View Full Version : WOW: Women of Wrestling (Ep47) Results / Report - Aug 5, 2023

08-11-2023, 05:33 AM

Episode 47: Leaving It All In The Ring

Our commentary team is David McLane, Steven Dickey and AJ Mendez.

La Bandidas (Vivian Rivera and Sylvia Sanchez) (w/Sophia Lopez) vs Jennifer Flores and Stephy Slays

Slays starts with a back slide on Rivera and then hits a rollup for two. Flores tags in and Slays hits a drop toe hold with Flores hitting a drop kick and covering for two, broken up by Sanchez. Flores gets a cling blade and covers, broken up again by Sanchez. Rivera drops Flores and both her and Sanchez work her over in their corner with quick tags.

Flores is able to escape after hitting a facebuster knee on Sanchez. Slays gets the hot tag and gets a sunset flip on Rivera. She then gets a series of leaps and bulldog on Rivera for two, broken up by Sanchez. Flores is tagged in and they hit a double clothesline on Rivera for two, broken up by Sanchez yet again.

Sanchez tags in and gets a neck breaker. Rivera gets a spine buster, followed by a senton by Sanchez for the pin and the win.

Winners: La Bandidas

We get a promo video for the main event between The Tonga Twins vs Reina Del Rey and Wrecking Ball.

Kandi Krush vs GI Jane

They lock up and Jane shoves Krush off. Krush grabs a wrist lock and Jane turns it into a side headlock. Krush reverses it and takes Jane down with a headlock takeover. Jane works to her feet and Jane shoots Krush into the ropes. Krush hits a shoulder tackle then a hip toss and an arm drag. Krush gets a short arm clothesline for one.

Jane hits a jawbreaker then a clothesline. Jane slams Krush into the turnbuckles and then chokes her up to the four count. Krush tries to fight her way free, but Jane cuts her off and hits a suplex for two. Jane grabs a Cobra Clutch and Krush works to her feet and breaks free with elbows. She hits elbows into the corner on Jane and then a clothesline in the corner. Krush hits a flying clothesline and a back elbow and then an uppercut for two.

Krush puts Jane in a fireman’s carry., but Jane escapes and whips Krush into the ropes. Jane misses a big boot, and goes for a cross body, but Jane catches her, slams her and covers for two. Jane goes for a chokeslam, but Krush reverses it into a punch for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kandi Krush

Keta Rush vs Fury (w/Razor and Mezmeriah)

They lock up and trade arm bars. This moves to waistlocks and then Rush gets a head scissors takedown and a pair of drop kicks. Rush gets a hip smash in the corner and goes to the apron where Mezmeriah trips her and rolls her into the ring. Fury gets a pair of two counts. Fury gets a rear chinlock and then works her over in the ropes. Fury snaps Rush off the ropes and covers for two.

Rush is knocked to the outside where Razor and Mezmeriah give her head butts and roll her back in to take a two count. Fury gets a snap suplex for two. Fury locks her in a shoulder stretch. Fury whips Rush into the corner and when Rush tries to go up and over, Fury catches her and hits an air raid crash for two.

Rush ducks a clothesline and hits a sling blade followed by a pair of drop kicks. Rush hits a springboard crossbody off the top rope and covers, but Razor is distracting the ref. Rush goes to get the ref, and as she does, Fury gets the schoolboy roll up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Fury

The Heavy Metal Sisters start a beat down, but Americana, Sandy Shore and Crystal Waters rush the ring to drive them off.

We get a backstage promo from the Tonga Twins.

And now, the Main Event

Reina Del Rey and Wrecking Ball vs the Tonga Twins (Kaoz and Kona)

We are told the winners become the number one contender for the tag team titles.

All four women fight before the bell and it ends when Reina and Ball run into each other trying to charge into the Tonga Twins. Ball and Kaoz stay in the ring and Ball is able to take Kaoz down before tagging in Reina. Ball trips Kaoz and Reina drop kicks her. They keep Kaoz in the ring with quick tags.

Kaoz gets a shoulder block and the fight goes to the outside. Reina pulls Kona off the apron and they are all fighting on the floor. Reina hits a cannonball from the apron into the other three women on the floor. Reina misses a charge and instead hits the barricade. Ball and the Tongas Twins roll into the ring. They nail her with a double head butt and then hit the Tongas Twist for the pin and the win.

Winners: The Tonga Twins

Miami Sweet Heat tries to attack the Tonga Twins, but the Twins hold their own. David McLaim grabs a mic and says because there has been so much interference, when they do meet, no falls count and no time limit, they will go all night!

No idea what he means by “no falls count” but we’ll find out in a future episode!!