View Full Version : Wrestling History Today - Aug 22nd

08-23-2023, 01:11 AM
On this day in history in ....

1982 - Wahoo McDaniel defeats Sgt. Slaughter for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title in Charlotte, North Caroline, starting his third reign as champion. Slaughter had been awarded the title two months earlier when he injured McDaniel, leaving him unable to defend the title against Slaughter.

1999 - WWF Summerslam was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Target Center. In his return to WWF, then-Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura, who had received criticism for taking the booking as the special referee in the main event declated, "I was proud to be a wrestler, I am proud to be a wrestler and I am proud to be here tonght!" on the ring mic.

Here are the results:
- Jeff Jarrett pinned D-Lo Brown (7:27) to win the WWF I-C and European Title.
- The APA won a tag team elimination match:
* Edge & Christian defeated Matt & Jeff Hardy when Christian pinned Matt.
* Edge & Christian defeated Mideon & Viscera when Edge pinned Mideon.
* Edge & Christian defeated Droz & Prince Albert when Edge pinned Albert.
* Faarooq & Bradshaw defeated Edge & Christian when Bradshaw pinned Christian.
* Faarooq & Bradshaw defeated Hardcore & Crash Holly when Faarooq pinned Hardcore to win the match.
- Al Snow defeated Big Boss Man to win the WWF Hardcore Title.
- WWF Women's Champion Ivory defeated Tori.
- Ken Shamrock defeated Steve Blackman via knockout in a Lion's Den match.
- Test defeated Shane McMahon.
- The Undertaker & Big Show defeated Kane & X-Pac to win the WWF World Tag Team Title when Undertaker pinned X-Pac.
- The Rock defeated Billy Gunn in a Kiss My Ass match.
- Mankind defeated Steve Austin and Hunter Hearst Helmsley in a Triangle match to win his second WWF World Title when he pinned Austin. Jesse Ventura was the special referee.

2000 - In Lafayette, Louisiana, one McMahon lost a title, and one gained a title, as Lita defeated Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley for the WWF Women's Title, while Shane McMahon defeated Steve Blackman for the WWF Hardcore Title.

2002 - Steve Austin filed for divorce from Debra Marshall in Texas.

2002 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Manny A filed the following TV report:

Taped On : August 20th, 2002
Location : Fayetteville, NC
Hosted by : Michael Cole & Tazz

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar walked down to the ring. The crowd chanted "Rocky" at them. Paul talked about how Brock is the number one box attraction in WWE, as well as the biggest star in the history of Smackdown. He went to talk about the legend of Hulk Hogan and how it was destroyed by Brock. Paul promised that the same thing would happen to the Rock at SummerSlam. However, tonight, Brock would give Rock a little taste of SummerSlam.

Brock grabbed the mic and mentioned that he feels the same way tonight as he did when he wrestled Hogan. He claimed that he would make the Rock "cry like a little bi$$h." This brought out the Rock.

Rock talked about how Brock has been all talk and has not backed it up. He stated that since Brock refused to bring it to him, he would bring it to Brock. Rock then approached the ring but was ambushed on the ramp by Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. Benoit put Rock in the Crippler Crossface, as Lesnar and Heyman laughed in the ring.

Backstage, Edge entered the arena but was ambushed by Guerrero and Benoit as well. They left him lying before some help arrived.

*1st match : The Hurricane & Shannon Moore vs. Tajiri and Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia)
During the match, Hurricane nailed Tajiri with a flying kick, which Tazz called the "Flying Wizard." Tazz also commented that Smackdown had the best announcing team in the business, to which Cole responded "amen." The end came when Noble went for a powerbomb but Shannon rolled through it for the pin. After the match, all 4 guys brawled in the ring until Matt Hardy ran down. He started celebrating and even boosted himself on Moore and Hurricane's shoulders as if he had helped them. Both guys seemed very surprised.

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon confronted Guerrero and Benoit. She scolded them for attacking Rock just 3 days before SummerSlam. She told them that they would get a cut in pay if Rock didn't make his match. She would have no problem with it if it was done in a competitive match. She then asked them about attacking Edge. At this point, Edge attacked both men and left them laying. He asked for a tag match with Rock against both of them. Stephanie agreed to it.

Backstage, Matt Hardy bragged about his crowd reaction to Moore and the Hurricane and claimed it wasn't because it was his hometown. He then bet them that if he went out again that the reaction would be double. He then went out to the ring again. He received another loud reaction. But, it was interrupted when Chavo Guerrero came out. Chavo referred to Matt as "white boy." He told Matt that they would see the reaction he got once they were done in the ring.

*2nd match : Chavo Guerrero vs. Matt Hardy
Matt went for a few cocky covers during the match. As Matt was about to nail the Twist of Fate, Kane's video appeared on the Titantron. This allowed Chavo to roll him up for the pin. After the match, Matt scolded the ref for what happened. The ref told him that his shoulders were down. Matt compared being screwed in North Carolina to Bret Hart being screwed in Canada.

Backstage, Funaki teased that they would be entering the women's locker room after the commercial break.

After the break, Funaki entered the locker room, where he found Nidia changing. Nidia was topless (behind something) and didn't mind him watching. Molly Holly then walked up and questioned why he was there. She then questioned why Nidia would be so "loose." Nidia claimed that she wasn't loose but actually "open." She then claimed that if she beat Molly for the Women's title later on, she would expose her bare breasts to everyone in the arena.

Michael Cole and Tazz interviewed Rey Mysterio, who was in the back. He talked about how even though he is small, he had proven that he could hang with Angle. This brought out Kurt, who questioned if reality existed to him. Kurt told him that he requested a match against Billy Kidman on Smackdown so that he could show Rey what was in store for him at SummerSlam. He claimed that he would lay a beating on Kidman that would make Rey run for the border. Angle then promised to break Rey's ankle if he interfered tonight.

*3rd match : Kurt Angle vs. Billy Kidman
Kurt nailed Kidman with 3 consecutive German suplexes. At this point, Rey Mysterio shot out of the ramp. Rey stared at Angle, which made Kurt leave the ring to confront him. Kurt then realized that he was going to get counted out so he returned to the ring to continue the match. Kidman then hit Angle with head scissors, which threw Kurt to the outside. As he recovered, Kurt saw Rey Mysterio at ringside. It turned out to be some fan wearing Rey's mask. Kurt ripped it off and pushed the fan. In the ring, Kidman went for the Shooting Star Press but Angle climbed the ropes for the belly to belly from the top. The ref then got bumped. This allowed Rey to run down and nail Angle from the top rope. Rey ran away with Kurt in hot pursuit, allowing Kidman to win by countout. After the match, Kurt beat him up out of frustration.

Backstage, the trainer worked on the Rock's ribs. A video package aired showing Brock Lesnar training for his match at SummerSlam. Edge walked up to ask him how he felt. Rock told him that nothing, including sore ribs, a ripped off arm, leg or People's testicle, would keep him from taking on Brock.

*4th match : John Cena & Rikishi vs. Reverend D-Von & Batista
Throughout the match, there was ongoing tension between Batista and D-Von. They finally ended up yelling at each other, resulting in Batista nailing him with a Spinebuster. Rikishi then dragged him into the corner for the 2nd rope splash and the pin.

Backstage, Nidia and Jamie Noble were walking. Jamie convinced Nidia to give a security guard a sneak peak at her boobs, saying that this is what the world would see tonight.

*5th match : Molly Holly vs. Nidia (WWE Women's title)
Nidia had a ton of 2 counts during this match. In the end, Molly hit the Molly Go Round for the pin. After the match. Noble told Nidia to give the fans what they want to see. Nidia started to take her top off when Molly hit Jamie with a dropkick into her.

Stephanie McMahon came down to the ring. She bragged about how the Smackdown side has much more to offer to SummerSlam than Eric Bischoff's Raw. She promised that the Smackdown stars would steal the show. This led to the SummerSlam video package which ran down all of the matches.

*6th match : The Rock & Edge vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chris Benoit
Backstage, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman watched the match on a monitor. The match ended after the Rock hit Benoit with the RockBottom. Edge then nailed Eddie with a spear to get the pin. After the match, Brock came down to the ring. Rock and Brock had a staredown and Rock motioned for Edge to leave the ring. Rock and Brock then went at it. Rock got the advantage with some punches but Brock came back and worked on the injured ribs. Rock made a comeback and hit Brock with the spit punch, knocking him over the top rope. Heyman then held Brock back, telling him to wait until Sunday, as the show ended.

2007 - WWE releases Daniel Rodimer, the former Tough Enough contestant the company signed after the reality show ended, yet never placed on television.

2008 - WWE broadcast Smackdown. Taylor Millard filed the following TV report:

Welcome to PWInsider.com’s coverage Smackdown coming from Moline, IL

The show begins with a recap of Summerslam, including Triple H “defending his kingdom” against Khali, MVP defeating Jeff Hardy, and the Hell in a Cell match between Edge and the Undertaker (which included multiple shots of end).

The show begins with Vickie Guerrero on the Titantron welcoming us all to Smackdown (except for the fact she did it on the ramp during the taping). Guerrero says Edge is the real problem and that she’s a victim and became corrupted. She also says she cheated all the fans because of Edge and the Vickie Guerrero we all loved was changed. She blames Edge for everything and cackles at Edge now residing in Hell. She says she’s ready to feel like a person again and feels good about reinstating the Undertaker. She asks everyone to give the Undertaker a standing ovation when he arrives. Guerrero also explains the Scramble match a bit and basically says whoever has the championship when the match is over, they’re WWE champion.

JR and Tazz welcome us to the show and the two talk about Undertaker’s return and Scramble Match. Out comes Maria, as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and JR announces Jeff Hardy will face Khali to qualify for Unforgiven, plus MVP will face Festus. Maria remains in the ring as Natalya Neidhart walks out to face Maria. JR says Neidhart has a lot of heritage.

Match One: Maria vs. Natalya Neidhart:

Tazz says Maria loves competition and Maria applies a headlock before getting caught in a head scissors. Natalya works on the arm but Maria counters for an arm drag. JR says Maria’s gotten better, but Natalya with a leg drag. Tazz says Maria got slowed down as Natalya slams Maria into the ropes and puts her into a leg wrench. Maria gets free but both women are selling their legs. Maria with a clothesline then gives Natalya a bronco buster in the corner. Natalya knocked outside the ring, but out comes Maryse. Maryse and Natalya attack Maria and Tazz says this is in response to Maryse’s nose getting broken by Maria. Out comes Michelle McCool and out go Natalya and Maryse. Tazz says the two set up Maria. Result: No Contest.

In the back, Chavo and Bam are wheeling Vickie when Big Show interrupts saying he’s excited about the matches. Big Show says he wants to know who his opponent is but Vickie says she accidentally forgot to put him in a qualifying match. Show says he understands and walks away.

Coming up next is a ten man Battle Royal for the scramble match. Big Show walks out to the ring, smiling and waving, and Tazz says he wonders what Big Show is doing out there. JR says he’s going to take a seat and watch the Battle Royal as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and its time for the WWE to announce more people watched Smackdown than the NFL on FOX. Big whoop.

The Brian Kendrick, with Ezekiel Jackson, enters ring for the Battle Royal (Tazz calls Kendrick the favorite for the match). The Edgeheads are on their way to the ring and Armando Estrada, Super Crazy, Ryan Braddock, Scotty Goldman, and Funaki are all ready in the ring. Jimmy Wang Yang and Vladimir Kozlov come out too.

Match Two: The Brian Kendrick, the Edgeheads, Super Crazy, Jimmy Wang Yang, Vladimir Kozlov, Scotty Goldman, Ryan Braddock, Funaki, and Armando Estrada in a Battle Royal for a spot in the Scramble Match:

Jimmy Wang Yang and Scotty Goldman are fighting each other and Tazz says the Edgeheads have an advantage early in the match because they’re tag partners, but not if it goes later on. Estrada, Edgeheads, Braddock and Yang eliminate Kozlov. The Edgeheads take out Goldman. All of a sudden the Big Show gets into the ring and stars eliminating everyone, including a great spot where he took out the Edgeheads and Super Crazy at the same time. Big Show throws out Funaki and all that’s left is Kendrick and Wang. Ezekiel catches Kendrick as he gets thrown out but Big Show throws out Wang. Meanwhile, Big Show walks out and Ezekiel puts Kendrick in the ring who says his feet never touched the ground. Charles Robinson says, he’s the winner and Kendrick is announced as so. Kendrick rocks in the ring and a recap of Big Show cleaning house is shown. JR says the Big Show thought he eliminated Kendrick and Tazz says he never knew he was put back in the ring. Tazz and JR say it was the right call by the officials. Winner: The Brian Kendrick.

Still to come: The Undertaker returns to Smackdown and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial with a recap from Battle Royal and Tazz says The Brian Kendrick has amazing talent on his own, but with Ezekiel Jackson at his side, he has a big advantage. JR says R-Truth debuts next Friday and another promo for Truth’s life in the gutter is shown. Truth says he’s headed for the top.

Back in the ring and it’s time for our next Championship Scramble Qualifier as MVP comes to the ring. JR says MVP won controversially over Jeff Hardy and MVP is shown telling Eve Torres he said before the Summerslam match Jeff Hardy would beat Jeff Hardy. Hardy is a loser and MVP is a winner. MVP says he’s going straight to the top and only the WWE champ is left. He promises to win the WWE championship and will be “straight up ballin’”.

Out come Festus and Jesse and Tazz wonders if he knows what ballin’ means.

Match Three: MVP vs. Festus in a championship scramble qualifying match:

The bell rings and the two exchange punches, with Festus sending MVP into the corner. JR says Festus is a very unrefined performer. The Corn-fed Colossus gets a two count and MVP gets more punches in on Festus but takes a hard uppercut in response. Festus with a very hard clothesline and Tazz says MVP might think he’s Jesse after that one. Tazz says Festus knows what’s going on because he’s trying to cover MVP quickly. MVP slams Festus into the ringpost twice, trying to take away Festus’ power. Festus sent to the ground and MVP starts focusing on the left arm again. The crowd chants for Festus as Jesse encourages him next to the announce table. Festus gets to his feet, but MVP sends him to ground again. Another cover but Festus kicks out at one. MVP pulls Festus into the middle of the ring and locks a reverse keylock on the left arm. Festus gets up to his feet and hits MVP with two hard head butts. JR and Tazz talk about the damage Festus might have to his left arm and MVP hits an armbar takedown. Festus goes for a splash and MVP avoids it. Cover for two. MVP goes back for the keylock and Tazz says MVP has a great strategy. JR says MVP has his sights set on the WWE Championship but Festus sends MVP to the ground like a bail of hay. Festus nails the reverse splash and takes control of the match. MVP goes back to the arm and JR calls it an intelligent move. Festus with a big boot and MVP rolls out of the ring. Festus walks around the ring and nails MVP with another clothesline. Festus with a backbody drop and the ref’s count is up to eight. MVP gives Jesse a drive-by kick and hurries into the ring as Festus goes to check on Jesse. MVP gets into the ring just before the ten-count and is announced as the winner. Winner by count out: MVP

Festus gets into the ring, but the bell rings sending him back into LaLa Land. MVP nails a kick to the face and stands triumphant. Tazz says he feels bad for Festus and we see a replay of the end of the match. Tazz says MVP assumed Festus would check on Jesse and JR says coming next is Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin in a Scramble Qualifying Match.

Back from commercial and it’s time for a showing of WWE 24/7 Classics featuring Torrie Wilson, Stacey Keibler, and Trish Stratus. JR and Tazz talk about WWE 24/7 and encourage everyone to check it out because it’s got over 40 years of great tapes.

The Gold Standard, Shelton Benjamin, makes his way to the ring and JR says Benjamin has other gold on his mind (not just the US Title around his waist). Tazz says he looks forward to the upcoming match between Benjamin and Finlay. Benjamin gets on the mic and says he’s obsessed with championships and winning. Benjamin says Michael Phelps isn’t the new gold standard, but he is. Good promo.

Out comes Finlay with Hornswoggle who have gifts for the crowd. Tazz says he thinks Finlay can match Benjamin “hold for hold” as the bell rings.

Match Four: Finlay vs. Shelton Benjamin in a Scramble Qualification Match:

The two lock up and go into the corner and separate before Finlay hits an elbow. He goes for a cover, but Benjamin escapes. The two try a knucklelock but Finlay slaps Benjamin and locks him into a headlock. Tazz calls Hornswoggle a “shady little man” then says Benjamin has a lot of respect for Finlay and went into the match with a different strategy. Benjamin with quick kicks and Charles Robinson separates them but Finlay brushes past Robinson, right into Benjamin. The two brawl on the mat before rolling out of the ring, and separating. The two eyeball each other and get back into the ring. Tazz says both men are loaded with aggression and don’t want the match to end like the MVP/Festus match did. Finlay with a single leg takedown and JR says Finlay’s trying to slow down Benjamin. Finlay with an ankle hook and keeps working on the leg. Finlay with a submission move but Benjamin gets to the ropes, forcing Finlay to break the hold. Finlay goes for a shoulder to the gut but Benjamin moves and into the ring post goes the Irishman. Benjamin takes down Finlay and Tazz says he’s got the wrestle the match at his pace. Hornswoggle tries to encourage Finlay but Benjamin stays in control. Robinson asks if Finlay wants to continue the match but Benjamin won’t let him answer. JR and Tazz wonder if Finlay is concussed but Finlay uses the ring apron to counter the baseball slide. The two go up top and Finlay is sent to the outside as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and Benjamin is working on Finlay’s back and shoulder as JR and Tazz wonder how he’s still in the match. Benjamin rains down punches on Finlay’s body, but Finlay with a reversal into a two count. Benjamin with a clothesline into a cover for a two count then kicks Finlay in the ear. Really good match so far and Tazz says the two have a real desire to advance into the title match. Benjamin keeps working on the left side of Finlay but Finlay with a quick move into a two count. Benjamin with a kick to Finlay but only gets a two count. T-Bone suplex by Benjamin but he only gets a one count. Finlay with clotheslines and a cannonball but only a two count. Finlay sets up for the Celtic Cross but out comes Mike Knox who goes after Hornswoggle (who escapes under the ring). Benjamin hits Paydirt and gets the win. Winner by pinfall: Shelton Benjamin.

JR and Tazz say Knox and Finlay have had issues with each other. Knox attacks a downed Finlay and JR wonders how Knox can attack Finlay when he wouldn’t face him on ECW on Tuesday. Knox with punches as Finlay turtles up. A replay of the end of the match is shown, plus the aftermath with Knox’s attack on Finlay. Tazz says Knox better watch his back come ECW time.

JR says Undertaker is coming back and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and JR says Jeff Hardy will face Khali in the last scramble qualifying match. JR and Tazz talk about the incident between Shawn Michaels, his wife Rebecca, and Chris Jericho. Footage from Summerslam is shown. I’m glad they showed it because I didn’t order Summerslam.

In the back, La Familia is talking about the Scramble Match and Chavo says he wished he’d been in a qualifying match. Chavo wonders why the Undertaker hasn’t shown up yet and says he’s worried Undertaker might hold a grudge. Vickie says it wasn’t her who made those decisions and says she’ll apologize to the Undertaker. Or at least says she’ll think about doing it.

Out comes Triple H and Tazz wonders what his opinion of the championship scramble match is. JR says Jeff Hardy vs. Khali is coming up next as we go to commercial.

The WWE Rewind is shown with a recap of the match between Triple H and Khali at Summerslam. Triple H, obviously, won.

Triple H is joining Tazz and JR for the last qualifying match between Khali and Jeff Hardy. Khali walks out with Ranjin Singh and Triple H says it was a monumental task to defeat Khali at Summerslam. Triple H says he wondered if he could hit Khali with the Pedigree and puts over Khali as a freak of nature. Tazz calls Khali sub-human but also says he wouldn’t tell that to Khali’s face (or shoulders as JR puts out). Out comes Jeff Hardy and Triple H says it could be his time to take the next step into the championship picture. He also says Khali’s chances in the Scramble Match are “Slim, Jim.” Get it?

Match Five: Jeff Hardy vs. Khali (with Ranjin Singh) in a Scramble Qualification Match:

The two face off and Triple H says Hardy needs to use his quickness to beat Khali. Hardy sends multiple kicks into Khali’s knee but crashes to the mat after a hard clothesline. Triple H says he’ll mention his thoughts on the scramble match once he knows who’ll be in it. JR also says Vickie is preparing a prepared statement for the Undertaker when he arrives. Hardy is down on the mat, as Khali locks in a nerve pinch. Hardy won’t submit and Triple H says it’s a basic nerve hold but it hurts. Khali with a body slam and Jeff is down. Khali calls for the vice but Hardy with a rake of the eyes. Khali knocks him off the top turnbuckle and Triple H says we might be seeing the end of Jeff Hardy. Hardy nails a Twist of Fate out of nowhere, goes up for the swanton but Ranjin Singh distracts Hardy. Khali with the vice grip but Triple H attacks Singh with a steel chair. The WWE Champion then hits Khali with the chair after he tries to attack Triple H (the ref was distracted by Hardy being on the ground incapacitated). Hardy with a Whisper in the Wind and a swanton for the win. Winner by pinfall: Jeff Hardy

JR says Hardy’s win is ironic because it’s thanks to ‘The Game’ and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial and JR goes over the winners of tonight’s matches: The Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, MVP, and Jeff Hardy.

Triple H is in the ring and he gives his thoughts on the championship scramble match. He discusses all his opponents and says the odds don’t favor him very much. Triple H says no one needs to celebrate their win yet because Triple H is a 12-time champion and has been in every match the WWE has offered and come out on top. He says he is the King of Kings, but out comes Kenny Dykstra. Dykstra gets in the ring and says he’s sick and tired of not being taken seriously. His name is Kenny Dykstra and ... he just got Pedigreed by the WWE champion. Triple H says, “Good to see you, Kenny” and walks off. Tazz gives Dykstra props for coming out but says he took a nasty Pedigree.

In the back Vickie is still working on her apology. The Edgeheads run in saying Undertaker is here and they head towards the ring to make their apology. We head off to commercial.

Back from commercial, a recap of Summerslam is shown, focusing on Undertaker’s Hell in a Cell match with Edge. Vickie and La Familia are in the ring and she says she has prepared a statement for tonight. She considers herself a great woman who is not too big to admit to making mistakes. She says she stands on her own two feet (while sitting in a wheelchair) and is here to apologize to the Undertaker. She offers a standing ovation (and gets out of her chair) and gives us our beloved Undertaker.

Out comes The Deadman and La Familia look a little nervous encountering him face to face. Vickie says she delivered Edge to him at Hell in a Cell and all she wants is an opportunity to earn forgiveness. She asks Undertaker to accept her apology then says he can have more time if he wants. Vickie says she really wants to apologize, stands from her chair, gets on her knees, and begs him to accept her apology. Please? Undertaker takes the mic, tells her to look at him, and says he didn’t come out for an apology but came for her soul. Chavo and the rest of the family surround him and Undertaker cleans house of La Familia. The Family gets the Undertaker down and starts assaulting him. Chavo grabs a chair but takes a boot to the face. Undertaker with a chokeslam to the Edgeheads then looks for Vickie who’s all the way by the Titantron. He gives his throat slash and we go to credits.

08-23-2023, 01:12 AM
Continued ..

2009 - An XPW "Tenth Anniversary" Reunion card was held in Los Angeles, CA. Mark Carpowich filed the following live report:

The last time XPW held a reunion show, more than five years had passed since the promotion's previous event. This time, organizers weren't going to wait that long.

Saturday, XPW hosted a 10-year anniversary show for several hundred loyal fans in the heart of Hollywood. Hoping to piggyback off that other wrestling show happening in town the same weekend ("Summer-something," I think), "XPW X" was a greatly toned-version of last year's "Cold Day in Hell" event, and while a little messy at times, provided fans some excellent hardcore action.

Saturday's event started with a "pre-show" that concluded with The Stepfather and The Red-Headed Stepchild calling out Sexy Chino, who was sitting ringside, then bringing him into the ring and beating him down until Tool ran down to make the save. At this point there was an intermission, which was followed by Kris Kloss and Larry Rivera leading a 10-second countdown to the start of the event.

XPW's new promoter brought out the first-ever XPW heavyweight champion, "The Real Deal" Damien Steele, who was announced as the organization's new commissioner. Steele was accompanied by Nikki "The New York Knockout" Jameson and Baby Slim, the latter of whom was carrying the old XPW championship belt in a display case. He then announced that the title is being resurrected, and that a tournament will be held to determine who will be the next champion. Several tournament matches were announced, but before everything was revealed, Homeless Jimmy came down to say he wanted to be included in the tournament. Baby Slim attacked him from behind, and - because a referee had coincidentally entered the ring during this faceoff - suddenly Jimmy had the tournament match he wanted.

The bout started with a fairly lengthy beatdown of Jimmy, with the action spilling out onto the floor. Helped by Jameson's blatant interference, Slim continued to assault Jimmy in the midst of the fans, hiptossing him onto a group of folding chairs, then suplexing him onto the floor. Jimmy turned things around, though, hitting a DDT onto the floor. Back in the ring, the match ended with Jimmy winning by, of all things, a schoolboy out of the corner. Jimmy advances in the tournament. Apparently this will not be a one-day tournament, so I guess we'll have the next elimination match whenever XPW has another event.

Our eight-person mixed tag match was next, which featured Team XPW (Matt Classic, White Trash Johhny Webb, Cast Iron Cothern and The Fabulous Thunderkitty) taking on Sacramento's Team SPW (Dante, "The British Messiah" Timothy Thatcher, El Chupacabra, Dante and Christina von Eerie). Things began when a bloody Webb came stumbling out of the back, with all four SPW wrestlers beating him down. After several minutes, Webb's teammates finally came to his rescue, and he was helped to the back. Another wrestler came down, wearing the same mask and tights as Matt Classic, and the match officially started. The bout was probably the least-exciting of the evening, with ringside fans far more interested in sexually harrassing von Eerie than actually watching the match. Team SPW won when Dante hit a 450 frog splash.

Out next was Mr. McPhenom, a Vince McMahon knockoff who came out to announce his plans to buy XPW. McPhenom said that XPW needed to more family-and-sports-entertainment based. He then introduced GQ Money as a financial-adviser type. Money carried a burlap sack into the ring with what McPhenom called "the green." Once McPhenom figured out that "the green" wasn't currency, but rather a less-legal type of green substance, he got mad and attacked Money. A match between the two was set for later in the show.

The "First-Ever Joey Ryan Sleazy Strip Wrestling Iron Man Challenge Match" was next on the card, featuring heels Joey Ryan and Lizzy "J Love" Valentine against Monica and Vinnie Massaro. The rules of this 10-minute ironman match (yes, seriously) were that, every time someone was pinned, that wrestler had to remove an article of clothing. Each wrestler was pinned once before Valentine was pinned twice more, including right at the final bell. She refused to remove her top, however, and brought out a "body double," a girl who stipped off her top and removed her bra. Each of her breasts was covered with a black "x," which the crowd booed.

The McPhenom-Money match got under way following a 15-minute intermission. As Money posed on the turnbuckles before the match, McPhenom dropped his pants and pulled out two grapefruits, which he threw at Money's back. Money then attacked him, with the action spilling onto the floor. They teased a series of table spots back in the ring, before the match ended with Money scoring a three count. Afterward, he put McPhenom through the table, but the crowd didn't really pop because the table barely broke. Other than the funny McPhenom charater himself, this segment was kind of weak.

The high-fliers were up next, as Scorpio Sky took on "M-Dogg 20" Matt Cross. Their match featured some good chain wrestling, as well as a few really cool spots on the ropes by the ex-gymnast Cross. After a series of near-falls, the bell suddenly rang, and the match was declared a time-limit draw. With the crowd chanting "five more minutes," Luke Hawx appeared on the stage with a mic in his hand. No mention of his scheduled match with Homeless Jimmy was made. Instead, he said that Cross was a former XPW tag-team champion, and said that since he wasn't included in the day's title tournament, Hawx and a mystery partner wanted to challenge Cross and Sky to a tag title match. After Sky and Cross shoook hands and accepted, Hawx revealed his partner to be Sky.

After Hawx and Sky went on a double-team offensive, Tool came out to even the score. Suddenly we had an official tag match, which ended when Cross - who had spent almost the entire match on the floor, selling the beatdown - tapped to a guillotine choke. Hawx and Sky were announced as the new XPW tag-team champions, even though there were no belts.

Following a pointless destruction of Leroy by Pogo The Clown, the ring crew set up the "Burned in Hell Grudge Match" between Carnage and Youth Suicide, the latter of whom was accompanied to the ring by Vic Grimes. This was basically a death match under a different name, with Youth Suicide drawing first blood with a barbed-wire bat. Carnage wreaked havoc of his own, though, blasting Youth Suicide with everything from a computer keyboard to light tubes, and throwing him through a glass shower door. With the crowd chanting "this is awesome," Carnage slammed Youth Suicide head-first off the stage, through a table. Grimes then attacked Carnage on the outside with a staple gun, taking dollar bills from the crowd and stapling them to Carnage's head. Grimes threw him back in, lit a pizza cutter on fire, and took it to Carnage's skull. Holy crap, this is awesome. Carnage finally got the win by throwing lit flash paper into Youth Suicide's face.

Supreme then had the daunting task of having to follow that up with a defense of his King of the Death Match title, taking on Angel the Hardcore Homo. Not really sure why the ring crew bothered sweeping up all the broken glass from the previous match. Anyway, both wrestlers were introduced, with the ring announcer saying that the match was being dedicated to Supreme's father, who had died earlier in the week. Angel, who announced to the crowd that he would give up his "Hardcore Homo" nickname if he lost, was accompanied by Kraq and BFF Amanda. The match started with a 3-on-1 attack, but Supreme cleaned house and sent them running up the ramp. He went out after them, but Kraq threw him off the stage onto a table of mouse traps. The match itself was not too different than its precedessor, though Supreme did bleed a gusher, and the tables wrapped in barbed wire and light tubes were more impressive. Angel dished out most of the punishment, with Amanda throwing in some incredible spots (including jumping off the room's balcony and landing on Supreme, then later being slammed - twice - through the light-tube-barbed-wire tables), but Supreme ultimately won the match.

Not that anyone in the crowd was complaining, but back-to-back death matches might have been a small bit of overkill, and unfair to the guys in the main event. Maybe XPW just wanted to differentiate itself from the TV-PG world of pro wrestling, and re-establish itself as a haven for hardcore fans. There was also not a lot of good mic work, with the exception of Luke Hawx, who came across well as an arrogant heel.

"XPW X" had much less of a reunion feel than its 2008 predecessor. There was no Sabu, no Terry Funk, no X-Pac, no Raven, no Sandman (though Colt Cabana was announced as being in attendance). Instead, this show featured more home-grown talent, which didn't seem to be a problem for the fans.

If XPW is in fact returning as a somewhat regular promotion, they might want to consider running at a different venue. Though aptly named, the Arena Cafe is maybe not the best place to run wrestling shoes. In addition to a shortage of nearby parking, the building was hot, the acoustics were bad, and the setup was probably too narrow to properly accomodate fans. Because of the stage being on one end, and the sides being narrow, there was only seating on one side of the ring. There was also a balcony, but huge speakers blocked a good portion of the view to the floor, which was a problem when the matches went outside of the ring.

No announcements were made for XPW's next show, and as of Sunday afternoon, there was still no information about how to order "XPW X" online. Fans of death matches should consider buying the show on DVD for the final two matches on the card, but there was also a decent amount of slow-moving filler. If XPW can present its title tournament as something important, fans may follow...provided, of course, that another show is announced.

2010 - Former ECW star Balls Mahoney and The Outpatient (real name John Kissel) were both charged with disorderly conduct when police were called to a New Brunswick, New Jersey restaurant after a fight between the two. Mahoney and the Outpatient both claimed to police that they were working the fight to build interest in an upcoming wrestling match, but after reviewing surveillance footage from the eatery's security cameras, police still charged the pair. The police were called after one of the wrestlers apparently brandished a knife.

2011 - WWE broadcast Raw. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and your announcers are Jim ‘Gretzky’ Ross, Jerry ‘Messier’ Lawler, and Michael ‘Pockington’ Cole.

Ricardo Rodriguez is in the ring and he introduces Alberto Del Rio as he makes his way to the ring over Michael Cole’s gushing.

We see footage from last week’s Raw when Alberto Del Rio was able to defeat Rey Mysterio in Rey’s home town of San Diego. We see footage of what happened after the match last week. Michael Cole tells us that due to the cross arm breaker Rey will be out of action.

Alberto tells us who he is . . . but we don’t even get that far because he is interrupted by John Cena who makes his way to the ring.

Cena and Del Rio get face to face and Cena tells Alberto that everyone knows who Del Rio is and that he is the man who thought the title was his destiny. John says that he wants to introduce himself to Alberto and he offers his hand to Del Rio. Cena says that he is the man who is going to take the WWE Championship off Alberto’s waist and he is going to hurt Del Rio. He will hurt him so bad that he will have to go home to his parents. Cena doubts that Alberto owns all of these cars. Cena says that he is a nice guy but Alberto is a target. Cena tells Del Rio that he is tired of making average seem awesome. There is only one person who can go toe to toe with him. . .

Cena says that Alberto is not CM Punk so when they meet for the WWE Championship, he is going to whip Del Rio’s ass.

Speaking of personality, CM Punk makes his way to the stage as his music plays. Punk makes his way to the ring. Punk says that he is feeling some déjà vu. Punk says that Cena wants another title match and he sarcastically says that it is awesome. Punk reminds Cena that he beat him twice in high pressure situations and then Alberto moseys on down and cashes in the Money in the Bank briefcase. If anyone is going to get a title match, it is him.

Punk says that it is ballsy for Cena to come out and make fun of Del Rio and his cars.

Del Rio reminds Cena and Punk that he is still here. He says that it is his time and he is the WWE Champion and he has the belt to prove it.

Punk wants to know if Del Rio is done and then he tells Del Rio never to interrupt him. He says that he doesn’t care that Del Rio cashed in the briefcase because he did it twice. Punk says that Del Rio reaped the rewards of the Money in the Bank Match. Punk says that this is part of a concerted effort by Del Rio, Triple H, Kevin Nash, and maybe even Jack Tunney trying to screw him over.

Punk says that since he has a problem, he tells John to pay attention to the past. John has had problems with Triple H in the past. Punk says that he insulted Hunter’s wife straight to her face at SummerSlam. Then magically Kevin Nash gets a text to take him out. Punk says that if Cena had won, it would have been to take out Cena. Someone wants Alberto to be champion really bad.

Del Rio says that it is destiny.

Punk says that Del Rio means ‘CM Punk officially cashing in his opportunity at the WWE Title’.

Cena says that Del Rio meant ‘John Cena cashing in his rematch tonight’

Punk says that Cena’s rematch clause is as real as Santa Claus.

Punk and Cena argue over who gets to face Alberto Del Rio for the title. Del Rio says that he is ignoring both of them. Del Rio says that it is his time and he defended his title last week so it is time for him to celebrate. Del Rio says that it won’t happen in Canada in front of this crowd. He tells Punk to stop crying like a little girl.

Before Del Rio can continue, the C-O-O s-t-o-p-s Del Rio and he makes his way to the ring. Hunter tells Del Rio to take the smug look off his face because he is not out here to protect him. Hunter says that Del Rio has a match and it is next. Hunter tells Cena and Punk that rematch clauses are not like Money in the Bank because you don’t get to cash them in when you like. Hunter says that is his job. Hunter says that whether you think he screwed your or sent a text at SummerSlam, the person who gets the rematch first will be decided by them. Alberto will defend the WWE Championship at Night of Champion against the person who wins tonight’s main event. It will be CM Punk versus John Cena.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see footage from last week’s match between R Truth and John Morrison.

Match Number One: Alberto Del Rio versus John Morrison in a Non Title Match

Del Rio backs off when Morrison wants to lock up. Morrison punches Del Rio and the referee pulls him off Del Rio. Del Rio misses a punch and Morrison with kicks and he gets a near fall. Del Rio goes back to the apron and he drops Morrison on the top rope but Morrison with a double leg take down and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a series of kicks to take Morrison down. Del Rio punches Morrison and slams his head into the mat. Del Rio with a kick to the head and then he chokes Morrison in the ropes.

Del Rio with an arm bar as he starts to work on the shoulder for the cross arm breaker. Del Rio with a kick to Morrison but Morrison slides through Del Rio’s legs and he hits a drop kick and gets a near fall. Morrison with a side head lock take down. Del Rio with a kick to the leg and Morrison goes to the mat. Del Rio tries for a German suplex but Morrison blocks it. Morrison sends Del Rio to the floor and then he tries for an Asai Moonsault but Del Rio moves out of the way. Morrison lands on his feet and Del Rio sends Morrison hard into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Del Rio works on Morrison’s neck. Del Rio with a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Del Rio with a rear chin lock with his knee in Morrison’s back until John gets to his feet. Morrison with a kick to the leg but Morrison with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Del Rio with another kick.

Del Rio with a standing power slam for a near fall. Del Rio returns to the reverse chin lock while Morrison tries to get away from the hold. Del Rio with a head butt but when he charges into the corner, Morrison back body drops Del Rio over the top rope to the floor. Morrison with clotheslines when Del Rio returns to the ring and Morrison with a leg lariat followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Morrison tries to pull Del Rio into the corner but Del Rio gets away. Del Rio with a kick to Morrison and Del Rio with a German suplex and bridge for a near fall.

Del Rio tries for the float over but Morrison with a rollup to counter for a near fall. Del Rio runs into a boot in the corner and Morrison with a DDT for a near fall. Morrison waits for Del Rio to get up and he tries for a Shining Wizard but Del Rio blocks it. Del Rio tries for a power bomb but Morrison counters with a rana and gets a near fall.

Del Rio with punches but Morrison with kicks. Del Rio with a head butt and Morrison with a springboard round kick and Morrison sets for the split legged corkscrew moonsault but Morrison lands on his feet. Del Rio sends Morrison into the ring post and Del Rio floats over into the cross arm breaker and Morrison fights as much as he can to get to the ropes but Morrison taps out.

Winner: El Padron Alberto Del Rio

After the match, Del Rio kicks Morrison and he puts Morrison in the cross arm breaker again.

Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly are talking in the back as we go to commercial.

We get comments from Beth and Natalya in the Goldman Box. They don’t want to be pretty like Eve and Kelly or have bodies like them. They don’t want to be popular like them. They won’t tell us what they want.

Match Number Two: Eve Torres with Kelly Kelly versus Nikki Bella with Brie Bella

Nikki with a kick and elbows to Eve but Eve with an Irish whip and Eve gets sent to the apron. Eve with a forearm but Brie distracts Eve and Nikki drops Eve across the top rope. Nikki sends Eve back into the ring and Nikki kicks Eve in the head. Nikki with a side head lock but Eve with elbows and a belly-to-back suplex. Eve with a kick and clothesline and Eve with the Victoria Memorial Booty Shake moonsault for a near fall. Eve with a Flatline and then Eve goes up top for a moonsault but Nikki trips Eve and Nikki with a near fall.

Eve kicks Nikki away and then she kicks Nikki and hits a swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Eve Torres

After the match, Kelly gives a Fameasser to Brie.

Beth and Natalya come onto the stage and applaud Eve and Kelly’s performance sarcastically while Kelly holds the belt high in the air.

Kevin Nash walks through the back

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: The least entertaining commentary in the history of WWE during the Jack Swagger versus Alex Riley match and the edited Doctor Bomb.

Vickie Guerrrero comes out and she introduces his newest charge, Jack Swagger.

Match Number Three: Jack Swagger with Vickie Guerrero versus Alex Riley

Swagger takes Riley to the mat and he rolls Riley around the ring while in a waist lock. Riley gets to his feet but Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex. Riley with a spinebuster and Dolph Ziggler comes to ringside and he wants to know what Vickie is doing.

Swagger with a gutwrench and Riley fights out of the Doctor Bomb but Swagger with a clothesline. Swagger sees Vickie on the ground and he wants to know what Ziggler did. Swagger goes to the floor and he argues with Ziggler and then Swagger returns to the ring.

Riley with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Alex Riley

After the match, Ziggler and Vickie argue up the ramp.

Triple H is on the phone in the hallway and then he gets his cue to start walking into commercial. Guess what comes next since we are almost at 10:00 PM.

We are back and Triple H’s music is already playing and he makes his way to the ring one more time tonight. Hunter says that there is a lot of controversy over what happened at SummerSlam with Kevin Nash costing CM Punk the WWE Championship. Hunter says that he talked to Nash last week to clear things up and he wants Nash to come out to tell everyone what happened.

Nash makes his way to the ring. They hug in the ring and then Hunter says that Nash thought he was doing the right thing for his buddy. Hunter says that the text did not come from him and he wants everyone to know that.

Nash says that he has known Hunter for twenty years and he knows that Hunter does not lie. Nash says that he got the text and he thought that he was doing Hunter a favor. Nash says that he wanted to apologize to Punk but after last week, not so much. Nash says that he wants Hunter not to let him be a man.

Hunter says that he understands and he says that Punk crossed a line last week. Hunter says that Nash doesn’t work here. Nash says that he doesn’t have to put Punk over since he does not work here. Nash says that he would have killed Punk if he had the chance.

Hunter says that he understands Nash’s position. He can’t have Nash calling people out. Hunter tells Nash to call him out and beat him lifeless at the Tim Horton’s across the street. Hunter wants Nash to leave.

Before Nash can leave, Big Kev’s donut buddy comes out and Punk doesn’t want Nash to leave. Punk wants to know who left the text message. Punk wants to play a game of Clue. Was it Big Lazy with a Tube of Just for Men in the Conservatory? Was it Triple H in the back with the sledgehammer? Was it Stephanie with a candlestick in the library? Punk says that he doesn’t believe a word that either of them are saying.

Punk tells Nash that if he wanted to apologize last week, he should have apologized. Punk says that he is a habitual line stepper and he says that Nash is one too. Punk says that he is done talking and last week Nash got off easy. This week, he is kicking Kevin’s ass.

Hunter stops Punk and Punk tells Hunter to get his hands off him. He says that Hunter never liked him and then he called the match straight down the middle until he had a chance to screw him. Is Hunter afraid of the type of champion he will be? Who is calling the shots? Is it Hunter, Kevin, or Hunter’s bean headed wife?

Hunter said that he wouldn’t get involved physically, but he is still the same guy he has always been. Hunter tells Punk that if he crosses a line with him, Punk will be left lying where he stands.

Punk tells Hunter that he wouldn’t want Hunter to take off his suit and fold it up and put it in his wife’s purse where Hunter keeps his phone and his balls.

Nash gets in a cheap shot on Punk and then Hunter walks Nash out of the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Hunter is telling Nash that he cannot put his hands on the superstars. Hunter tells Nash to leave. Nash wonders what is happening with Hunter since he put on the suit. Nash says that he cannot believe that he is saying that Hunter has changed and he leaves.

Match Number Four: David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty versus Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship

Bourne and McGillicutty start off and Michael with a kick and punch followed by another punch. Michael with a kick but Bourne lands on his feet on a snap mare and he kicks Michael. Bourne with a drop toe hold followed by an elbow drop from Bourne who just tagged in. Michael with a forearm to Kofi and then he sends Kofi into the turnbuckles. Kofi with an elbow and then he hits a double jump cross body for a near fall. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Otunga pulls Michael to the floor. Otunga draws Kofi to the floor and Michael hits him from behind. Michael with kicks to Kofi.

Michael returns Kofi to the ring and he gets a near fall. Otunga tags back in and Michael with a running elbow and Otunga with a running back elbow for a near fall. Otunga with a European uppercut followed by a slam for a near fall. Otunga with a rear chin lock to Kofi. Michael tags in and Otunga with a reverse atomic drop followed by a drop kick from Michael for a near fall.

Michael with a knee to the back followed by a reverse chin lock. Michael with a slam but Kofi with a head scissors. Bourne and Otunga tag in and Bourne with a head scissors followed by a leaping knee and a series of kicks for a near fall. Michael goes to the floor and Kofi holds on to the ropes and then he gives Otunga Trouble in Paradise. Bourne with the Shooting Star Press for the three count.

Winners: Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the statue of Wayne Gretzky We have footage of the most anticipated title change in WWE history.

Josh Mathews is with the new Tag Team Champions. Kofi says that it feels great. They have talked about teaming up for a while. Now they are the champions. They get the B team celebration crew to come in.

Triple H is walking in the back and John Laurinaitis stops Hunter and tells him that Nash was in an auto accident and he was taken to a local hospital. Hunter tells John that he is in charge of everything since he has to check on the man he kicked out. We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that the Rock leads John Cena on Twitter, but Cena destroys Rock on Facebook.

Before Santino can make it to the ring, Miz and R Truth attack him. Truth sends Santino into the ring and he kicks Santino and then he hits Shut Up on Santino. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Santino.

Truth tells everyone to shut up. He says that we saw what just happened to Little Jimmy. That is what is going to happen to Little Jimmy every time. Truth tells everyone to stop with the Whats. Truth says that he has been saying over and over again that there has been a conspiracy in the WWE. Truth says that Triple H, Kevin Nash, Stephanie McMahon, John Cena, and CM Punk are in on this together. They sit around the conspiracy table and they conspire. Truth says that he used to main event pay per views but now that Triple H is here, it isn’t about the Truth any more. He tells Miz that it isn’t about him anymore either.

Miz says that he cannot believe that he is going to say that Truth is right. There is a conspiracy in the WWE. Miz says that everyone sounds like a bunch of ducks and he tells everyone to shut up while he talks. Miz says that months ago, he was in the main event at Wrestlemania. He beat John Cena and he guesses that is about average. Then Triple H becomes in control of Raw and the Miz has to pick a fight with Jared from Subway just to do something.

Truth says that they are going to be good because he knows how bad things are for them because they are Canadians. Miz says that he will talk slowly so they can understand him. Miz wants to know if everyone is ready.

Truth calls everyone a bunch of animals.

Miz says that he is sick of seeing people like Santino Marella on Raw since he hasn’t won a match in five years when he is the Most Must See Champion in the WWE. They are not going to wait for an opportunity, they are going to take it.

Truth says that they are just going to take it. If any spiders cross their paths, they are going to squash. Any conspiracies gonna push them around, they are going to push back. Sooner or later, people are gonna get got. That is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Miz says that it is AWESOME.

Miz and Truth tell random people in the crowd that they suck.

CM Punk and John Cena walk in split screen as we go to commercial.

We are back with a WWE Rewind: What Alberto Del Rio did to Rey’s arm to force Rey to get knee surgery only to be stopped by John Cena.

Alberto Del Rio is at ringside, but where is Ricardo Rodriguez? We don’t have a tuxedo at ringside, but we have an empty suit with John Laurinaitis. Cole, Lawler, and Ross update us on Kevin Nash’s condition.

Match Number Five: CM Punk versus John Cena in a Number One Contender Match

Before the match starts, someone threw John Cena’s shirt back at him. Eventually he finds a fan who would keep the shirt.

They circle each other and they eventually lock up and Punk with a side head lock take down but Cena with a head scissors. Punk escapes and he takes Cena down with a side head lock. Cena escapes and he takes Punk down with a side head lock take down and Punk with a head scissors and Cena escapes.

They lock up and Punk with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Punk takes Cena down and mocks the five knuckle shuffle. Cena with the two flying shoulder tackles followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb and then Cena gets too close and Punk with an inside cradle for a near fall. Punk with a drop kick and then he goes for the running knee into the corner and he hits the bulldog.

Punk goes to the apron for a springboard move but Cena knew what was coming and Cena knocks Punk off the ropes with a forearm. We go to commercial with Punk on the ground right in front of Del Rio.

We are back and Cena with a side head lock and Punk tries to get away and he hits a belly-to-back suplex but we have to focus on who is sitting at the announce table. Both men are down. Punk tries for a Go To Sleep but Cena escapes. Cena tries for Attitude Adjustment and Punk escapes. Punk tries for a float over but Cena catches Punk for an Attitude Adjustment. Punk goes to the apron and he hits a springboard clothesline for a near fall.

Punk with knees to Cena and he gets Cena up for Go To Sleep but Cena tries to counter with an STF. Punk misses a round kick and Cena with a Crippler Crossface but Punk gets to the ropes. Cena goes into the ring post with his shoulder. Punk hits Go To Sleep but Cena kicks out at two. Punk pulls Cena into the centre of the ring and Punk goes up top. Punk sets for the Macho Man elbow drop but Cena is able to move out of the way.

Cena goes to the apron in front of Del Rio and he goes up top for the Rocker Dropper and he hits it but Cena can only get a two count. Both men struggle to get back to their feet but Cena gets Punk up for the Attitude Adjustment but Punk with a series of elbows to the head to get out of the hold. Punk with a flying knee to the head for a near fall. Cena gets up and hits the Attitude Adjustment but Punk kicks out at two.

Cena runs Punk into the corner and then he puts Punk on the top turnbuckle. Punk with a head butt to stop Cena from hitting a superplex. Punk pushes Cena off and then Punk with a cross body but Cena rolls through and he tries to get Punk on his shoulders but Punk with a sunset flip for a near fall.

Punk with a round house kick to the head and he signals that it is time for someone to go to sleep. Punk picks up Cena but Kevin Nash comes into the arena and he says that it isn’t over.

Punk stays in the ring and Nash makes his way to the ring. Cena recovers and hits the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match, Alberto Del Rio attacks John Cena and then he hits the running step up enzuigiri into the corner. Del Rio punches Cena and John Laurinaitis makes his way into the ring and he holds Del Rio back. Del Rio is let free and he goes after Cena. The referee and Laurinaitis have to hold Del Rio back again. Del Rio gets away from Laurinaitis and the referee and he hits Cena in the head with the title belt. Del Rio sends Cena into the ringside barrier.

2011 - Rey Mysterio was diagnosed with a torn ACL and underwent surgery that kept him out for six months.

2012 - Tyler Reks announced tthat he had requested a release from WWE and received it. At the time of his announcement, WWE had already moved him to their Alumni section.

Reks wrote on his Twitter page, "I realized recently that being a Superstar means sacrificing certain things, including time with my family. As a new father, my heart broke every time I had to leave to go on the road. I didn't ever want to miss another moment with my daughter, so I made the decision to be a full time dad and hang up my boots."

Reks signed with WWE in 2008, going into the developmental system. He was brought up and debuted in the WWE version of ECW and had been teaming regularly with Curt Hawkins as an underneath team. The duo had been slowly building up steam via social media and hard work.

08-23-2023, 01:13 AM
Continued ..

2013 - TNA released Socal Val.

2013 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to the Impact Wrestling: Hardcore Justice Part 2 Report!

We hit the opening video package looking back at the events of last week, then we go to Bully Ray and Tito Ortiz backstage as Bubba is on the phone with "Brookey" and saying that everyone's going to find out the truth about them tonight. Bubba tells Brookey he loves her, then Ken Anderson walks in and starts complaining about Bubba not returning his calls and not telling him anything about the Tito Ortiz deal. Bubba says he should be more concerned about his own business and earning his stripes, then he and Ortiz leave as Anderson stares after them shaking his head.

We go out to the arena where Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, and Frankie Kazarian come out to congratulate Bully Ray for finding another way to screw the system and becoming a two-time World Champion. Now Bubba has the target on his chest, and the three men who will do anything to take it from him are standing in the ring. Roode says one of them will walk into Bound For Glory and become the World Champion whether he likes it or not, and after last week, he made a huge leap into second place in just a couple of weeks. Kazarian says he picked up 20 points of his own after winning last week's ladder match, and Daniels says the Extraordinary Gentlemen's Association will make it a clean sweep this week because he is the best streetfighter in all of TNA. Roode says they're a quarter of the BFG Series, but they want to make it a third and Roode tells Austin Aries to join them. He says he and Aries have teamed before, they know each other, and Aries can trust Daniels and Kazarian, and says he should join if he wants to be a World Champion again. James Storm comes out with Gunner and tells Daniels and Kazarian that Roode may have said they can trust him, but he teamed with Roode for four years and he knows that Roode will dump them just as soon as he doesn't need them anymore. Uh, I think they know that since they were there for the whole thing. Does anyone in creative realize these guys were together in Fortune? Storm has no problem saying what he's going to do and then doing it, so he's going to take off his hat and shirt, put his beer down, and come back and punch Roode in the face, and suggests letting Gunner and Kazarian in on it as well since they're all in jeans and don't need to change clothes to fight. Roode tells Storm he better not do it as Storm takes his hat and shirt off, but Storm comes back over to Roode and, wouldn't you know it, punches him in the face. Gunner and Kazarian get into it as Daniels is escorted to the back, and we're off to a fast start with an impromptu match!

TNA World Tag Team Champions James Storm & Gunner vs Bobby Roode & Frankie Kazarian

All four men brawl and go out to the floor as we go to commercial, and Gunner is in trouble on the Roode/Kazarian side of the ring when we come back. Gunner finally lays Kazarian out with a backbreaker and makes the hot tag to Storm, who comes in and cleans house on both men. He evades the Perfectplex and hits Roode with Closing Time, nails Kazarian with the Last Call, but Roode low blows Storm and rolls him up for 3.

Winner: Bobby Roode & Frankie Kazarian

Austin Aries is backstage saying he heard Roode's offer earlier, and there's something to be said about strength in numbers, but there's also something to be said about trusting those around you. He's still got to think about this, but he'll have an answer for us later on tonight.

We look back at last week when Bully Ray defeated Chris Sabin to regain the TNA World Title, then we're off to the ring for more title action!

X Division Champion Manik vs Sonjay Dutt

Dutt tries to get the jump on Manik on his way to the ring, and Manik evades the initial attack, but they wind up back in the ring where Dutt gets the advantage and catches Manik with a Lionsault for 2 before getting him in the Royal Octopus. Manik escapes and Sonjay tries a charge, Manik moves and Dutt sails out to the floor where Manik connects with a slingshot dropkick, then they go back inside where Manik covers for 2. Dutt blocks the tiger suplex, but Manik gets him with a sitout powerbomb for 2. Dutt nails Manik with a yakuza kick in the corner out of nowhere, an exploder suplex, and a springboard splash for 2. Sonjay goes up top, Manik dodges a moonsault, hits Go To Sleep, and covers for the win.

Winner: Manik

We barely get to digest that before going to the Aces & Eights clubhouse where Ken Anderson says that Bubba wants them to step up, they've got a 5-on-4 advantage, and Devon is ready to testify to that.

The Main Event Mafia is backstage getting ready for tonight's match with Aces & Eights, but in the meantime, let's go to the ring for another 20 point Bound For Glory Series match!

Bound For Glory Series/No DQ Streetfight: Christopher Daniels vs Joseph Park vs Hernandez vs Jay Bradley

Park goes nuts unloading punches on Bradley, but Bradley floors him with a single running back elbow. Daniels gets a series of 2 counts on Hernandez off of rollups, but Hernandez gets Daniels over his shoulder and hits the backbreaker for 2, then Bradley comes in and KILLS Hernandez with a big boot, then puts a chair around Hernandez neck and rams him face first into the corner, then takes the chair and smashes Hernandez in the back of the head with it. Park is back in it with Eric Young cheering him on from ringside as he and Hernandez double team Bradley, then do the same to Daniels. Hernandez and Park hit a series of double team splashes on Bradley and Daniels and high five each other as we go to commercial.

We're back as Hernandez is pounding on Daniels with a kendo stick, but he tries to get cute and go for a powerbomb on the ramp and Daniels backdrops him. Bradley goes to the eyes of Park in the ring, but he tries to take a swing at him with a chair and Park picks his legs and puts him in a Boston crab. Roode and Kazarian run out to distract Park and wind up fighting him and Eric Young on the floor, with Roode viciously ramming his former tag team partner into the ringpost as Bradley hits a Beell on Daniels before ramming his ding ding into the ringpost. Bradley slams a chair over Daniels' back, then puts it on the mat and suplexes Daniels onto it. Kazarian grabs Bradley's ankle from the floor and drags him outside so he and Roode can beat him up, too. Hernandez comes in and Pounces Daniels while Roode and Kazarian are busy, does it a second time, and sets up for the Border Toss. Daniels slips out of it and distracts the referee as Austin Aries comes into the ring and high fives Roode and Kazarian before kicking Daniels and drilling him with a brainbuster. Roode and Kazarian chase Aries to the back as Bradley nails Park with brass knucks, but the knucks MAKE JOSEPH PARK BLEED. We know what's about to happen, and indeed Park runs amok and flattens Bradley, hits a Black Hole Slam, and picks up the big 20 points.

Winner: Joseph Park

EY calms Park down and he snaps to as he realizes he just earned 20 points and is now back above 0 on the BFG Series scoreboard.

The Main Event Mafia is backstage and Sting reiterates what a crappy night they had last week, and Rampage says he's going to F Tito up (not exactly those words, but you know.), but Sting says they're still a man short and nobody's stepping up. Magnus says so what, because the Main Event Mafia is the elite in this business, and it doesn't matter if nobody steps up because they can do this on their own.

We see a video package looking back at the history of Bully Ray and Brooke Hogan, then Bubba comes out to the ring with Tito Ortiz and asks how it feels to have the wool pulled over your eyes once again. He asks the crowd if they know who he is, then says he's Bully Ray, the TNA World Champion, and makes a point of saying he's not a two-time champion because he doesn't recognize Sabin's title win since Bully says he beat himself. Bubba then introduces his new best friend, the Huntington Beach Bad Boy, Tito Ortiz. Ortiz has a message for Rampage: he should have known what would happen after signing to fight him on November 2nd, and he knocked Rampage out once, and he'll do it again on November 2nd. Bubba says he has another surprise and everyone is going to be shocked. He has a secret that he and his girl have been hiding the whole time, but it's time for the world to know the truth, and he tells the love of his life, "Brooke Honey" to come down to the ring right now. Brooke Hogan's crappy entrance music hits, but instead of Brooke Hogan, Brooke Tessmacher comes out in evil stripper boots, comes into the ring, and makes out with Bubba. Wow, talk about trading up! Bubba says now that he has his title, his girl, and his best friend together, there's just one more thing to do. Bubba holds out his hand, Brooke sucks the wedding ring off his finger and spits it onto the mat, and Bubba says we're done. Well, I guess that promo pretty much said it all!

ODB vs Gail Kim

ODB absolutely destroys Gail, beating her up, hitting a bronco buster in the corner, and delivering a fallaway slam that sends Gail scurrying for safe ground on the floor. She comes back in and hits a divorce court on the arm, then delivers what I think was supposed to be a shoulderbreaker, but she seemed to have trouble managing ODB's weight and sort of drops her on her neck. Gail wisely decides to play it safe and goes to a hammerlock, but ODB low blows Gail (which Taz rightly points out shouldn't hurt Gail as much as it did), and ODB starts running over Gail again with more hard hitting offense. ODB does dirty things to Gail's face before coming off the ropes with a Thesz Press, but Gail goes back to the arm to slow ODB down before climbing up top. ODB hits the ropes and crotches Gail on the top rope (is there anything about Gail we're not being told?) and climbs up to superplex him. ODB goes for a TKO, but her arm is too hurt to finish the move and Gail counters to a crucifix for the win.

Winner: Gail Kim

Really good match, and I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of these two.

The Main Event Mafia is backstage, and they're...WALKING! The main event is up next!

We see a video package of Jeff Hardy talking about how much it meant to him to come back from all the adversity he went through to become the only man to win the Bound For Glory Series and then go on to win the TNA World Title. It's different this time around because there's a much tougher field, but he's fighting for his daughter this time around so she can say her daddy is the World Champion.

Austin Aries is backstage saying that Roode and his guys asked him a question, and he gave them his answer. He get where he got in this business by being smart, and he just outsmarted them. He doesn't need Roode's help, Hogan's help, he doesn't need Dixie Carter thinking he's gorgeous, all he needs is his god-given ability.

We see a video package of Chris Sabin saying he wasn't supposed to lose the World Title that quickly, but even though it took Bubba using help from his buddies to beat him, he'll be back in the ring with Bubba and he wants the title back.

Before the main event starts, Ken Anderson has Bully Ray, Tito Ortiz, and Brooke Tessmacher come out to take a seat at the top of the ramp to watch their boys take out the Main Event Mafia, then he tells the Mafia that they're down one man and that he'll offer to make it easy on them by letting them pick one guy to lay down for them, but Sting says none of them are going to lay down for Aces & Eights. AJ Styles' music suddenly hits, and he walks out past an angry Bully Ray, then he whips his hood off, his old music plays, and he rushes the ring, springboarding off the top rope with a forearm to kick start the main event!

Ken Anderson, Knux, Garett Bischoff, Wes Brisco & Devon vs Sting, Samoa Joe, Brutus Magnus & Rampage Jackson

All ten men start a huge brawl that quickly spills out to the floor, and AJ proceeds to beat the crap out of Anderson on the floor, then brings him back inside and drills him with a dropkick to the face. The rest of the participants ifnd their way back inside, and Magnus quickly flattens Brisco with a Snowplow before tagging Samoa Joe in to unload on young Mr. Brisco with jabs in the corner. AJ and Anderson are back in and AJ hits the neckbreaker over his knee as we go to commercial.

We're back and Magnus is in trouble as he is caught in the Aces & Eights corner. Magnus catches Anderson on a crossbody attempt and sets up for the Snowplow, but Anderson goes to the eyes and tags Devon in. Bubba and Brooke look on as their boys continue working Magnus over, but Magnus hits Knux with a DDT and makes the hot tag to Sting. Sting comes in and destroys Knux, hitting a pair of Stinger Splashes before all heck breaks loose with all ten men fighting their way into the ring and then the whole thing spills out to the floor. Rampage winds up in the ring and has to fight off the entire Aces & Eights gang by himself, nailing a series of forearms and clotheslines and slamming Brisco before getting nailed from behind by Knux. Sting lays Knux out and gets him in the Scorpion Deathlock, but Devon comes in and low blows him to break that up. Devon slams Sting and goes to the second rope, but Sting rolls away form the diving headbutt and tags in AJ, who springboards into the ring with a forearm to Devon, then drills him with a Pelle kick for 2. Everyone winds up fighting in the ring, AJ drills Anderson with a Pelle kick, but Devon nearly turns AJ inside out with a spear. Devon goes for a slam, but AJ slips out the back, hits Devon with the Styles Clash, and gets the three count on Devon.

Winners: AJ Styles & Main Event Mafia

Devon's career in TNA is over, and Aces & Eights is visibly upset as AJ Styles and the Main Event Mafia stand over the fallen Devon in victory. Bully Ray stalks down to the ring with a hammer in hand, but stops short of getting in the ring and looks completely thrown off as we call it a week.

Thank you for reading the Impact Wrestling Report on PWInsider.com, I'll be back tomorrow to discuss Impact and more with Dave Scherer on the Stu & Pid Show!

2014 - Female star Bonnie Watson-Schwartz, who wrestled as Bonnie Watson, who wrestled in the 1950s, 1960s and the early 1970s, passed away last night following a long battle with illness. She had celebrated her 82nd birthday in June.

Watson was trained by Carol Carota, Dot Dotson and June Beyers after joining Wolfes' troupe. She was billed from Oklahoma (but actually from West Virginia) and was portrayed as a powerful performer.

Watson worked a number of territories and countries under promoter Billy Wolfe, going as far as Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico during her career, which spanned the 1950s through 1971 when she retired.

While in Canada, she and the late Penny Banner were the Canadian Women's Tag Team champions.

Watson also held a number of singles titles in different territories. In 1971, she retired with the Florida State Women’s championship. Watson appeared in the film "The Wrestling Queen" in 1975 alongside the late Vivian Vachon.

She also performed under a mask as "Betty Co-Ed."

Watson, who married referee Stu Schwartz, went on to have four children and a number of grandchildren.

Our own Les Thatcher commented on Watson's passing, writing, "A dear friend, class lady and a REAL lady wrestler left us last night. Bonnie Watson was all these things and my heart and prayers go out to her husband Stu and family. All of us whose lives she touched are better for it. RIP."

On behalf of everyone associated with PWInsider.com, we'd like to express our deepest condolences to the family, friends and fans of Bonnie Watson.

2015 - NXT Takeover: Brooklyn is held at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY with Sasha Banks vs. Bayley absolutely stealing the show as one of the best matches of the last decade.