View Full Version : MLW Fusion 179 Stream / Results / Report - Aug 24, 2023

08-25-2023, 11:03 AM


Your announcers are Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker.

Delirious and Dr. Cornwallis vs Juicy Finau and Lance Anoa’i vs Matthew Justice and 1 Called Manders

All six men start off in the ring, but Delirious and Cornwallis leave the ring and go to the back. Finau and Lance go to the floor. Manders back drops Justice onto Finau and Lance on the floor. Justice knocks over the table o’weapons. Justice and Manders with a spear and clothesline combination on Lance. The Calling return to the ring and they attack Manders and send him to the floor. Delirious with a snap mare on Lance and he gets a near fall with some help from Cornwallis. Delirious chokes Lance with his jacket and he hits a leg drop followed by a back senton from Cornwallis. They cotinue with the leg drops and back sentons until they get a near fall. Delirious knocks Manders and Justice off the apron. Delirious with a neck breaker to Lance and Cornwallis goes up top and hits a senton off the top rope for a near fall.

Lance punches Delirious and Cornwallis followed by a double clothesline from Juicy. Lance with a pescado senton onto Justice and Manders. Cornwallis is caught by Juicy but Cornwallis gets to his feet and then climbs on Juicy’s back. Juicy with a sit out Juicy Driver followed by a frog splash from Lance for a near fall. Delirious with kicks, chops, and forearms to Juicy and Lance. Lance with a super kick to Delirious followed by a Samoan drop but Delirious rolls to the floor. Manders and Justice enter the ring and all four men square off.

They exchange forearms as we go to commercial.

We are back and Manders and Justice send Juicy over the top rope. They send Lance through the ropes and he hits Juicy with a suicide dive. Justice and Manders catch Cornwallis off the ropes and hit a double choke slam. Manders get Cornwallis on his shoulders and Delirious chop blocks Manders while Justice comes off the turnbuckles but is met with a Delirious head butt. Delirious with a running knee to Justice. Delirious goes up top and Manders punches him. Manders goes to the turnbuckles for a power slam from the turnbuckles. Justice with a frog splash for the three count.

Winners: Matthew Justice and 1 Called Manders

We take a look at B3CCA and Delmi Exo.

We are told that Delmi is on the injured list for 2 to 3 weeks.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video for Nolo Kitano.

We take a look at Davey Boy Smith Jr. and his win of the 2023 Opera Cup with a video package.

We see that MLW is going to work with New Japan.

We are told that KUSHIDA will be facing Tony Deppen at Fury Road. Ichiban faces Tracy Williams.

Love Doug vs Willie Mack vs Nolo Kitano vs Ken Broadway vs O’Shay Edwards

Edwards charges at Mack and misses a clothesline but Doug throws confetti in Edwards’ face. Nolo with an enzuigiri and Ken with a super kick to Edwards. Mack with a punch that sends Edwards to the floor. Ken with a suicide dive but Edwards catches him and hits a side slam on the floor. Nolo with a twisting plancha and Edwards catches him. Edwards passes Nolo to Ken. Doug comes off the turnbuckles and Edwards catches him and he tosses Doug onto Nolo and Edwards. Mack with a flip dive onto Edwards.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mack punches Ken. Ken with a back elbow to Mack followed by a running forearm into the corner. Mack with an Irish whip and Mack is sent to the apron. Mack with a punch and Ken with a springboard side kick to knock Mack off the apron to the floor. Nolo with a back heel kick to Ken.

Ken misses a series of kicks when Nolo ducks repeatedly but Ken realizes the timing and kicks Nolo in the chest. Nolo with a back heel kick and a head scissors take down. Nolo with a spinning heel kick to Ken and Ken goes to the floor. Nolo goes for a spinning heel kick but Doug catches Nolo. Doug with a waist lock and a springboard back elbow. Doug with a running forearm into the corner followed by a bulldog. Doug kicks Edwards off the apron and he gets a near fall on Nolo. Doug blocks a punch and he gets on his knee to propose the continuation of the match. Ken kicks Doug in the chest and he dances. Doug with a kick to the shin. Edwards with a double clothesline to Doug and Ken.

Edwards catches Ken on a cross body attempt and he gets Ken up for a delayed vertical suplex. Edwards gets Ken up for a power slam but Ken escapes. Nolo and Ken with a double super kick and a double thrust kick to the knees. Ken and Nolo with a double knee strike to Edwards. Ken with a rollup on Nolo for a near fal.. Nolo pushes Ken and yells at him for what he did. Ken pushes back while Doug and Mack return to the ring. Doug with a drop kick to Nolo and Mack with a flying leg lariat to Ken. Edwards pushes Mack into Doug and Doug falls to the floor. Mack with punches to Edwards and Edwards with a forearm to the back of the head. Edwards goes for a slam but Mack gets to his feet. Mack escapes another slam attempt and Doug pulls Mack to the floor. Nolo and Doug send Mack into the guardrails. Edwards biels Doug and Nolo. Edwards with an Oklahoma Stamped to Ken for a near fall. Doug and Nolo kick Edwards.

Nolo with a running drop kick to send Edwards into the turnbuckles. Doug and Nolo put Edwards on the turnbuckles. They set for a double superplex on Edwards and Mack comes under for a tower of doom. Ken with a bicycle kick to Mack followed by rolling elbow to Nolo. Ken with a pump handle flatliner but Mack with a frog splash on Ken for the three count.

Winner: Willie Mack

After the match:
Willie gets the mic.

He says he had his first victory and this is the Summer of The Mack and no one is going to stop him.

We go to commercial with a video package for KUSHIDA.

Akira takes the mic before his match and he asks if the people were cheering for him. He points out that he is the Middleweight Champion in the ECW Arena, the home of hardcore. Akira says he is a pretty good looking Joe. He says he is the Middleweight Champion and this is the home of hardcore and his body is made for hardcore. He says he bled for everything he earned while Fatu was given everything. He says he give Fatu a knee to the back of the head and he is not afraid to do it again.

Fatu wants to know what gives Akira the right to say what he said. You think you are the man because you are getting a push? He says he can really fight and he will whip Akira’s ass.
Security grabs Fatu but Fatu fights back.

Akira comes off the turnbuckles and hits Fatu with a chair. Fatu sends Akira into the guardrails. Fatu sends Akira into a table. Akira with a back heel kick. Fatu hits Akira with a chair.

MLW Openweight Championship
Jacob Fatu (c) vs Akira

Fatu with a punch when they get into the ring and the referee starts the match.

Fatu with a pop up Samoan drop countered into a crucifix bomb for a near fall. Akira runs into a super kick. Fatu with a super kick to a masked man and then he gives another one a pop up Samoan drop.

The referee calls for the bell

Winner: Jacob Fatu (by disqualification [retains championship])

After the match:
Fatu with a suicide dive onto The Calling.

Rickey Shane Page hits Fatu from behind with a barbed wire baseball bat. He puts the bat in front of Fatu’s face and sends him into the ring post.
