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07-23-2023, 09:55 AM

‘Futurama’ directors tease which characters could return in new Hulu revival at Comic-Con

Futurama came back to San Diego Comic-Con today to celebrate the revival of the Matt Groening-David X. Cohen series, which hits Hulu on Monday, July 24. Attendees in a packed Ballroom 20 were entreated to the season’s first episode “The Impossible Stream”

It’s been ten years since we last saw this motley crew on Comedy Central.

Director Peter Avanzino fielded a kid’s question who wondered if robot Bender’s doppelganger, Flexo was coming back. Avanzino gave that a definite maybe. Flexo, who looks similar to the series main robot protag, is known for speaking contrary to how he actually feels, before correcting himself; often seen when he slanders or insults an individual only to follow with, “nah, I’m just messin’ with ya; you’re all right.”

Avanzino mused that he’d love to see the return of Enema bot “who had one or two lines in the show”.

Other characters the helmers mused they’d like to see return are Roberto the robot, known for stabbing people and objects and robbing banks. The panel today included Edmund Fong, Andrew Hahn, Ira Sherak, EP Clauda Katz and Crystal Chensey Thomspon.

Said Fong, “I like Amy’s mom and dad.” Leo and Inez Wong, own Mars’ entire western hemisphere, the best hemisphere on Mars. They make their fortune raising buggalo, a breed of livestock found on Mars. They are extremely hopeful that Amy marries a man and provides them with grandchildren.

Asked whether there’s a crossover planned, such as what happend with The Simpsons and Futurama, Katz answered, “right now we’re trying to focus on our show.”

The official logline for the new iteration: After a brief ten-year hiatus, Futurama has crawled triumphantly from the cryogenic tube, its full original cast and satirical spirit intact. The ten all-new episodes of season eleven have something for everyone. New viewers will be able to pick up the series from here, while long-time fans will recognize payoffs to decades-long mysteries – including developments in the epic love story of Fry and Leela, the mysterious contents of Nibbler’s litter box, the secret history of evil Robot Santa, and the whereabouts of Kif and Amy’s tadpoles. Meanwhile there’s a whole new pandemic in town as the crew explores the future of vaccines, bitcoin, cancel culture, and streaming TV.

Futurama first premiered in 1999 on Fox and quickly gained a faithful following and acclaim, including two primetime Emmys for Outstanding Animated Program. The series was released on DVD from 2007-2009 to great success which spurred a rebirth on Comedy Central from 2010-2013. The series follows Philip J. Fry (Billy West), a New York City pizza delivery boy, who accidentally freezes himself in 1999 and gets defrosted in the year 3000. In this astonishing New New York, he befriends hard-drinking robot Bender (John DiMaggio), and falls in love with cyclops Leela (Katey Sagal). The trio find work at the Planet Express Delivery Company, founded by Fry’s doddering descendant, Professor Hubert Farnsworth. Together with accountant Hermes Conrad, assistant Amy Wong, and alien lobster Dr. John Zoidberg, they embark on thrilling adventures that take them to every corner of the universe.

Season 11’s ten episodes will be dropping weekly, with another ten set to air in the long run on Hulu.