vito lunges at him Burke makes his move with a right forearm into the back of Vito. He gives him another then a right hand. He attempts to whip Vito across the ring but it's reversed and Burke is given a hip toss when he comes off the ropes.

Mid-match notes:
Vito comes in with a clothesline and a right hand and then prances around the ring before heading out and onto the top rope where he attempts to drop an elbow down on Burke only to find that he has rolled out of the way leaving Vito to crash elbow first into the canvas. Burke gives him a boot to the head and then in a forward type nelson maneuver and kneeing Vito in the midsection. Burke suplexes Vito and gets the one count on him only but is still in command as Vito staggers into a corner and Burke delivers a number of right feet to the midsection before being broken off by the referee. Burke argues with the referee then as he comes in to get Vito is met by a kick and a clothesline and another two before retaliating with a kick back to the midsection gaining ascendancy again.

Burke with the head of Vito into the turnbuckle and then spars against him in the corner before unleashing a big right hand. He picks Vito up and gives him a side slam before going for the cover and getting a two count only. Burke is behind Vito who is in a sitting position and has his left arm in a submission hold. Vito gets to his feet and turns into Burke trying to break the hold with some hits to the midsection. They're returned by Burke who lets go of Vito and goes to give him a right hand which Vito ducks under and gives Burke some hits to the midsection and a clothesline. Vito follows up with an elbow to the head and then a face first slam into the canvas. Vito bounces off the ropes with a flying clothesline, prances around the ring a bit and then comes off the ropes again with a leg drop and then a cover for a two count.

The Finish:
Vito prances around the ring again lifting the hem of his dress as he does so but as he goes to cover the head of Burke with his dress for his submission hold is headbutted in the midsection and lands in the bottom ropes, face down, facing the outside. Burke straddles him and hits into the back of Vito before being pulled off by the referee and brought across the ring. With the referee's back turned it allows Terkay to give Vito a big right boot to the head knocking Vito senseless. Burke drags him to the middle of the ring and we get the cover!

Winner: Elijah Burke

The Aftermath:
Burke and Terkay walk up the rampway whilst Vito is left rolling in the ring.

Back from commercial and Hardy is backstage getting himself a drink. Helms comes up and congratulates him sarcastically on his win at No Mercy. He says he's still the best and Hardy says you're only as good as your last match which of course Hardy won. Hardy also calls him a jackass which gets a pop from the crowd in keeping to the fact that there are cast members from the Jackass movie in the crowd. Helms says that you're only as good as your last championship and when was the last time (to Hardy) you held a championship. Helms tells Hardy he can beat anybody, I repeat anybody which cues in Teddy Long who says to Helms that if he thinks he's so tough and that he can beat anyone he can face tonight, The Undertaker! The crowd pops big time, and Helms has got a look of shock on his face. Hardy claps, laughs, slaps Helms on the shoulder and says that you're a dead man walking and wanders off leaving Helms totally stunned.

Backstage again and we get a promo from William Regal who says that once upon a time he held numerous championships and was one of the greatest wrestlers around. Lately, he's been a buxom wench, sexually harassed by Vito and a lackey to a bogus king, King Booker which has made him pretty much a non-entity. He has something to tell us, he's no longer a servant, he's finished being everybody's whipping boy. William Regal is no longer Smackdown's doormat! He introduces Dave Taylor who with Regal is going to make sure it doesn't happen.

Backstage again to King Booker and Queen Sharmell looking at a past match between himself and Batista on a monitor and saying that he cannot let that happen today.

William Regal and David Taylor vs. Scotty 2 Hotty and Funaki
Referee: Unknown

Back from commercial to William Regal and Dave Taylor coming out for their match up to some night heat from the crowd. We then get the music of Scotty Too Hotty as he makes his way down to the ring with Funaki. Regal and Taylor are ready to get it on with them.

The start:
The referee rings the bell with both Regal and Taylor still in the ring and Scotty and Funaki still on the outside. Regal finally starts up against Funaki. They go to lock up in the middle of the ring but Regal with a knee to the midsection. Regal tosses Funaki and drops a knee to the head. Regal with an uppercut and a tag to Taylor who comes in and gives him an uppercut as well. Taylor with another uppercut then he military presses Funaki and drops him along the top corner ropes.

Mid-match notes:
From the ropes he throws Funaki and then drags him across the ring back to his corner for a tag to Regal who comes in. They both give Funaki a leg breaker and then it's up to Regal who gives him a knee to the midsection and then a number of left hands and then an elbow drop before getting him into a submission neck hold. Funaki tries to break out but Regal retaliates with a couple of knees to the head before making another tag. Taylor comes in and gives Funaki a kick to the chest before giving him a suplex and then getting a two count on him. Taylor with another uppercut and then a tag again to Regal who comes in and gives Funaki a kick to the chest before working on his arm. Regal gives Funaki a submission hold again before going for the mouth gouge. He then gives him a knee to the back of the head and a front snapmare. He tags Taylor and waits for him to come in by driving his knee into the throat of Funaki. Taylor comes in and stomps at the chest then with a right hand to the throat and another. He holds onto Funaki as he makes a cocky tag to Regal and Funaki has taken all the beating so far!

Regal with a knee to the chest forcing Funaki against the ropes where he is subjected to more left hands by Regal. Regal whips Funaki into the ropes who ducks the clothesline and comes back at Regal with a flying bodycross and covering him for the 1 count only before Regal pushes out and comes back at Funaki with a kick to the face. Regal gets Funaki in a head lock but he tries to break out of it only to be thrown again by Regal. Funaki attempts to crawl towards Scotty but Regal looks on and just before he can make the tag is dragged back across the ring by Regal into his own corner. Another tag and Taylor comes in, stomps at the knee of Funaki, gives him a body slam and makes the tag again to Regal who comes in and delivers a big left hand to Funaki sending him bouncing along the canvas.

The Finish:
Funaki with Regal watching arrogantly manages to make the tag to Scotty who comes in to be met by a knee to the midsection and then a knee to the head as Regal bounces off the ropes. The tag is made to Taylor who comes in and I don't how quite how to explain the move but in a forward type masterlock tosses Scotty over his shoulder then rolls over him for the pin! I'm sure we'll have a name for this next week.

Winners: William Regal and David Taylor

The Aftermath:
After the match Funaki crawls over to Scotty and Regal stomps at his head, and locks up his legs in a submission hold. Taylor picks up Scotty and throws him over the top rope then stomps on the head of Funaki before they make a victory sign to the crowd.

In the arena:
At ringside we have Cole and JBL telling us that next is the I Quit match between Mysterio and Chavo. Cole mentions that Mysterio has the momentum coming into the match which means of course he'll lose but let's see what happens. We get a promo with a recap of some of the events that happened when Vickie and Chavo turned on Rey and Rey saying that tonight is the first day of the rest of his life! More of a video recap with Rey winning at No Mercy and then winning against Chavo the following night at the RAW Family Reunion Show. Then Chavo last week challenging Rey to the I Quit match. Back to Cole and JBL discussing the match and then...

I Quit Match
Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
Referee: Charles Robinson

Back from commercial and we have Tony Chimel announcing the rules and stipulations for the I Quit match. No countouts, no disqualifications and the only way to win is to make your opponent say "I quit". The music of Chavo hits as Vickie comes out on stage with Chavo in tow to good heat from the crowd as they make their way into the ring. When they're in there the music for Rey hits and the crowd give him a great reception as he comes up through the stage. Rey is way over. In the ring just before the match up Chavo is telling Rey to wave bye bye to the crowd.

The start:
Before any action the crowd have already started up an Eddie chant to which Chavo is pointing to himself as a Guerrero and egging the crowd on. The wrestlers go to lock up in the middle of ring but Chavo with the kick to the midsection of Rey is in charge early. Rey tries to fight back but Chavo unloads with a huge uppercut then offloads some boots into the head of Rey. Another uppercut from Chavo and a kick to the head of Rey. Chavo picks up Rey and whips him across the ring.

Mid-match notes:
Rey ducks the clotheslines, jumps on the top rope and then launches a flying body press into Chavo and lays the punches in as they hit the canvas. Both wrestlers up and Rey kicks into the hamstring of Chavo knocking him to the ground. Rey gets Chavo into the corner punching him though Chavo fights back. Chavo whips Rey into the opposite corner and follows up but Rey lifts himself up and catches Chavo with a spinning headscissors through the middle rope and onto the canvas. Rey measures Chavo and comes over the ropes with a flying whipping seated senton! Great move! Rey kicks into the chest of Chavo on the concrete floor. Rey picks up Chavo and rams him into the barricades. Another kick to the gut and then Rey slams Chavo back first into the steel steps. The referee with the mic sees if Chavo is going to quit but Chavo has nothing to do with it! Rey picks up Chavo and slams his head 1, 2, 3, 4 times into the steel steps! Chavo is down. Rey grabs the mic from the referee and asks Chavo if he quits yet before kicking into the back of him a number of times. Rey picks up Chavo again and whips him shoulder first into the ring post.

Rey grabs a chair and enters the ring where Chavo has rolled into. Rey tells Vickie something before he rams the chair into the midsection of Chavo and them slams it twice into his back before telling the referee to see if he's quitting. Chavo says he’s not quitting and he rolls into the corner. Rey comes at him with boot to the face before sticking the chair over the body of Chavo, walking away and then coming in with a dropkick slamming the chair into the head of Chavo! Chavo is not quitting yet and Vickie is clapping his decision. Chavo staggers to his feet only to receive the chair over his head slamming him into the middle ropes. Rey connects with the 619 and the crowd are going wild but this is a No Quit match a pinfall isn't going to win this for Rey! Rey tries to climb the ropes to splash Chavo but Vickie holds onto the ropes shaking them making it impossible for Rey to climb them. This gives Chavo a chance to grab the chair and throw it into the face of Rey stunning him as he falls into the ring. Vickie is pretty pleased at that result!

Chavo is limping a little but manages to sink the boots into Rey. He grabs his leg and kicks into the knee of Rey trying to hurt him. Rey tries to get away but Chavo stalks him kicking into the back of the knee taking down Rey twice, the second time spinning him over completely. Chavo grabs the chair and slams into the left leg of Rey! That's gotta hurt! Chavo gets the referee to check on Rey but Rey says I'm not quitting in Spanish which brings a roar from the crowd and Chavo goes back on the offensive, kicking into the leg or Rey and then ramming the chair into his leg as well. Chavo gets Rey into a half Boston crab further working on hurting the leg and then lets go, grabs the chair again and slams it once again into the leg of Rey! Chavo locks the leg of Rey in the chair and then exits the ring to climb to the top rope. With a finger to the sky he launches himself from the top rope and splashes the leg of Rey, chair and all! As Chavo rolls around the ring in pain as well he gets the referee to ask Rey if he is going to quit. Nope, not this time! Chavo grabs Rey and throws him under the bottom rope onto the floor. Chavo follows out of the ring chair in hand and kicks into the knee of Rey sending him staggering up the rampway.

Chavo with another slam into the knee with the chair and he is in total control of this match at the moment! More kicks into Rey as Rey tries to stagger up the rampway holding the injured left leg of his. Chavo grabs Rey by the mask and in desperation Rey tries to fight back but Chavo gains advantage again. Chavo tries to suplex Rey off the rampway but is blocked by Rey who in pain manages a desperation move in suplexing Chavo on the rampway. Both wrestlers are down and hurting. They slowly get to their feet, Rey manages to kick into the midsection of Chavo and then another one which knocks him from the rampway and onto the floor to the side of that! Rey goes to the top of the stage and just as Chavo gets to his feet, Rey injured leg and all launches himself off and lands a seated senton onto Chavo on the floor below! The referee checks on both wrestlers and Vickie with a look of concern checks on Chavo. We get a couple of replays of that high flying move and back live now and Rey has gotten to his feet, picks up Chavo and rams him back first into the side of the rampway!

Rey grabs Chavo in almost a crossface hold, pulling back on the head of Chavo trying to get him to say I quit but Chavo once again is not saying it. Rey picks up Chavo off of the floor and then gives an almighty kick into the back of the knee of Chavo and he is in pain. Rey grabs a chair and slams it into the back of Chavo! Rey flips Chavo onto his back and then tries to choke him with the chair But Chavo is not quitting still. Chavo manages to kick Rey to break the choke hold. He manages to get to his feet and beat into Rey, gives him a huge uppercut, slams Rey onto some covered steel containers, uncovers them, hits into Rey and then almost manages to ram one of the containers into the injured leg of Rey who manages to move his leg out of the way just in time! Rey kicks out at Chavo and them manages to spear Chavo into the steel lighting scaffolding! Rey tries to jump into Chavo who pushes Rey off onto the lighting structure which Rey tries to climb, lashing out with his boot and catching Chavo.

The Finish:
Chavo comes back at him as he is climbing the scaffolding and manages to pull Rey down by the waist, locking his legs in the structure and Rey is hanging upside down and can't get out. Chavo makes sure the legs of Rey are locked in the scaffolding and then comes around and hits into the chest of Rey who is hurting now. Chavo grabs the chair and rams it into the leg of Rey and Rey can't do anything about it! He does it again and gets the referee to ask if he quits! Rey says no! Chavo slams the chair against his leg again! and again! and again! Rey can't take any more of this and with the referee holding the mic at his face Rey quits!

Winner: Chavo Guerrero

The Aftermath:
Vickie hugs Chavo and celebrates her win with him as the referee calls for the medical staff to come and untangle Rey from the lighting scaffolding and Rey is in a lot of pain. Vickie has taken Chavo into the ring and is raising his hand. We see Rey writhing on the ground in pain and the stretcher being brought out. The crowd is booing Chavo but is stunned at the loss of Rey! Chavo and Vickie are waving bye bye to Rey. We then see Rey on the stretcher being wheeled out and Chavo in the ring showing the aggression in celebrating his win!

In the arena:
Back from commercial to an outside view of the Staples Centre in LA the venue for Smackdown today and then back inside the arena where Gregory Helms comes out for his match and he doesn't look impressed at all as he curses to himself and the crowd about being out there. He hesitates before getting into the ring and in there throws his outfit away in disgust. There is a pause between the entrance music of his and then The Undertakers and the crowd lights up in expectation. We then get the gong and Helms grimaces as the crowd goes crazy! Undertaker makes his way to the ring in his usual fashion which is almost as long as some of the matches we've already had.

Non Title Match
The Undertaker vs. Gregory Helms (c)
Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:
Back from commercial and the match bell has just rung. Undertaker stalks Helms who tries to avoid him around the ring. Undertaker traps him in the corner but Helms ducks out from an Undertaker jab and comes in hard with right hands, shoulder blocks and a number of more hits. The referee is counting to break up the offence and Helms backs off momentarily and when he goes back in Undertaker is ready. He grabs Helms around the throat and then just literally throws him into the corner face first.

Mid-match notes:
Undertaker with a right hand knocks down Helms. He picks him up and head first into the turnbuckle and then whips him hard into the opposite corner and when Helms staggers out Undertaker picks him up, spins him around and gives him snake eyes into the top turnbuckle and follows up with the big right boot as Helms comes out from the corner! Undertaker waits for Helms to get up on his feet and wraps his around his neck for the choke slam but is distracted momentarily by the music of Kennedy which allows Helms to kick Undertaker in the midsection as we see Kennedy come out from the back. Helms manages to clothesline Undertaker out of the ring who lands on his feet and turns around and confronts Kennedy with a hand to the throat.

The Finish:
Undertaker slams Kennedy into the steel steps and then catches Helms who leaps from the apron at him. Undertaker slams him back first into the steel ring post. Undertaker throws Helms into the ring and follows him in, wraps his hand around his throat and choke slams him to the canvas and Helms literally bounces on the canvas! Undertaker picks Helms up from the canvas and gives him the tombstone piledriver and the match is over.

Winner: The Undertaker

The Aftermath:
As the Undertaker looks at getting up from the pin Kennedy rushes the ring and knocks Undertaker against the ropes and unleashes a barrage of kicks and punches at him. He tries to whip Undertaker across the ring but it's reversed. Undertaker drops his head and Kennedy from ropes kicks into the chest of Undertaker which only straightens him up. Undertaker grabs the throat of Kennedy and chokeslams him and Kennedy staggers out from the ring and up the rampway whilst Undertaker closes off the match on one knee, tongue out before leaving the ring.

Backstage we see Booker psyching himself up for the match with Batista with Sharmell stroking the belt and egging him on. Backstage we also see Batista shadow boxing as he prepares for the match as well.

In the arena:
Back from commercial and The Miz struts his way out to the ring to a total non reaction from the crowd. He grabs the Mic hoorahs the crowd a number of times and then calls out the Smackdown Divas for the Diva Danceoff. We have Kristal, Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Ashley and Layla. Miz then calls out the guest judges, Aaron and Nick Carter. The girls have 20 seconds each to dance. (I've not bothered to describe the danceoff from here on except to say that Kristal was the eventual winner according to Miz though the Carters had picked Layla which leads to Layla and Kristal in a cat fight and the other girls breaking up the fight).

In the arena:
We get the music of Big Show as he makes his way to ringside to watch the match as announced last week by Teddy Long. We then get the music of John Cena as he comes out ringside as well. Cena comes out to a great crowd reaction, the crowd being the same crowd that was there for the filming of Raw.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Batista vs. King Booker (c)
Referee: Nick Patrick

Back from commercial and we see John Cena and Big Show seated at opposite sides of the announce table before we get the music of Batista as he comes out to a huge pop from the crowd as well. Batista soaks up the crowd applause as he makes his way into the ring. We are then treated to the entrance of King Booker as he makes his way slowly to the ring, with both John Cena and Big Show standing and mouthing off at each other as Booker comes down to the ring. Tony Chimel announces that this is a title match and introduces Batista as the challenger and then King Booker as the World Heavyweight Champion. The belt is shown and the two wrestlers stare at each other before a final limber up by Batista.

The start:
The match begins with both wrestlers locking up in the middle of the ring. Batista forces Booker into the corner but breaks clean. The wrestlers lock up again and Booker gets Batista into a headlock. Batista gets out of it by whipping Booker into the ropes and both wrestlers shoulder to shoulder in a stand off as they glare at each other. Another lock up in the middle of the ring and Batista get Booker into a headlock. Booker breaks it by punching into the midsection of Batista, and then pressing him against the ropes where he whips across the ring but is felled by a shoulder block in return.

Mid-match notes:
Batista picks Booker up and slams his head into the turnbuckle a couple of times as we're shown Cena and Big Show outside the ring. Batista elbows Booker a number of times in the corner and the big shoulder block but when his attention is taken away by the count of the referee Booker thumbs him in the eye. Booker has Batista against the ropes and chops at Batista a couple of times then the same in the corner as Batista staggers there. Booker takes Batista out of the corner and against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Batista ducks under the attempted high kick and then clotheslines Booker out of the ring over the top rope. Batista follows Booker outside of the ring and tosses him back in. Queen Sharmell is on the apron and as the referee's attention is taken by her trying to get her out of the ring Batista is blindsided by Finlay appears out of nowhere clotheslining him! Finlay tosses Batista back into the ring then runs off. Back in the ring Booker has had a chance to get his act together and gives Batista a bookend and the cover for two before he manages to kick out. Another attempted cover and then Booker straddles Batista with a number of (8) punches to the side of the head. Booker gives Batista a high kick then goes for the cover again but only for a two count.

Booker drags Batista to the side of the ring and half drags him out under the bottom rope. Booker exits the ring and from the floor gives Batista two big right arms against the throat and then the scissor kick and Batista just slides out of the ring. Booker tosses Batista back into the ring and follows him in as the referee had counted to 7. Booker sizes up Batista and then gives him a kick to the jaw and covers him again for a near fall and then locks up the left arm of Batista in a submission hold. Batista manages to get to his feet but can't take any real advantage as he is kneed in the midsection. Booker whips Batista into the ropes but is met by a short clothesline as Batista comes out of the corner. Batista gives him another clothesline and then whips Booker into the corner and follows up with another clothesline for good measure. Batista gives Booker a power slam in the middle of the ring. Batista picks Booker up but is given a thumb in the eye again. Booker comes from the ropes but right into a slam by Batista who goes for the cover but only for a two count. Booker rolls out of the ring and Batista follows but is met by kick to the gut as he approaches him. Batista is slammed shoulder first into the post but comes back with spear onto Booker who is standing right in front of Big Show. The Big Show is taken out by the weight of Booker and Batista collapsing on him!

The Finish:
Batista tosses Booker back into the ring and is met with a kick to the midsection. Booker whips Batista across the ring, he ducks the attempted clothesline and bounces back with another spear on Booker. Batista gets the crowd behind him as he goes to suplex Booker but he just manages to do it before Big Show who has come into the ring headbutts Batista and the referee signals for the bell!

Winner by disqualification: Batista but still World Heavyweight Champion, King Booker

The Aftermath:
Big Show clotheslines Batista as Sharmell from the outside of the ring is trying to get Booker to get out of the ring. Cena comes into the ring hitting Booker and then hitting into the Big Show who pretty much no sells the hits. Cena runs into the opposite corner elbows Booker and then against across the ring doing the same to Big Show then another to Booker and another to Big Show as Batista is finally to his feet and beating up on Booker. Cena continues to hit Big Show and finally gets him to his knee. Batista knocks Booker out of the ring and goes to follow but is called back into the ring by Cena and the two of them off the ropes shoulder tackle Big Show to the canvas and he rolls out of the ring as the crowd go crazy for Cena and Batista. As Booker is rolling back into the ring the music of Teddy Long hits and Booker rolls back out of the ring. From the stage Long announces that if it's possible he'd have them all back next week for a tag team match of Big Show and Booker vs. Cena and Batista. Cena and Batista in the ring play to the crowd as Booker and an angry looking Big Show make their way up the rampway and the show ends.

10-22-2006, 06:02 AM
I heard Smackdown's rating was 2.7 Very nice considering they've been averaging 2.3. It's all due to Kane i bet.

10-22-2006, 06:48 AM
I would say also having all the Champions on there had something to do with it.

X-treme Moonsault
10-23-2006, 12:46 AM
Seemed like quite a nice SmackDown. Glad to see its ratings going up. Kane and Benoit are also partly responsible I'd say :)

10-25-2006, 08:24 PM
Would have been better without Vito. Good rating though. Hopefully they'll keep rising.