View Full Version : ROH Results / Report - Aug 3, 2023

08-05-2023, 09:14 AM

From the XL Center in Hartford, Connecticut as we’re joined by Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman.

Aussie Open vs. Iron Savages

Fletcher and Bronson start. Headlock by Fletcher but a shoulder block does nothing. Fletcher runs into a back elbow but gets out of a gorilla press and body slams Bronson. Davis in but Bronson tags Boulder in. Boulder and Davis struggle for position and meet with shoulder blocks. Boulder eventually drops Davis with a diving shoulder block. Splash in the corner and Boulder catches Fletcher with a big sidewalk slam. Savages get sent to the floor with clotheslines and Aussie Open follows. Aussie Open sends Bronson into Boulder and in to the guardrail on the outside. Senton by Davis gets two. Crossbody by Bronson takes out both members of Aussie Open and Boulder gets the tag, taking everyone out with clotheslines. Fall away slam/Samoan drop combo by Boulder takes out both Davis and Fletcher! Around the world powerslam by Boulder to Fletcher gets two. Springboard moonsault by Boulder but Fletcher moves. Double elbows to Boulder by Aussie Open but Bronson is here to make the save. Big boot by Bronson to everyone before a Michinoku Driver to Fletcher on top of Davis! Double spinebuster to Fletcher! Two count. Electric Chair by Iron Savages but Davis rolls to his corner and Fletcher comes off the top with a clothesline, an accidental Doomsday Device! Double big boots by Aussie Open. Fireman’s carry into a punt by Fletcher! Clothesline sammich by Aussie Open and the Fidget Spinner to Boulder (!) finishes this one!

Winner and STILL ROH Tag Team Champions: Aussie Open

Ring of Honor Pure Championship
Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs. Josh Woods

Shibata looks for a straight arm bar early and Woods escapes, looking for one of his own. Both men dive for ankle locks and they roll to the floor, as Shibata threatens a penalty kick and misses. Collar and elbow tie up on the floor now, but both men get back in the ring by the 9 count. Woods clotheslines Shibata to the floor and drives him into the guard rail with a hammerlock. Wrist lock by Woods drops Shibata to the mat, before transitioning to a bicep slicer. Shibata escapes but Woods sends him to the mat with a big hammerlock. Doctor Bomb by Woods gets a two count. Woods drills Shibata with a PK but Shibata is up on his feet! Big boot by Shibata and a follow up boot in the corner. Stalling dropkick in the corner for Shibata gets a two count. Waist lock by Shibata but Woods grabs the ropes, however Shibata still connects with a German. Woods is up with a tear drop suplex of his own. Now both men are trading in the center of the ring before dueling scissor kicks. Shibata absorbs a clothesline from Woods but a second one takes him down. Woods stomps the injured arm but Shibata ducks under and locks in the rear naked choke. PK by Shibata and this one is over!

Winner and STILL ROH Pure Champion: Katsuyori Shibata

Shibata shakes the hand of Woods and then both men bow to each other.

Zack Clayton vs. Dalton Castle

Quick switch by Castle but Clayton connects with a blindside back elbow. Exploder by Clayton and a big knee drop, Clayton charges but Castle catches him with a power double leg. Exploder variation by Castle now for two. Big knee in the corner by Castle and the BangARang finishes it .

Winner: Dalton Castle

Jora Johl & Nick Comoroto vs. The Infantry

Bravo with a pair of arm drags and a right hand in the corner to Johl. Military press by Comoroto to Bravo. Unfortunately we have some technical difficulties with the Honor Club, here, so…
Match #5. Leyla Hirsch vs. Miranda Vionette

Honor Club comes back on and were in progress. Vionette grabs a cradle for two and tires to change Hirsch in the corner but gets taken out at the knees. Vertical suplex by Hirsch, who mounts Vionette and delivers some ground and pound. Hirsch then gets in the face of the referee, but connects with a running superkick to the face of Vionette. Arm trap from the ground by Hirsch, who yanks Vionette up into a Saito suplex a la Jordan Devlin. Vionette evades a charging Hirsch and connects with a bodyslam, but Hirsch quickly grabs an arm bar from the bottom and Vionette taps.

Winner: Leyla Hirsch

Tony Nese (w/ Smart Mark Sterling) vs. Gravity

Nese attacks early but Gravity bounces off the ropes with an arm drag and standing military press that drops Nese somewhat awkwardly. Handspring back elbow by Gravity sends Nese to the floor. Smart Mark Sterling gets on the apron, distracting Gravity and letting Nese get the upper hand with a clothesline. Sterling takes a few liberties with Gravity on the outside, behind the referees back. Both men exchange some hard overhand chops as Nese gets sent up and over to the outside. Gravity flies to the outside with a stalling front senton to the outside. Gravity dangles Nese from the middle rope and comes off the top with a stalling splash! Two count. Gravity goes up top but Nese catches him with Tiger Uppercut. Spinning back kick by Nese but Gravity is there with a single-arm powerbomb. Gravity goes up top and comes off with a huge stalling splash that gets the win!

Winner: Gravity

ROH Women’s World Championship
Athena (c) vs. Diamante

Athena handsprings out of an Irish whip and then kips up. Tieres by Diamate but Athena handstands out again! The fight spills to the outside as Diamante comes off the apron with a crossbody and gets caught by Athena, and powerslammed! Athena then throws Diamante into the barricade and threatens Caprice. Back in the ring and Athena delivers some huge elbows. Diamante counters with a jaw breaker but Athena sweeps the leg and crashes down with a senton and cartwheel into a double knee drop. Surfboard by Athena in the center of the ring, but Athena throws her off when she’s done. Athena clubs the back of Diamante on the apron but Diamante tries to counter into a German but can’t, as Athena drives her into the top turnbuckle. Side Effect by Athena on the apron! Athena rolls Diamante back in the ring and gets a two count. Diamante evades about 10 strikes and connects with a head scissors that sends Athena into the corner. Monkey flip attempt by Diamante and Athena lands awkwardly but Diamante follows up with a basement clothesline for two. Around the world backbreaker by Athena gets two. Athena looks for the O-Face but Diamante holds on and rolls through, Chaos Theory! Two count. Diamante comes off the top with a double axe handle but an anti-air big boot flattens her. Athena locks in the crossface but Diamante rolls through for two. Waist lock roll through with a pinning combination by Athena gets this one done.

Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Athena

After the match, Athena decides not to attack Athena.

The Boys vs. The Gates of Agony

Boy 1 gets manhandled by Toa early. Kaun sends Toa into Boy 1, as Nana attacks from the outside for no reason. Senton by Kaun and a kitchen sink. Boy 1 evades a charge from both Toa and Kaun before getting free and tagging Boy 2 after an enziguiri to Toa! Boy 2 goes over Toa and dives over the top to Kaun. Enziguiri to Toa. Two. Double dropkick to Toa but Kaun pulls Boy 1 outside and throws him into the barricade. Big Samoan Drop to Boy 2. Open the Gates. Finito.

Winners: Gates of Agony

Match #9. LSG vs. Cole Karter

Karter attacks early but LSG with the misdirection and a shoulder tackle. Waist lock by LSG but Carter pulls him into the top rope and deliver a strong clothesline. Big dropkick by Karter who now puts the boots to LSG in the corner. LSG escapes a powerbomb and delivers some Dusty Rhodes like right hands. Big boot by LSG and a push kick. Shoulder block off the middle rope by LSG. Springboard by LSG but Karter catches him with an anti-air knee to the face. Karter’s version of the Stornbreaker finishes this one.

Winner: Cole Karter

Rating: *. Not bad for a squash, Karter looks like a pretty good prospect.
Match #10. Robyn Renegade w/ Charlotte Renegade vs. Christina Marie

Renegade attacks quickly and pulls Marie to the outside, where a distraction allows Renegade to take advantage. Shotgun dropkick by Renegade and a pair of knees in the corner. Lariat by Renegade gets two. Back elbow and a dropkick by Marie sends Renegade to the corner. Marie ducks a sloppy right hand… something happens. Renegade locks in a seated abdominal stretch for the win .

Winner: Robyn Renegade

Workhosemen vs. El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander

Henry takes the center of the ring as Komander quickly gets arm dragged. Komander flips out of an arm lock but Henry rips him to the ground. Arm drag by Komander and a dropkick and Drake gets the tag. Pop up by Drake but Komander hits a dropkick. Vikingo is in with a springboard dropkick. Double suicide dives by Komander and Vikingo. Vikingo goes up top with a frog splash to Drake. 630 flying head scissor to Drake! Vikingo hits the apron and Henry with an STO on the apron slows him down. Vikingo in trouble in the wrong corner, clothesline by Drake, neck twist by Henry, and outside in senton by Drake. Russian leg sweep and big boot combo by Workhorsemen gets two! Henry taunts Komander with the tag as Vikingo tries to fight up with chops. Henry misses a corkscrew kick but Vikingo doesn’t! Big boot to Komander by Henry. Backstabber to Vikingo and a pair of double knees in the corner. Tag to Drake… Shining Wizard! Two count. Drake looks for a powerbomb but Vikingo reverses into a Code Red! Komander is in and clears the ring with forearms. Spinning heel kick to Drake and a basement dropkick. Big boot to Henry on the apron as Vikingo gets the tag but gets caught trying to dive. Pop-up right club to Komander by Drake. Drillbit to Vikingo! Double stomp from Henry! Komander breaks up the pin. Dropkick combinations to Henry as both Komander and Vikingo rope walk into moonsaults on the floor! Double 450’s to Drake and that’ll do it!

Winners: El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander