View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - February 28th, 2024

02-29-2024, 02:19 AM

AEW Dynamite is LIVE as we are in the go home show for Revolution this Sunday night from Huntsville, AL. Taz, Excalibur and Tony Schiavone have the call of all the action tonight.

Here comes Hangman Adam Page on a crutch. The crutch is clutch if you forgot. He talks about the history of AEW and his prior run as AEW World Champion. He says he will not be able to compete at Revolution.

In comes Swerve Strickland with Prince Nana. Swerve says the last 6 months have been war between them. Swerve says that, no matter what, you can’t block destiny.

Here comes Samoa Joe. He mocks the word “destiny” as well as Page for the injury. He respects that Swerve and PAge are hungry. Joe does not care who is in the ring with him Sunday.

Swerve talks back to Joe. He mocks Joe’s past as a commentator. Page nails him with his crutch, obviously the injury has been a ruse. The 3 way match is obviously back on for Sunday.

We hear prerecorded comments from The Young Bucks. Renee greets them who asks them about RicFlair. They want to conduct Sting’s Exit Interview and walk down the hallway.

We see highlights of Danielson vs. Jun Akiyama

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson vs. FTR and Eddie Kingston

Eddie and Danielson kick us off. Claudio immediately tags in. They trade off shoulderblocks

Dax and Danielson tag in. Headlock takeover by Dax. Another lockup, hip toss by Dax

Body Slam by Danielson. They trade strikes.

Moxley and Cash tag in. They trade punches and chops in the corner.

Now they trade forearms and headbutts.Uppercut and chop by Cash.

All six men square off as we go to commercial.

We are back and it’s Danielson applying a surf board to Cash. Moxley tags in and kicks Cash

Moxley with a leglock to Cash and scores a 2. Dax breaks it up

Dax tag in and hits a Tiger Driver. Danielson breaks it up. Claudio from behind nails Cash.

Action spills to the floor. Eddie gets sent into the rail by Danielson. Dropkick by Danielson

Dax and Claudio are in the ring and trade chops. Uppercut for 2 by Claudio as we go to commercial.

We are back and Claudio has Dax in a chinlock

Moxley tags in amd the BCC hits a Hart Attack in Dax for 2.

Armbar by Moxley. Tag to Danielson. TAG to Eddie and they trade chops. Eye poke by Danielson

Exploder by Eddie into a Fisherman.

Moxley tags in and he and Eddie slug it out. Lariat by Eddie. Big Swing by Claudio, dropkick by Moxley.

Piledriver by Moxley for 2. Save by Dax Harwood.

Claudio gets clothelined over the top. Tandem bulldog by FTR and Eddie scores a 2.

All six trade chops. The BCC with hammer elbows and tandem choke holds.

Now it’s FTR and Eddie with rapid chops

BCC now lays in the punches.

Shatter machine on Claudio. Finsishers galore. Busaiku knee to Eddie by Danielson.

Danielson kicks Eddies head repeatedly and applies a triangle choke. The ref calls for the bell


Renee is with Chris Jericho ahead of his match with Atlantis Jr.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Will Ospreay. He’s excited to be full time in AEW. He brings up with AEw success so far. Here comes Don Callis and the Family (Takeshita and Hobbs). Callis has the mic and is happy for the Callis Family reunion. Callis is excited for the Takeshita v. Ospreay match this Sunday. Ospreay and Takeshita shake hands and jaw jack to each other about competition. The family leaves but Ospreay drinks in the cheers.

Renee is with Eddie Kingston. The Jacksons interrupt, still looking for Sting.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy vs. Nick Wayne w/Christian Cage, Killswitch & his mother

Headock takeover by Wayne. Headlock takeover by Cassidy. Headscissors by Wayne, Cassidy escapes. Sunset flip for 2 by Wayne. Enziguiri by Wayne. Uppercut by Wayne. Cassidy to the floor but Wayne sends him into the steps. Moonsault by Wayne. Cassidy rolls across the floor but Wayne with a leaping seton. Nick’s unusually hot mother cheers him on. Cassidy fights off a superplex. Cage trips Cassidy off the buckle and gets ejected by the referee. We go to commercial.

We are back and Cassidy evades a sleeper. He sends Wayne into the turnbuckle. Cross body into a DDT by Cassidy for 2. Wayne evades the Orange Punch and scores a 2 with a fisherman suplex. Wayne mocks Cassidy. Superkick by Cassidy. Cassidy stomps away at Wayne. PK by Cassidy. German by Wayne. Beach Break by Cassidy for 2.

Here some Mike Bennett & Matt Taven. Rocky Romero and Trent Baretta fight them off. Orange Punch and the champion retains.


Roderick Strong attacks the bad back of Cassidy before being chased off.

Renee is with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang. They kind of make fun of Max messing up his rap last week. Nothing crazy here.

Kris Statlander w/Willow Nightengale and Stokely Hathaway vs. Skye Blue w/Julia Hart

Forearms by Blue. Beel toss by Kris. Lariats in the corner by Kris. Shoulder tackle by Statlander. Senton by Statlander. Forearms by Statlander. She blocks a Blue headscissors. Knee strike by Blue. Punch by Statlander, she presses Blue into the crowd as we go to commercial.

We are back and we have a forearm exchange. Lariat by Kris. Knee strike by Statlander for 2. Blue with a neckbreaker for 2. Someday, AEW will realize what a star they have in Blue. Kick by Statlander and a German on the apron. Blue sends Statlander into the speps. Destroyer and thrust kick for 2 by Blue. Statlander sends Blue to the floor for 2. Stokely offers a chain to Statlander. As the ref yells at Hathaway, Hart nails Statlander with the TBS belt and Blue with a Destroyer for the pin.


Matthew and Nicholas Jackson continue to look for Sting and find his dressing room. They break in but no one is there. Baseball bats are hanging form the ceiling.

Chris Jericho vs. Atlantis Jr. w/Atlantis Sr.

Slap by Jericho and they trade punches. Dropkick by Atlantis Jr. Enziguiri by Atlantis and he nails a cross body. Monkey flip by Atlantis Jr. Jericho with the Walls but Atlantis makes the ropes.

Jericho goes for the mask. Forearms by Atlantis. Atlantis Sr. with a choke to Jericho. Tope suicida by Jr. Catapult into the post by Atlantis Jr. Rana by Jericho, Atlantis goes into the steps as we go to commercial.

As we return it’s Atlantis with chops. Shoulderblock by JEricho. Arm drag off the ropes by Jericho. Atlantis with a wheelbarrel powerbomb for 2. Chops by Jericho. Facebuster by Jericho off the top rope for 2. Chops by Jericho, powerslam by Atlantis for 2. Kick by Jericho. Atlantis sends him to the floor. Senton to the floor by Atlantis. Jericho knocks Atlantis off the top rope.

They trade chops and forearms. Rana off the top by Jericho. Atlantis with a torture rack. Jericho escapes and applies the Walls. Sr throws in the towel.


Jericho raises the hands of both Atlantis’

Here come the Young Bucks, baseball bats in tow. Darby Allin attacks them. Nicholas quickly throws a kick. It’s 2 on 1. Baseball bat to the ribs. EVP Trigger by the Bucks. They beat down Allin.

Ric Flair comes to the ring. He pokes the Bucks in the eye and goes on the attack. Low blow by Nicholas Jackson. The Bucks stomp Flair down. FINALLY Sting’s music plays. Sting repels from the rafters. Sting and Darby fight off the EVP’s. Sting with a Death Drop to Nicholas. The Jacksons slink off.

We go to credits.