View Full Version : Smackdown House Results - 21st Oct 2006 (Manila, Philippines)

10-22-2006, 05:18 PM
Smackdown House Results - 21st Oct 2006
Location: Manila, Philippines

Report by Ryan Villarica

- WWE Tag Team Championship:

Paul London and Brian Kendrick successfully defended their titles against KC James and Idol Stevens.

- Vito defeated The Miz

- Lashley defeated William Regal

During the match, Regal was looked over by the trainer and the referees for a possible lower leg injury, but it turned out to be faked as Regal attacked Lashley while exiting the ring.

- WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Gregory Helms defeated Jimmy Wayne Yang to retain the belt.

- The Undertaker defeated Mr. Kennedy.

A lot of funny moments during Mr. Kennedy's introduction. Mr. Kennedy was posing for the microphone to be lowered from the ceiling, but Tony Chimmel just stuck a mike in Kennedy's hand instead. Kennedy also ran down the upcoming Pacquiao - Morales fight.

- Finley defeated Matt Hardy.

- WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit defeated Chavo Guerrero.

- WWE World Heavyweight Championship:

Batista won against King Booker by DQ when Finley and Regal rushed the ring and attacked him. Kendrick and London tried to make the save, but the King's Court easily took care of them. Undertaker finally came out and cleaned house together with Batista.