View Full Version : Dana Brooke on WWE Release: Wrestling Saved My Life - My Fairytale Will Keep Going

09-23-2023, 08:46 PM
Dana Brooke won't let her release from WWE stop her from achieving her dreams as a professional wrestler.

Brooke was one of several laid-off talent from both the main roster and WWE NXT, which had been expected to happen following the launch of TKO Group Holdings. These releases came mere days after over 100 employees were laid off from WWE's offices.
Dana Brooke Reacts

Taking to Twitter, Brooke spoke at length about her release, making it clear that she will not let this setback mark the end of her wrestling career.

“I have tried to wrap my head around this & have written so much and deleted it so many times be no words seem to fit… so here it goes-WWE (wrestling) has been my Fairytale, my true-love relationship. I started this 1st chapter of my Fairytale 10 years ago & I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This world was all very brand new to me and I was leaving things that I was very comfortable with. I questioned myself a lot thinking am I doing the right thing, will I even be good at this, & will I regret everything I am leaving behind?

"My answer to those questions quickly became a NOOOO! I fell those questions quickly became a NOOOO! I fell in love with WWE.. I fell in love with wrestling, my family away from home, and every single time I went out there to perform. I called it my drug of choice, there was no bigger rush or high in this world than performing in front of the WWE UNIVERSE & fans all around the world, it was electrifying!!

With that being said, there were always moments where I wasn’t happy with my performance or was missing my family & long lonely nights on the road. Just like a relationship, you have the best of times and the worst of times. As years went forward THIS BUSINESS BECAME ME… I gave it my everything, it was my BECAME ME… I gave it my everything, it was my priority & my true LOVE!!! Just like a fairytale, things happen and your world comes crashing down.

"That happened in 2017 when a tragedy happen & I lost a loved one [Brooke's boyfriend at the time Dallas McCarver died aged 26.] I had two directions I could take- either bury myself in a deep hole of depression or rise to the top, & l always and will forever say WWE (WRESTLING) saved my life! It was all I ever had… my co-workers & fans were all I ever knew for so many years and turning to wrestling was my escape! I knew I could only push forward and never look back.

"6 years later, I have accomplished so much & met so many amazing people & have strived to become better in every aspect of wrestling. This isn’t THE END… this is moving forward to the next chapter of my fairytale.. a rocky patch In my relationship named WRESTLING- but I promise YOU ALL, I WILL KEEP GOING.. I will never let you down.. I LOVE YOU ALL… the fairytale continues."

Brook will not be able to compete or appear for another promotion until her non-compete clause with WWE expires. As to when that will be is something of a mystery as it is unclear if she was under an NXT contract or a main-roster contract but appearing in NXT. If it is the former, she will be free to compete from Saturday, October 21, while a 90-day clause for main roster talent will keep her off of TV until Wednesday, December 20.