View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - February 21st, 2024

02-21-2024, 11:35 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week, Rob Van Dam returns to AEW to join HOOK & Hangman Adam Page against the trio of AEW World Champion Samoa Joe, Swerve Strickland & Brian Cage. FTR takes on Blackpool Combat Club's Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli. Plus, "Timeless" Toni Storm and Deonna Purrazzo in action.


Excalibur and Taz have the call of the action tonight as we head towards Revolution. We are in Tulsa, OK.

Looks like a very enthusiastic crowd tonight.

Jon Moxley & Claudio Castagnoli vs FTR

Moxley and Cash kick us off. Cash with a trip. Kneelift by Moxley and Claudio tags in and nails uppercuts. Forearms by Cash. We have a staredown. Dropkick to the knee by Cash. Dax tags in and CHOPS Claudio. Kick and a slam by Claudio. Mox tags in and CHOPS Dax. Now Dax CHOPS Moxley for 2. Cash tags in. Kneelift by Cash. Choke by Moxley but Cash sends him to the floor. Mox come back inand goes nose to nose with Cash. Forearms exchange. Elbow by Moxley. Cash with a double clothesline to the BCC.

Dax CHOPS Moxley on the floor. Claudio with an uppercut. Cash CHOPS Moxley but Moxley hits a tope suicida on Dax but Cash throws him into the steps. FTR double teams Moxley. Abdominal Stretch by Dax, Claudio breaks it up. Cash tags in and he CHOPS Moxley. Dropkick by Cash. Dax tags in and they nail a double catapult. Dax and Moxley exchange elbows. Lariat by Moxley. Claudio tags in and nails a series of uppercuts. Cash saves Dax but a double suplex by Claudio. 2 count by Claudio. Outside the ring, the BCC nails a spike piledriver as we go to commercial.

We are back and it's Claudio and Dax both down. Choke by Claudio. Dax fires up and hits a stunner and a kick in the corner. He sends Claudio into the post. Both me get the tag off. Cash cleans house and CHOPS Moxley. Sunset flip for 2 by Cash. Brainbuster by Cash for 2.

15 minutes gone by, 5 remain.

Inside crade by Cash for 2. Dax tags in and they hit a clothesline off the top for 2. FTR with the Power Plex, Claudio stops it and but FTR is able to hit it. Claudio comes in and nails the big swing on Cash. Dropkick by Moxley for 2. Hammer elbows by Moxley into a choke on Dax. Claudio with a choke on Cash. Cash rams Claudio into Moxley to break the hold. Dax and Moxley trade elbows. Dax with a sharpshooter. Cash suplexes Claudio to block a breakup. Claudio sharpshooters Cash and he and Dax slap each other. Moxley rolls up Dax and nails a choke but the bell rings to end it.


FTR and the BCC make their way to their feet and they brawl it out. The locker room empties to break it up.

Renee Paquette is with Orange Cassidy. Doc Samson says he's minimally cleared for action tonight.

We see 2 weeks ago when the Undisputed Kingdom laid out Rocky Romero and Chuck Taylor.

Alex Marves is with FTR. They challenge Moxley and Claudio for Revolution. Moxley and Claudio try and start a fight.

Orange Cassidy vs. Mike Bennett w/Matt Taven

It does not appear that the International Title is on the line. Cassidy attacks on the ramp and nails a series of right hands. Orange kicks to Bennett and now he really lays them in. CHOPS by Bennett. Suplex by Bennett for 1.

Tony Schiavine brings out Daniel Garcia. Tony advises that Adam Copeland is on the shelf injured and Garcia gets the TNT title shot against Christian Cage at Revolution. The crowd tells him that he deserves it. Garcia tlak about his crisis of confidence recently. He thanks the crowd for picking him up. He vows to give Copeland a TNT title shot when he returns.

Here comes Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, Killswitch and the Goddess that is Nick Wayne’s mom.Cage says it shouldn’t be a one on one match at Revolution. He mocks Garcia. Cage tells us that Garcia had a dark childhood. He brings up a Jackie Garcia and a David Garcia in Buffalo, NY. We are told that Garcia’s father is dead. He says Garcia’s father was an alcoholic. Cage doesn’t want to be Garcia’s opponent, but rather his father. Nick

Wayne attacks and eats a sharpshooter. Killswitch goes for the save but Daddy Magic stops him.

Renee is backstage with Hangman Page, Hook and Rob Van Dam. Page runs down both men’s recent troubles.

Toni Storm w/Luther & Mariah May vs. Sindy Windell

Storm with kicks. Forearm by Windell. Thez press by the champion. Bulldog by Storm. Hip attack and a Piledriver by Storm. Ankle lock but Storm releases it. Venus De Milo and we have a tap.


Deonna Purrazzo vs. Madison Rayne

Code of Honor adhered to.

Suplex by Deonna. Arm twist by Rayne into a leg sweep for 1. Head lock by Purrazzo. They trade shoulder blocks. Elbows by Rayne. Pump kick by Deonna. We go to commercial.

We are back and both women are down. Deonna to her feet and nails a clothesline and a russian leg sweep. Forearm by Rayne.Deonna fires back. Rollup by Madison for 1. Deonna with a facedrop into an ankle lock for the tap.


Rayne may be hurt.

Storm attacks but eats a pump kick. Ankle lock by Storm. Storm rolls away maniacally.

Darby Allin is backstage with photos to show The Young Bucks. It’s a picture of Sting and his sons. Sting agrees with him and says that this is the first time someone messed with his family in wrestling. Sting tells us his father passed away. He’s thinking of his own mortality. Sting tells the Bucks they’re in for the fight of their life.

Tony Schiavone introduces Wardlow. He orders Tony from the ring. He’s angry about how people used to yell his name. He blames management for screwing him over and over again. He demands the same opportunities that others have received. He invokes beating up CM Punk and MJF. He then brings up Samoa Joe. He reminds us that he beat the current AEW champion. Wardlow says he the uncrowned king of AEW. He says no one backstage is bigger or badder than him. AEW is no longer wrestling, this is war.

We see highlights of the 12 man tag from Rampage.