View Full Version : Jimmy Rave: A Year of Frustration

Nick, Your Indie Lover
10-29-2006, 02:29 AM
A Year Of Frustration
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The sky was the limit for Jimmy Rave and The Embassy as 2006 began. He was coming off three of ROH's greatest feuds against Generation Next, CM Punk and AJ Styles in 2005. 2006 started with Rave's Embassy winning the Trios Tournament and Rave was heading into a huge World Title shot. Then one frustration after another hit Rave.

First, he took Bryan Danielson to the limit in a classic for the World Title at the "Fourth Anniversary Show" but fell short in his bid to win the belt. Right before that, The Embassy's enforcer Abyss left ROH. Then Rave's regular partner Alex Shelley became injury prone and left ROH after they failed to win the ROH World Tag Team Titles. Finally, a newcomer named Davey Richards made his reputation in ROH by defeating Rave time and time again. His confidence and pride were hurting. The losses were coming in faster than wins.

To add insult to injury, every Rave ring entrance saw the fans disrespect him by pelting him with toilet paper. With each passing show, Rave was showered with more and more TP. It was getting to him mentally and affecting his performance in the ring.

However, things looked up for Rave as the summer rolled around. He gained his first Japanese exposure and went on two tours of Dragon Gate. The Embassy regrouped with Daizee Haze shining as their bodyguard. Sal Rinauro was brought into The Embassy as Rave's lackey and the duo found success in tag team action. Rave never suspected that everything would change when he returned from his September Dragon Gate tour.

While Rave was in Japan, Prince Nana and ROH parted ways. Nana was the face of The Embassy and Rave was his crown jewel. It would be impossible to have The Embassy without Prince Nana.

Now Rave finds himself directionless and on a losing streak. Rave has volunteered to be Bryan Danielson's partner in a tag match on November 4th in Philly against Samoa Joe & Nigel McGuinness. Rave sees this as an opportunity to make an impact and get back in the main event mix. When asked for comments for this article, Rave was short and too the point.

"Yes, it has been a frustrating year," Rave said. "But there is only so much frustration a man can take before something snaps. Things are going to change very soon. I'm ready for the next chapter of my career."