View Full Version : WOW Women of Wrestling TV Report - Season 4 Episode 29

04-02-2024, 12:44 PM

WOW - Season 4 Episode 29

Our commentary team is David McLane and Nigel Zane.

We start with David in the ring and he calls out Team Spirit: Ariel Sky, Pep Riley and Sasha Sparks. He asks them about Coach Campanelli smashing the trios trophy over her head two weeks ago. She says that she wants Coach to put the trophy on the line.

Coach Campanelli comes to the ring with Kandy Krush and Gloria Glitter, carrying the Trios trophy. Coach says they have their shot, but she thought that Team Spirit had had enough of the trophy.

Abilene Maverick says she can’t wrestle due to medical issues. The doctor at first says she can, and she kicks him. He then says she can’t wrestle. As she leaves, we see the doctor is a vet.

Exodus and Ice Cold w.Genesis vs Santana Garrett and Americana

Exodus starts with Americana with arms bars. Cold tags in quickly and Americana reverses the arm bar. Cold does the same. Exodus tags back in and moves to a side headlock. Americana reverses and takes Exodus down for two. Americana gets a second headlock takeover. Exodus escapes with a head scissors.

Americana bridges up for a backslide for two. Garrett tags in and gets a quick rollup for two. Americana tags back in and the work Exodus with double team moves with Americana getting a two count. Exodus shoves Americana in the corner and they work her over with quick tags.

Americana gets to her corner after taking a DDT and Garrett runs wild. As Garrett is fighting, Genesis pulls Americana off the apron and start to work her over. In the ring, Garrett dodges an attack by Cold and which causes Cold to kick Exodus. Garrett takes advantage of that for a superkick and a standing moonsault for the pin and the win.

Winner: Santana Garrett and Americana

As the other team leaves, Genesis is shoving Ice Cold to the back.

BK Rhythm w/Gigi Gianni and Lil J-Boodie vs Holidead

BK avoids the lock up and rolls out of the ring. Holidead chases her, and when they get back in the ring, BK attacks Holidead. BK gets a side headlock, but when Holidead tosses her off, BK comes back with a drop toe hold and grabs a rear chinlock, and Holidead shakes her off. BK gets a waistlock, and Holideade back into the corner, but misses a charge into the corner. Holidead slams BK into the turnbuckles from the apron and then brings her back in the ring with a suplex.

Holidead gets a leg drop for two. Holidead gets a fireman’s carry and slams BK into the top turnbuckle. J-Boodie gets on the apron and as the ref is distracted, Gianni pulls BK free. BK gets a back stabber for two. BK lays in blows and then shoulder thrusts in the corner. BK gets a knee to the midsection and then a kick to the head on Holidead. BK gets a casadora followed by a roll up and then a back senton for two.

BK gets a snap mare and then a butterfly stretch. Holidead is able to force her way free. BK gets another drop toe hold and as BK distracts the ref, Gianni and J-Boodie lay in blows on Holidead. BK gets a tarantula and Holidead backs into the turnbuckles to get free. Holidead gets elbows, drapes BK on the ropes for a big knee and a two count. They try different moves with the other countering until BK gets an inverted DDT for two.

BK tries to get a full nelson, but Holidead is able to block it. Holidead hits the Darkness Falls for the pin and the win.

Winner: Holidead.

This was a great match, and would have been at home on RAW or Dynamite.

J-Boodie and and Gianni try for a beatdown on Holidead after the match, but Foxy Fierce and Chantilly Chella come to the ring for the save.

In the back, the Mother Truckers say they will be keeping the tag team titles in their upcoming match.

The Mother Truckers (Big Rig Betty and Holly Swag) WOW Tag Team Champions vs Animal Control (Katarina Jinx vs Goldie Collins)

Swag and Jinx start off. Jinx gets a drop toe hold and Swag gets a leg sweep. Collins and Betty then both tag in and Betty whips her into the corner and then hits a bulldog DDT. Swag tags back in and they double team Collins and Swag covers for two. Swag grabs a side headlock and Collis elbows her way free and whips her into the ropes, but Jinx gets a kick from the outside. Collins lays in stomps.

Swag is kept in the ring as Jinx and Collins work her over with quick tags. Swag is able to get the tag to Betty when Jinx accidentally kicks Collins and Betty cleans house. Betty hits a cutter for the pin and the win.

Winners and still the WOW Tag Team Champions: The Mother Truckers

The Mother Truckers say any other tag team wants to take them on, they will end up as roadkill.

The Beast comes to the ring to speak to David McLean. David shows that Abalene Maverick had brass knuckles in her match with The Beast and she wants a rematch. David says she will get one!

We get a short video of a confrontation between Team Spirit and Top Tier as they are on their way to the ring.

It’s time for the main event!

Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Kandy Krush and Gloria Glitter) vs Team Spirit (Ariel Sky, Pep Riley, and Sasha Sparks)

Coach Campanelli has put the Trios Tournament on the line.

Coach and Sky start off and Coach gets a body scissors on Sky. Sky breaks free and Coach gets an arm bar. Sky breaks out of it and they run the ropes. Glitter and Sparks tag in and Sparks gets an arm drag and a drop click for a two count. Riley is then tagged in, and they trip Glitter and Riley covers for two. Krush is tagged in and Riley tries for a side headlock takeover but Krush blocks it. Krush gets a short arm clothesline and covers for one.

Riley is then kept in Top Tier’s corner with quick tags. Riley escapes from Coach and tags in Sparks, who takes a knee to the midsection from Coach who covers for two. Glitter is tagged in who stomps down Sparks. She then gets a bow and arrow stretch. Sparks gets free and lands on Glitter for a two count. Sparks then gets a jawbreaker and a kick to the head on Glitter who rolls out of the ring. Coach and Sky tag in and Krush comes into the ring and takes a head scissors takedown.

Sky gets a code breaker on Coach and then a snap mare on Krush, She hits a drop kick on Krush, and a sling blade on Coach for two, broken up by Krush. The tag team siren goes off and everyone is in the ring. Coach hits a buzzer beater on Sparks for the pin and the win.

Winners: Top Tier