View Full Version : Whitmers Long Road Back

Nick, Your Indie Lover
10-29-2006, 02:31 AM
Whitmer's Long Road Back
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Necro Butcher tore his flesh with barbed wire. Super Dragon drove him through a table. Samoa Joe kicked him point blank in the head. Each time, BJ Whitmer rebounded and was back fighting on the next show. Then something happened that BJ couldn't comeback from and it was at the hands of none other than Jimmy Jacobs.

Jacobs, driven by his desire to win the love of his manager Lacey, snapped Whitmer's already injured ankle on August 26th in Chicago. Whitmer had battled through the painful injury since March 30th, when he and Jacobs took that infamous plunge off the top turnbuckle to the floor. Whitmer proved his toughness by wrestling with the injury, but when Jacobs jumped off the top rope onto a chair that was wrapped around Whitmer's ankle, surgery was the only option.

"I have to admit that I worked through a lot of pain during the CZW feud," Whitmer said. "It was tough, but I was able to play with pain. There was no coming back from what Jimmy did to me in Chicago. I felt the tendons snap as soon as he landed. I knew I was in trouble."

Whitmer underwent ankle surgery just a few days later. Since that time, Whitmer has gone through painful rehab. He hopes to return to the ring in November, ahead of his scheduled recovery time. Whitmer has already made it clear that he has one target in mind and that is Jimmy Jacobs.

"If you saw "Destiny" you know what I said to Christopher Daniels," Whitmer said. "I told him that I didn't know the meaning of hate until I was against the CZW wrestlers. I'll tell you one thing though, the CZW wrestlers never cost me a payday. They never took professional wrestling away from me. I don't know what was worse - the physical pain of recovering from this injury or the mental anguish of missing ROH shows. It's all been bottled up inside me and it's going to explode when I finally get my hands on Jimmy Jacobs."

Whitmer has already tried to get his hands on Jacobs at the last events. He has promised to be Jacobs' shadow. However, on both nights Jacobs refused to back down from Whitmer. It is obvious that Jacobs is ready for the fight. Whitmer picked Jacobs as his tag team partner in 2005 because he felt Jacobs had an untapped toughness. Now Whitmer is experiencing that toughness first hand.

"I'm not afraid of BJ Whitmer," Jacobs said, "because I am fueled by the power of love. If Lacey wants BJ Whitmer eliminated, I'll do it to prove to her how much I love her. I don't care how big BJ is or how much pain he can withstand, because with love as the wind in my sails there is nothing that I'm not capable of. He's already powerbombed me off the top rope to the floor in Manhattan. We both came within an inch of our lives in Detroit. I can survive whatever BJ tries to dish out because love is in my heart."

"I just want BJ Whitmer knocked out of ROH," Lacey screeched. "You almost did good Jimmy, but as usual it was not enough. Now BJ is coming back and I want him crippled. He had a chance to be a part of Lacey's Angels and he walked away. Now he needs to made an example of."

Whitmer and Jacobs will be in the same buildings this weekend in Dayton and Chicago. Whitmer is still not close to 100%, but the adrenaline is sure to be pumping when he sees Jacobs in the ring. Each Whitmer vs. Jacobs encounter has been marked by violence and insanity. There is no telling what these two will do to each other next.