View Full Version : Impact Wrestling Emergence PPV Results / Report - Aug 27, 2023

08-28-2023, 09:29 AM

Wrestling's Emergence 2023 from The Rebel Complex in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Countdown Show:


Countdown Show:

Your announcers are Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt.

Alan Angels vs Speedball Mike Bailey

Lots of good wrestling early on. Angels worked over Bailey's neck. Bailey made a comeback with some fun kicks and hit a running shooting star press for a two count. He nailed a series of kicks to the chest. Bailey missed a running boot in the corner and was drilled right in the back of the neck into the corner. Bailey was shoved between the buckles and attacked, then hit with a powerbomb for a close two count.

Angels nailed a spinning lariat. Bailey tried to fight back but was smashed into the buckles. He kept kicking out. Angels nailed yet another neckbreaker for a two count. Bailey nailed a backflip, driving his knees into Angel's chest. He went for the Tornado Kick but missed. Bailey caught Angels with a standing spanish fly for a two count. Bailey charged but the referee was pulled in front of him. Bailey stopped and was nailed with a kick for a two count. Bailey fired back with a series of kicks and nailed Ultimate Weapon off the top for the pin.

Winner: Speedball Mike Bailey

Another really hard fought, athletic contest from Bailey. A really good opener.

They showed Knockouts Champion Trinity and Deonna Purrazzo entering the venue.

The Good Hands vs Yuya Uemura & Joe Hendry.

John Skyler did a promo as they came to the ring, saying that the Canadian should thank them for exporting their culture to Canada because without the U.S., all they would have is Tom Green and Nickelback. He said America is the only reason no one wants to invade Canada. Hendry and Yuya had a big dancing entrance. That was pretty damn entertaining!

Yuya and Hendry had the early advantage. That chaned when Skyler drilled Yuya from behind with a knee as he rebounded on the ropes. The Good Hands worked over Yuya, who tried to roll up Hotch but Skyler interfered. The Good Hands, who has really become a nice working heel team, looked good. Yuya finally escaped their onslaught and made the tag to Hendry. Hendry hit a big fall away slam on Skyler and slingshot Hotch into the ring. He took out both with a leaping neckbreaker after tricking Hotch into grabbing Skyler, so Skyler ate a DDT at the same time.

Hotch drilled Hendry and scored the pin but Yuya broke it up before three. Yuya and Hendry double-teamed Hotch and scored the pin.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura

End Countdown Show


No DQ match
Deaner vs Eric Young.

Deaner talked a lot of trash an said he was in control. Young nailed him and hit a dive on Kon. He then sent Deaner into Kon. Young scored a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Young pulled out a ladder and nailed Kon with it on the floor. The ladder was brought in. Deaner tried to suplex Young on the ladder but was shoved down upon it. Young tried to splash him on it but Deaner moved and landed hard on the ladder. From the outside, Kon flipped the ladder, sending Young crashing to the floor. Deaner choked him on the floor.

Deaner controlled Young in the ring, using a trash can lid and other weapons. Kon tossed a staple gun into the ring for Deaner to use. Young tried to fight it off but was "stapled" between the fingers. Not even New Jack would do that! Young was stapled again in the arm pit. Young came back with a DVDR on a trash can but Kon broke it up and sent Young into the ring post. Kon worked him over, squeezing him around the ring post. Young pulled out handcuffs and cuffed him around the ring post, preventing him from being able to interfere going forward.

Young now worked over Deaner and used the staple gun on his hand and armpit. Deaner was slammed. Young climbed atop the ladder inside the ring and nailed a flying elbow. Young covered him but Deaner kicked out at the last second. Young went to powerbomb Deaner through several chairs but Kon broke free of the cuffs. Distracted, Deaner nailed a low blow on Young, who was then chokeslammed through the chairs. Young kicked out at the last second.

Deaner pulled a barbed wire board out from under the ring. They were going to double team Young but Young pulled Deaner up on his shoulder, drove him into Kon (who was on the top rope) and hit a double decker DVDR on the board. He then nailed a piledriver on Deaner through the barbed wire board and scored the pin.

Winner: Eric Young

Gia Miller interviewed Yuya and Hendry. Hendry said he can't be a singles artist his entire life. Even John Lennon needed Paul McCartney.

After being attacked backstage earlier today, Taylor Wilde is not cleared to compete in the 4-way Knockouts World Tag Team Title match. Director of Authority Santino Marella makes the announcement that Jody Threat will team with KiLynn King instead.

Knockouts World Tag Team Championship
MK Ultra (Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly) (c) vs Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans w/ Jai Vidal vs Death Dollz (Jessicka & Courtney Rush) vs KiLynn King & Jody Threat

Masha and Gisele start out. They went back and forth with some nice action. King tagged herself in at Shaw's expense. She and Masha forearmed the hell out of each other. Masha went for a wheelbarrow takedown but was slammed to the mat. King worked over Kelly and nailed a big suplex but Courtney Rush broke up the pinfall. Jessicka tagged in and tossed over an attempted Kelly sleeper hold.

Giselle and Evans worked over Kelly and scored several two counts. King tagged in and used her strength to life and slam Kelly into the corner. Jody Threat was having issues with her partners' antics. She still tagged in and nailed Kelly. Threat high-fived Courtney but ended up getting herself tagged out. That allowed The Death Dollz to double team Kelly. They went for a double suplex but Kelly reversed it into a double DDT.

All hell broke loose with everyone tagging in and hitting big moves. Rush speared Masha. Evans nailed her with a big Samoan Drop. Jessicka wiped her out with a headbutt. King nailed Jessicka. Shaw was hit with a scary Michinoku Driver. Kelly and Masha doubleteamed Rush and wiped her out, scoring the pin.

Winners: MK Ultra (Retains championship)

Gia Miller noted it was 20 years ago Swinger won the Tag Team titles with Simon Diamond. He said that tonight everyone will learn what happens when he's not held back by all the promoters like Gagne, Gulas and Junior. He turned into a serious promo about how his Uncle Tony Parisi gave his life for the business and so did Swinger. He promised to win the title the right way tonight.

Digital Media Championship
Kenny King (c) (w/ Sheldon Jean) vs Johnny Swinger

Swinger stalled early but then kicked King and used a low headbutt. King fired back with shots to the mid-section. Swinger grabbed a side headlock. King went to crisscross across the ring and dropped down so Swinger nailed an elbow to the back. He stomped King in the ribs but was caught with a powerslam for a two count. King distracted the referee, allowing Jean to choke him against the ropes.

Swinger avoided a charge in the corner and nailed a series of jabs but King kicked out. He nailed a sideslam and hit a flip legdrop from the outside. King moved out of the way. Swinger teased a dive so Jean and King ran away. Swinger nailed a sliding kick. He went to the top but was crotched. The referee ejected Jean from ringside. Heath hit the ring and nailed the Wake Up Call on King while the referee tossed Jean. Swinger went to the top but was caught and hit wih The Royal Flush.

Winner: Kenny King (Retains championship)

After the match:
King and Jean continue the attack on Swinger until it’s broken up by referees, security and Tommy Dreamer. King superkicks Dreamer and the fight is on once again.

Impact World Champion Alex Shelley, Josh Alexander, Chris Sabin and KUSHIDA are ready for war against Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers and X-Division Champion Lio Rush.

Impact World Tag Team Championship
SUBCULTURE (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) (c) (w/ Dani Luna) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Some solid action early on. The Rascalz went to the floor to regroup. They took control on Flash Morgan Webster, cheating to double-team him. Wentz worked over Webster with a submission but he was finally able to get to the ropes. Webster absorbed more punishment but tried to shock Zach with a small package. Wentz kicked out and drillled him with a kick to the face.

Mark Andrews finally made the hot tag and cleaned house. He hit a ton of cool looking offense. Subculture caught Miguel with a double dropkick and then hit stereo dives on The Rascalz. Everyone battled back and forth. Lots of superkicks. Everyone faced off. Rascalz all nailed stereo springboard kicks. Lots of fun sequences that leaves all four competitors out on the mat. ABC and The Good Hands came out and got involved and everyone brawled. The Rascalz took out Subculture and scored the pin.

Winners: The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) (New champions)

Back to School Match
Inside Killer Kowalski's former wrestling academy
Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards.

Eddie Edwards and Frankie Kazarian return to where it all began, the wrestling school of professional wrestling legend, Killer Kowalski. This was presented in cinematic style, putting over Killer Kowalski and his importance to each man. Edwards entered the building and Kaz was waiting for him. They argued over what Kowalski taught them then Eddie antagonized him by sitting in Kowalski's chair. Kaz punched him. They then started the match in the ring. They brawled and had a referee in the ring with them.

Edwards escaped to another ring and when Kaz followed he was hipchecked to the floor. Edwards stomped the hell out of him. Kazarian made a comeback and worked him over but was hit with a drop toehold into a chair. Eddie tossed him into some workout equiptment. Eddie mocked him to do what Walter taught him to do. Kazarian swung off the equiptment and hit a head scissors takedown.

They battled into the ring, where Kazarian nailed a springboard legdrop. Eddie gained control and sent Kaz into the buckles over and over. Kazarian came back with a backcracker. Eddie was nailed with Back to the Future. Alesha Edwards showed up and called Kazarian a piece of sh** for hitting her with a cane. That distracted him, allowing Edwards to club him from behind. Edwards scored the pin.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

After the match:
Alesha told Eddie that Walter would be proud and kissed him, leaving Kazarian beaten and reflecting on the loss, when Alesha attacked him with a cane. Edwards attacked him and said Kazarian was a disappointment to all of them. He smashed a framed photo of Kowalski over Kazarian's head, leading Kaz unconscious on the floor.

Non-Title Match
SANADA (c) vs Jake Something

The fans chanted for New Japan. SANADA wore Muta gear to the ring. They noted his title has been stolen in NJPW by EVIL.

SANADA, making his first appearance here in eight years, was in control early on, even tying up Siometimes on the mat and in the ropes. He worked on Jake's arm. Something gained control but SANADA fired back with chops. Something nailed some evil forearms shots for a two count. SANADA avoided a charge in the corner and nailed a big back suplex for a two count.

SANADA nailed a dropkick to the knee and then dumped him to the floor. Something went back to the apron but was dropkicked back down to the floor. SANADA nailed a pescado, taking him out. Something comes back with a shoulderblock in the corner, scoring a two count. Something went for a powerbomb but SANADA escaped and locked in his Skull End submission. SANADA realized Something was going to counter, so he nailed a slingshot suplex and a TKO for a close two count.

Something was hit with a knee strike but kicked up. SANADA went for a standing moonsault but was caught and hit with a Michinoku Driver for a close two count. SANADA came back with a series of hard chops. Something was hit with a rana but he rebounded with a big sit-out powerbomb for a CLOSE two count. This is turning into a pretty damn good match. SANADA caught him with a kick and a shining wizard. He went for Deadfall but Something blocked and nailed a big right hand. He went for a move but was caught with Deadfall and pinned.

Winner: SANADA

After the match:
SANADA and Jake Something shake hands in a tremendous show of respect.

Time Machine (Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin & KUSHIDA) & Josh Alexander vs Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers & Lio Rush

Alexander got a monster reaction for his return to Canada.

Sabin and Rush started with Rush getting drilled all over. Time Machine triple-teamed him. Rush was worked over for some time. Moose and Alexander tagged in. Moose missed a charge and was hung upside down in the corner. Alexander stepped on his well, nether-regions and then slammed him and hit a kneedrop. Sabin tagged in and went to the ropes but Ray caused him to be crotched on the top. Ray tagged in and pulled Sabin down into the ring. Sabin fired away with several rights but was hit with a suplex.

Team Bully took over and for a long time, worked over Sabin. Moose and Myers tagged in and out. Myers hit a belly to back suplex. Bully set up a table outside and Alexander did the same on the opposite side. Bully did an Abdullah the Butcher style elbow. Sabin was in trouble for a long time as Team Bully kept tagging in and out. Myers locked in a front facelock. Sabin escaped and nailed a kick to the back of the head.

Alexander made the hot tag and nailed a series of German suplexes on his foes. It started to get more chaotic. Rush and Shelley had some nice sequences. KUSHIDA knocked him to the outside and hit a sliding kick. Ray laid him out. Sabin nailed a missile dropkick on Sabin. Moose powerbombed Sabin on the apron outside. Alexander was drilled with a running uppercut. Alexander went for a C4 spike. Moose escaped but was caught in an anklelock. Moose made it to the ropes. Alexander turned it into a Sharpshooter. Myers hit a top rope elbow on the referee, so he couldn't see Moose tapping. He then attacked Alexander.

Myers nailed a back suplex and a Roster Cut on Alexander. Time Machine returned and nailed a triple team boot to the face. Sabin nailed a dive on Moose but was caught and crushed through a table with a uranage. Rush nailed a frog splash through a table in KUSHIDA. Bully beat down Shelley on the ramp to the ring. Moose set up a table to put Shelley through but the lights went out and when they returned PCO was there to attack Bully. He wanted to put him through the table but was quadrupleteamed and powerbomed off the ramp through the table, only to survoive and pop back up. He brawled with them.

Steve Maclin hit the scene and attacked, then faced off with Alexander. They brawled on the stage. Alexander was slammed into the lights on the stage. Maclin attacked the arm. Security pulled them apart with the idea Maclin tried to attack the arm that Alexander previously injured. Alexander, hurting, returned to the ring, where Moose laid him out. Alexander avoided a spear but was still almost pinned with Moose's feet on the ropes. Moose speared Alexander and pinned him.

Winners: Bully Ray, Moose, Brian Myers & Lio Rush

Impact Wrestling announced Jordynne Grace, who had been taking time off, would return at the 9/8 Victory Road PPV.

Impact Wrestling Knockouts Championship
Trinity (c) vs Deonna Purrazzo.

They started out with Trinity in control, sending Deonna to the floor after a dropkick. Trinity follows up with a sliding kick to the outside. She went for a move but was caught upside down and Purrazzo drilled down her down atop her head.

Back in the ring, Purrazzo nailed a back cracker and scored a two count. They battled back and forth until nailing each other with a clothesline at once. Trinity scored with a series of kicks and knees. She nailed a flying bodypress for a two count.

Deonna went for the Queen's Gambit but Trinity blocked. Purrazzo nailed a pump kick for a two count. Purrazzi scored with a series of moves before snapping Trinity into a Fujiwara Armbar. Trinity fought to the ropes to force a break.

Trinity scissored her head and drilled Purrazzo into the mat. She nailed a split-legged moonsault. Trinity and Purrazzo battled on the top rope. Purrazzo nailed a big superplex into the ring. Both women were down and almost counted down on the mat by the referee.

Purrazzo and Trinity began shoving each other and battered each other with punches. Trinity drove Purrazzo into the mat for another two count. They scored several near falls against each other. Purrazzo kept going back after the arm but Trinity nailed a Cody Red and cinched in Starstruck. Purrazzo tapped, the second time she has done do to Trinity.

Winner: Trinity (Retains championship)

After the match:
Purrazzo offered her hand in respect. Trinity accepted it.

They plugged Bound for Glory as they went off the air, announcing Will Ospreay was returning to the company.



08-28-2023, 09:30 AM
A good show. I look forward to Bound for Glory.