View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Report - Aug 18, 2023

08-19-2023, 07:59 AM

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Blake Howard.

Jacy Jayne vs Karmen Petrovic

They lock up and Jacy with punches and kicks in the corner. Jacy with a side head lock. Jacy with a shoulder tackle. Karmen tries for a drop toe hold but Jacy stays on her feet. Karmen sends Jacy to the mat and applies a side head lock. Jacy blocks a hip toss and takes Karmen to the mat for a near fall. Karmen with a crucifix for a near fall. Karmen with a rollup for a near fall. Karmen with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Jacy with a knee to the head and she gets a near fall. Jacy sends Karmen into the turnbuckles. Jacy chokes Karmen in the ropes. Jacy with a forearm to the back. Karmen with a punch but Jacy iwth a knee to the midsection.

Jacy with an Irish whip and hip into the corner. Jacy gets a near fall. Jacy with a punch. Jacy with a back senton for a near fall. Jacy with kicks to Karmen and she sends Karmen face first into the mat. Jacy stretches Karmen. Karmen with a snap mare and she goes for a back slide but Jacy blocks it. Karmen with a scorpion kick and a running forearm or two. Karmen with kicks to Jacy but she misses a round kick. Jacy with a rolling elbow for the three count.

Winner: Jacy Jayne

Sarah is with Brooklyn Barlow to talk about her match against Dani Palmer. Brooklyn says she suffered a bad knee injury. She says it has been a year but with that time off she found her mojo. It is her first match back. She says this is the Brooklyn Barlow show. She says all she needs is to show that all of the hard work to come back was worth it.

Dani Palmer vs Brooklyn Barlow

They start off with a wrist lock and do some dance moves before a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock. Barlow works on the ankle. Dani with a handstand to escape and she works on the ankle. Barlow with a wrist lock and Dani with a reversal into a side head lock. Dani escapes a slam but Brooklyn with a side head lock take down. Barlow escapes and she sets for a bow and arrow. Dani escapes and gets a near fall with a lateral press. Barlow with an Irish whip and a monkey flip. Barlow with an Irish whip and Palmer floats over and takes Barlow down with a head scissors. Palmer with an arm bar. Dani with a shoulder tackle but Barlow with a clothesline for a near fall.

Barlow with knees to the midsection and a knee lift. Barlow gets a near fall. Barlow with an abdominal stretch. Dani escapes and kicks Barlow away. Dani with punches and an uppercut. Dani with a jumping knee strike followed by clotheslines and a drop kick. Dani with a running kick into the corner. Dani goes up top and hits a twisting moonsault for the three count.

Winner: Dani Palmer

Ikemen JIro vs Oro Mensah (w/ Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend, and Noam Dar)

Jiro is distracted as the bell rings and Oro with a forearm. Oro with a forearm and chop. Jiro blocks a kick and Jiro with punches. Oro with a side head lock and Jiro with drop kicks. Jrio with a slam and a rollup for a near fall. Jiro sends Oro to the apron and Oro drops Jiro on the top rope. Oro with an exploder. Oro with a suplex for a near fall. Oro with an elbow to the back of the neck and Jiro with punches. Oro with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Oro gets a number of near falls. Jiro with kicks to the leg and Oro kicks back and he works on the head. Jiro blocks a kick and Oro with a Liger Kick. Oro with a suplex for a near fall.

Oro with kicks to the back. Oro with punches to the ribs and a seated abdominal stretch. Oro runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose. Jiro with elbows and he sends Oro into the turnbuckles. Jiro with jacket punches. Jiro with a splash as Jakara gets on the apron. Jiro with a kick and a head scissors take down. Jiro with a round kick for a near fall. Jiro gets Oro up and Oro gets back to his feet and he connects with elbows. Jiro with back elbows but Oro trips Jiro. Oro goes for a power bomb but Jiro with a rollup for a near fall. Jiro with a jacket punch. Jakara distracts the referee and Lash pulls Jiro into the corner to set up the spinning heel kick into the corner for the three count.

Winner: Oro Mensah
